Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 558 He tricked me again

Chapter 558 He tricked me again

"Kill! For Lordaeron! For the Alliance!"

"Kill, for the Lich King!"

Just as Godwin was attacking Gul'dan, the Lords of the Holy Knights of the Knights of the Silver Hand were also fighting with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse of the Knights of the Ebon Blade.

Uther faced Winter is Coming, Gavinrad Doom faced Conan the Barbarian, Dathrohan faced Kargas Blade Fist, Garithos faced Genn Greymane...

The Four Silver Saints (Garisses filled the vacancy after Mograine died) were evenly matched against the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

At the same time, the seven Guardian candidates also summoned their own summoned creatures.

Fire Lord, Wilderness Demigod, Astral Wandering Dragon, Granite Elemental Giant...

These powerful summoned creatures would be BOSS-level existences anywhere else, but in this battle involving millions of people, they are just powerful combat units.

Even the most powerful Fire Demon Lord can't resist thousands of undead by himself.

The most direct way to defeat the Scourge is to kill the Lich King himself.

However, killing the Lich King is not easy.

Godwin and Gul'dan only fought for three or five rounds, and they immediately felt tremendous pressure.

Although he has acquired a bunch of BUFFs to improve his strength, compared to the Lich King, Godwin is obviously still weak.

Even with the multiple divine skills granted by the Supreme Will, they can only barely parry.

You must know that heroes have no chance of winning in a war of attrition in a one-on-one duel against a BOSS. If you switch to an ordinary hero, he will probably run away in three or five rounds. The difference in blood volume is too big.

If a hero wants to defeat the BOSS, he must either rely on the cooperation of multiple heroes, plus the support of adventurers, or rely on the powerful killing of hero skills.

But the most terrible thing is that Gul'dan is not afraid of killing at all. This is completely unexplainable.

The powerful attribute bonus of the version BOSS is even stronger than Godwin's BUFF.

After just a few hard blows, he was quickly pressed down and beaten by the Lich King.

All kinds of death magic and evil magic kept attacking Godwin. Godwin could only rely on the powerful purifying and sheltering effect of the power of holy light to barely sustain himself.

Fortunately, Godwin is also a blood bull. The leader of the camp has a tenfold increase in health. Before the war, he also obtained the favor of a golden tree, which gave him a 2.5-fold increase in health. The blood volume is as high as over 30, which is also rare in the field. Someone who can confront the Lich King head-on.

However, compared with the Lich King's blood volume of more than five million, it is still far behind.

However, although he was at a slight disadvantage, Godwin did not panic. He was not arrogant enough to want to kill the Lich King alone.

In a server-wide large-scale melee like this, with so many participants, the one who ultimately takes down the BOSS will definitely not be the result of one person's military exploits. Usually, the final outcome is that a certain hero leads all the heroes to join forces to kill the villain.

Just like when the heroes of the alliance killed Orgrim.

It's the same now, and what he wants to grab is the position of the heroic leader who leads the heroes.

As long as you can resist the Lich King's early offensive and wait until others start to deal damage, victory will naturally not be a problem.

As someone who faced the Lich King head-on, his greatest achievement in the end was his own.

Godwin's calculations were very shrewd.

Sure enough, seeing Godwin and the Lich King fighting back and forth, and they were at a stalemate for a while, many heroes suddenly joined in, especially those mage hero players who accepted the guardian selection task. This task requires Kill the Death Lord of the Scourge Legion. The more powerful the BOSS you kill, the higher the ranking. Which BOSS is higher than the Lich King?
  So they all gave up the battle to harvest the undead soldiers and moved closer to the core of the battlefield.

Various powerful magics were blasted out from a distance.

  Arcane barrage!

The wrath of the stars!
  Boom boom boom! A series of magic fell on the Lich King, exploding with light.

Godwin suddenly felt happy - he's here.

Godwin (King of Holy Light): "Fight bravely, warriors of the Alliance, for justice, for the Alliance, and for the peace of the world, join me in destroying this enemy!"

While shouting, he activated the halo of dominance to enhance the morale of surrounding allies.

More and more heroes are coming towards this side, ready to assist.

Gul'dan was knocked back by a series of magic attacks. Although this damage could not pose a fatal threat to him, it was not very damaging but extremely insulting.

A trace of killing intent flashed in his eyes. With the experience of the battle on Death Beach, he already knew how to face the siege of many heroes. The key was not to stare at the tanks and pick out the crispy ones. It is better to cut off one of his fingers than to injure ten of them.

It was a bit troublesome for him to kill Godwin, but he was very good at dealing with these old bastards who only knew how to shoot and throw magic.

Death freezes!

First use a big control move to freeze Godwin.

Then Gul'dan raised his hand, and the power of death directly locked onto the mage closest to him - Floating Dream.

Death Grip!

An invisible force instantly pulled the floating dream over.

With a snap, he strangled the great star magician by the neck.

Floating Dream was so frightened that he quickly activated his life-saving skills.

Ice Barrier!

The whole person was instantly frozen in a huge ice block.

This magic is a very powerful life-saving skill. Generally speaking, once it is released, it is basically absolutely safe, at least you will not be harmed until the magic ends.

However, Gul'dan laughed ferociously. Frostmourne is an artifact that controls the power of frost and death. If you dare to freeze it in front of me, you are seeking death!
  Gul'dan (Lich King): "Frostmourne - hungry!"

Soul-stealing blade!

Poof, the sword edge pierced the outer shell of the ice and stabbed into the inside. With a click, a huge crack opened in the refrigerator. The ice blocked the sword edge, but the sword edge continued to penetrate deeper into the ice, piercing deeper and deeper. Deep, finally - the sword sharply stabbed Floating Dream's chest.

With just this moment, the power of death was suddenly poured into Floating Dream's body, and a trace of her soul was immediately sucked away by Frostmourne.

boom! The ice coffin exploded instantly, and Floating Dream stumbled to the ground. She knelt on the ground, covering the scars on her chest in disbelief. The coldness of death spread throughout her body, and the sound of system prompts rang in her ears.

[System prompt: You have been killed. Since you were killed by the Lich King himself, you have been given a chance to choose.

Option 1: Accept the Lich King's transformation. Your race will be automatically transformed into the undead race, retaining most of its ranks, skills, and attributes in life, fighting for the Lich King, and will also be controlled by the Lich King.

Your profession [Grand Astromancer] will be automatically converted into - [Undead Seer], and your skills will be converted into the same type of necromancy spells.

Option 2: Refuse to surrender to the Lich King: Your character will die permanently and cannot log in again, but the character will appear in the battle sequence of the Scourge and become an NPC character. 】

Floating Dream felt like she wanted to cry but she didn't expect that the first person to be killed in this war would be her, my guardian.

Although I have already advanced, I still have so many life-saving items that I haven’t had time to use.

However, for heroic players, death comes so suddenly.

Floating Dream felt hopeless for a while, but after a while, she was still unwilling to die. Without thinking much, Floating Dream directly chose to accept the transformation. We couldn't let this top account worth millions die in vain. .

Although the appearance is a bit worse after turning into an undead, it is still playable.

The vitality in Floating Dream's eyes was instantly replaced by the blue soul fire.

The green names of the surrounding allies instantly turned blood red, while the undead monsters of the Scourge Legion became the colors of the allies.

This suddenly made all the mages around him dumbfounded. They originally thought that with Godwin in front, they could happily mix up the assists.

Unexpectedly, he became a direct target.

Yes, the bosses in this game are all intelligent. Cutting to the back row is definitely a routine operation.

At that moment, they all withdrew from the battle and started to kill other bosses of the Scourge Legion. Kill the Lich King whoever you like, I won’t serve him anymore.

Not only did several mages run away, but some wet nurses also withdrew from the battle.

Only the heroes of the Knights of the Silver Hand were left, fighting alongside Godwin loyally.

In the blink of an eye, what was originally a great situation where everyone united to attack the Lich King, turned into a situation where the Knights of the Silver Hand singled out the Knights of the Ebon Blade.

Godwin broke free from the ice and continued to fight the Lich King, but secretly screamed in his heart.

Godwin (King of Holy Light): "Don't leave. Warriors of the Alliance, fight side by side with me. We will definitely win."

Yet no one paid him any attention.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Why, are you afraid? King of mankind, have you felt the chill of death? Have you felt the call of the underworld? Give up resistance and join the Scourge!"

"No, never!" Godwin roared and attacked fiercely with his sword.

Crusaders strike! Holy Light Angry Blade! Light Cross Slash!

A set of combos dealt more than [-] damage, but Gul'dan was not defeated. When Godwin's attack weakened, the next second, the soul-stealing blade struck him head-on.

Godwin's moves were too old and he had no time to dodge, so he could only parry with his sword.

Frostmourne and the Great Sword of Golden Law collided, sputtering out ripples of death and holy light.

  Godwin felt huge power coming from his hand, and was so shocked that he stepped back repeatedly. Even the blade in his hand had a crack.

Although the Great Sword of the Golden Law is a legendary weapon, it is still inferior to the artifact of Frostmourne. If the Great Sword of the Golden Law had not been of the Holy Light attribute and could restrain the undead, it would have broken long ago.

Even if it doesn't break, it won't last long.

Withering Barrier!

A ball of death energy surrounded Godwin, constantly eroding the Holy Light protection on his body.

Evil energy strikes!

Another sharp blow, Frostmourne flashed with the green light of evil. Gul'dan mixed death magic and evil magic, and the effect was quite good.

Godwin could only keep retreating. Half of his blood volume had been knocked out, and he did not dare to exchange blood with the opponent easily.

"Uther, support me!" he shouted.

As soon as Uther turned his head, he saw Godwin being forced into danger. He hurriedly tried to rescue him, but was immediately blocked by the death knight in front of him.

'Famine' Winter is Coming (Death Knight): "Your opponent is me, Uther. Don't think about saving your boss. Godwin, the bastard, must die today."

'Lightbringer' Uther (Lord Paladin): "Winter is coming, why do you do this? You were once a noble prince of the Lordaeron royal family, but now you have fallen into evil. Don't be stubborn anymore."

'Famine' Winter is Coming (Death Knight): "You damn prince, Godwin wants to mess with me, and I can't make it easy for him. Who made you not support me as king in the first place? It's too late to say this now." ”

Several great lords of the Knights of the Silver Hand were tightly entangled by the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse and had no chance to support them.

Ordinary Paladins are also blocked by the Ebon Blade Knight and his Death Knight.

Godwin finally became anxious as he saw that his blood volume was getting less and less and no one was around to help him.

It's not good to go on like this.

Why the hell am I the only one fighting the Lich King?

By the way, I still have a trump card!

Godwin (King of Holy Light): "Heroic warriors from the sacred realm, obey my call!"

Behind Godwin, the shadow of the golden tree suddenly appeared, and in the dazzling golden light, a dozen heroic warriors with golden holy light all over their bodies walked out side by side.

These are the souls of the paladins who died in the past year. They obtained the leaves of the golden tree during their lifetime. After their death, their souls can return to the golden tree and become heroic warriors.

Accept the call in critical moments and continue the fight against evil.

A dozen heroic warriors surrounded Gul'dan, and Godwin took the opportunity to prepare to run away.

How could Gul'dan let him run away.

This is the leader of the alliance, and killing him will greatly damage the enemy's morale.

Artifact skill—Darkness of a Thousand Souls!
  A thousand souls sealed in Frostmourne spurted out. A thousand souls were like a thousand dark energy bombs. When they fell on the heroic warriors, powerful shadow energy exploded. The constant collision explosions destroyed the bodies of these heroic warriors. They were crushed one after another. Although the heroic warriors would not die, the destruction of their bodies also meant that their souls would return to the golden tree, waiting for the next call.

Godwin's heroic warrior was destroyed with one move, and Godwin's idea of ​​​​running away was suddenly shattered.

Death Grip!

Godwin could only raise his sword to resist.

"Don't you understand yet, human king, your power is meaningless in front of me." The Lich King stepped towards Godwin step by step, and Godwin stepped back step by step.

"Your life ends here today. Don't worry. Soon you will become a member of the Scourge and serve me."

"Come, fight and die, it's yours..."

boom! A huge roar suddenly came from the sky, interrupting Gul'dan's words.

Gul'dan's expression suddenly changed when he looked up. Galakrond's huge body was falling from the sky.

The undead dragon king, a world-destroying powerful being, the ancient dragon king Galakrond, was defeated unexpectedly.

Facing the huge Dragon King falling from the sky, both sides could only evacuate backwards at the same time.

boom! Galakrond's huge body fell in the middle of the battlefield, crushing countless mobs and adventurers to death. It struggled to get up from the ground, its body covered with scars, and its mountain-like body had become broken. It was unbearable, with cracks and wounds everywhere, and its wings were almost disintegrating.

The breath of death continued to spurt out of Galakrond's body, and he tried to repair his injuries, but to no avail.

Roar! The World-Destroying Dragon showed no mercy and swooped down from the sky at great speed, spitting out a dazzling dragon thunder.

boom! The dragon thunder knocked Galakrond's raised head down again.

The power of death continued to escape, and its huge body seemed unable to be lifted.

The World-Destroying Dragon landed directly on Galakrond's head, its sharp dragon claws constantly tearing at Galakrond's huge body.

At this moment, Galakrond still has no health bar, but it seems that it is no longer working.

Murphy is still continuing to attack. He can probably guess what is going on at this time. Galakrond has died long ago, and what is resurrected now is just its body and a trace of remaining consciousness, like a huge Like a puppet.

Galakrond cannot be killed at all, because it is not alive in the first place. It is an aggregation of the power of death. It can only be defeated and fall into eternal sleep again.

At this moment, it seemed that he was about to be destroyed again.

There was a rare clarity in Galakrond's eyes.

"King of Ancient Dragons... Aidandron... end this... Kamyatra is calling us... don't fail..."

Super Cologne Thunder!
  boom! This dragon thunder struck Galakrond between the eyebrows. The violent dragon thunder penetrated the head directly and shot from the lower jaw to the ground. Galakrond collapsed suddenly, the aura of death on his body disappeared, and the originally integrated skeleton collapsed again. , turned into a hill-like mound of bones. .

Galakrond, defeated.

Godwin looked at the ancient dragon king spreading his dragon wings on Dragon Bone Mountain and roaring, feeling helpless in his heart.

"Fuck, now he's tricked me again."

Godwin was unwilling to give in, but at the same time he was glad that he finally no longer had to face the Lich King's blade alone.

(End of this chapter)

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