Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 556 The natural disaster of the undead versus the fourth natural disaster

Chapter 556 The natural disaster of the undead versus the fourth natural disaster
  The footsteps of the Scourge Legion did not stop because of the strong walls and clear fields. The undead were not tired and did not need supplies. Although the marching speed was not fast, it was more durable.

It can march continuously, and its march speed is faster than that of ordinary armies.

Not to mention facing an army of more than two million undead, no army can resist this natural disaster and torrent of death.

In just two days, the Scourge passed through the Hillsbrad Hills, crossed the Antana River on the third day, crossed the Edge Mountains on the fourth day, and on the fifth day, the army's The forwards have entered Dalaran.

However, even with such a rapid advance, the adventurers gathered in Dalaran were still not satisfied.

After waiting for so long and the Scourge haven't come yet, my sword is getting thirsty.

Some were impatient, bold and skilled, and they couldn't help but go to Hillsbrad and start playing guerrilla warfare.

Although the army of more than two million undead looked very terrifying, its large scale also had its disadvantages. It spread for dozens of miles and marched a dozen ways at a time. The army of more than two million people marched at the same time, and it lacked organization and formation.

Especially since most of the Scourge Legion are brainless skeleton zombies, they are very slow to respond to attacks.

With all kinds of videos uploaded to the Internet these days——

What, "Single-Growing the Scourge", "How to Use the Scourge to Quickly Level Up", "Priest's Guide to Quickly Brushing the Undead"...

All kinds of fancy extreme operations aroused the interest of adventurers, and more and more adventurers came to get the Scourge Legion's monsters, upgrades and equipment.

These adventurers often work in groups, detachments, and teams, with a large number of mages and priests in the team, like flies, constantly launching piecemeal attacks around the huge and bloated undead army that is constantly squirming.

Use various AOE magic to crazily slaughter those undead soldiers who have no long-range countermeasures, and upgrade the undead soldiers to make them fly.

Anyway, adventurers are not afraid of death, and generally do not bring too good equipment for safety reasons. Even if they are discovered by the death lords in the legion, it is not too bad to be destroyed by the death lords with their undead elite troops.

By the fifth day, there were already tens of thousands of adventurers surrounding the Scourge Legion.

Although there are some teams that accidentally attract too many monsters, but generally speaking, adventurers are continuing to bleed the Scourge.

Some bosses were even pulled out of the army's lineup and killed.

At this moment, the alliance's army was already waiting outside the city of Dalaran, ready for battle.

All the senior leaders of the alliance gathered together to discuss strategies.

"Report! The Scourge is approaching, and they are still 70 miles away from Dalaran."

"Continue to investigate."

"Have the troops from the Horde and the Dark Night Alliance not arrived yet?" Murphy asked Godwin.

Godwin shook his head, "The Horned Eagle Knights of the Dark Night Alliance have arrived, but they only have a few thousand troops and are of no use at all. As for the Horde - I guess it is impossible to come. The hatred between the Horde and the Alliance is too deep, even if it is signed The Alliance Agreement is also a neutral unit, and it’s not like you don’t know those adventurers. If the tribe comes over, they will definitely fight.”

"It seems that our alliance can only defend it alone. It feels a bit lonely."

Although this time all the countries in the alliance understood that the threat of the Scourge was definitely not a joke and responded to Dalaran's request for help, they also left a large number of troops to protect their own lands, mainly to guard against the plagues that the Cursed Sect continued to launch. attack.

It has to be said that although this cursed sect has been targeted miserably by players who know its history, it has also fulfilled its purpose of existence.

As a result, the number of troops sent by various countries to support Dalaran was obviously low. At this time, the total strength of the Alliance outside Dalaran was only [-], which was completely incomparable to the two to three million Scourge Legion.

"But it doesn't matter, don't forget that we still have adventurers."

This made everyone sigh in relief, at least the player heroes.

The Alliance is the first official optional camp to be opened, so it also has the largest number of adventurers. Now there is a large-scale event such as the natural disaster invasion, and there is no level limit, resulting in the number of adventurers outside the entire city of Dalaran reaching millions. , just ask you how to lose.

The two million undead army looks terrifying, but it seems to be nothing in front of millions of adventurers.

The most powerful thing about the Lich King is that it can transform the killed soldiers and heroes into part of the Scourge, but adventurers are not afraid of transformation. With these millions of adventurers, he will be overwhelmed.

The real threats are the Lich King himself and Galakrond, the two world-destroying bosses.

Once Dalaran is captured by the Scourge and the ritual of summoning the Burning Legion is completed, the plot campaign will be considered a failure. No matter how many adventurers there are, it will be useless, because once the Scourge changes from a mobile army to a settled one, then it will be a failure. Once you have the permission to refresh locally, it will be a protracted battle that will never end.

However, those NPCs do not have this kind of awareness. In their perception, adventurers are just a group of people who are just making ends meet.

Right now,

The six-member Dalaran Council headed by Antonidas, as well as the generals from various countries, all looked serious and were mobilizing before the war.

Antonidas (Speaker of Dalaran): "This time the Alliance is facing an unprecedentedly powerful enemy. We are alone and can only fight alone. But for the safety of the Alliance and the survival of this world, we must fight to the end... …”

A tragic atmosphere filled the conference room.

at the same time--

Winter is coming (Death Knight): "Master, a large number of adventurer teams have appeared on the left and right sides of the army. We have lost a total of about [-] troops in the past few days. Although they are all low-level cannon fodder troops, this continues Go down, intimidation is still very dangerous."

What? Half a million troops?
  Gul'dan was also shocked. A quarter of a total of two million troops had been killed in just five days. Are these adventurers so awesome?
  Fortunately, Dalaran was about to arrive. If we had left for a few more days, I might have lost our troops before we got there.

Gul'dan suddenly felt a little panicked.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "These damn adventurers, Conan the Barbarian King, winter is coming. Each of you two will lead a team of Frost Bone Dragons to clean up this garbage."

As the air force was sent out, the adventurers' attack activities were finally interrupted. No matter how mobile the adventurers were, they couldn't compare to the air units.

Thousands of adventurer groups were wiped out by groups because they did not retreat in time.

However, it is a pity that not a single prisoner was captured in the circle, and not a single undead could be transformed.

But the Lich King has long been accustomed to these strange adventurers.

It doesn't matter, as long as Dalaran is captured, everything will be over.

At this time, the alliance also dispatched its own air force, and the competition for air supremacy between the air units of both sides was already in full swing.

In this constant attack, the forward of the Scourge finally reached a place thirty miles outside Dalaran.

Kel'Thuzad looked at Dalaran in front of him with mixed feelings in his heart.

After not seeing each other for two years, he finally returned. The former member of the six-person council has now become the death lord of the Scourge.

Kel'Thuzad has not yet transformed into a lich. The transformation of a lich requires powerful magical power, and there is only one chance. In order to gain the ability to die, he must make a phylactery with a powerful magic item, but he already has a goal. Dalaran's treasure house contains a large number of powerful treasures and even artifacts. He can choose one as his phylactery.

Of course, everything can only be realized after winning the battle.

At this time, Dalaran's defenders also completed their assembly. Instead of defending the city, they formed a formation directly outside the city.

An army of half a million people spread across a cross-section of more than ten miles, and in front of this cross-section was an army of one million adventurers.

Naturally, the quality of these millions of adventurers cannot be said to be very high. There are a large number of trumpets of more than ten or twenty levels mixed with them. But even so, compared with the large number of skeleton zombie cannon fodder troops of the Scourge Legion, the quality of individual soldiers is better. The alliance is better.

Looking at the gloomy defenders like a tide, the Lich King suddenly felt something was wrong. Why did he feel that the number of enemies was not less than his own Scourge Legion?
  His original plan of flooding Dalaran with a tidal wave of undead army seemed a bit difficult to implement. Kel'Thuzad (Necromancer): "Master, are you still fighting according to the predetermined strategic plan?"

The Lich King's planned plan was to use low-level undead cannon fodder to continuously attack and consume the defenders' firepower - in the Lich King's expectation, the enemy would definitely hide in the city and defend it.

After Dalaran's firepower was fully detected and the magic power was depleted, elite troops were dispatched to break the city in one fell swoop.

But now, things are a little bit wrong.

But there was nothing that could be done to correct what was wrong. The two million undead army, with low-level cannon fodder in front, was crowded together in a mess, and there was no way to adjust the formation.

Can only go straight up.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Yes, according to the plan, the first echelon will attack across the board! Attack continuously until the enemy is destroyed! Come on, soldiers of the Scourge, warriors from the harsh winter, Devour these living people.”

In Boleleus's dragon roar, the Scourge Legion - moved!
  Countless undead warriors let out weird roars and waved rusty swords, swarming toward Dalaran like a tide. On Dalaran's side, countless adventurers also swarmed toward the Scourge like a tide.

The players shouted passionately and howled excitedly. It was so exciting to fight in this big scene of a national war involving millions of people.

Don't talk about protecting the world, fighting against the Lich King, or fighting BOSS to explode equipment.

Just participating in such an unprecedented battle is an unprecedented gaming experience.

  The two torrents suddenly collided together. The natural disaster undead had no concept of formation or coordination. They charged completely mindlessly, biting and slashing, releasing their undead creatures' hatred for the living.

The adventurers, on the other hand, were even more terrifying than the undead, and fell completely into madness. I don’t know whether the game was too realistic, or the undead were too scary. Many adventurers were completely blinded by the killing, and they were slashing like crazy while pouring potions. It was completely unacceptable. Think about concepts like teammates and formations.

There are enemies on all sides, so just kill them all if they are not alive.

The destructive light of magic continued to explode in the crowd, and the mages hiding behind felt very happy. Every magic shot could hit the enemy in large pieces, which was like a level-up paradise.

However, the undead from natural disasters are not just freeloaders. There are also a large number of necromancers, necromancers, and corpse witches hidden in them. There are many elites and small BOSS level experts. They release the plague of death into the crowd and use corpse explosion techniques. Explode the fallen corpses, causing blood and flesh to fly everywhere, poison to spread, plague to rage, and frost to bite the bones.

Thousands of undead and adventurers fell down. Judging from the scene, it was actually the Scourge Legion that had the upper hand.

Mainly because they were attacked by guerrillas before and a lot of low-level cannon fodder was consumed. Now the average quality of the troops has improved a lot. In addition, there are too many sneaky and sneaky adventurers. Many people hide behind and are unwilling to rush forward. Death caused the first wave of troops to be consumed and soon no one was willing to rush up to the current platoon.

This caused the Scourge's front to continue to move forward.

Gul'dan felt somewhat relieved.

The army of natural disasters is still very powerful.

However, what he didn't expect was that soon the front gradually began to move towards the Scourge Legion and pushed back.

It turned out that the adventurers who died in battle were resurrected and ran back to the battlefield. They had just died once, and it was when the fire was rising. When they saw that many adventurers Wuyang Wuyang were hiding behind and unwilling to rush forward, Suddenly everyone became angry.

They simply bumped into them from behind in groups, forcing the adventurers' formation to move forward.

Now, the adventurers who were in the second row and now in the first row had no choice but to fight hard. The formation of the army of millions of adventurers was so crowded that there was no place to escape even if they wanted to.

You can only continue to flow forward with the flow of people, killing the enemies in front of you, or being killed by the enemies in front of you.

The surging crowds and the tide of the undead continued to impact each other, setting off waves of blood and blood like waves.

Gul'dan looked shocked. These adventurers were so invincible and could be resurrected. Who are the undead? Who are the Scourge Legion?
  Behind the army of adventurers, the top generals of the alliance were all dumbfounded.

Especially those NPCs, Antonidas, Muradin Bronzebeard, Uther, Duke Lothar...

Although a call for adventurers was indeed issued before the war, no one ever took adventurers seriously.

As a result, they suddenly discovered that it seemed that the battle suddenly had nothing to do with them. It seemed that the adventurers had a tendency to defeat the Scourge Legion. This, this, this...

Everyone's CPUs fell into a daze.

Murphy, Godwin and others were equally surprised. Although they were well aware of the power of adventurers, they had never gathered adventurers on such a large scale before, and they did not expect that the number of adventurers would be so terrifying when it reached a certain level.

This is not an adventurer, it is clearly the legendary fourth natural disaster.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Why do I feel like nothing happens without us?"

Darkseid (King Disi): "I said, will the Scourge be bulldozed by a wave of adventurers?"

Morgan Lisa (Grand Arcanist): "Wait a minute, if the adventurers wipe out the Scourge in one wave, then whose head belongs to the Lich King?"

Lord Voldemort (Shadow Mage): "Nonsense, whoever is closest will be the winner."

Everyone looked at each other and suddenly all reacted.

At this time, if anyone can rush to the front and casually cause a little damage to the Lich King, and wait until the Lich King is killed by the adventurer, he will be able to kill a plot for nothing.

Not only the Lich King, but all the BOSS of the Scourge Legion can be calculated in this way.

Thinking of this, the heroes present couldn't sit still.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "Soldiers of Lordaeron, we must not let our brave adventurers fight alone. For the sake of Lordaeron and the alliance, charge with me!" With the Knights of the Silver Hand, he launched an attack.

Darkseid (King of Desi): "Soldiers of the Kingdom of Desi, we must not let the name of the mountain warrior be tarnished. Come against me."

Kaya Windrunner (Ranger General): "What are you waiting for? Elf warriors, attack for the glory of Quel'Thalas."

Watching troops break away from the line and launch an attack.

Those NPCs couldn't sit still. They were indeed worthy of being the King of Holy Light, so brave and fearless.

Let me go, King Dixi, a mere principality king, is so brave?

What, an elf general like Kaya Windrunner is also on board?
  No, no, we have to go too.

"For Khaz Modan!"

"For the Alliance!"

"For the glory of Stormwind!"

Amid waves of orders, the alliance's respective armies launched a full-line attack.

Gul'dan's face turned pale as he looked at the attacking Alliance army.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Come, come all, come to meet your destined destruction, mortals, come to meet your final destiny, ants! Soldiers, warriors, and servants who attack the Scourge. You, for your master, kill all living creatures!"

The core force of the Scourge Legion, the Death Lords of hundreds of meters, the Scourge BOSS, led their elite monster groups and also launched a full-scale attack.

(End of this chapter)

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