Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 552: The Expedition of Natural Disaster

Chapter 552: The Expedition of Natural Disaster

The former city of emperors - Arathotene:

Arathortern is a majestic city built in the name of the human emperor Arathor. It was also the capital of the Arathor Empire in the past. However, as the empire fell apart, this former famous city also declined day by day. However, the emaciated camel was larger than the horse. To this day, this city is still the most populous city in the Kingdom of Stromgarde, with a permanent population of 40 million.

In comparison, the capital city of Grand Rapids has a population of less than 20.

Rapids City exists as a capital because of its excellent geographical location, high walls and thick walls that are easy to defend and difficult to attack. It is more like a military fortress.

Arathotn is the commercial and economic center of the Stromgarde Kingdom.

But now this commercial city is inevitably caught in the flames of war.

"Hold on and beat these ghouls down!"

"Quickly, come two priests. There are many skeletons here and they need to be purified."

"Master, where have all the masters gone?"

"Where are the archers? Attack those gargoyles quickly!"

On the towering city wall of Arathortern, hundreds of adventurers and soldiers from the Kingdom of Stromgarde are fighting with the tide of undead. Looking from the city wall, the undead are as endless as the ocean.

There were no tactics or plans. They just came like a tide, rushing up to the top of the city along the slope paved with bones and corpses, attacking crazily.

Thanks to the adventurers, the defenders on the city wall could barely hold their ground.

At the city gate, the Crypt Lord, as thick and huge as a tank, was hitting the city gate with its tentacles like a battering ram. Dozens of farmers behind the city gate kept repairing it, but they still couldn't keep up with the rate of decline in durability.

In the distance, there were countless meat grinding machines, carrying corpses soaked in the undead plague, hugging skeletons into a ball, and shooting them into the city.

In the sky are gargoyles and frost bone dragons that block out the sun, and underground are cave-dwelling demons burrowing into the ground. This hell-like scene is taking place in this former city of kings.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "These alliance adventurers are really tenacious. Back then, the army led by the Destroyer Blackhand was defeated by the adventurers led by Varian. Hum, but this time, They don’t stand a chance.”

Standing among the army, Gul'dan said proudly to himself, and the surrounding Scourge generals all agreed and applauded.

Spare Rib Man (Death Knight): "You are right, Mr. Lich King, our Scourge Legion is invincible, how can we compare with those stupid orcs in the tribe."

Sazastan (Lich): "The Lich King has boundless power, and he can destroy any adventurer from the Alliance with just a few clicks."

Xiao Qiang (Crypt Lord): "The Lich King is a hero, mighty and domineering! Boss, let me lead the army to attack. I guarantee to take down the city wall in one hour."

Gul'dan laughed with satisfaction. These newly promoted generals were much more knowledgeable than the resurrected guys. They spoke well and were worthy of reuse.

"Haha, no need to bother, it will be here soon."

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky was suddenly covered in darkness, and Galakrond spread his wings and flew through the sky like a moving mountain.

The adventurers on the city wall let out horrified shouts and desperate wails.

"Oh my God! What the hell is this!"

"Wocao, such a big monster, how about giving it a hair?"

Boom, when Galakrond fell, the downward force directly crushed a large area of ​​the city wall in front of it. Whether they were soldiers, adventurers or undead, they were all crushed into meat and bones, and the garbage equipment exploded. All over the floor.

However, no one dared to pick it up. Faced with the terrifying dragon power emanating from Galakrond and its absolutely crushing strength, both players and NPCs could only think of running away.

The city is broken!
It's that simple. Without the protection of the city wall, the undead army immediately poured in like a tide.

Continuous screams suddenly sounded in the city.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Go in and transform all the residents in this city into warriors of the Scourge. Go, my loyal generals, and add more soldiers to my Scourge army."

"Roger that!"

"Got it, got it."

"Don't worry, boss, just watch."

"For the Lich King!"

Facing this situation, Gul'dan's proud expression suddenly distorted, and the green evil fire in his eyes suddenly extinguished, turning into a pair of faint blue eyes.

Varian (Lich King): "Damn it, Gul'dan, why are you doing this? They are just innocent civilians! You are an inhuman beast. Even among the savage orcs, you are the only one I have ever seen. The most shameless one."

Everyone has long been accustomed to the Lich King's schizophrenic behavior.

On the contrary, Gul'dan was a little annoyed. The soul of this human prince was much tougher than expected. Although he was defeated in the battle of souls, this guy has always refused to accept the fate of death and would appear from time to time. Come on, it’s really troublesome to take back control of your body.

Gul'dan also tried to completely annihilate Varian's soul. However, although Varian's research on soul magic was far weaker than his, his perseverance made Gul'dan sigh and could only slowly torture him. Weakened, but in the eyes of Gul'dan, who has mastered the secret of the soul, Varian's is just a dying and futile struggle.

Sooner or later he will be destroyed by himself.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Shut up, you loser. If you lose, you lose. You must recognize your destiny. From the moment you put on the Crown of Dominance, you should understand what you will suffer." Destiny, just slowly appreciate the world you want to protect turned into wasteland."

Varian (Lich King): "Damn it, I must kill you Gul'dan, I will definitely do it!"

Genn Greymane (Death Knight): "Come on, Prince Varian, don't surrender to Gul'dan!"

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Shut up, you rip-off guy, don't forget that I resurrected you."

Gul'dan suddenly activated the death power of the Crown of Dominance, finally suppressing Varian.

He glared at Jean, but the other person had an indifferent expression on his face.Although he is controlled by the Crown of Dominance, it is always okay to satisfy his cravings.

"Hmph, Gene, don't think Varian can fight me, he..."

Gul'dan suddenly turned his head and looked towards a hill in the distance.

"What's wrong, sir?" asked a death knight.

"Nothing, just some annoying bugs. Send a few Frost Bone Dragons to blast away at the top of the mountain."

"It's an adult."


(He was actually discovered. This guy Gul'dan has really become very scary.) Samuro looked at the Frost Bone Dragon and Gargoyle flying in the distance, and immediately started Wind Step, his body was like the wind, and he blinked. He disappeared among the mountains and forests.

He was shaped like a gust of wind and as fast as a galloping horse. Half an hour later, he had entered a valley in the northern mountainous area of ​​the Arathi Plateau.

Dark orc camps are scattered throughout, and tens of thousands of orc warriors are repairing in the valley.

In the Chinese army camp, the Young Wolf Lord, Drek'Thar, Saurfang and other new tribe leaders were discussing strategies. When they saw Samuro's figure emerging, they immediately stopped the discussion.

Young Wolf Lord (Frostwolf Chief): "Ah, Samuro, you are finally back. How is the situation over at Arathortern?"

"The city has been captured. The undead army has swept across the city. The strength of the Scourge Legion has increased again."

Saurfang said with emotion: "In less than a day? Is the leader of that undead army really Gul'dan? It's really unimaginable."

Drek'Thar looked worried, "The news from the warchief is probably correct. Besides, Gul'dan is good at psychic spells... Sir chief, what should we do?"

The Young Wolf Lord also had a headache. Originally, he led the Frostwolf clan to fight against Stromgarde. He had conquered a lot of territory and was engaged in a tug-of-war. Unexpectedly, the Scourge suddenly came. Now he had no choice but to retreat. Mountainous.

He knew how powerful the Scourge Legion was, and he could never compete head-on with the Scourge Legion with the little wealth he had.

"The Frostwolf clan must not confront these undead head-on. We should take a long-term approach."

At this time, an orc guard suddenly walked in from outside.

"Master Chief, the human king of Rapids has sent a messenger, and this is the letter he sent."

The Young Wolf Lord opened the letter and took a look at it.

"What's written on it?"

The Young Wolf Lord said: "King Trollbane hopes to have a truce with the Frostwolf Clan and join forces to fight against the undead."

Samuro snorted coldly, "Don't agree to them, those undead will just give humans a headache."

Drek'Thar said worriedly, "Maybe we should cooperate with humans. Although we are hostile to each other, humans are also living beings after all. Those undead are simply terrifying. If Gul'dan turns all humans into undead, I'm afraid We will be completely unable to fight against it, so where should we retreat then?"

The Young Wolf Lord thought for a moment and suddenly smiled, "Of course we must cooperate. I will reply to Trollbane and tell him that I agree to cooperate and let us fight the Scourge together."

Saurfang was a little surprised, "Master Chief, do you really want to cooperate with humans?"

"Of course - no, I'm just lying to them and giving them a little hope, so that the humans in Rapid City will resist harder. When their main force is wiped out by the Scourge, we can take the opportunity to take over this kingdom.

Don't worry, I know where Gul'dan's real goal is. The Scourge will attack Dalaran, and I'm just passing by here. "

The Young Wolf Lord's words made the three orcs look a little shocked.

Saurfang found it hard to accept, "As an orc, you should respect your promise. It's too disrespectful to your honor to agree to join forces but then betray them. If you ask me to fight, I will fight directly. Why do I still want to play such a conspiracy?"

Drek'Thar still looked worried, "Master Chief, I still think the Scourge is a greater threat..."

Samuro said nothing, just looked thoughtful.

Young Wolf saw that all three of his bosses disagreed, but he sneered, "Hahaha, you guys are still too upright. Human beings are cunning and despicable creatures. If you want to defeat humans, you must be more cunning and more cunning than them." It's okay to be despicable. It's true that doing this is not in line with the honor of the orcs, but only living people are qualified to talk about honor. Don't forget that Orgrim chose me to fulfill his legacy. Perhaps it is because of my differences with you. Only then did Orgrim choose me.

I've made up my mind, that's it. "

Watching the Young Wolf Lord leave, the three veteran orc heroes were speechless.

Saurfang sighed, "I can't believe we are doing this. If other clans find out about this, they will laugh at us to death. It's so despicable..."

Samuro sneered, "What can we do? After all, Orgrim chose him, and he is the hope of the tribe. Maybe he is right? Maybe despicability and shamelessness are the real way to survive in this world. "

Although he said this, his tone was somewhat disdainful.

Drek'Thar suddenly asked, "Saurfang, are you sure Orgrim chose him?"

Saurfang looked annoyed, "Hey, Orgrim told me personally that he asked me to find Durotan's son, give him the Doomhammer, assist him, help him, and said that he is the future of the tribe. Hope is destined to become the great chief of the new tribe, who else could this person be besides the Young Wolf Lord?"

"But Durotan doesn't only have one son." Samuro said quietly.

Drek'Thar sighed, "You mean Go'el? He may have died a long time ago. He was living alone in the dangerous Alterac wilderness. He was either killed by human adventurers or killed by human adventurers. Devoured by wild beasts, alas.”

"No, I don't think that will necessarily be the case. Guy'ir is a smart and tough kid, and he might survive."

"I hope so."

(End of this chapter)

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