Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 553 Dalaran Heroes Gather

Chapter 553 Dalaran Heroes Gather

The Ancient Dragon King slowly landed outside the city of Dalaran.

In order to avoid causing a disturbance, he deliberately landed far away from the city.

Summoning the Frostwolf mount, he flew towards the city, and soon the towering towers of Dalaran came into view.

This is not the first time Murphy has come to this city. He still remembers the experience of launching the dragon disaster. The scene of the black dragon dancing is still vivid in his mind. Looking at the dense arrow towers, magic towers, fortresses and military camps outside the city, Murphy said that if Dalaran had such tight defenses, he might not be able to leave alive.

But now he has become a member of this defensive force. Gul'dan exposed his plan prematurely, or almost every player who knows the history of Warcraft can guess that Gul'dan's Scourge will inevitably Attacking Dalaran.

As a result, this place naturally became the focus and core of the entire eastern continent. Elite troops from various countries and adventurers from all directions gathered here, making Dalaran and its surroundings lively.

Not only was the city of Dalaran crowded with people, but there were also camps and markets scattered outside the city.

Wherever there are adventurers, there is fun to watch. Along the way, there are various merchants and players, various vendors, enchantment stalls, potion merchants, blacksmiths, wholesalers who resell materials, and even a food court, which gathers a large number of masters. Players who have mastered cooking skills are attracting customers with a variety of delicacies and snacks full of Azeroth characteristics.

Not far from the food court, you can also see the Dark Moon Circus camp, which is full of adventurers playing games to earn lottery tickets.

Bands and minstrels are also indispensable. On each stage, you can see beautiful elf ladies dancing and singing, surrounded by booing adventurers.

Of course, Dalaran's elite guards and puppet guards are indispensable for patrolling back and forth to ensure order.

Murphy walked through the bustling outer area with great interest and arrived at the Alliance camp outside Dalaran.

The atmosphere here is quite chilling, with soldiers standing on the arrow tower and the walls of the military camp.

When he arrived at the command center, he found that a large number of alliance senior officials had gathered here.

Godwin was leading a group of kings and lords, and they were discussing strategies around a sand table. Murphy took a glance and saw that many of them were acquaintances.

There are also those who are not very involved, hiding aside to drink, eat and chat. Most of them are marginal figures, or noble lords with lower title and status. It is difficult for them to join in the core area, but they are reluctant to leave, so they can only hide aside to enhance the atmosphere. .

Murphy glanced around and unexpectedly found a few cheap guys there, so he walked over and patted Darkseid on the shoulder.

"Hey, the brothers are all here."

When they saw it was Murphy, they immediately became happy, "Hey, brother, you're finally here. If you didn't come, none of us would pay attention."

Murphy smiled and said, "Who asked you to split Alterac? The small country has no sense of existence. How about it? Where did the Scourge attack?"

Darkseid said: "The Scourge has already broken through Thoradin's Wall. That idiot Trollbane actually thought of joining forces with the orcs to fight against the undead. As a result, the Young Wolf master arranged a plan and the entire army was destroyed at Thoradin's Wall." , and now he has become a member of the Scourge Legion."

"What about Stromgarde?"

"The Scourge did not attack Stromgarde, probably because they felt it was unnecessary. Stromgarde is now ruled by Princess Catherine and is the only large city in the Arathi Plateau that has not fallen."

Qinqinfries said, "The Scourge's next goal must be the South Sea Kingdom, conquer Dunholk Castle, pass through the Hillsbrad Hills, cross the Edge Mountains, and attack Dalaran. The war is imminent. "

The conversation between several people attracted the attention of the alliance's senior executives not far away. Qinqinfries' eyes lit up and he hurriedly greeted Murphy.

"Lord Aidan, come here, we are discussing the strategy against the Scourge. Maybe you can provide us with some constructive suggestions."

Murphy walked to the map and looked at the marks on the map. It was indeed what Qinqinfries said. The Kingdom of Dalaran is located between the Kingdom of Alterac and the Kingdom of Lordaeron. It is inevitable for the Scourge to attack Dalaran. To pass through Alterac territory.

Judging from the previous march route, the Scourge Legion had no intention of conquering cities and territories. They simply took the shortest route, destroying all the stronghold cities along the way, killing all creatures and turning them into undead. The only purpose was to conquer Dalaran as soon as possible.

"How big is the Scourge Legion now?" Murphy asked.

Uther introduced with a worried look, "It is said that there are two million troops, and they are still growing."

"Two million?" Murphy was also shocked, "Why is there so much?"

"The Lich King resurrected the dead humans and orcs in the wetland battlefield, adding hundreds of thousands of troops at once. Each of the cities and towns captured along the way can provide thousands or even tens of thousands of troops. For the Alliance, the old Weak women and children are unable to fight. Only young adults can become qualified soldiers after training. However, it is completely different for the Scourge Legion. As long as they are alive, they can be transformed into undead. As long as the transformation is completed, they are qualified undead soldiers.

And it’s not just humans. The undead army welcomes all creatures. The gnolls, black iron dwarves, and kobolds in the wetlands, and the trolls and ogres in the Arathi Plateau have all become targets of transformation. Therefore, the troops The scale expands very quickly. "

Murphy said that it was a good thing that Gul'dan was focused on attacking Dalaran. Otherwise, if he had been allowed to develop for a few years, he might have turned the eastern continent into a world of the undead.

Fortunately, the real decisive battles often occur between the high-end combat forces of both sides. No matter how many soldiers there are and the momentum is fine, it is still unrealistic to really expect that Dalaran will be leveled by the sea of ​​skeletons and zombies.

At this time, the invincible sand sculpture who had been marginalized finally had the opportunity to intervene.

Invincible Sand Sculpture (King of South China Sea): "Don't worry, I have ordered the South China Sea Kingdom to be fortified and cleared, and most of the population in the kingdom's territory has been transferred away. The Scourge Legion cannot get more soldiers from my territory."

Mo Feixin said that your Nanhai Kingdom didn’t have a large population to begin with.

Aidan (Lord Lord Protector of Alterac): "Well done. The Scourge has the ability to transform the dead. We should try to reduce the chance of them increasing their strength as much as possible."

Falstad (King of Eagle's Nest Mountain): "Well said, Lord Aidan, do you have any other suggestions? We are all counting on you now."

Count on me?
  Murphy was stunned for a moment, he just said it casually, and suddenly found that the eyes of the people around him were looking at him, as if waiting for him to give an order.

What's happening here?
  Godwin also felt something strange. From the moment Aidan entered the door, the focus in the command hall inexplicably shifted to him.

I am the leader of the alliance, right? He glanced at Murphy's head and his expression suddenly changed.

"Aidan, have you advanced to Legend?"

Murphy smiled and said, "Yeah, I just happened to have nothing to do so I went to brush up Al'Akir. Unexpectedly, I advanced to legendary. It can be regarded as an unexpected gain."

Godwin almost vomited after hearing this - your pretense is really too simple and crude, which makes people feel psychologically uncomfortable.

At the same time, I also secretly regretted it. I had always felt that being a king was very powerful, with countless subordinates under my command, and my words were very important.

But I didn’t expect that being a king is so exhausting. In addition to occasionally leading the army to fight and doing some plot points, he has no free time at all on weekdays. He follows the gang of nobles to scheming and fights for power and profit with the leaders of various countries. He is completely unlike Aidan. , I can do whatever I want to do on weekdays.

He has reached the fifth level of Epic now, and only needs one legendary achievement to complete the advancement. Unfortunately, he has never had a good opportunity.

At this point, I finally got anxious. There were already two legendary heroes among the players, and I had to work hard.

Godwin secretly swore in his heart that in this battle with the Scourge, he must personally kill the Lich King and advance to legend.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Ahem, I think everyone should not embarrass Lord Aidan too much. He has just arrived and doesn't understand the situation yet. I have some clues. We have already arranged a team on the Southern Avenue in Silverpine Forest. Troops to prevent the Scourge from flanking our territory."

Murphy shook his head, "I don't think it's necessary. The Scourge's goal is Dalaran. Gul'dan is very confident and arrogant, and he cares very much about the mission given to him by the Burning Legion. He will obviously attack Dalaran with all his strength. Our only chance of defeating him is to defeat him in Dalaran, and any diversion of our forces is unnecessary."

Uther (Great Lord of Holy Light): "That's right. I also agree with Lord Aidan."

Lothar (Regent of Stormwind City): "Lord Aidan is indeed wise and knows the details of the Lich King!"

Garises (Alliance General): "Haha, with Lord Aidan joining us, we have a better chance of winning this war."

Godwin was speechless secretly, you guys, you guys, all treat me like nothing, right?

He vaguely felt that the identity of this legendary hero was causing trouble, or that Aidan had unlocked some special hero expertise.

While he was secretly anxious, a mage walked in.

"My lords, the Guardian Selection Competition is about to begin. The Speaker invites everyone to attend the ceremony."

Um! Everyone immediately became energetic. The Guardian Selection Competition was a very new thing.

Historically, the selection of guardians has always been carried out secretly by the Tirisfal Council. Unexpectedly, now they are taking a new approach and conducting open selections.

Everyone wants to know who the new guardian will be, and why not take a look at the excitement.

As soon as they heard that they were going to watch the ceremony, they all left the tent and walked towards the city.

Of course, Murphy and Godwin can't miss it either.

While walking, Murphy also received a private message from Morgan Lisa.

Morgan Lisa: Aidan, the first round of selection is about to begin. Come quickly, I'm counting on you.

Aidan: Don't worry, we'll be there soon.

In the open wilderness to the west of Dalaran, the mages had already cleared a huge site and built a podium, a viewing platform, and audience seats around it.

At this time, the entire six-person Council of Dalaran was present.

The thirteen candidates were lined up in the contestant area, preparing for the first round of assessment ceremony.

The auditorium was even more crowded, packed with adventurers and residents of Dalaran who came to watch the excitement.

Antonidas was dressed in a white archmage robe, with white beard and hair. He looked like a classic old mage from fantasy stories.

Standing on the podium, he spoke generously, and the microphone with the magic of phantom sound spread his voice to every corner of the venue.

Antonidas (Chancellor of Dalaran): "As we all know, the Scourge has reached Nanhai Town and is about to launch an attack on Dalaran. This is an unprecedented disaster. The Alliance is facing the greatest threat in thousands of years.

At this critical moment, we need a powerful guardian to maintain world peace and protect the safety of Dalaran.

The thirteen powerful magicians in front of us are the candidates for the guardian this time. Each of them possesses powerful magical power, as well as the determination and will to maintain the safety of the world. However, there can only be one guardian. , we must select the best mages among them.

If you want to become a guardian, you must pass three tests, and the first one is right in front of you.

This first test is to test the magic power of the mage, the ability to mobilize resources, and the ability to control powerful forces. The power of the guardian is extremely powerful and extremely dangerous. If he does not have sufficient control ability, he will never be qualified for this task. A heavy burden.

Each of the thirteen candidates must summon a powerful alien creature or use magic to create a powerful war weapon to join Dalaran's defense system.

Next, we are ready to officially start the assessment.

Please ask the player who drew the number one card to come out. "

(End of this chapter)

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