Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 549 Wind King Divine Sword

Chapter 549 Wind King Divine Sword
System prompt: Based on your performance in this plot event, you have obtained 4450 plot points. Your plot points have reached the full value of an epic hero, and you have triggered the legendary advancement task-promoting to legend.

System prompt: Because you have completed a legendary achievement, you have successfully advanced to a legendary hero, and you have obtained a new hero specialty. You can view it in the specialty system.

System prompt: Since you have advanced to become a legendary hero, you have obtained a [Legendary Hero Soul], and you can strengthen the skills of a legendary hero.

The sound of several system prompts in succession surprised Murphy, followed by joy.

Legendary hero!

This is it?

He really hadn't thought carefully about advancing to Legend. When Emperor Shenwu asked him to help advance to Legend, he finally defeated Ner'zhul, killed C'Thun's body, and successfully advanced.

At that time, he was still thinking about how he would advance to Legend in the future, but he didn't expect that it would be completed...

But considering his current strength, it is also expected. Al'Akir is also the king of elements that existed in this world at the beginning of the world. When the ancient gods invaded, the four kings of elements also followed the ancient times. Even though he has never done it before, he can at least be considered to be on the same level.

Now that I have killed him, it is appropriate to give him a legendary achievement.

The reason why I didn't expect it before was mainly because this time too many heroes and adventurers were summoned to have a group fight. The first half went very smoothly, but in the second half the other heroes couldn't handle it, so they had to break through the limit and incarnate. Gu Long staged a single-kill drama.

I have to say, it is actually quite extreme. If it is not a last resort, Murphy would not want to stage this kind of plot. After all, if the car accidentally overturns, everything will be over.

Fortunately, the final result is quite satisfactory.

In contrast, the heroes he summoned were not so lucky.

At this moment, the heroes and adventurers who survived the battle finally gathered together. The team of nearly 200 people now only has 30 people left. This battle can be said to be quite tragic. Not only did the adventurers suffer heavy casualties, but even the adventurers suffered heavy casualties. Several heroes also died.

Of course, there are also those who run away early when the situation is bad, such as Jian Wuhen. As soon as this kid saw Al'Akir starting to fight, he didn't know where to hide. He was very precious about his life.

Kaya Windrunner, seeing that the situation was not going well, flew out of the copy. The Windrunner family probably had some kind of wind affinity talent, and actually flew out of the storm surrounding the battlefield.

There were also two temporarily recruited legal heroes who teleported away as soon as they saw something bad.

There were also a few that died.

Mo Fei contacted those who were not in the dungeon and found that three heroes were killed this time. Two of them were joining the group for the first time. He originally wanted to hug his thighs, but he didn't expect to lose his life directly. He could only say that he participated. Plot events are all risky. People and money will die, and birds will die for food. You can't blame others.

Phoenix is ​​the one that Mo Fei is most familiar with among the heroes who died. Mo Fei still feels a little sorry for this girl. At the most critical moment, he still insisted on fighting side by side to increase his health. Unfortunately, his mount was killed by a bolt of lightning, and he was still alive from Fengshen. The throne fell and he died.

Fortunately, after winning the plot battle, the bodies of these people can be recovered. At least the equipment is picked up and returned to them, which can be regarded as the capital for a comeback.

In addition, when Murphy plans to distribute equipment later, he will give her more points as compensation.

However, although the losses were heavy, the gains were also extremely rich. Each of the surviving heroes received advanced levels. Morgan Lisa was directly promoted to Epic Five, Mengmeng Big Breasts was also promoted to Epic Three, and even Angus was promoted to one level. level.

Coupled with the BOSS's drop, it's not a loss at all.

In the eyes of everyone, Murphy touched Al'Akir's 'corpse', which was actually the remains of the armor suspended in the air. The drop list that popped up immediately dazzled Murphy's eyes.

He is worthy of being the king of the wind element and the ruler of the wind element plane. A BOSS will drop thirty or forty pieces, and all of them are sacrifices. There are two pieces of legendary equipment and even an artifact.

[Wind King Divine Sword (secondary artifact/two-handed sword)
Attack power 117-247.

Weapon Effect 1: Thunder Blade.This divine sword shines with the power of thunder. Your normal attacks and combat skill attacks will cause lightning damage equal to the physical damage to the enemy.

Weapon Effect 2: Dominate the Storm.The power of all your wind skills is increased by 100%, and all wind damage skills cannot cause damage or negative effects to you.

Weapon Effect 3: Storm Lord.For those who hold this sword, nearby wind elemental creatures will automatically become your servants or allies (the higher the level of the elemental creature, the worse the control effect).

Weapon Effect 4: Riding the Wind.The holder of this sword automatically gains high-level wind control (constant) and can move freely in the air at 360% running speed.

Weapon Effect 5: Al'Akir's Wrath (can only be used once per plot event).Absorb the power of [Storm] and [Thunder] within 1000 yards (using this skill will cause 3000 points of damage to wind elemental creatures within this range), inject it into this divine sword, and make your next attack Causes additional lightning and physical damage.

Note: After using this skill, a field of wind will be generated within 1000 yards. Wind or lightning skills cannot be used in this field for 30 seconds.

Weapon introduction: Al'Aqir summoned the wind lords to work together to build the divine sword. Al'A'ir used this sword to command the wind clan and developed the ambition to invade the real plane. For tens of thousands of years, Al'A'ir has been trying to destroy it. The barrier imposed by the God of Storms outside the throne of the Wind God.

It is said that a human sage once predicted that the moment the barrier is broken, it will be the time when the Wind King's Divine Sword will show its power. 】

So strong, so damn strong.

It is indeed an artifact!
Murphy looked at the attributes of this sword and was even satisfied, especially the special effect 5, Al'Akir's Wrath. This move should be the sword Al'Akir used against him, directly knocking him three to four hundred thousand. His health bar was emptied with one hit. If it weren't for the ancient dragon's body's immunity to beheading, he might have died directly.

However, this trick requires some prerequisites to be used well. The description says that it can absorb the power of storm and thunder, and it will cause damage to wind elemental creatures, which means that elemental creatures such as wind element and thunder element will also be affected by the divine sword. Absorption, Al'Akir's ability to hit such a powerful blow should be related to the storm environment around it and the large number of wind elemental creatures providing energy.

If you want to use it in the future, you must prepare energy materials in advance.

Murphy decisively put this artifact into his pocket. He could share other things, but he definitely had to get this thing by himself.

Fortunately, the distribution method was agreed upon when we formed the group, so we didn’t have to worry about being called bad equipment.

Murphy decided to divide most of the remaining equipment. With the artifacts, he no longer valued these 'general top quality' items.

Among so many drops, the most valuable ones, besides the Wind King Divine Sword, are four items of legendary quality.

Includes two legendary weapons, one legendary spell, and one legendary material.

The first item is a one-handed sword.

The shape of this sword is a bit like a smaller version of the Wind King's Divine Sword. It also shines with the light of thunder, but the blade is narrow. It is obviously a weapon for agile professions.

[Storm Calling Thunder Sword (legendary/one-handed sword).

Story Items: Unique

Attack power: 57-107.

Special Effect 1: Secondary Thunder Blade.This divine sword shines with the power of thunder. Your normal attacks and combat skill attacks will cause thunder damage equivalent to 50% of physical damage to the enemy.

Special effect 2: Wind force (passive, superimposable).Your normal attacks are blessed by the power of the wind. Each attack will gain a 10% attack speed bonus, which lasts for 10 seconds. This effect can be stacked up to 10 times.

Special Effect 3: Storm Blade.After charging for 1-3 seconds, release a wind blade to attack distant enemies. You can increase the attack distance and damage by charging.

Item introduction: Al'Akir's sharp blade is a low-level weapon made from the remaining materials after forging the Wind King's Sword. Al'Akir keeps it as a collection and prepares to give it to powerful warriors who are willing to serve for him. 】

This thing is basically equivalent to a castrated version of the Wind King Divine Sword, which is still very powerful for ordinary players.

The second one is a strange-shaped staff. The top of the golden staff is inlaid with a huge orb. There seems to be a storm swirling in the orb, and you can even hear the roar of the storm.

[Altrain·Storm Awakening Staff (legendary/staff).

Plot Item: Unique Attack Power: 68-148.

Special Effect 1: Storm Echo.The wind spell you cast can have an echo effect, and its power is 50% of the original spell.

Special Effect 2: Curse of the Wind Prince.Curses a target, causing it to be surrounded by the power of strong winds, reducing movement speed by 80% for 300 seconds.Cooling time 10 minutes.

Special Effect 3: Storm Awakening (one-time use).Summons the angry afterimage of Storm Lord Altrain. Altrain will exist for 30 minutes and will attack all surrounding targets except you. After this skill is used, the special effect will disappear permanently, and [ Special Effect 2: Wind Prince’s Curse] will be automatically converted into, [Special Effect 2: Wind Prince’s Blessing].

Item introduction: Al'Akir's eldest son, the scepter used by Storm Lord Altrain. In ancient times, Storm Lord Altrain fell in the war with the ancient gods, and its scepter was The echoes of the storm still echoed, and Al'Akir sealed it with his own hands.

It is said that when the user breaks the seal on the scepter, Storm Lord Altrain will return once again to vent his anger. 】

This staff is undoubtedly the best equipment for druids and shamans. It is slightly less useful for other magic professions. The main reason is that Storm Echo is only useful for wind skills.

The third item is a magic scroll.

[Summon the Elder of Wind Element (Legendary Magic)
Use: Summon a wind elemental elder to fight for you for 30 minutes.

Transcription: Allows you to learn the magic on the scroll.

Transcript conditions: Intelligence 110, elemental magic specialization.

Item introduction: An ancient magic scroll, which seems to contain powerful magic. 】

The combat power of the Wind Elemental Elder is quite powerful. It is a proper mini-BOSS level. The key is that you can summon it repeatedly after learning it. Of course, summoning the Elemental Elder will definitely require expensive casting materials, but it is definitely worth it.

The last thing is a mission item,

[Elemental Seed (Material/Quest Item/Legendary)

Use 1: Absorption (only for elemental creatures) - Obtain the source energy of wind, fire, water, earth, or any attribute. If the power obtained is different from the original power, the elemental creature will mutate and change its profession to become a kind of Composite elemental creatures.

If the absorbed power has the same attribute as the original power, its energy type will gain a mutation.

Use 2: You can use it as a material to summon elemental creatures.

Item introduction: A magical treasure that condenses the power of elements. It contains the power of powerful natural elements and can be transformed into any source of energy such as wind, fire, water, and earth.

Note: The purest elemental power flows through it]

Um?This is the first time Mo Fei has seen this thing.

Looking at the description, it seems that an elemental creature can obtain a different elemental power after absorbing it.

For example, a fire element gains the power of the earth element, and the wind element gains the power of the water element. For elemental creatures with a single ability that can easily be restrained, this is like changing their fate.

Think about the effect if a team with fire resistance equipment attacks a fire elemental lord, and the fire elemental lord releases a blizzard at the critical moment.

This is definitely a good thing for elemental creature players who take the monster route.

By the way, old brother Laglios is the elemental lord. I'll see if he wants it later and just sell it to him.

In addition to these four pieces, there are many other epic-level equipments left.

What about Wind Chaser's armor, Thunder Ring, Storm Guard's Spear, Cloudbreaker Cloak, Wind Caller's Boots...

In addition to the harvest of equipment, there are also massive resources stored in the treasure house of the Wind God Throne.

With Al'Akir's death, the clouds around the Storm Peak were dispersed, and the treasure trove of the Wind Clan appeared in front of everyone's eyes.

There was nothing to say, so Mo Fei simply plundered them all.

For the wind element, gold and gems are not good things at all, they are just some decorations. What is really valuable are various materials, ores, and top-quality crystals that can enhance the power of the elements. Most of these are the main materials. Spellcasters in the material world summon sacrifices provided by elemental creatures.

To put it bluntly, the wind elemental clan earned it from working and paid tribute to Al'Akir.

The entire treasury is filled with these rare and fine materials.

Now they are all Murphy's trophies.

A conservative estimate is that it is worth at least several million gold coins and tens of millions of soft girl coins.

Of course, if too many are shipped at one time, prices will definitely fall.

So how to take action also needs to be considered.

After taking stock of all the harvest, Murphy already had a plan in mind.

His initial plan was to keep all the best items, such as artifacts, for himself, but get rid of them all.

After all, it is a team battle.

However, the plan could not keep up with the changes. Unexpectedly, I ended up shouldering everything myself, so there was no need to be so generous when distributing.

First of all, there are a few heroes who died in battle. Although we have agreed before, we are responsible for life and death. After all, they are all here to participate in the plot and have a good time. There is no guarantee that they will not die.

But at any rate, he died in a plot event for the sake of victory, so he should be compensated to some extent.

Each person was given materials worth [-] gold coins, plus three pieces of epic-level equipment, plus the equipment on their corpses. It was not too bad after all.

The remaining heroes who were summoned to participate in the battle each received two pieces of epic equipment and materials worth fifty thousand gold coins.

As for those who ran away, they naturally didn’t want anything else. They wanted equipment even when they were escaping from battle.

On the other hand, each of the adventurer guild presidents also had an epic piece of equipment, and they all received a large amount of materials as rewards based on the number of people participating in the battle. None of the adventurers ran away, they all fought until the last moment.

The two heroes who played a larger role in the battle are counted separately.

One is Jian Wuhen. Originally, this guy's Death Mark was a big help, so it's not too much to share his martial arts with him. But it's a pity that he ran away halfway, so I'm sorry.

After thinking about it, Murphy decided to give him two epic pieces.

The other one is Morgan Lisa, who solved all the elemental monsters with one shot of Eternal Freeze. They are old friends, so naturally they have to share some good points.

Considering that she already had a weapon, Murphy gave her the legendary magic scroll to summon the wind element elder.

The rest are all under his own hands, and naturally they have to be distributed internally.

 Sorry for not updating in the past few days. Starting from today, I will return to the second update party. There will be two updates every day and one update in the evening.

(End of this chapter)

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