Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 554 Summoned Creatures Brawl

Chapter 554 Summoned Creatures Brawl

At this moment, as the Lord Protector of Alterac, Murphy naturally sat in the VIP seats with a group of alliance leaders to watch the ceremony.

Just to the left and right of the podium.

Murphy glanced at the six-person council and was surprised to find that Kael'thas was not there, replaced by a red-haired elf mage - Aesas Sunreaper.

In addition, Murphy is more familiar with Krasus... This guy pretending to be a red dragon is still there.

As if feeling his gaze, Krasus turned his head and nodded friendly towards him.

Murphy did not stay on the six-person council for too long. He turned his attention to the competition field. He was also looking forward to the drama that was going to be staged next.

The first person to appear was the Archmage from the Arcane Academy—Only One’s Law.

Murphy recognized the other party. He was one of the Thirteen Black Gate Warriors. He had appeared at the Heroes Conference. He was a very flamboyant guy.

Weiwo Dufa waved to the audience first, then made a mage salute to the rostrum, and then started introducing himself.

"What I want to summon is - the arcane aberration. This is a magical creature created by me using the violent arcane energy in the magic network. It can multiply itself. As long as there is enough magic energy, it can grow indefinitely and will Become the best fighting force against the Scourge."

While introducing it, I walked to the center of the field, raised my staff, and began to cast spells.

Murphy could clearly feel that a gap in the magic net was forced open, and some kind of weird energy fluctuations were released from the gap in the magic net.

A crack appeared out of thin air, and the magical energy soaring into the sky gathered into a huge strange shape, more than ten meters high. The upper body was as huge and round as a balloon, but the lower body was funnel-shaped, like a huge energy ball floating in the air. , but it also exhibits some unique characteristics of energy creatures.

Pandesius (giant arcane aberration), level 77, disaster level two. HP 0, mana 88131.

As the holder of the magic network authority, Murphy immediately figured out what this thing was.

This thing is essentially similar to an elemental creature, except that it is not an ordinary element of wind, fire, water, and earth, but a magic element. The reason why it has no health value is because the arcane energy is equivalent to its blood volume, so the health bar and blue bar are one. Yes, whether it uses spells or receives damage, its mana will be reduced - that is, its health bar. However, the arcane aberration can directly absorb the dissipated arcane energy from the magic network. Although the efficiency is a bit poor, it can also be slowed down. Return blood.

Because it is a pure arcane energy creature, it should be able to directly use all basic arcane magic.

The six-person council on the rostrum was the judges this time. The six judges discussed with each other, nodded frequently, and quickly came to a conclusion.

Krasus (Archmage of the Kirin Tor): "A very powerful arcane creature, are you sure you can control its stability, Mr. Solo Mage?"

"Of course, it's very simple." He said and made the arcane aberration spin in a circle and fired a few arcane missiles into the open space.

"Very good, then the score we give is - 45 points."

(The six judges each scored ten points, and the highest score was sixty points)
  The second one is Voldemort, a shadow mage from the Shadow Academy.

Voldemort, who had a bald head, walked slowly onto the playing field and made introductions in a follow-up manner.

"The creature I want to summon is quite special. It is not a product of nature, but a product of magic experiment. Please allow me to introduce to you my most proud experimental product!"

Following a cloud of black mist, a strange creature appeared in the sky.

It was wrapped in a black cloak, shrouded in an ominous mist, suspended in mid-air. There was no face under the cloak, only a dark hollow.

Between the gaps in the ruined cloak, the monster's withered body could be vaguely seen.

The moment this monster appeared, an atmosphere of despair and depression immediately filled the venue.

Soul-sucking monster (servant of Lord Voldemort), elite, level 54, HP: 2975.

There was a burst of boos from the audience.

"Oh my God, what the hell is that?"

"I feel so depressed."

"It comes with the aura of fear, but it feels useless. The undead don't eat fear."

"Besides, it's just an elite monster. It's nothing. It's all in vain."

Voldemort himself didn't care, and proudly introduced: "This is an undead creature I created with my own hands. I call it - Dementor."

Mo Feixin said it was obviously a soul-sucking monster. This guy is addicted to cosplay.

The expressions of the six-member council became serious.

Krasus said in a deep voice, "This is evil necromantic magic."

Voldemort himself disagreed, "This is called fighting fire with fire, and there is no rule against summoning undead creatures."

Aesas Sunreaper (Archmage): "But I really don't see how this thing has any combat effectiveness, especially against the Scourge."

Voldemort nodded, "Of course one has no fighting power, but if there are hundreds or thousands, come out, my dementor army!"

He waved his staff suddenly, and the black mist suddenly spread everywhere. From the mist emerged a sky full of dementors, hovering above Voldemort's head, like a floating dark cloud, and like prey waiting for an opportunity. crow.

The fear aura attached to this soul-sucking monster can actually be superimposed, and many lower-level adventurers around it have been so scared that they are running around.

Antonidas (Archmage of the Kirin Tor): "Keep an eye on your summoned creature, Mr. Voldemort."

"Of course, don't worry, they are very reliable. Even an ant will not be harmed without my order."

"Can they attack the undead?"

"Of course, dementors can absorb the soul energy of the enemy. You must know that what drives the undead is the soul fire. As long as the soul fire is swallowed, the undead will be just a set of bones and minced meat. In the coming war, these little things will It will have a huge impact.”

Several judges discussed it.

The final score was 49.

The third person to appear was a dwarf.

"I am Archmage Wilfred, and I will open your eyes to what real summoning magic is."

This dwarf is not big in stature but has a big voice, which makes him somewhat funny.

But when he started to cast magic, the powerful mana fluctuations immediately made everyone realize that this white-bearded dwarf was also a ruthless character.

"A powerful being from the twisted void, obey my call, Wilfred..."

Following Wilfred's spell, the earth trembled, and a huge five-pointed star magic circle appeared on the ground. Evil flames rose from the gaps in the magic circle, and the air was filled with the stench of sulfur.

"Oh my god, it's fel magic!"

"Is this going to summon a demon?"

"It feels like a big guy."

Boom, a huge red figure slowly rose from the five-pointed star formation, and a huge demon with a height of more than [-] meters appeared in the center of the venue.

King Jaraxxus (Lord of the Eredar), world-class level one, level 86, HP: 265000.

King Jaraxxus (Eredar Lord): "Who summoned King Jaraxxus, the Eredar Lord from Argus, the commander of the Burning Legion, who released me into this world!"

There was an uproar.

Murphy heard the invincible sand sculpture on the side exclaim: "Wochao, this guy is an idiot. The purpose of Dalaran's guardians is to fight against the Scourge, and the boss behind the Scourge is the Burning Legion. This guy actually put the Burning Legion The eredar lord of the legion has been summoned. Isn't this the pure behavior of a young boy?"

Antonidas stood up with a livid face and pointed at the field with his staff. “Wilfred, you’d better know what you’re doing.”

The six-person council also felt despair. These mages now are all studying some evil ways. They are either undead or demons. No one studies the righteous magic.

Although the dwarf was so frightened by the demon lord in front of him that he was sweating, he still pretended to be calm.

"Don't worry, everyone, this magic is very safe. As a summoner, I have absolute control over the demons in front of me. I use demons to fight the undead. I think this can represent the highest level of Dalaran magic.

Kneel before me now, eredar demon, and show your loyalty to your master! "

The dwarf released a powerful control magic at the demon lord.

High-level slave demon!

However, the magic was like a mud cow entering the sea, with no effect. King Jaraxxus just sneered, "You ignorant fool, a despicable low-level creature, you want to control me, you are really wishful thinking, you can get nothing from me. Nothing but death!"

Destroy a finger!
  King Jaraxxus just waved his hand, and a red light flashed through.

boom! Wilfred was instantly blown into a ball of broken flesh and blood.

Now the players in the audience were completely shocked.

"Quickly, destroy it."

"Kill this demon."

"Hurry and grab it, this is the BOSS sent by the system!"

Without Antonidas saying a word, magic and arrows from the sky were already blasting towards King Nagalaxus.

Tens of thousands of adventurers gathered in this venue, and they were really not afraid of a world-class first-order BOSS causing trouble.

A few rounds of attacks reduced King Jaraxxus's health bar drastically.

This guy was really tough and even screamed before he died.

King Jaraxxus (Lord of the Eredar): "The Burning Legion will eventually rule this world. Insignificant mortals, wait for your doomed fate to come!"

  With a huge explosion and scattered shock waves, Yu took care of this guy.

Murphy looked amused. This Wilfred seemed to be an NPC. He didn't expect to be able to survive better than the players.

Although some riots occurred, leading to the thought that the candidates had withdrawn early, the selection was still going on.

Next, the candidates continued to take the stage, showing off their magic.

The next one is the great astrologer from the Star Observation Academy - Floating Dream.

Murphy had seen this floating dream twice. He had participated in the siege of Medivh in Karazhan.

What she summoned was an astral wandering dragon, a powerful astral creature. Although it only had disaster-level strength, it was exuding dazzling white starlight and looked gorgeous and powerful.

This summoned creature won unanimous praise from the parliamentarians. Not only did it look powerful, but the key point was that it looked very decent, unlike the previous ones that were just from the underworld.

Finally got a high score of 55 points.

Next up was Morgana (Witch of the Wilderness), but what she summoned was a wilderness demigod, a huge black panther with a body length of more than [-] meters.

This thing is quite powerful, but unfortunately it is just a projection, and it also only has disaster-level strength.

This time it scored 54 points, second only to Floating Dream.

The next two performances were not very good. One summoned a water element elder and only scored 32 points.

The other summon failed after a long time. He was probably too nervous and chose to give up.

Finally, it was Morgan Lisa's turn to appear.

"The next person to appear is Princess Morgan Lisa from the Violet Arcane Academy."

Seeing Morgan Lisa walking towards the court, Murphy knew it was time for him to take action.

The power of magic network protection - arcane torrent!
  Morgan Lisa suddenly had a BUFF on her head.

[Arcane Torrent: You have been injected with arcane energy from the Magic Network. During this period, your mana will continue to be replenished without exhaustion - for 10 minutes. 】

Antonidas's face suddenly changed slightly, and he looked towards Murphy in surprise.

Murphy just smiled and nodded.

There is no rule in this game not to allow BUFF.

Antonidas looked thoughtful.

Regarding Morgan Lisa's candidacy as Guardian, Antonidas's mentality is quite subtle.

The Guardians were not only Dalaran's war force to protect itself, but they also had to consider political factors. Kael'thas was unable to obtain candidate status due to political reasons, and was not even able to remain a member of the six-person council.

Of course, the apparent reason was that Kael'thas wanted to return to Silvermoon City to rebuild his home and had to hand over the work to his successor.

In fact, it was because he had now defected to Lordaeron and became Godwin's subordinate.

The members of the six-person council are subordinates of the King of Lordaeron. This kind of thing is not very honorable.

Dalaran and Lordaeron have a cooperative relationship, but also have a vague confrontational relationship. In the past, this confrontation was not so obvious. In the past, the royal mages of Lordaeron and the Church of the Holy Light were on an equal footing, checking and balancing each other, but since the rise of the Golden Tree , Dalaran's influence in Lordaeron was faintly suppressed by the Church of the Holy Light, which made this conflict exposed.

If Morgan Lisa becomes a guardian, it may strengthen Dalaran's influence on Lordaeron, provided that she must give priority to Dalaran.

But if Morgan Lisa fell to Godwin, then Dalaran would completely become a vassal of Lordaeron, which Antonidas would never accept.

Maybe it’s time to test Morgan Lisa’s boundaries.

Is she the royal sister of Lordaeron or a student of Dalaran?

Of course, that's assuming she has the chance to become a Guardian.

At this moment, Morgan Lisa has already begun her summoning ceremony.

The elemental array has appeared on the field, and the casting materials used as sacrifices have also been sacrificed.

Morgan Lisa began to recite the spell.

"O powerful being from the land of fire, O elemental lord in charge of flames and lava, O great Laglios, obey my call and come in the name of the contract I signed with you!"

Fire Lord! ?
  After hearing the content of the spell, everyone present showed shocked expressions.

The weakest elemental lord is also a world-class BOSS. The last world-class BOSS turned the summoner into a pulp.

A lot of good stuff came out.

We won't make the same mistake again this time.

Although the Fire Lord is technically an elemental creature and is more decent than the demon undead, the Fire Elemental has a violent personality, so it's really hard to say where it can be safe.

(End of this chapter)

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