Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 546 The Battle of the Wind King

Chapter 546 The Battle of the Wind King

(The blood volume is more than 200 million, which is okay, and still within the acceptable range)
Murphy thought silently in his heart that he knew very well that Al'Akir's true strength could never have 200 million HP. The reason why he was so strong was probably due to the adjustment of the dungeon.

After all, the more copies there are, the higher the increase in strength will be.

At the 250-player difficulty level, the attribute bonuses will be terrifying.

Fortunately, although the blood volume can be increased, the damage usually does not change too much. After all, the game must pay attention to balance, and the system's adjustment of the BOSS is also particular. It is impossible to give a player a copy that cannot be cleared.

Therefore, the enhancement of BOSS is usually based on blood volume.

However, after taking a look at his health bar, Mo Fei couldn't help but feel a little worried. His current blood volume is only more than 3. Although he is already a blood cow among heroes, for the queen who transformed into an ancient dragon, Compared with more than 50 HP, it is far behind, and I feel very insecure.

This is the sequelae of getting used to transforming into a dragon, and Murphy has long been used to it.

Immediately I comforted myself——

(Don’t worry, there are so many teammates around you. This is a team battle, this is a dungeon guide, trust your team, come on! Besides, if it doesn’t work, there is still a trump card that can be used.)
Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Prepare to fight. Warriors from the Alliance, form a battle formation, wait for me to build up the aggro, and proceed as planned."

After saying that, Mo Fei did his duty, pulled out the dragon-slaying giant sword, and strode forward. He had the highest health volume in the entire team, so he naturally had to step forward to catch the monster.

Murphy faced Al'Akir, the king of the wind element, a terrifying elemental giant nearly 200 meters tall, and a humanoid creature less than two meters tall. There was a huge contrast in size.

The King of Wind Element looked down at the group of ants at his feet, but did not take action immediately.

Al'Akir (King of the Wind Element): "Mortal, you dare to break into the throne of the Wind King. You are indeed very brave - although you are also very stupid. Before you are torn apart by the strong wind, I allow you to tell me your purpose."

(Wind King’s Throne? Isn’t it the Wind God’s Throne?)

Murphy felt a little strange in his heart, could Al'Akir make a slip of the tongue?
He didn't think much about it——

Aidan (Lord Lord Protector of Alterac): "I come for you, Al'Akir, Lord of the Wind Elements, servant and servant of the Storm God. You have the power to control the storm, and that's exactly what I need." , hand over your storm power, and I will spare your life."

Al'Akir (King of the Wind Element): "Insolent, arrogant mortal, who gave you so much courage to dare to speak rudely to me? Your lies have successfully aroused my anger, very good, very good , the wind will tear you and your kind apart."

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Humph, that's right. Come on. Whether you're arrogant or not depends on your strength."

Al'Akir (King of Wind Elemental): "No, I'm not talking about your idea of ​​seizing the power of the storm, although that is also a fantasy. My anger comes from your ignorance, and you actually think that I am a descendant of the wind god. With a servant? Your stupid mind seems unable to discern a lie.

Maybe I have been defeated by the Titan Anolos, but I have never surrendered. Even though I was sealed in the elemental plane, I have never been loyal to Anolos.

I, Al'Akir, am the true King of Wind, the God of Wind!Not that fake one. "

Um?Murphy was slightly startled, as if he heard something extraordinary.

It has always been rumored in the world of the sky that 'Al'Akir is a descendant of the God of Storms', but I didn't expect that there would be such a secret.

Which one is real?

A piece of information suddenly appeared in his mind, but it was the conversation between the two that accidentally triggered the passive effect of [Ancient Dragon Wisdom].

I gave him some relevant knowledge.

At the beginning of the birth of the planet Azeroth, the planet was primitive and chaotic, with only elemental creatures and ancient dragons from outside the universe.

The so-called gods are concepts that gradually emerged with the rise of mortal races. They can be traced back to the end of the Ancient Dragon Age, which was the era when the ancient gods came.

In the eyes of mortals, those great beings with extraordinary power are the so-called gods.

If calculated in this way, the four elemental lords can actually be regarded as some kind of ancient gods. It is said that the Tide Sage of Kul Tiras once believed in the so-called 'Poseidon', which was actually the vest of Septulon, the king of the water element.

Moreover, Al'Akir, the King of Elements who was born in the original era, is also one of the first in terms of qualifications.

I see!If you think about it this way, Al'Akir is really qualified to call himself the God of Wind.

Is that why the place where he lives is called the Seat of the Wind King?

But although it sounded interesting, Murphy didn't take it too seriously.

The rules are set by people, and strength is the king. Anolos, the god of storms, is a Titan, and Titans are transformed from star souls. If you think about it this way, your defeat is considered normal. There is nothing shameful about being a dependent of others.

Since Al'Akir was defeated by Anoroth and sealed, it seems that it is no surprise that he is rumored to be a follower of the Wind God.

Aidan (Lord Lord Protector of Alterac): "Haha, maybe, but soon it won't make sense anymore, because your power over the storm will soon be mine."

Al'Akir (King of the Wind Element): "Hahahaha, arrogant mortal, you really make me laugh. Maybe I can't win against the Titans, but against you, a mere mortal who has usurped the authority of the storm, facing the wind The power of the king - strong wind, listen to my command!"

Al'Akir waved his hand suddenly, and the storm clouds surrounding the platform suddenly whirled.

The battle begins!
Murphy raised his hand - Comet Storm!
Arcane comets filled the sky and blasted towards Al'Akir.

Al'Akir slashed down with a sword, and the giant sword the size of a ship seemed to cut Murphy into pieces in an instant.

Mo Fei did not dodge. He suddenly raised the dragon-slaying sword in his hand like a shield and blocked the sword forcefully.

The violent collision produced a harsh crashing sound.

A ball of thunder and lightning suddenly exploded on Murphy's body. It was the thunder and lightning special effect attached to the Wind King's Sword in Al'Akir's hand. However, although it looked bluffing, it was not threatening at all to Murphy.

Power of the Storm - Lightning Immunity (Passive)!
However, lightning damage can be immune, but physical attacks can only be resisted. Al'Akir's attack is extremely powerful, and even if the block is successful, he still suffers a lot of damage.
754 (shock damage)!

The ground under Mo Fei's feet was shaken by the huge force, and cracks appeared in an instant. Fortunately, although the wind element was ridiculously big, it was puffy and fat, and its strength was much worse than the other three kings of elements.

If it had been Ragnaros or Stonemother Therazane, they would have driven Murphy underground.

Although he was injured, Mo Fei was not alone. As soon as a trace of blood fell, three or four healing spells fell on him, directly over-treating him.

Murphy felt unusually calm. At this moment, he could only trust the sword in his hand and the teammates behind him.

Realizing that there was still a lack of strength, Mo Fei directly turned on the magic warrior mode.

Arcane power - super-level brute force!

Arcane authority - the tenacity of the super bear!
Arcane authority - super false life!
Arcane power - super shield technique!

Arcane authority...

The light of magic continued to emerge from his body, all of which were super-level releases, and various powerful buffing effects made his momentum suddenly increase.

"Is this all you have? Al'Akir, the so-called King of the Wind Element, is nothing more than that."

Taunting skills are activated.

Al'Akir let out a furious roar, and struck down with another sword.


clang! -1683 (shock damage)!

The shield on Murphy's body exploded instantly, but the buff effects brought by a bunch of super-level magic allowed him to withstand the blow. The dragon-slaying giant sword in his hand absorbed most of the damage like a shield.Arcane authority - super arcane impact!
A ball of arcane light exploded on Al'Akir.

Super-level spellcasting is the release of low-level spells with power beyond the level. This is an advanced spellcasting expertise that mages generally have to learn selectively.

But Murphy doesn't have to worry about having arcane power. He can just let it go. It just consumes more mana.

However, even if super-level spellcasting is the most basic spell after all, and there is no equipment support, the damage is still not too high. Fortunately, they are all instant spells, and with the blessing of super-level spellcasting, the power is enough to attract hatred. .

Then Al'Akir realized that the little ant in front of him was extremely tough and could not be cut into pieces easily, so he simply swept it out with his sword.

clang!This time, Mo Fei was swept away directly, like a cannonball, flying outside the platform.

With a flick of the brush, a white light flashed in mid-air, and Mo Fei instantly returned to where he was standing just now.

Arcane power - super flame impact! -

Another instant super-level spell.

Mo Fei had no choice. Although the dragon thunder did high damage, it needed to be moved forward, and the physical attack range was too short. The wind elemental king was completely immune to the storm-type skills, and powerful spells needed to be read.

Only this kind of instant magic requires no casting action and can cause damage instantly, which is most suitable for the current situation.

He had no intention of drawing out his sword. After all, drawing a sword would reveal a flaw, so he simply put on a completely defensive posture and concentrated on blocking.

At the same time, he used instant magic to fight back, blocking and releasing at the same time. The damage was not high but very stable.

Al'Akir seemed a little angry.

Thunder cloud!

A thundercloud appeared above Murphy's head, and lightning struck down one after another.

Storm strikes!

Another sword strike came, and wherever the sword edge passed, a violent wave of air blew towards him.

However, Mo Fei remained unmoved. I have to defend against your physical attacks. Thunder and lightning, storms, aren't these a point question?

The more Al'Akir fought, the angrier he became. The ant-like mortal in front of him was so troublesome, like a copper pea that couldn't be smashed or driven away.

After fighting for more than ten rounds in a row, Al'Akir's health dropped by [-] to [-], and Murphy also lost a lot of health, but he was still at full health despite the treatment of his teammates.

At the same time, his hatred has basically been stabilized.

"Okay, let everyone else start outputting. Heroes, please take it easy and stop being OT!"

The players standing behind him finally had a chance to show their strength.

Death mark!

Jian Wuhen locked directly on Al'Akir, and a skull mark immediately appeared on the head of the King of Wind Elements.

This thing is a divine skill, a skill granted by the God of Death that touches the law of death. Even the King of Wind Elements cannot save it. It not only increases the damage by an additional 10%, but also increases the probability of the target being fatally struck.

Immediately, the mages began to rain down various magics on Al'Akir.

With firepower in full swing,

Al'Akir's blood volume immediately began to steadily decrease.

While blocking, Murphy used various instant spells to attract hatred, and kept talking nonsense.

What - Al'Akir, you incompetent waste, is this all you have? Are elemental creatures going to be hungry?

What——To be so weak and dare to claim to be a king is simply laughable.

What - give up your resistance and beg me for mercy now, and I can spare your life.

The taunt effect is full.

This feeling of using a 'mortal' body to fight against a 'god' is quite exhausting. Mo Feixin said that being a tank is pretty good.

The blood volume slowly dropped to 80%, and Al'Akir finally couldn't hold it any longer.

Al'Akir (King of the Wind Element): "It seems that you have brought a lot of men to help you fight. Do you think you can defeat me with just a large number of people? You are too naive. Let me show you the King of Wind." Strength, my faithful servants, come to me!"

Combat strategy is activated - summon minions!
Countless wind elements, thunder elements, hurricane elements, and living cyclones immediately emerged from the surrounding clouds.

Wuyang Wuyang rushed towards the people on the platform to kill.

It turns out that all the monsters that disappeared before are hidden here.

However, Mo Fei was not panicked. He had been the final boss of the dungeon. He was familiar with the things to pay attention to when conquering the dungeon, and he was well prepared for all possible emergencies.

Battle strategies and so on must be included in the plan list.

According to Murphy's inference, Al'Akir has at least three BOSS strategies that can be used.

Although there are many types of combat strategies, the breakdown is nothing more than summoning a younger brother, changing the field, transforming and changing stages.

As the king of the wind element, it is very normal to use the operation of summoning a younger brother. Murphy has already made arrangements for everyone in his response plan.

Now it is as expected.

"Use Plan 113." He shouted, and blasted Al'Akir with another instant magic move.

"Copy that." Morgan Lisa immediately prepared to make a big move.

However, someone in the team suddenly had an inspiration.

He took out a super-level banishment scroll and unleashed it on the elements that rushed towards him.

"Summoned elemental creatures, you are no longer welcome in this world. Go back to your own world."

A white light flashed past, but the wind elements showed no reaction.

"Damn it, why doesn't the ultra-level elemental banishment technique work? I'm afraid I bought a fake scroll."

Someone next to me immediately cursed, "Are you an idiot? This is the plane of the wind element. It's okay for you to use the banishment spell on the main material plane. You use the damn banishment spell on the plane of the wind element?"

Murphy was speechless listening to the conversation behind him.

But it’s not a big problem, “I’ll hold on to the BOSS first, and you guys deal with the mobs first, then pull them all together and kill them all.”

(End of this chapter)

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