Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 555 Old Henry’s Prophecy

Chapter 555 Old Henry’s Prophecy
  Not to mention the aliens among the fire elemental lords - the fire demon lords. They are fallen elemental lords, terrifying creatures who have taken refuge in the evil god of fire.

This Morgan Lisa might have the tragedy of Wilfred happen again.

Of course, there is another possibility that Morgan Lisa cannot complete the summoning ceremony at all. After all, it is unlikely that a wizard of the level of the Fire Lord can summon him alone, and the required mana consumption is an astronomical figure.

Everyone was watching attentively, waiting for the result of the summons.

There was already a reaction in the elemental magic circle. Flames shot up into the sky, and the flames circled first. The boundary between the fire elemental plane and the real plane was gradually torn apart by powerful magic power. A flaming giant [-] to [-] meters tall appeared. In front of everyone.

His huge height was like a flaming mountain, two or three times taller than the previous King Jaraxxus.

Laglios (Lord of Fire Demon), world-class third level, level 90, health value 365000.

"Oh my god, is it true? It's really summoned."

"Everyone, please pay attention, add the BUFF, and when the battle begins, be sure to use full firepower and greet the death."

"Damn, I know this guy. Laglios is a player. This guy must have received money to sign the contract. There is a shady secret, there is a shady secret!"

The last sentence was shouted by a certain contestant.

But no one paid attention to it.

NPCs cannot understand the concept of 'player' at all.

As for other players, those who know a little bit about it all know that even if there is an agreement and a contract, it is very difficult to summon a Fire Lord. Not to mention sacrifices, the mana consumed is not that of an ordinary spell caster. It can be done.

Even if a group of mages play together, they may not be blue enough. The mana value of this Morgan Lisa is so terrifying.

Judging from the fact that she can summon the Fire Lord, she is definitely one of the best among this group of candidates.

Although Antonidas was surprised, he did not forget the real purpose of this guardian selection event.

Antonidas (Chancellor of Dalaran): "Ms. Morgan Lisa, can you control this Fire Lord? Can you avoid the tragedy that happened before?"

Before Morgan Lisa spoke, Laglios spoke directly.

Laglios (Lord of the Fire Demon): "You can put away your staff, little mortal. I accepted the summons as promised. I have signed a contract with the elementalist in front of me. I will help you deal with those people." Undead, in exchange for my coming to this world.

As long as you understand your situation and don't try to challenge my anger, you will be safe, otherwise I will make you understand what the end of the world means! "

The voice of the Fire Demon Lord echoed in the air like muffled thunder.

It looks really mighty and domineering.

But although he said it arrogantly, Laglios was actually a little embarrassed in his heart. Are you kidding? Why are there so many adventurers?

Looking at the tens of thousands of people in the dark, if they really took action, he would probably have to answer for one person with one ice arrow.

Of course, if Laglios really pushed hard, he would make the people present pay a heavy price. If he really wanted to risk his life, a body-burning explosion would directly bring glory to the venue.

But as a last resort, Laglios doesn't want to risk his life. He still hopes to make a lot of money with this account.

The six-person council deliberated for a while and finally came to a conclusion.

Although this Fire Demon Lord is a little more dangerous, he will undoubtedly play an important role in the upcoming war.

Morgan Lisa's final score was a high score of 59 points, and the 1 point difference was due to reliability.

Then several more players summoned their own summoned creatures one after another.

But compared to Morgan Lisa's big scene, it's a lot worse.

What surprised Murphy was that there were two NPCs on the scene.

One is Luo Ning, who is also a character with a protagonist's halo in the official history. When he was young, he accidentally killed his teammates through reckless use of magic, and thus became a scourge in the eyes of Dalaran mages.

Later, he led a team of adventurers to rescue Alexstrasza, the Red Dragon Queen, from the Dragonmaw Clan, captured the Dragon Soul from the orc warlock Nekros, and finally assisted the Aspect Dragon in defeating Deathwing. Success and fame.

Later, she also married Verresa, the third of the three Windrunner sisters. She can be said to be a winner in life and her life is quite complete.

However, in the current timeline, this Luo Ning does not have so many great achievements. Instead, he is quite miserable. He accidentally killed his teammates, but none of the subsequent series of highlight moments appeared.

As a result, he is still a master whom his uncle and grandma do not love, but he still has the strength, and competing for the position of guardian is to wash away the shame.

Another plot character is a dwarf - Milhouse Manastorm. Murphy doesn't know much about this character.

I originally thought he was a joke like Wilfred, but I didn't expect that his performance was quite stable, and he successfully summoned a granite elemental giant from the earth elemental plane.

The seven people who successfully advanced are:

Morgan Lisa - Summoned creature: Fire Lord.

Morgana - Summons a creature: a wild demigod.

Floating Dream - Summons a creature: the Astral Wandering Dragon.

Voldemort's own demon - summoned creatures: a swarm of soul-sucking monsters.

Ronin - Summons a creature: a giant two-headed hellhound.

Soloism - Summoned Creatures: Giant Arcane Aberrations.

Milhouse Manastorm - Summons a creature: a granite elemental giant.

Finally, the first round of the Guardian selection competition came to a successful conclusion.

Next, Antonidas announced the contents of the second round of tasks.

In the upcoming battle with the Scourge, the seven candidates need to prove their courage and determination on the battlefield.

Kill a Death Lord of the Scourge. The stronger the target is, the greater the chance of advancement.

This time, seven went into three, and three candidates were finally selected to advance to the final round.

Murphy was speechless after hearing this. The old guy Antonidas is really very calculating. He has a good grasp of these candidates. Now let's see if you don't go all out.

Dalaran's background and hidden strength are still very strong, but creatures like mages are shrewd and calculating. During the war, they simply don't work hard and always want to preserve their usefulness. Study magic and explore the mysteries of magic.

So when it comes to the battlefield, it's often not enough.

It's not like a warrior who is brave and fierce, nor like a paladin who hates evil.

This is why even though there is such a strong lineup of heroes, Dalaran doesn't have much of a presence in every plot battle.

Now, Antonidas's troubles finally inspired a wave of fighting spirit.

When Antonidas announced that the game was over and everyone left the field, Lothar stopped Murphy.

Lothar (Regent of Stormwind City): "Lord Aidan, can we have a chat?"

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Of course, Grand Duke Lothar, what do you want from me?"

The two of them walked to a deserted place, and several of Lothar's guards circled an area where they could talk secretly.

Lothar's face showed a look of shame.

"I'm sorry that I didn't believe your words before and didn't send troops to join you in the northern expedition to Northrend. But as the regent of the Kingdom of Stormwind, I must prioritize my people. I hope you can understand."

Murphy nodded, "Of course, I can completely understand. Grand Duke Lothar doesn't have to worry about it. Other kingdoms didn't send troops."

"I'm looking for you because I want to ask you something. This kid, Varian, did a terrible thing. Although he is not bad in nature, it's just that the heavy burden forced him to take risks. However, He does pose a terrible threat to himself and the entire league.

If it weren't for him, the disaster of the Scourge might not have happened..."

Murphy shrugged noncommittally. This was not necessarily the case. The Scourge Legion would definitely appear. It was just a matter of different candidates. Lothar continued: "But I still hope to save him, not only because he is the king of the Kingdom of Stormwind, but also because I grew up watching him.

I have a hunch that maybe only you can save him. Please forgive an old man for asking too much. "

Murphy nodded with a serious expression, "Varian is also my brother. I will do my best to save him, but this requires a little cooperation. Lord Lothar, are you willing to be my brother?"


"Yes, it's crucial to saving Varian."

"If that's the case, of course I am willing. In addition, if Prince Aidan really can't save Varian, I hope you can promise me something."

"whats the matter?"

"If you can't save him personally, then save his soul. I believe he definitely doesn't want the evil orc warlock to use his body to do all kinds of evil. If you can't save him from this fate, , then end him and let him die as a human being."

Murphy was taken aback. Looking at Duke Lothar's painful expression, he thought to himself that this old man was also a cruel person.

"Okay, I promise you, I will definitely save him."


While the Alliance heroes in Dalaran were gathering their strength, the Scourge was also advancing along its planned route.

At this moment, they had arrived at the territory of the South China Sea Kingdom.

South Sea Kingdom—Hillsbrad Hills—Dark Forest Town:

Old Henry stood in the crowd, looking at the densely packed undead warriors around him. He felt as if his whole body was soaked in cold water, and fear and despair kept emerging.

(Idiot, Henry, why do you want to stay? The king has obviously ordered evacuation, so why do you still stick to your farm?

You have to farm in the fields in broad daylight! Now it's all over, you're going to die, and Emily, she's done too. )
  Old Henry's eyes fell on his wife beside him. Emily's expression was blank and frightened, just like all the villagers.

Villagers, as popular NPCs, are usually refreshed with a [-]/[-] ratio of men to women.

Since villagers, as the most common NPCs, are often killed by monsters, new ones will constantly be created to fill the vacancies, and sometimes the reorganization will be disrupted.

Old Henry was also lucky enough to have a wife one day.

He always felt that he was so lucky. With his wife, old Henry was extremely happy every day, even if it was still a boring day of farming and logging every day, he seemed to have a future.

If one day another child comes out of the family, it will be even more perfect.

However, it seems that this luck has finally come to an end.

A terrifying knight wearing skull armor slowly passed by the crowd and stopped in front of an even more terrifying knight. The knight was riding a giant dragon that exuded a deep chill. The cold feeling came from there. It came from the dragon.

‘Famine Knight’ Winter is Coming (Death Knight): “Master, these are all the captured residents.”

Winter is Coming, pointing at a group of villagers with numb expressions in front of them and said.

Gul'dan was slightly startled when he looked at these people, "There are only so many people?"

There must be thousands of people in such a big town, but in front of me there are only about a hundred villagers.

This disappointed Gul'dan.

"According to the torture, we learned that the King of Nanhai had evacuated most of the townspeople in advance, and only these people stayed because they did not evacuate in time."

"Humph, it doesn't matter. They will all be transformed into zombies and used as cannon fodder."

Old Henry listened to the conversation between the two monsters, and a strong fear and anger suddenly surged in his heart.

No, it must not be like this! You must not just sit back and die, you must do something!
  However, he can't do anything. As a farmer at level 5, he has no combat skills except farming and logging, and he doesn't even have the ability to actively attack.

And at this time, he is in a 'captive' state, and in this state, he cannot launch an attack.

No matter how scared he was, old Henry could only stand there stupidly, waiting for doom to come.

The villagers walked towards the group of black-robed necromancers in a daze, and were transformed into zombies one by one.

However, before old Henry could find a way to break the situation, misfortune had already befallen Emily one step ahead.

A necromancer raised his staff and pointed it at Emily's face.

After a spell, Emily's relatively beautiful skin instantly withered, her brown eyes glowed with a faint blue light, and she instantly turned into a walking zombie without consciousness.

Do not!
  Old Henry screamed desperately in his heart, his hands were trembling, and his face turned red due to the fury in his heart. A skeleton pushed him from behind. He should have walked over obediently and become the next victim, but at this moment , the anger was so strong that the name on his head turned red.

Old Henry (angry farmer), elite, level 15, health 550.

Henry Sr. (Angry Farmer): "Get away you monster and don't touch my wife."

He knocked the skeleton soldier in front of him staggering with one punch, snatched the rusty sword from the opponent's hand, shouted and rushed towards the necromancer. The necromancer shot a spell at him in surprise, and the old man However, Henry suddenly bent down and hid, and pierced the heart of the undead wizard with a puff of his sword.
  682 (fatal blow)!

I killed someone?

Before Old Henry could recover from the shock, he was surrounded by seven or eight skeleton soldiers.

Winter is approaching and he looks at the commotion not far away with a surprised expression. A level five villager can actually kill two skeleton soldiers who are over level [-]. How can this be justified?
  No, how did this guy become an elite?
  However, even elites are meaningless. In front of the Scourge Legion, they are just cutting down a few more skeleton soldiers.

Soon old Henry was knocked to the ground and dragged in front of Gul'dan like a dead dog.

Gul'dan was also a little surprised, "This is really interesting. A useless farmer can actually burst out with such courage."

Old Henry seemed to have broken through the invisible shackles at this time, completely losing his previous submissiveness.

"Damn monster, damn undead, don't get too proud too early. The Alliance will definitely defeat you and avenge us. You rotting corpse and dirty soul, you will definitely pay the price for your atrocities. I Curse you, curse your soul!”

"Hehehe, curse me? I'm afraid you don't understand the true meaning of the curse at all.

Huh, the nobles of your alliance have already fled. Your so-called king has abandoned you. The warriors of the alliance are defeated in front of me. Your words are meaningless. No one can defeat me, no one! "

"No, it's not like that!" Old Henry suddenly remembered something. It was a few years ago when he was farming in the farmland near Nanhai Town and met Prince Aidan. Ah, how noble and kind Prince Aidan was. He was so kind, and I had a cordial conversation with him.

He also thanked himself.

It's a pity that at that time, I didn't know what kind of demon I was looking for, and I couldn't say a word.

Yes, Prince Aidan, he will never run away incompetently like other noble kings.

He will definitely defeat this monster in front of him.

"Prince Aidan, Prince Aidan will definitely defeat you!" Old Henry shouted. There was a fanatical gleam in his eyes.

"Yes, that's it. Prince Aidan will defeat you on the battlefield and kill you with his own hands. Your fate has been determined. I believe that all this will definitely happen.

Gul'dan's face looked a little ugly.

Aidan... Aidandron... the King of Ancient Dragons... He still remembered that terrible opponent.

I don't know why, but he has an inexplicable hatred for this name in his heart, as if they had been enemies of each other a long time ago.

"Hmph, your ignorance makes me laugh. The Prince Aidan you talk about is not any better than others. If he is defeated by me once, he will be defeated by me a second time. You want to see Prince Aidan with your own eyes. Revenge for you? Okay, I will do as you wish..."

Gul'dan suddenly stabbed out with his sword. Old Henry, who was pierced by Frostmourne, instantly lost his life. His eyes glowed with blue fire, and the name on his head changed again.

Old Henry (Undead Warrior), Elite, Level 25... Also changed at the same time was the color of his name.

Like other undead, it joined the undead army in a daze, but I don't know if it was a coincidence. As they walked, it and the zombie named Emily gradually got closer to each other, and they were no longer separated.

(End of this chapter)

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