Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 550 Realm of Elements

Chapter 550 Realm of Elements
After the irrelevant people left, Murphy gathered his core team together.

Fortunately, with the care of the four disaster dragons, none of Murphy's men died.

"Lord Aidandron, how did you do it? Why can you transform into an ancient dragon from the throne of the Wind God? Why does the suppressive power of this plane not work on you?" Lesajes asked in surprise as soon as he saw him.

The four disaster dragons all appeared in human form in front of Mo Fei at this moment.

Having seen Mo Fei transform into an ancient dragon before, the four of them also tried to transform again, but it still didn't work.

In this space, their ability to transform into dragons is completely restricted.

However, Murphy also came back to his senses. It seems that breaking through the limitations of the system is not just as simple as treating this world as the real world.

These NPCs all regard this world as the real world, but they have never seen one that can break through the system limitations.

No, there seems to be one - Deathwing, but the price is to fall into madness.

Speaking of which, Deathwing was forced to break through because of a BUG.

And those who truly break through are almost all players, such as the old fishing man from Pinewood Town.

Morpheus seems to be the only NPC who really takes the initiative to break through.

Murphy vaguely grasped something, so what is special about Morpheus as an NPC?

Got it!Murphy suddenly figured it out.

The biggest difference between Morpheus is that he knows that the world is a game, and he has even been to reality, although only in the form of ideology.

In other words, the NPCs in the game don't think there is anything wrong with this world. For them, whether it's a dungeon or various system restrictions, they are all natural things. The system will automatically block them from anything they shouldn't know. Information.

For example, if you discuss dungeons, games, reality, etc. in front of these NPCs, the NPCs will automatically filter it out and will not show surprise or confusion at all. 1
Murphy guessed that because of this, they would not see any problems with the various restrictions of the game, let alone breakthroughs.

Just like people in real life don't think they can fly, in people's eyes, it is a matter of course that people can't fly.

"You are not powerful enough to break through the suppression of this plane, it is as simple as that, and I - the King of Ancient Dragons, destined to become the Dragon God, no rules can restrain me."

The four disaster dragons also accepted this answer, and looked at Murphy with a little more awe.

"Okay, it's time to leave here, let's go back."

Murphy led his men back the same way and left the throne of the God of Wind.

After the dungeon came out, the four disaster dragons immediately transformed into dragon forms, and only then did they regain a sense of security.

Returning to the ground, Mo Fei found Jian Wuhen waiting angrily on the ground.

Jian Wuhen already knew about Mo Fei's equipment in the dungeon. It was a bit painful to think that he had passed by a martial arts plug-in.

However, Jian Wuhen didn't regret it too much. Being cautious also has its benefits. At least he survived without any injuries. Didn't you see that those unlucky heroes also died? Their levels were all wiped out in an instant, even if they had equipment. What's the use of picking it back up? Many of the expertise and levels a hero acquires along the way cannot be bought with money.

"Boss Aidan, have I completed the second task you gave me?" Jian Wuhen asked angrily.

Murphy smiled slightly, "If you don't want the equipment, it's considered complete, but if you want to distribute the equipment, it doesn't count. After all, since you have the equipment, you are just a normal participant in the plot. Talk about it. You can’t serve me, so do you want equipment, or do you think you have completed the mission?”

As Mo Fei spoke, he took out two pieces of epic equipment. Both of them are sacrificial equipment suitable for the assassin profession. Although they are only of epic quality, the purple equipment produced by the King of Wind Elements is naturally not the same as the ordinary purple equipment. And words.

Jian Wuhen glanced at the properties of the equipment in Mo Fei's hand, and suddenly had a confused expression on his face.

It's all good stuff!

I thought about not equipping it, but looking at the flashing purple light, I couldn't help but reach out my hand.

"Need equipment."

"Haha, you really know the current affairs."

Murphy casually threw the two pieces of epic equipment to Jian Wuhen, "I will come back to you if anything happens."

Jian Wuhen sighed and left helplessly.

"You should also go back. The Scourge Legion is about to invade Dalaran. Return to Dragonshang Castle to gather troops. Maybe we will go to the battlefield soon."

The others left, but Morgan Lisa stayed.

"Aidan, you are so strong that you can actually transform into a dragon in the dungeon. How did you do it? Is there another bug this time?"

Morgan Lisa is not that easy to fool. She clearly knows the system limitations. Transforming into the BOSS form in the dungeon completely breaks the rules of the game. To put it bluntly, if you report it as a bug, your account may be banned. .

Murphy hesitated for a moment. He was not ready to tell everything, but he had to find a suitable excuse.

"Why do you think you can't transform into a dragon in the dungeon?"

"The system won't let me."

"I once met an old man who was fishing in the river and caught several fish easily. The interesting thing is that he didn't have any fishing skills. I asked him why he could catch fish, and he said why not? Reality It’s fine in both, so what’s the difference in the game?”

"I learned this from him. Although it doesn't work every time, this is a free game. Regardless of the many rule restrictions imposed by the system, as long as you have enough cognitive ability, you can break through these rules. There are restrictions, for example, it costs 50 mana points to release a flaming sphere, but what happens if you forcefully inject 100 mana points? Don’t be constrained by the system, maybe there will be surprises.”

Morgan Lisa looked suspicious, "Really?"

"Didn't you already see it?"

She really tried it, but she couldn't make it decisively, so she could only cast the spell according to the system's settings.

"Okay, it's time for us to go back. Next, we have to help you summon the elemental lord."

As soon as she mentioned this, Morgan Lisa immediately put the matter of transforming into a dragon behind her.

Discussed with Murphy about summoning elemental lords.

This is related to whether she can become the new guardian.

"I have already found a candidate for you, Fire Lord Laglios, an old friend of mine. He happens to want to come to the main material plane to ask me for help, and you happen to have this guardian mission, so why not do it together? ”

Summoning a Fire Lord is not an easy task. Not only does it require the ability to communicate across planes with elemental creatures, but most importantly, it requires enough sacrifices and extremely powerful mana.

Sacrifice is the reward for summoning elemental creatures. The more powerful elemental creatures require higher quality sacrifices.

It just so happened that I had just obtained an elemental seed of legendary quality, which was suitable as a sacrifice for summoning.

Mana is the energy needed to open the space-time gate and pull elemental creatures to the main material plane.

Generally speaking, it is impossible for a mage to summon a creature of the level of an elemental lord. Generally, it is necessary to use a magic circle to gather the power of a large number of spellcasters to summon it together.

But with Murphy as the controller of the magic network, there is no need for such trouble.

"I will help you summon it when the time comes. I can absorb magic power directly from the magic network. No matter how big the summoned creature is, there is no problem."

Of course, in addition to this, in order to ensure success, you must first sign a contract with the elemental creature to be summoned.

If the opponent doesn't want to accept the summons, or the wrong one is summoned, the difficulty of summoning will inevitably rise sharply.

Morgan Lisa was in a bit of trouble this time. "I'm not an elementalist, I just work part-time in elemental magic. How can I sign a contract with an elemental creature? I don't know how to do it."

"Then how did you summon it before?"

"I have only summoned water elements before. It's a very ordinary kind. You can just drag it over and enslave it. No need to talk nonsense at all."

Murphy nodded. "This is a problem, but it's not a big problem. Let's just find a professional to help."

Half an hour later—Silver Moon City.

The dilapidated Silvermoon City is full of arcane puppets undergoing repair work. The area around the palace has been cleaned up, but the traces left by the war are still difficult to remove.

Compared with the gorgeous and prosperous Elf King City back then, the Silver Moon City in front of us was a bit more abject and decadent.

Regarding the two people's visit, the elf showed extremely typical politeness and welcome.

It doesn't matter if you don't welcome her. Now that Quel'Thalas has become a subsidiary principality of Lordaeron, the princess of Lordaeron has to be somewhat solemn when she comes to visit.

"Prince Kael'thas, can I ask you a favor?"

Kael'thas nodded gracefully, "Of course, I am willing to serve you, Her Royal Highness the Princess, Lord Aidan."

The two directly stated their intention.

Kael'thas was a little surprised when he heard this.

"You want to summon a Fire Lord?"

"Yes, can you help me with the elemental communication ceremony? I need to find a suitable target to sign a contract?"

"Of course, but I must warn you first. Compared with other elemental creatures, fire elemental creatures have a more violent temper and are very difficult to communicate with. If you don't handle it properly when you are wandering, you may have accidents. The elements of the Sun Chaser family Among the users, there have been cases where souls were killed when communicating with fire elemental creatures.

Not to mention the Fire Lords, they are all violent and dangerous beings, and it is very dangerous to sign a contract. "

"Don't worry, I know that Fire Lord, you just need to help me find it."

Kael'thas was a little dubious, but he still had to help with this kind of work.

"Okay, I'll send someone to prepare."

After half an hour—

Morgan Lisa sat in the middle of the magic circle, surrounded by four high elf elementalists.

Kael'thas warned, "Remember, Princess, once your spiritual consciousness enters the elemental plane, you will be regarded as an intruder. Shamans have the ability to disguise their souls as elemental life, but we elementalists can only Relying on our own magical power, you face endless elemental lives in that world. Try to avoid dangers and find the target you are looking for to communicate with it.

If the other party shows hostility, please return immediately, otherwise your life will be in danger.

In addition, your spiritual consciousness cannot stay in another plane for a long time, otherwise you may or may be permanently lost. You only have 10 minutes. Once this time exceeds, I will not be able to guarantee your safety.

Usually this kind of ritual cannot be successful at one time. It may take several days or even months to complete the communication with the elemental lord. Don't be anxious and take your time. "

Morgan Lisa nodded, "I understand, let's get started."

Kael'thas waved his hand, and several elementalists immediately performed a ritual to send Morgan Lisa's spiritual consciousness into the fire elemental plane.

When Murphy saw him, he immediately sent a message to Laglios.

Aidan: People are already out and ready to receive.

Minutes passed by.

When seven or eight minutes passed, Morgan Lisa opened her eyes suddenly.

"Successful?" Murphy asked.

"Successful." Morgan Lisa nodded excitedly: "That friend of yours is quite nice and speaks very nicely."

Murphy was not surprised. After all, they all said hello, and all that was needed was to launch the summoning ceremony at the right time.

Morgan Lisa was extremely excited. With the Balrog Lord as a big killer, she would be stable when entering the next stage.

Kael'thas had a look of astonishment on his face. Is this what happened?
When I signed the contract with Phoenix, it took me three months, and my soul was almost annihilated several times.

He suddenly fell into a mood of doubting life.

Murphy looked at Kael'thas's expression and felt secretly happy.

"Prince Kael'thas, thank you for your help. If you need anything in the future, just ask."

Kael'thas nodded reservedly: "You're welcome, Lord Aidan. You once helped Quel'Thalas. This is what I should do."

"Haha, you can't say that. Let's put it this way. I've made a decision on your brother today. If you have anything to do in the future, just ask. Brother, I will definitely help."

Kael'thas was a little surprised, how could he suddenly become brothers.

But thinking about having such a strong man as a friend, it's not a bad thing.

"Then I will be disrespectful,"

Helped Morgan Lisa connect with Laglios, and added a brother by the way.

Murphy and Morgan Lisa left Silvermoon City with satisfaction.

"I'm going to Dalaran to prepare for the summoning ceremony. Are you coming?"

"Just let me know when the time comes, and I will go when the time comes."

Watching Morgan Lisa teleport away, Murphy opened his hero specialty system. He would have new hero specialties to choose from now.

This time, the differences between the three hero specialties are particularly obvious.

[Feat 1: Ruin Destroyer (Behavioral Expertise): You destroyed a titan ruin that was tens of thousands of years old and destroyed the ancient seal imposed by the titan. Your reckless behavior led to a potential crisis and also caused the Explorers Association to Your efforts were in vain, and you earned the title of Ruin Destroyer.

Specialty effects: Obtain the title [Ruin Destroyer]. When you fight in the ruins, all your attacks will have additional environmental destruction effects. The damage caused to you by all mechanisms, traps, and ancient guards in the ruins will be reduced by 30%.Your reputation with the Explorers Association is reduced by 3000 points. 】

[Feat 2: God-Rebel (Bloodline Specialty/Behavior Specialty): In a communication with the gods, you openly disobeyed the other party's orders and ignored the other party's warnings. You thus became a rebellious person in the eyes of the gods.

Specialty effect: Immune to divine power, the influence of divine effects when fighting against gods is reduced by 50%, and your reputation in the Church of the Storm God is reduced by 5000 points. 】

[Expert 3: The New King of Wind (Honorary Expertise/Myth and Legend): You successfully defeated and killed the 'Wind King' Al'Akir, and seized the power of the opponent's storm. Since you also have the power to control the storm, You have become the new king in the eyes of some wind elemental creatures. If you accept this crown, you will gain the allegiance of some members of the wind clan and become the new king of wind.

Since you are not a pure elemental creature, this maintenance of allegiance is extremely fragile. You must rely on powerful force and consumption of resources to maintain the authority of the Wind King.

Feat Effect 1: Wind King.Add the prefix 'Wind King' to your character's name and gain 5 legendary points.

Feat Effect 2: Wind Familiar.You can transform wind elemental creatures into your dependents. The transformed wind dependents are equivalent to the combat units under your control. The upper limit of the number of dependents is related to your command value.

Specialty Effect 3: Strong Wind - Listen to my orders.Summon a wind elemental army from the wind elemental plane to fight for you. Since you are not the true king of the wind elemental element, you must pay the corresponding summoning materials for the wind elemental army you summoned. 】

(End of this chapter)

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