Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 548 I am dead, but you are also dead

Chapter 548 I am dead, but you are also dead

It worked!
Murphy stretched out his four dragon wings, feeling the power surging throughout his body, and felt a burst of joy in his heart.

This is the complete body of Lao Tzu.

Now let’s see who is the BOSS!

Al'Akir was extremely shocked when he looked at the huge ancient dragon that was almost the same size as him.

"Ancient—ancient dragon? This is impossible. The ancient dragon clan has long been extinct and has degenerated into ordinary dragons of flesh and blood. Who are you?"

Edandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "Al'Akir, you have been sealed in this prison for too long, and you have no idea what is happening outside. Now that the ancient dragons have returned, I will It's Aidandron, the new king of the ancient dragon clan. Al'Akir, give me your power now!
The storm of doomsday will be set off by me, and you will share part of the power of this storm. Cheer and celebrate, this is your destined destiny. "

Al'Akir (King of the Wind Element): "Arrogant ancient dragon, don't think that you can do whatever you want just because you climbed out of the grave. If you want my power, come and get it! Even if it's an ancient dragon, so what? Tens of thousands of years ago I have thought about how to deal with you foreign visitors, now let us decide the winner."

Al'Akir roared, finally becoming violent.

It held the Wind King's Divine Sword high, the sky was filled with thunder clouds, and countless thunder and lightning struck at Mo Fei.

For AOE skills such as Thunder Storm, each lightning bolt can calculate the damage separately, which means that the larger the body, the more thunder and lightning it will receive, and the higher the damage it will endure.

With a wingspan of more than 100 meters, Murphy could be said to have become a huge target.

Murphy has no intention of hiding. If you want to fight, I will fight.

Isn't it just to open up the stance? I am bigger and you are bigger than me!
The dragon wings stretched out, roared to the sky, and the power of dragon thunder was released!

Dragon Thunder Storm!

Boom boom boom!

Countless blue thunderbolts fell on Mo Fei, exploding bursts of dazzling lightning on the rock-like ancient dragon body.

Boom boom boom!

Countless red thunderbolts struck Al'Akir's huge body like a living storm, and the storm body continued to collapse.

After only ten seconds of fighting against Al'Akir, he realized something was wrong. The giant dragon in front of him didn't appear to be hurt at all.

On the contrary, it was riddled with holes all over its body by dragon thunder. Although elemental creatures can repair themselves, the lost elemental energy (blood volume) has indeed disappeared.

Even the golden armor used to restrain the power of the storm in the body was blasted with cracks.

The ancient dragon's power is so powerful?
Are you kidding? I am the king of the wind element, and I should be the one immune to damage!

In fact, Murphy is not completely immune to the damage he receives. He is also losing blood. Originally, Murphy really thought he was immune to lightning damage. However, Al'Akir's lightning seems to be very unusual, and it actually comes with extremely powerful effects. High spell penetration effect.

The ultra-high electrical resistance and the saving throw effect of Ancient Dragon Scales cannot completely prevent damage.

But after all, it is equipped with two layers of immunity from Ancient Dragon Scale and Storm Dragon King. Each lightning bolt can only do one or two hundred damage in the end.

After being hit by hundreds of lightning strikes, he only lost [-] to [-] blood points.

For the blood volume of more than 50 after transforming into an ancient dragon, it is completely scratching the itch.

The two exchanged blows for a while, but it was Al'Akir who couldn't bear it first.

Al'Akir (King of the Wind Element): "Stop, stop! King of the Ancient Dragons, there is no need for us to fight against each other. The Ancient Dragon Clan and the Elemental Clan once ruled this world together. Why can't we unite? Put those filth together. The unbearable flesh and blood creatures are completely purified and the world is brought back to the pure primitive era."

Edandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "No Al'Akir, times have changed. The new era faces new threats. The ancient order has long since perished, and in this new era, the world only needs one master. ."

Murphy has no interest in nonsense. His goal is the authority of the storm, and this thing Al'Akir is absolutely impossible to give up.

In this case, there is no need to continue talking.

Super Dragon Thunder Breath!
This breath of dragon thunder poured all of Mo Fei's power into it, destroying the dragon thunder!Disintegrate Dragon Thunder!Power lightning!All the usable strengthening effects are enhanced, and are no longer bound by the system.

The lightning was red and purple, as red as blood, as if it could tear apart huge cracks in time and space.

A ray of red light cut through the sky, directly piercing Al'Akir's huge body, and a big hole was blasted out of the storm-like body.

Al'Akir finally felt the threat of death, and he clearly realized that this thing in front of him was real.

"Damn reptile, you are the one who deserves to be damned. Let your ancient dragon clan perish together."

Al'Akir roared angrily, swung his giant sword, and three giant thunderbolts struck at Murphy.

However, the thunder was loud and the raindrops were small. The three huge thunders only knocked Murphy back a hundred or ten meters and knocked out three or four thousand of his health.

Murphy quickly regained his balance.

Dragon thunder breath!

boom!Another super ancient dragon thunder and lightning struck Al'Akir.

The golden armor was smashed into pieces, and strong winds and drifting air spurted out.

At this time, Al'Akir's health has dropped to the 30% kill line.

Al'Akir (King of the Wind Element): "You are the one who forced me, the Ancient Dragon King, to face the true power of the storm!"

Combat Strategy—Second Form—Storm Incarnation!
boom!Al'Akir's broken golden armor exploded instantly, and the power of the storm bound in it was released crazily. Al'Akir's body quickly expanded and turned into invisible air currents and violent winds, getting bigger and bigger. Yuexu actually became completely integrated with the huge storm surrounding the Storm Peak.

Its figure completely disappeared, and Al'Akir's voice echoed in the air.

It seems so close yet so far away.

Al'Akir (King of the Wind Element): "Hahahaha, King of Ancient Dragons, how are you going to fight me now? You can't even find me anywhere, how are you going to take my power? Do you want to If you want the power of the storm, you must first face the punishment of the storm!"

Al'Akir's voice echoed through the storm.

Lightning struck from all directions.

The surrounding storm rotated violently, releasing the power of thunder in the clouds.

Continuously bombarded the Ancient Dragon King who was at the center of the storm.

Murphy didn't really have much to do with him for a while.

No, Al'Akir didn't disappear, it was just hidden in the storm, just like a piece of ice hidden in a basin of water.

But how to find Al'Akir is a problem.

Although Murphy has the authority of the storm, if he is looking for an ordinary wind element, that's no problem.

But when Murphy put his consciousness into the storm, he was immediately ejected.

Not surprisingly, Al'Akir's will was filled with this huge storm, making it impossible for him to detect it. The opponent's storm power was obviously still higher than his.

However, Murphy's eyes swept around and suddenly saw something.

Is that - yes, that's what it is, haha, Al'Akir, Al'Akir, you are still too naive.

He suddenly sprayed a dragon thunder into the air.

Red thunder streaked across the sky, exploding in the storm.

boom! -6972!A huge number appeared in the sky.

Al'Akir roared unwillingly: "Impossible! How could you sense my existence? Even if you have the authority of the storm, you can't find me. I am the master of the storm, and my control over the storm lies with you. superior."

Mo Fei didn't explain anything, his eyes kept moving in the air, and he sprayed a dragon thunder towards the other side.

boom! -7891!

Murphy's eyes kept moving in the storm. In the storm, a skull-like death mark was moving in the storm.

It was the death mark released by Jian Wuhen when the battle began.

[Mark of Death: Use the power of death to mark a target. All damage received by the marked target will be increased by 10%, and there will be a higher chance of being fatally struck. This effect cannot be dispelled by any method (you can only target one target at the same time) Use the Death Mark).Skill description: Death is the destined ending of all things, and there is no way to escape death itself. 】

Although Al'Akir integrated his body into the storm, the elemental core could not disappear. Obviously, the death mark would be automatically locked on the BOSS body determined by the system-that is, where the elemental core is.

(I don’t need to have higher authority than you, I just need to look at the location of the skull mark and attack.)
Al'Akir was hit repeatedly by the dragon's thunder breath, but there was nothing he could do.

Combat strategy is not about starting and ending when you want.

This incarnation of the storm will last for 5 minutes before it ends. In theory, Al'Akir will have the absolute initiative during these 5 minutes. The challenger in the storm must continue to increase blood recovery, resist the bombardment of lightning, and persist. Return to the second stage when the storm is over.

However, at this moment, the situation turned into a confrontation between Al'Akir and Murphy. After 5 minutes, Al'Akir had been bombarded and only had 10% of his health left.

He finally got out of the form of the storm incarnation.

Al'Akir looked very miserable. Because the armor was broken, its body made of lightning and strong wind looked unstable, but the giant sword in its hand was still held tightly.

Al'Akir (King of Wind Elemental): "You forced me, you forced me!"

Without hesitation, it knew it was time to fight.

Mo Fei didn't dare to be careless. After all, the other party was a king of elements and was once a world hegemon. Ancient life meant powerful power, and the dying struggle must be very dangerous.

He kept spitting dragon thunder, trying to get rid of the warhead as soon as possible, but even with only 10% of his health, he still had more than 20, and he couldn't do it in a few hits.

The giant sword in Al'Akir's hand had already begun to frantically absorb the power of the surrounding storm. The huge storm surrounding the storm peak suddenly began to shrink, turning into a violent airflow and being absorbed into the giant sword. Even thunder and lightning cannot escape the absorption of this giant sword.

Dazzling lightning continued to fall on the giant sword.

The lightning on the giant sword became brighter and louder, and the violent air flow hovered around the giant sword, and even the air was affected.

Al'Akir raised the giant sword high, and a feeling of extreme danger suddenly emerged in Murphy's heart.

With such a powerful storm power, the giant sword in Al'Akir's hand is probably not an artifact.

Such a huge storm was actually absorbed into the giant sword in Al'Akir's hand with this blow.It will definitely be an earth-shattering blow.

It must be resolved!

Roar!The Ancient Dragon King roared.

The crimson dragon thunder converges from all parts of the body towards the dragon's heart. This is its energy core and the place that provides energy for the dragon's breath.

At this moment, the dragon's heart in front of him was like a red gem, and the glaring red light slowly moved up his neck.

Super Ancient Dragon Thunder - Roar!

This dragon thunder gathered all Mo Fei's power, and after three stages of accumulation, it spurted out.

The crimson thunder and lightning was like a doomsday weapon. For a moment, the world was dark, with only the dark red dragon thunder light and the blue thunder light on Al'Akir's body.

"Death - King of Ancient Dragons!"

While being hit by the dragon thunder, Al'Akir also struggled to throw the giant sword in his hand.

The giant sword wrapped in the power of the storm spun and flew towards the Ancient Dragon King, making a whistling sound that tore through the air. The thunder and lightning on the sword left dazzling arcs in the air.

boom!Al'Akir was completely shattered by Murphy's full force of dragon thunder, but the giant sword it threw also suddenly penetrated the ancient dragon king's body.

The rock shattered, golden dragon blood overflowed from the wound, and a dazzling red lightning burst out from the crimson dragon's heart. The huge body outside the ancient dragon instantly solidified into a lifeless stone statue, moving toward the ground. It fell down and disappeared among the clouds.

At this time, less than one-fifth of Al'Akir was left in a frantic whirlwind, surrounding the elemental core. Its body had collapsed and continued to dissipate.

"Hehehehe...I am dead...but you are also dead."

Al'Akir felt relieved. Elemental creatures are conceptual life forms. As long as the planet Azeroth still exists, a new king of wind elements will be born sooner or later, but at that time it will no longer be It's up.

Al'Akir will die, but his storm authority will spread throughout the wind elemental plane. When the new king is born and the storm authority is reunited, the wind clan will eventually rise to the world.

From this point of view, I think I have won.

"No, only you died."

A deep voice suddenly sounded.

I saw a tumbling in the clouds below, and the Ancient Dragon King burst out of the clouds, soared into the sky, and instantly flew above Al'Akir, overlooking the King of Wind Elemental who was about to collapse with a victor's attitude.

The huge wound on his chest was completely healed, leaving only a crack on the rock.

Al'Akir (King of Wind Elemental): "No...this is not...possible..."

Dragon thunder breath!

The last dragon thunder blasted out, and Al'Akir, who had already collapsed, finally dissipated into the air unwillingly. The surroundings were still, unusually and strangely quiet, without a trace of wind.

There was no sound in the entire world, as if the air completely disappeared at this moment.

But it only lasted for a few seconds, and the furious storm blew up again, blowing messily and wildly in all directions, as if it was going to blow to the whole world.

Murphy's eyes tightened, here it comes!Lost the master's storm authority!
This is a sign that the power of the storm in Al'Akir's body will dissipate after his death.

Without hesitation, Mo Fei immediately used the casting authority skill. The wild storm and airflow immediately gathered towards his dragon heart, and was sucked into the body by the Ancient Dragon King.

Continuously absorbing it, Mo Fei felt that his body was filled with the power of the storm. Blue thunder light continued to emerge on the surface of his body, almost covering the red light of the dragon thunder for a while.

The combination of red and blue is extremely gorgeous.

The strong wind surrounded him, forming a double-layered storm vortex that gradually merged into one.

[System prompt: As you absorb the new power of authority, your [Storm Authority] has been strengthened and is now a powerful authority. 】

Success!Murphy felt happy that he finally succeeded.

He hurriedly opened the Dragon God's authority and checked it.

Authority 1: Storm authority—powerful authority.

Authority 2: Arcane authority—weak authority.

Authority 3: Uncast…

It took me half my life to get this power of authority, but it was really powerful.

The grade of divine authority is - 1, weak authority. 2, weak authority, 3, medium authority, 4, strong authority, 5, great authority.

Murphy originally only had a weak authority, and he estimated that Al'Akir should be a medium authority. Now that the two major authorities have converged, he has finally been promoted to a strong authority.

[World Announcement: In 1441 of the Sky Era, the Ancient Dragon King Aidandron successfully defeated Al'Akir, the King of Wind Elements, and completely ended it. A new King of Wind Elements will be reborn in the future.

Since Al'Akir's power of storm authority was seized by Aidandron, the new King of Wind Elements will be downgraded from a world-destroying BOSS to a world-level BOSS. The power evaluation of the Wind Clan has dropped, and is now averagely powerful.

The Wind Clan has completely fallen into an era of decline.

With Al'Akir's defeat, the threat to the material world from the Throne of the Winds was also resolved.

However, because the seal outside the Wind God's Throne was broken, there are still a large number of wind elemental creatures entering the main material plane.

The adventure level of the Uldum region has been increased from level 40 to level 50.

New monsters have been added - wind element, thunder element, hurricane element, living whirlwind, wind element elder, wind king larvae, Al'Akir's wind echo...

A new copy - Throne of the Wind God has been added.

A new exploration has been added - the Collapsed Great Pyramid.

Note: This event has been recorded in the Chronicles of the Sky. 】

(End of this chapter)

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