Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 560 Lore

Chapter 560 Lore
  The dark magical light completely submerged the Lich King's body. The light was dark and gloomy, revealing a trace of deathly silence and the weird sound of the soul being torn apart.

When the magical light of the Soul Splitting Technique gradually dissipated, everyone looked at the Lich King, but they were all dumbfounded.

In the open space in front of them, there were actually two Lich Kings standing.

No, strictly speaking, neither of these two people are the Lich King.

One of them is completely out of human form, like a large cloud of erratic black and green smoke, shrouded under a set of dark and gloomy skull armor. He wears the Crown of Dominance on his head, but what he holds in his hand is not Frostmourne. , but a strangely shaped blade-toothed war hammer.

Gul'dan (Master of Ghosts): First level of world destruction, level 102, HP: 3740000.

There is no flesh and blood body under the armor, only an invisible body formed by the fusion of evil energy and death power. Under the crown of control, there is no face, only a bunch of green evil eyes.

The other person was a handsome human knight with his upper body naked, holding Frostmourne in his hand. His long black hair was spread behind his head, revealing his strong and angular muscles.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Varian, but he looked confused at this moment, as if he hadn't recovered from the shock.

Varian (Death Judge): World level five, level 99, HP: 1280000.
  It worked!
  Looking at the two bosses in front of him, Mo Fei was immediately overjoyed. He had painstakingly researched the Soul-Splitting Technique and had accumulated so many brothers. He finally succeeded in one blow.

This soul splitting spell directly separated the souls of Gul'dan and Varian. Not only did Gul'dan's strength directly drop by a level, but his level and blood volume also dropped significantly.

And it also gave him a powerful helper - Varian.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Varian! Second brother, you are free."

This shout brought Varian back to his senses.

Varian looked at his hands, arms, and a blow that belonged entirely to his body. He had mixed feelings for a moment. He finally regained his freedom for the first time since wearing the Crown of Command.

Not only that, he could feel that he had permanently escaped the control of the Crown of Command.

This had to be said to be a relief, but at the same time it also made him feel a sense of loss. His ambition to control death, command the Scourge, and maintain the world had failed after all.

Compared with Varian, who had both gains and losses, Gul'dan was completely furious.

Without Varian's muscular body, his strength has dropped a lot. Although the power of death and the power of evil are still there, his combat effectiveness has undoubtedly dropped a lot.

The supreme power that originally combined the Crown of Dominance and Frostmourne was now cut off by one-third.

Murphy was actually very surprised by this result. He originally thought that Varian would be split into two people. You must know that in the original history, Varian was split into two people by Onyxia's Soul Splitting Technique. Two people.

One was a coward, the other was brave and warlike. Later, due to an accident, the two Varians were hit by the soul splitting technique at the same time, and they became one again.

Unexpectedly, he was completely different this time. The two people who were chopped out, one was a complete Varian, and the other Gul'dan showed this kind of soul state.

But Murphy soon figured out why this was the case. After all, Gul'dan's soul was a foreign object, and Varian's body must be more compatible with the original soul.

This Soul Splitting Technique is equivalent to driving Gul'dan's soul out of his body.

However, due to the powerful power of the Crown of Dominance and the Wraith Armor on Gul'dan, it still maintained its intact form.

Gul'dan (Lord of Death): "Damn it, what have you done! You took away my body and everything from me! You despicable human, insidious ancient dragon, I curse you, curse you The soul suffers eternal torment!”

A terrifying roar came from the black mist under Gul'dan's helmet. The black power of death and the green power of evil were mixed together, giving the whole person a green and sinister aura.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "Gul'dan, don't you understand? In the face of the power of justice, evil will always fail. Although you have many servants and powerful power, there is one thing. What you never got was the determination to sacrifice everything to save the world.

Good will defeat evil without exception. For the Alliance, for Azeroth, Varian, let us fight side by side. "

Gul'dan (Lord of Death): "No matter how many ants there are, they are still ants. Let them all die!"

Gul'dan roared and swung his hammer at Murphy, and death and evil energy converged into a shock wave.

Evil spirits and demonic flames!
  However, a figure stood in front of Murphy, and Varian swung his sword to scatter the shock wave.

Varian (Arbiter of Death): "Your opponent is me, Gul'dan, and the battle between us is not over yet. Maybe I lost to you in the battle of souls, but this time, I will definitely defeat you. "

After saying that, he jumped towards Gul'dan.

The surrounding adventurers and heroes were shocked when they saw this change.

"what's the situation?"

"Let me go, why did one BOSS become two BOSS?"

"The shirtless one seems to be from our side."

"Holy crap, isn't that King Wa?"

The players were all shocked.

What kind of bloody plot is this.

Grand Duke Lothar looked excited: "It's successful, it's really successful, Prince Aidan, thank you very much."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me, there is still an enemy to deal with here."

Murphy looked at Gul'dan who was fighting with Varian and said in a relaxed tone.

Regardless of the fact that Gul'dan only dropped a level, he is still a world-destroying BOSS.

But Murphy no longer took him seriously.

Without it, this guy is no longer the Lich King.

The system stipulates that the Lich King has the characteristic of being immune to critical strikes.

But the guy in front of him is no longer the Lich King. In other words, he has the possibility of killing him.

Although there are still three to four million health points left, as long as the operation is done properly, it is only a matter of one blow.

And without Frostmourne, it means that Gul'dan has lost the ability to kill heroes instantly, so that other heroes can be bolder. Once they are under siege, it will be easy to expose their flaws. At that time, as long as they complete the final One hit will do.

And Mo Fei is obviously not the only one who can think of this.

Godwin (King of Holy Light): "I'm here to help you Varian."

Godwin finally found a chance to show off. The complete Lich King didn't dare to attack, for fear of Frostmourne's instant kill effect.

Now that Frostmourne is gone, am I still afraid of you?

The wings of light fluttered, and he raised his sword to kill.

Holy light destroys evil!
  Although Gul'dan didn't know that his golden body had been destroyed, he did feel the decline in strength deeply. He had to parry and defend against Godwin's attack.

Lothar (Regent of Stormwind City): "Varian, I'm here to help you too!"

Lothar is also the leader of the camp. He has hundreds of thousands of health and kills them with the Great Royal Sword.

Murphy is also ready to attack. He has not transformed into a dragon. This kind of dragon form is difficult to attack in a melee, and it is easy to accidentally injure teammates.

He pulled out the Wind King's Divine Sword and rode the wind directly into the sky, flying towards Gul'dan.

Four powerful heroes surrounded Gul'dan. Two artifacts and two legendary weapons kept attacking Gul'dan. After being beaten, Gul'dan could only parry and had no power to fight back.

Huge damage numbers kept appearing above his head, and hundreds of thousands of blood were cut off in the blink of an eye.

Gul'dan was also anxious.

Ripple of death!

The killing range of this move is extremely large, but like all AOE skills, it has a group damage effect but no single killing function.

The powerful power of death pushed the four back for a certain distance, but before he could cast a Death Pact to restore his health, the four of them attacked again.

And seeing that Gul'dan lost the ability to kill instantly, more and more heroes came to kill him.

Gul'dan (Wraithmaster): "Warriors from the harsh winter of Northrend, your master needs help."

He finally had to call for backup.

Although Frostmourne has been lost, the power of the Crown of Dominance is still extremely powerful.

Gul'dan still has strong control over the entire Scourge.

At his call.

A group of Vrykul Death Guards immediately came to kill them. These were the first men he had subdued, and each of them was an elite monster of level [-] or [-]. Now came to the rescue of their master.

At the same time, the death lords also came to kill them one after another. Even the floating dream that was killed just now raised its staff towards several people and released ice magic.

"Grand Duke Lothar, His Majesty Godwin, stop those death lords. Leave Gul'dan to me and Varian to deal with them!"

Lothar nodded immediately, turned around and stopped a Dread Demon King who wanted to support him.

Godwin said to himself, it's not that easy to steal my limelight.

He was not willing to give up the Lich King's head.

"Gul'dan is mine, Prince Aidan, you go deal with those death lords."

He shouted, swung the Golden Law Sword in his hand suddenly, and released another move of Holy Light Judgment, attacking Gul'dan fiercely, forcing Gul'dan to confront him head-on.

When Mo Fei saw it, he smiled slightly. Since someone wanted to fight head-on, he didn't mind playing back.

Pull back and give up the main attacking position.

Godwin's pressure suddenly increased greatly, and he said in his heart, you really give in.

But he couldn't express his pain, so he could only resist.

Of course, Murphy would not really stand idly by.

What he has to do is to complete the fatal blow, and leave the job of attracting hatred to Godwin.

Storm Miracle - Intermediate Storm!
  Storm Miracle—Thunder Storm!
  The miracle of the storm - a tornado!

Strong winds rose from the ground and blew over the battlefield, slowing down the undead army.

Thunder kept falling, and lightning reaped the undead units.

Tornadoes raged across the battlefield, blowing into the sky regardless of whether they were friendly or enemy.

The wind elements summoned before were also surrounding under Murphy's order.

While laying out the plan, Murphy watched Godwin and Varian fight Gul'dan.

Looking at Gul'dan who was wielding the war hammer domineeringly but repeatedly missing it, Murphy laughed.

He discovered a fatal weakness of the other party.

Sure enough, without Varian's body and relying solely on Gul'dan's own combat experience, he can use magic. This guy is a complete amateur with this kind of close-quarters combat.
  It relied entirely on the powerful evil energy and death magic attached to the weapon to maintain its momentum, but it was also full of flaws.

All conditions are in place.

It's time, it's time to make this final push.

Today, I will use the Wind King Divine Sword in my hand to complete the feat of killing the Lich King instantly.

Al'Akir's Wrath!
  Murphy suddenly raised the Wind King Divine Sword in his hand. In an instant, strong winds, tornadoes, thunder, wind elements, thunder elements, and all energy related to wind and thunder all converged towards the Divine Sword in his hand.

For five full seconds, Mo Fei felt that the divine sword in his hand suddenly became extremely heavy, as if he was holding a storm.

At the same time, the surroundings fell into an absolute silence.

This terrifying power will be irresistible.

Weapon Effect 5: Al'Akir's Wrath (can only be used once per plot event).Absorb the power of [Storm] and [Thunder] within 1000 yards (using this skill will cause 3000 points of damage to wind elemental creatures within this range), inject it into this divine sword, and make your next attack Causes additional lightning and physical damage.

Note: After using this skill, a field of wind will be generated within 1000 yards. Wind or lightning skills cannot be used in this field for 30 seconds.

At this moment, Gul'dan also noticed something strange around him. However, he was completely entangled with the two powerful enemies in front of him and had no time to pay attention.

The moment Gul'dan knocked back the two of them with a cleave.

  A figure suddenly appeared behind Gul'dan.

Gul'dan felt a chill on his back, and almost without hesitation, he turned around and swung the hammer with all his strength.

Evil energy soul flame strike!
  The bladed hammer was filled with evil flames and was smashed on the head.

Rex's Dragon Claw!
  Snapped! A huge dragon's claw grabbed Gul'dan's weapon firmly.

Absolute power! Allowing Murphy to parry the opponent's attack with one hand.

The Wind King Divine Sword in his right hand thrust out towards Gul'dan's chest.

The power of storm and thunder attached to the divine sword seemed to make even the air stagnant.

Alarm bells rang in Gul'dan's heart.


Death ripple! Evil flames!
  The power of death and evil energy was released at the same time, as if a sea of ​​death and evil fire was instantly ignited around him.

The other heroes were forced to retreat, but Murphy did not retreat at all.

The Wind King's Divine Sword penetrated directly through the heart of the Wraith Armor.
  993124 (Critical Strike)!

Just watch Gul'dan's million health bar drop by one-third in an instant.

It was not fatal!
  Snap, Gul'dan's hand tightly grasped the blade of the Wind King's Divine Sword, preventing Murphy from piercing further.

"No, you can't kill me, never! I am the Lich King, I am immortal."

Gul'dan roared crazily.

However, with a whoosh, a cold blade pierced Gul'dan's back and burst out of his chest. It was Varian, and two artifacts pierced him from front to back.

And I! Godwin roared, and thrust his sword into Gul'dan's back, injecting the power of the Holy Light with all his strength.

Three consecutive sword blows caused Gul'dan's soul to suffer severe damage.

At the moment when the opponent let out a painful cry, Murphy exerted force again, and the Wind King's Divine Sword finally penetrated Gul'dan's body.

The power of storm and thunder was wildly released within Gul'dan.

Even the ghost armor cannot withstand this terrifying power.

Click, cracks continued to spread on the armor, and Murphy grabbed Gul'dan's head.

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "You are dead!"

He struggled to pull the helmet off Gul'dan's head.

  The power of the soul locked under the armor spurted out crazily from the hollow crack in the neck, and there were also the wails and screams of countless innocent souls, all of which were souls that had been absorbed by Gul'dan.

The terrifying power of death sprayed out in all directions, and any adventurers who touched it immediately turned into withered bones, and even the heroes were frightened and retreated one after another.

Only Murphy, Varian, and Godwin did not retreat.

Varian has Frostmourne, so he is not afraid of the power of death, and Godwin's Holy Light Protector can barely resist it.

Mo Fei directly activated his skill - Casting Power!
  The power of death in Gul'dan's body was madly sucked into Murphy's dragon heart.

Finally, Gul'dan's power completely dissipated, leaving only a broken helmet in Murphy's hands.

[System prompt: As you absorb the power of new authority, you have successfully created a new authority. 】

Success!Murphy felt happy that he finally succeeded.

He hurriedly opened the Dragon God's authority and checked it.

Authority 1: Storm authority—powerful authority.

Authority 2: Arcane authority—weak authority.

Authority 3: The authority of death—weak authority.

Authority 4: Unformed…

(End of this chapter)

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