Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 559 The sea of ​​brothers attacks

Chapter 559 Sea of ​​Brothers——Attack

"Wocao, the King of Ancient Dragons is still awesome!"

"The hero can also switch to BOSS form. This is too exaggerated."

"Damn it, why can't I pick up this Galakrond? It didn't even pop out."

"Galakrond is probably a mechanical BOSS. It doesn't even have a health bar. Maybe it doesn't drop at all."

"I think it's a summoned creature, isn't it said that Galakrond was resurrected by the Lich King?"

"Speaking of which, the Ancient Dragon King is also a world-destroying BOSS. If you kill him, you will definitely be able to explode the artifact, right?"

"It's really possible. Why don't you give it a try?"

At this moment, the adventurers surrounding Galakrond's huge corpse looked at this astonishing scene and started talking about it. The unreasonable existence of the Ancient Dragon King was really dazzling in the eyes of the players.

This is such an illegal operation.

Not to mention, there are quite a few people who are ready to make a move when they look at the World-Destroying Dragon, which is exuding the Destroying Dragon Thunder.

If you kill this, how many good things will be exploded.

However, although many people are eager to try it, no one dares to take action, and no one is stupid. Such a world-destroying BOSS can still fly, and it is almost impossible to win it without a hero leading the team.

Even if you can agree, whoever takes action first will definitely be used as cannon fodder, and will not be able to make any profit in the end.

But which hero dares to gamble with his own life?

So let’s fight the Lich King, this guy looks much easier to bully.

"The big dragon is gone, what are you waiting for, brothers? Kill the Lich King and explode the artifact!"

I don't know who shouted, and in an instant the adventurers all clamored to abandon the opponent in front of them, bypass Galakrond's corpse, and kill the Lich King.

Killing the Lich King is the theme of today's event, and there are so many heroes here, as well as the Ancient Dragon King. Nine times out of ten, we can win it, so hurry up and get the rights to pick it up.

Since Galakrond doesn't explode equipment, we must expect the Lich King to explode.

Amid the shouts, magic arrows filled the sky flying towards Gul'dan. The warriors charged, the knights mounted their horses, the thieves sneaked around, and all the adventurers showed their magical powers and took action together.

They are not afraid of death at all, let alone being transformed into undead. They face countless adventurers Gul'dan but don't care.

If the hero is no match for himself, how can these ant-like mortals be his opponents?

With a wave of his hand - Bone Shield!
  A white bone shield wall surrounded the Lich King, absorbing all long-range firepower.

Death withered!

An evil purple light suddenly appeared on the surrounding ground, and the adventurers immediately noticed that their health points were rapidly losing.

Life Drain!

Countless rays of green light connected the adventurer to the Lich King, and their vitality was quickly absorbed.

The adventurers screamed as they were sucked in. This wave of siege not only failed to deal much damage, but allowed Gul'dan to take the opportunity to regain a mouthful of blood.

Godwin was also frantically adding blood to himself, and his blood volume quickly returned to full after a few rays of holy light.

Murphy looked at the Lich King who was killing the adventurers indiscriminately, and couldn't help but shook his head. Although the number of adventurers was too large, it was scary, but that was only for ordinary monsters, but for the world-destroying BOSS, Still too weak.

Especially for a BOSS with blood-sucking skills like the Lich King, even if he piles up heads, he may not be able to kill him. No matter how much he comes, it will be in vain.

It seems that I still have to take action myself.

Well, the power of death has not yet been seized. If you want to gain power, you must die in person.

(Let me see how your version of the BOSS Lich King will respond in front of the World-Destroying Dragon.)
  Mo Fei spread his dragon wings and soared into the sky.

Quickly approaching from the air, a dragon thunder shot out towards the Lich King.

Dragon thunder breath!

Gul'dan thrust Frostmourne into the ground.

Ice barrier!

The ice walls rose up layer by layer, and then shattered layer by layer under the bombardment of dragon thunder.

Dragon thunder breath!

Mo Fei had no intention of stopping. In the Destroyer form, the dragon's thunder breath alone was enough to deal horrific damage.

boom! The ice barrier was finally completely shattered.

Immediately afterwards, the Bone Shield on the Lich King was also blasted away.

Although the Lich King is powerful, its displacement ability is very limited, and it has no ability to dodge at all. After the body protection spell is penetrated, it can only rely on its blood volume to resist. After being sprayed by Murphy with a few mouthfuls of dragon thunder breath, its blood volume is crazy. Lost tens of thousands.

However, the Lich King didn't care.

Advanced Sacrifice Contract!

[Advanced Sacrifice Contract: Sacrifice an undead unit under your control and restore you health equal to 3 times the health of the unit. 】

  Not far away, a huge abomination suddenly screamed and turned into a pile of broken bones. The power of death in the body was instantly extracted, and Gul'dan's blood volume also increased to +21000! huge green characters.

Dragon thunder breath!

Sacrifice contract!

My day, how do I fight this?
  Murphy glanced around and saw the boundless army of undead, which was the Lich King's endless blood pack.

And not only the undead can restore blood to the Lich King, but adventurers can also be sucked by life.

Not only can it suck the blood of players, but it can also suck the blood of its own men. Five million health points are terrifying enough, and it can continue to regenerate blood. How can you kill them?

Seeing the Ancient Dragon King stop attacking, Gul'dan also sneered and stopped sucking blood.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Eldandron, the Ancient Dragon King, we meet again. It seems that your power has become stronger. Someone once predicted that you will kill me with your own hands, hahahaha, but it seems that you have some Nothing can be done.

Now it's my turn, Reptile, to face the power of the Lich King. "

The Darkness of a Thousand Souls—The Rain of Wronged Souls!
  He waved Frostmourne, and countless souls flew out of the sword, chasing Mo Fei all over the sky.

Boom boom boom!

These souls collided with Murphy and immediately exploded in a series of silent explosions.

The soul energy was released in an instant, making a shrill roar, like black and purple fireworks blooming all over the sky.

However, underneath the gorgeous scene was an astonishing amount of damage. This move was soul damage, and even a powerful ancient dragon could not be completely exempted from it. More than [-] health points were blown away by a series of explosions.

Mo Fei rose into the sky, but those souls followed him like shadows, constantly catching up and exploding.

Gul'dan (The Lich King): "I hold the power of death and control thousands of souls. I understand the mystery of death. The boundary between life and death is no longer an insurmountable boundary for me. The Ancient Dragon's King, you can’t defeat me, let alone kill me, I’m immortal!”

Immortal? Galakrond is also immortal, so let me kill him.

I still don’t believe it today.

Super Dragon Thunder...

Murphy suddenly started to charge up, preparing for a fully charged ultimate dragon thunder.

However, Gul'dan took action.

Evil energy penetrates the killing wave!
  boom! The shock wave of evil energy burned a big hole in Murphy's left wing.

Murphy's dragon thunder was suddenly interrupted, and he was shocked and angry.

This guy is probably even more powerful than the Lich King in history. Not only can he use death magic, the power of ice, but he can even use evil spells.

Fel spells all deal chaotic damage, and they ignore resistance categories. They can cause effective damage even when facing sacred armor such as gods and titans.

Although the body of the ancient dragon is powerful, it cannot be exempted from it.

He relied on the characteristics of an ancient dragon to dominate the world, and now he finally met his nemesis.

Holy Light!
  Suddenly, a great holy light restored nearly [-] health points to Murphy, but it was Godwin who took action. Godwin finally figured out that it was too dangerous to stand up to the Lich King, so he might as well just be the nurse.

Godwin (King of Holy Light): "Come up, Aidan, don't be afraid, I'll heal you."

Murphy nodded towards Godwin, there is nothing to be afraid of if you have breasts.

Blast the dragon thunder towards Gul'dan again.

Dragon thunder breath!

Soul absorption!

The Darkness of a Thousand Souls!

Great Holy Light Technique!

The Lich King and the Ancient Dragon King, two world-destroying BOSSs, just started fighting each other.

One is the undead monarch who has mastered the power of death and the power of evil.

One is the world-destroying dragon with the power of the world-destroying dragon thunder and storm.

For a moment, dragon thunder filled the sky, evil fire set fire to the prairie fire, and the terrifying magic and dragon breath killed countless adventurers and undead around them. However, the two targets of the attack could not do anything to the other.

While outputting damage, they each rely on their own methods to recover blood.

There is no way to drain the opponent's health, and there is no way to kill the opponent. It seems that the battle will be endless for a while.

Around the core battlefield, the battle situation was also tense. With most of the adventurers killed, the combat effectiveness of the adventurer army was also declining rapidly. Although the number was still large, many people had lost their DEBUFF due to death, and some people had even died. After three times, he became a seriously injured person with only 10% of his attributes, so he could only stand in the background and act as a cheerleader.

On the other hand, in the Scourge Legion, as the cannon fodder troops were lost, the remaining troops became stronger.

And although adventurers cannot be resurrected as undead, there are still [-] coalition troops from various countries, and these troops cannot be avoided.

Once they fall, they will become a potential source of troops for the undead army.

The generals on both sides were also fighting to the death.

Although there are many heroes in the coalition, the Scourge Legion also has a lot of powerful bosses, and their combat effectiveness is even more powerful. Especially the Dread Lords led by Tichondrius, who constantly summon demons into the battlefield, and their powerful evil magic kills people in large numbers. Union soldiers.

Moreover, BOSS often have super high blood volume, and they can easily stand up when standing up, but heroes are much more timid, with a total of only [-] health, and they may be in danger if they are not careful.

The two sides fought back and forth for a long time, with heroes constantly withdrawing from the field. As a result, the outcome of the entire battlefield became confusing again.

Gul'dan (The Lich King): "You can't defeat me, the Elder Dragon King. Face it."

He casually sucked in another skeleton giant, and his health was still almost full.

Murphy also had a headache. He had never seen such a disgusting enemy.

Without the BUFF provided by the system to be immune to beheading, Murphy would have rushed down to fight the Lich King in hand-to-hand combat, but doing so now is completely meaningless, and in the face of Frostmourne, it may be dangerous.

No, we can't continue to waste it. The World Destroyer form only lasts for one hour, and now forty minutes have passed. If it drags on any longer, once the World Destroyer form disappears, he will no longer be the Lich King's opponent.

The key to this battle lies in the core battlefield. As long as the Lich King is killed, this battle will be won.

Otherwise, if you continue to waste it, you will definitely lose. Gul'dan doesn't even need to invade Dalaran. Dalaran's magic network node is located outside Dalaran. As long as he captures the magic network node, he can perform the summoning ceremony, open the demon gate, and introduce the army of the Burning Legion. this world.

Murphy took a deep breath, it seemed it was time to use his ultimate move.

Magic - communication!

The reason why he didn't use private messages was because the target he wanted to communicate with was not the player, but an NPC - the Speaker of Dalaran, Antonidas.

There is only one content that Mo Fei conveys.

Edandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "Master Antonidas, get ready, we can start our plan."

Antonidas (Chancellor of Dalaran): "I have received your message and I hope your plan can succeed."

Mo Fei fell from the sky, but turned into a human form.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "You are right, the power of the Lich King is indeed difficult to resist, but there is someone who can, Varian - I know you are still here, look around, how many Alliance soldiers After dying because of you, all this is caused by you, how long will you hide, my second brother, you are by no means a weak person, you once swore to protect your people, are you going to do this? Have you given up yet—answer me!”

Gul'dan's face twisted, and the evil fire in his eyes gradually faded.

Varian (Lich King): "I...I can't beat him...I..."

Gul'dan (Lich King): "That's enough, you stubborn human being, go die in peace! Aidan, is this your trick? Your dying struggle? Varian is no match for me. Your brother is weak and no one can defeat me in the battle of souls.”

Aidan (Lord Lord Protector of Alterac): "No, he will win, because - our brothers stand by his side!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the dazzling white light of teleportation magic suddenly appeared on the battlefield.

Mass teleportation!

With a flash, Antonidas directly teleported dozens of NPCs to the battlefield.

Duke Lothar, Kael'thas, Captain Shandel, Fishing King Jack...

Among these dozens of people are powerful heroes, elites, and even some professional NPCs, all of whom were recruited by Murphy.

Gul'dan (Lich King): "Hahaha, is this your trump card? You are too naive to rely on this group of people to fight against me. The power of the Lich King is unstoppable."

Murphy turned a deaf ear to Gul'dan's words.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Look Varian, so many brothers are supporting you, what do you have to be afraid of? Go fight, don't back down, don't give up, we all support you."

Hero Specialty - Brotherhood Leader Expansion Skill - Summon Brothers to Activate!
  Lothar (Regent of Stormwind City): "Come on Varian, kid, I have watched you grow up, and you are by no means a person who gives up easily."

Kael'thas (Grand Duke of Quel'Thalas): "Come on Varian, for the sake of your home and your people, don't let everything become regretful."

Captain Sander (Captain of the Storm Dragon King): "A true sailor is not afraid of wind and waves, and a real man never bows his head. Fight, Prince Varian..."

There were echoes from other [brothers] in the distance.

Uther, Garithos, Gavin Rad...all [brothers] are cheering for Varian.

The BUFF of brothers working together has been superimposed to forty or fifty levels in an instant.

The Lich King's face kept changing, and the name on his head kept switching.

"I am...Varian, I will never admit defeat!"

"Get away you damn mortal, you don't deserve to be alive, you've lost, it's all over."

"No, as long as I don't die, everything is not over! I will never give up, Brother Aidan, thank you for waking me up, I will not let you down! Uncle Lothar, Prince Kael'thas, Lord Uther , and everyone else, I will never give up.”

"Damn it, you're looking for death for the human prince!"

"No, it's you who deserve to die, get out of my body you despicable orc warlock."

"It's useless, you can't let me leave. I am the Lich King, I am Gul'dan, and I control the power of the Crown of Dominance."

"Then I'll give your helmet hell."

Varian said, grabbing his helmet and trying to take it off, but Gul'dan then controlled his arm, preventing him from moving at all.

"Give up, prince of humanity, I will succeed soon, and I will not allow you to ruin everything!"

"Never! I want to protect the people of Stormwind City, even if it costs my soul. Brother Aidan, go ahead and destroy me and this damn monster together."

The shadows of two souls appeared on the Lich King at the same time, one Varian and one Gul'dan. Both souls were fighting for control of the body.

It's now!

The magic power gathered instantly.

Dragon Language Magic: Split Soul Technique!

Murphy knew that he only had one chance. Gul'dan's soul magic was very powerful. Once the opponent was on guard, he would not have a second chance.

Fortunately, Gul'dan was completely restrained by Varian at this time. He remained motionless and allowed the magic to hit him.

Tearing the soul apart, tearing the body apart.

(End of this chapter)

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