Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 557 The Destroyer Form

Chapter 557 The Destroyer Form

Times have changed!

Soaring in the sky, Murphy looked down at the changes on the battlefield and felt this deeply.

There has never been a plot battle in the past where so many adventurers were concentrated. When the number of adventurers reaches a certain limit, they will have enough power to influence the development of the plot.

In the past, heroes and soldiers were the key to determining the outcome of the war, but with the increasing number of adventurer players, it is conceivable that whoever can control adventurers in the future will have the key elements to be invincible in plot events.

At this moment, the crazy army of adventurers had sunk to the bottom and defeated Wang Li's army of the Scourge Legion.

After all, adventurers have an absolute advantage in the proportion of professions. They have various professions, different types of abilities, and the tactics they can use are completely unmatched by ordinary NPC armies or monster legions.

Once they adapt to the undead's fighting style, adventurers quickly master how to deal with it.

A large number of warriors and paladins with thick blood and high defense formed an undulating battle line, all equipped with various BUFFs to protect against death magic. They were followed by a large number of priests, with golden holy light flashing one after another, and countless undead souls. It gradually turned into ashes under the illumination of the holy light.

Holy light is indeed the most positive energy, and has a natural restraint effect on the undead. Once the concentration of the holy light reaches a certain level, it will be like a golden fortress, making it difficult for the undead army to advance.

This golden line of defense continuously blocked the offensive of the natural disaster army.

Behind the Holy Light defense line are a large number of mages. In terms of spell-casting troops, no army can compare with adventurers. The Scourge Legion often has hundreds of skeleton zombie ghouls paired with three or five necromancers. Among the adventurers, spellcasters can be used on a large scale just like ordinary warriors, knights and archers. The AOE magic in the sky is thrown into the monster pile for free, constantly consuming the strength of the Scourge Legion.

If this situation continues, it is estimated that within an hour, the Scourge Legion will be unable to withstand it.

However, at this moment, a terrifying shadow of a dark cloud appeared over the battlefield.

It's Galakrond!
  Its huge mountainous body set off hurricane-like airflow during its flight, and the air forces of both sides fighting were scattered like fallen leaves in the hurricane.

Even giant beasts in the air like the Frost Bone Dragon fled away like birds under a plane.

The adventurers who were fighting below suddenly discovered that the sky had turned dark. They raised their heads in surprise, and then saw a terrifying scene.

The terrifying dragon, filled with the aura of death, descended from the sky overwhelmingly.

Rumble rumble...!
  The violent impact set off strong winds all over the sky, and the dull loud noise made the earth tremble. Countless adventurers flew out under the impact of the shock wave, and more adventurers were directly crushed under Galakrond. , instantly turned into broken bones and flesh.

Thousands of adventurers were killed at once.

However, in the face of such a terrifying giant beast, the adventurers who had already killed themselves had no fear - although many people fell into a state of fear due to the effect of dragon power, the vast majority of players not only did not fear but became more Get excited.

"Hahaha, such a big BOSS can definitely explode a magical weapon."

"Use your full power, don't worry about the little monsters, just do this big one for me!"

"Kill, kill, kill. If you want to win a prize, come and help!"

This kind of plot boss, as long as you participate in the kill, you usually have the right to pick it up. Although you may not be able to touch it, you still have a chance, just like buying a lottery ticket.

You must know that this is a world-destroying BOSS. As long as you kill it, there is a high probability that the artifact will drop. What if you are lucky enough to touch the artifact?

That's the rhythm of taking off instantly.

This idea is in the minds of most players.
  Most of the people who play the adventurer template are ordinary people. Although they have a little money, they are basically incomparable to the rich. Now that you have the opportunity to make a huge sum of money and change your destiny with swords and magic, what else can be better than this? More exciting?

Therefore, Galakrond suddenly became the target of all players.

The sky was full of magic and countless attacks fell on Galakrond.

However, to the disappointment of players, these attacks had no effect.

Unlike other BOSS, Galakrond does not have a health bar. There is only a series of health bars above his head? ? ? ?

The tens of thousands of players close to Galakrond output wildly for more than a minute, but no change could be seen.

"Wocao, what the hell is this thing? Why does it have no health bar?"

"How to fight this?"

"Is there a bug in the system?"

"Come on, my sea view room, please don't be so cheating."

Galakrond showed no mercy at all. The mountain version of the body rushed through the dense army of adventurers, like a crocodile rushing into an ant pile.

Every step of the foot can trample dozens or hundreds of players to death.

The black aura of death that permeated the whole body caused the approaching melee players to lose their blood and cause heavy casualties.

The hurricane set off by the wings blew away the bows and arrows, and each breath of dragon breath could kill a large number of adventurers.

Seeing that the adventurers' offensive was unfavorable, the heroes of the Alliance then launched a siege on Galakrond.

The drop of Galakrond is not only effective for adventurers, but also for heroes, especially those mage heroes. It is a good opportunity to fish in troubled waters. How can you give up? For such a big BOSS, you don't even have to aim.

All the most powerful magics were poured out crazily towards Galakrond.

However, it was also ineffective. The mountains continued to advance, almost unstoppable, and the entire Union army's line was crumbling.

No, if this continues, the adventurers' formation may be penetrated.

Murphy knew that he had to take action.

Dragon Thunder Storm!

He directly activated AOE, and red thunder thundered down from the sky.

Still no use! Even real damage was useless. Galakrond's damaged body quickly recovered under the torment of the power of death.

The Immortal Dragon King is indeed immortal!

Murphy was not surprised. Galakrond was once the King of Ancient Dragons, and unlike Murphy, who relied on his uniqueness to become the King of Ancient Dragons, Galakrond was the most powerful of all ancient dragons.

Even though it was cursed by flesh and blood, it did not know how many lives and powers it devoured tens of thousands of years ago. It was killed and resurrected. Its terrifying power is still unmatched.

That? ? ? ? The health bar is proof that, at least in terms of life form, it has exceeded the upper limit of the game's rules.

Unless you have the destructive power above the rules, you cannot destroy it.

Roar! After being struck hundreds of times by the Dragon Thunder Storm, Galakrond finally became angry. It roared at the Ancient Dragon King, but the Lich King immediately gave the order to continue moving forward.

Galakrond roared, and the behemoth moved on, heading straight for Dalaran.

Above the rules... destructive power...

Murphy suddenly realized something. He knew what advancement direction he should choose.

To confront the terrifying behemoth in front of us, we can only defeat it by transforming into the Destroyer.

Without hesitation, Murphy suddenly made a choice.

[System prompt: You chose the [World-Destroying Dragon] advancement, and you opened the World-Destroying Wish: Destroy the World. 】

[System prompt: Your size has increased, your blood volume has increased, you have obtained advanced enhancement - [Absolute Power], and you have obtained the advanced skill [Destroyer Form].

Murphy felt the power in his body surge instantly.

The rocky dragon scales became thicker and more solid, the immortal body became thicker and more domineering, and the body under the rocky dragon scales seemed to have endless power.

His size increased by 30% in the blink of an eye, and his wingspan reached 150 meters.

But this was not enough. Such power did not exceed the rules of reality and was not enough to defeat Galakrond.

I want to become stronger! Absolutely powerful!
  World Destroyer Form - On!
  Roar! The terrifying roar resounded across the sky, and the deafening sound waves scared the adventurers on the ground. They couldn't help but look towards the sky, and then they saw an unforgettable scene.

A four-winged dragon with a wingspan of more than two hundred meters appeared in the sky.

Mo Fei felt as if the power in his body erupted like a volcano. The size of the Ancient Dragon King further expanded. Because the volume expanded too fast, the dragon scales that originally covered the whole body could hardly remain intact. A series of cracks appeared on his body. On the Ancient Dragon King's body, crimson thunder and lightning spurted out crazily from between the cracks, as red as blood.

That was the result of the ancient dragon king's body being too powerful and unable to suppress it.

how so? Murphy was a little surprised, but what was more in his heart was the excitement brought about by gaining endless power.

Such a powerful force!
  Power enough to destroy the world!
  It is indeed the [World Destroyer] form!
  Galakrond finally stopped moving forward. It felt a huge threat and ignored the attacks from the enemies around it. It raised its head and faced the ancient dragon king in the sky.

The blood-like red dragon thunder made Galakrond's lifeless eyes flash with anger and fear. It seemed to have remembered something, and let out a sad and distant dragon roar.

The next second, Murphy dived down suddenly. Although there was still a huge gap between him and Galakrond in terms of size, he was no longer inferior to him in terms of momentum.

Galakrond also waved his wings vigorously and rushed towards the Ancient Dragon King.

  The huge impact force knocked the mountain back continuously. Mo Fei did not need to flap the dragon wings. The ancient dragon wings allowed him to naturally maintain stability in mid-air. However, Galakrond could not do this. It had to rely on flapping its wings to provide Lift.

Without fully exerting his strength, he was directly knocked back to the ground by Murphy.

Aidandron struggled to grab Galakrond's horns and press it toward the ground. Galakrond tried hard to raise its head, but its terrifying size did not allow it to gain a strength advantage.

He was actually suppressed.

The dragon's head created a trench in the ground.

This was the first time that this situation of being suppressed occurred. Galakrond couldn't help but become furious and kept roaring, trying to overthrow the Ancient Dragon King.

But Mo Fei couldn't do what he wanted. Once Galakrond moved him, the huge kinetic energy brought by the terrifying size would be irresistible, and he had to be pinned to the ground.

Galakrond's dragon wings spread out in anger, and the breath of death spurted out from its body. Countless terrifying resentful souls, hateful spirits, and shadowy evil spirits flew out from the black mist around it.

This is the undead army transformed by Galakrond that devoured countless lives tens of thousands of years ago.

They have endless hatred for Galakrond, but they have to protect Galakrond as their host because of their survival instinct.

At this time, they all rushed towards the Ancient Dragon King.

Mo Fei is naturally not afraid of these undead monsters. Although there are many and powerful monsters, they are all elite monsters.

But with the strength of the Ancient Dragon King, it is not difficult to deal with these things, but he cannot relax at all now.

But do you think you are the only one who can summon it?
  "Strong wind--obey my command!"

A huge gap was suddenly torn in the sky, and the boundary between the real plane and the wind elemental plane was instantly broken. A dense cloud appeared. Wind elements, thunder elements, hurricane elements, living whirlwinds, and various wind clan elements appeared. Members poured out of the rift.

They accept the call of the Wind King and come to join the battle.

Both sides were flying units, and they immediately fought with the evil spirits released by Galakrond.

Super Dragon Thunder Breath!
  Murphy spit dragon thunder at Galakrond's head.

This time, Galakrond finally felt threatened, and the dragon thunder blasted the scales above its head into pieces, causing bone fragments to fly everywhere.

The World Destroyer - Super Dragon Thunder Breath! Even Galakrond's mountain-like body could not bear the terrifying destructive power. What made it even more angry was that the injury could not be healed.

This is because in the form of the Destroyer - Murphy's attacks can cause permanent damage to everything.

Even a creature like Galakrond, which has exceeded the rules of the system, cannot be exempted from this permanent damage.

At this moment, seeing Galakrond being beaten on the head by the Ancient Dragon King, the heroes all breathed a sigh of relief.

This kind of monster with no health bar is so huge that neither attack magic nor control skills are useless. It is really helpless and I really don't know how to deal with it.

Even Morgan Lisa's eternal ice mist is almost impossible to have any effect due to the large size of the target. Even if it freezes part of the body, it will not hinder the movement of the entire Galakrond.

Now this guy has finally been held back.

Godwin was even more delighted when he saw the Ancient Dragon King fighting with Galakrond.

What he fears most in this battle is the Ancient Dragon King. What he fears most is that the Ancient Dragon King steals the limelight again.

Now that Aidan and Galakrond are facing each other now, and Emperor Shenwu and Ba Dao Wuwu are not here, wouldn't there be no one to rob the Lich King? Wouldn't it be the best opportunity for him to show his strength.

That's right.

As long as you kill the Lich King with your own hands, you can be directly promoted to legend, and then you can get the artifact from the Lich King. When the time comes, the world will be united and everyone will follow, and you will be the first person in this game.

The supreme will will definitely give you more gifts.

Thinking of this, Godwin couldn't wait any longer.

Godwin (King of Holy Light): "Soldiers of the Knights of the Silver Hand, follow me to kill the enemy!"

As soon as he stepped forward, a ray of Holy Light Slaying Evil slashed through a long crack in the undead army in front of him.

Uther and other paladins behind him also released the holy light one after another. The holy light directly blasted away the already messy front of the Scourge Legion and went directly into the core of the enemy's formation.

There was also a group of knights coming in front, but it was the Ebon Blade Knights composed of death knights led by the Lich King.

At this moment, the two knights were facing each other.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Godwin? Hum, we meet again, and this time no one is standing in front of you."

What he said was the last battle on Death Beach, Godwin's experience of being forced to be a nurse.

Godwin snorted coldly. He got angry when he mentioned this matter, but this time it was completely different.

Godwin (King of Holy Light): "Gul'dan, today I will let you understand that in the face of the power of Holy Light, your power of death is meaningless - everyone loves me, I'm going to fuck you!"

Although he wanted to go up, facing the Lich King directly, Godwin still felt a little weak, and he didn't have enough BUFF to join him.

"Holy Light, give me power!"

God-given skills—Heavenly Arms!
  Golden armor appeared on his body, covering his whole body. On the golden law sword in his hand, an invisible light blade emerged, and a golden sword energy of five or six meters long surged out.

This is the reward I got after completing the mission last time, and now it finally comes in handy.

The paladins behind him also blessed Godwin with various blessings.

Divine blessing!
  Divine power!
  Divine power!
  Divine gift!

Blessings of strength!

Blessing of the king!
  Blessings of courage!

Holy Light Shield!

Evil aura...

Equipped with heavenly weapons and more than a dozen powerful BUFFs, Godwin was as dazzling as a Saint of Holy Light at this moment.

Holy wings!

A pair of golden wings emerged behind him, and Godwin's figure floated directly into the air and rushed towards the Lich King.

(End of this chapter)

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