Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 561 There must be a Lich King

Chapter 561 There must be a Lich King
  With a bang, the broken ghost armor was scattered on the ground, without any energy response.

The Lich King was utterly defeated.

It worked!
  Murphy looked at the Crown of Dominance in his hand and Gul'dan's 'corpse' on the ground, feeling a long sigh of relief in his heart.

He picked up the BOSS's body without hesitation.

Since Gul'dan was killed jointly, there were not only the three of them participating in the battle, but also a large number of heroes and adventurers who took some damage from a distance, so Murphy could only pick up the part of the loot assigned to him by the system.

After touching it casually, only three pieces fell out.

[Wraith Gauntlets (Epic/Gloves)]

[Wraith Pauldrons (Epic/Pauldrons)]

[Cracked Helm of Domination (Secondary Artifact/Helm)]

The first two pieces are from the Wraith Set. There are eight pieces in the complete set. The others were probably stolen by others.

But the best drop still fell into the hands of Murphy, the man who struck the fatal blow.

However, a crack on the Crown of Dominance was unusually clear. It was obvious that at the moment Gul'dan was killed, due to the power of death released by Gul'dan's death and the power of death being stripped away, this artifact also So it suffered a heavy blow.

However, an artifact is an artifact after all, and as long as it is not completely destroyed, it will still retain its powerful power.

[Cracked Helm of Domination (Helm/Secondary Artifact)

Story Item: Unique.

Equipment: Armor +198.

Intelligence +8
  Spirit +9.
  Perception +66.

Equipment special effect 1: Dominate the undead (weakened). Commanding thousands of undead armies, you can sense and control all undead creatures resurrected by you or the sword wielder.

Equipment special effect 2: King of Death (weakened). The person who wears this crown will become the King of the Undead. Most undead creatures will instinctively fear and awe you and be driven by you.

Equipment special effect 3: Frostmourne (weakened). You can sense and telepathically control Frostmourne's sword bearer, or communicate with him through your mind.

Equipment special effect 4: Underworld Contract. Anyone who wears this helmet will automatically become a contractor of the Shadow Realm.

Equipment special effect 5: Protect the ice coffin. When you fall asleep or become unconscious, the Helm of Domination creates an impenetrable coffin of ice that protects the wearer.

Equipment special effect 6: Undead wisdom. This helmet stores the wisdom of all those who have ever worn this helmet. You can learn and master various combat skills/magic/magic/professional skills through the special effects of this equipment.

Equipment Effect 7: Battle of Souls (cannot be unlocked).

Item introduction: No one knows the specific origin of this helmet.

Some say it was secretly forged by the Demon King and was a secret weapon used to destroy the world.

Some say it comes from the underworld and is a relic of the God of Death.

Others say it is an immortal artifact created by an ancient evil god.

However, no matter what the truth is, there is undoubtedly great power and wisdom hidden in this helmet. However, if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight. The soul of the person who wears this helmet is destined to suffer eternal horrific torture. 】

What a good thing...but it's a pity that it's not of much use to me.

And judging from the equipment introduction, it seems to have a huge curse effect.

This thing is completely prepared for the command of the Scourge Legion, and it is too deeply involved with the Shadow Realm. If you wear it, you may inevitably get trapped in it.

"Brother, is everything over? Did we win?" Varian's voice suddenly sounded, Murphy raised his head, and Varian asked him in disbelief.

"Of course we win, hahaha, the three of us are really killing each other, the Lich King has been killed by us, how can we still win!"

Godwin said with excitement on his face. He had a share of the credit for killing Gul'dan in the end. He touched the corpse just now and found a legendary item. Unfortunately, he didn't touch the Helm of Command. What a pity. What a pity.

But you should be able to be promoted to legend now, right?
  Although it’s a bit regretful that I didn’t get the biggest credit.

However, Godwin had other plans in his mind. Varian had created such a big mess with the Scourge, so it would be impossible for him to compete with him for the right to speak within the alliance. And Aidan... this guy pursues power everywhere every day, so he probably won't Not a political figure, but also his own ally.

In the end, this alliance will still fall into his own hands.

Stromgarde is about to be destroyed by the natural disaster. They will definitely seek help from themselves later. If Stromgarde is annexed by the time, the Empire of Lordaeron will begin to take shape.

Thinking about it makes me feel happy.

However, the dream only lasted for a moment, and a scream brought him back to reality.

ah! There was a shrill scream, but it was shouted by an adventurer not far away. This guy was celebrating when he saw the Lich King being killed, but he was suddenly attacked by two ghouls and gnawed on him. It looked like he was dead. .

Godwin was stunned. What happened? The Lich King is dead, shouldn't the Scourge have completely lost their ability to resist?
  Generally speaking, when the big devil dies, shouldn't the minions immediately flee and lose their will to fight?

Is this how things are done in movies?
  Godwin looked around and found that with the death of Gul'dan, the undead of the Scourge not only did not stop fighting but became even more crazy.

He violently attacked the surrounding Alliance soldiers and adventurers.

It turned out to be even more vigorous.

The Adventurer Legion was already at the end of its strength, and a large number of players with weak DEBUFFs were swept away by a wave, causing heavy casualties in an instant.

This time it will be up to the alliance's troops to resist.

Fortunately, with the death of the Lich King, the Scourge Legion has also lost the use of tactics and is completely mindless in killing. For the tightly formed Alliance army, the threat is not that great.

Murphy was also a little surprised, "Varian, what is going on? Who is controlling them?"

Varian looked solemn, "No one controls them. They act entirely on instinct, with hatred for the living and fear of the world. They will attack all living people. There must be a Lich King - the eldest brother, the leader." Helm of the Crown, give it to me now! Only I can quell the wrath of the Scourge now."

Varian said, staring at the Helm of Dominance in Murphy's hand, with a mixture of expectation, fear, and a bit of nervousness in his eyes.

This is the legendary artifact of death. Now that it is in the hands of the eldest brother, will the eldest brother give up easily?
  He was very suspicious.

Mo Fei did hesitate for a moment. After all, it was an artifact. But after thinking about it, he was not going to wear it. Such cursed artifacts are often accompanied by huge negative effects. Once worn, he would have to bear the burden of the Lich King. burden of fate.

Since he doesn't want to wear it, he can only let others wear it. Anyway, Varian is his second brother, whoever wears it should not wear it.

And Murphy had a feeling that the Lich King's power of death was not just in his hands. As a part of the Lich King, Varian should also have some power of death.

Judging from the Lich King's rank, the power of death in his hands is at least medium power. If he only holds weak power, then Varian must also have weak or weak power in the realm of death.

This helmet of command is just right for him to wear.

"Haha, do you want it? Then I'll give it to you." Murphy threw it away casually, and the Helm of Command fell into Varian's hands.

Godwin, who was watching next to him, had a crazy look on his face. Your sister's is a magical weapon, and you just gave it to someone like this? Don't give it to me.

Varian was also shocked that his eldest brother actually gave him the Helm of Command.

He looked at the casual expression on Murphy's face and couldn't help but be deeply impressed by it.

Is this the magnanimity and heart of big brother... Big brother, I will never let you down.

Varian took a deep breath and put the cracked Helm of Dominance on his head. Without Gul'dan's soul to trouble him, he was able to gain the full power of the artifact.

At this moment, the title on his head changed again.

Varian (The Lich King).

First, he closed his eyes and felt it for a moment. When he suddenly opened them, his eyes were filled with a blue light of coldness and death.

"How is it? Can you control it?"

After Varian put on the Helm of Command, even his voice had echo-like special effects, "I'm afraid it's not that simple. This artifact is seriously broken, and my control over the Scourge has been greatly reduced. I can only do my best. "

Varian said, releasing all his sensory abilities.

Varian (Lich King): "I am the Lich King. Listen to my orders. All warriors of the Scourge, stop fighting and come closer to me."

The nearby undead around the three people immediately stopped fighting and quickly gathered together under Varian's control.

However, other undead in distant places do not have such a good effect. Even undead under the rule of some other powerful death lords are completely unaffected by the Crown of Command.

On the contrary, these death lords had received the orders issued by Varian in their minds, but at this moment, these death lords were surprised to find that they did not seem to need to follow the orders exactly.

The Lich King's will, which was originally extremely powerful, is now more like a way of transmitting information.

The left wing of the Scourge——

‘Famine Knight’ Winter is Coming (Death Knight): “Damn it, Gul’dan died unexpectedly, what should I do now?”

'War Knight' Conan the Barbarian (Death Knight): "What else can we do? Run away. We are all BOSS and have a grudge against Godwin. If we stay here, we will be liquidated sooner or later. The Naxxramas necropolis is still floating on the sea." Now, let’s just take over the necropolis and find a map that’s easy to defend and difficult to attack to open a dungeon.”

'Famine' Winter is coming (Death Knight): "Okay, let's do it - boys, let's retreat!" The two of them directly gathered their undead army and started running away.

Anyway, there are still an army of millions of undead fighting on the battlefield at this time, with a large number of cannon fodder carried in front. Moreover, the undead are different from ordinary troops. Their morale is locked, so there is no need to worry about collapse due to the departure of the general.

The two were able to gather an army of [-] undead and evacuate the battlefield.

In particular, most of the Black Blade Knights, whose main combat force was the Death Knight, were taken away from the battlefield by the two of them.

At the same time—the right wing of the Scourge—

Tichondrius also noticed the Lich King's fall.

As the leader of the Dread Lord, he is not strictly a subordinate of the Lich King, but more like a supervisor sent by the Burning Legion.

Tichondrius (Dread Lord): "Damn it, I knew this loser Gul'dan would let us down again."

Balnazzar (Dread Lord——: "My lord, what should we do? Continue to implement the plan?"

Tichondrius (Dread Lord): "Huh, no, we retreat, it doesn't matter, we have a backup plan anyway, at least Gul'dan completed his mission-attracting enough attention, Diapineapple I think Bian has almost found the cemetery, let's go meet them."

"But then we still need an army to complete the remaining tasks and take away as many undead as possible. Although these bones and rotten flesh are not very effective in combat, they are at least a considerable number and can be used as cannon fodder."

After giving the order, several Dread Lords immediately gathered around and collectively began to cast evil magic.

The Dread Lords are all experts in dark magic. At this time, they cast teleportation magic together, and immediately summoned a huge teleportation gate on the battlefield.

During this period, several Dread Lords also managed to win over a group of death legions, including Necromancers, Abominations, Frost Bone Dragons, Gargoyles... A large number of undead evacuated the battlefield through portals under the control of several Dread Lords, and then several The Dread Lord also slipped into the portal and disappeared.


As these two powerful forces left the scene, the remaining Death Lords of the Scourge quickly lost their fighting spirit.

Genn Greymane led a group of Ebon Blade Knights to swear allegiance to the second generation Lich King Varian.

However, Kargas Blade Fist fled the battlefield with a force composed mainly of orc undead.

Kel'Thuzad also withdrew from the battlefield with the undead troops under his control. Anyone among the Death Lords of the Scourge could surrender, but it was absolutely impossible for him. The mages of Dalaran would probably hate him to death. If he fell to Dalaran It will definitely not end well for you.

There are also many undead bosses who are unwilling to fail or are afraid of retaliation, and they flee with more or less undead troops.

In the end, only three to four hundred thousand natural disaster undead were left, and the fighting gradually stopped under Varian's control.

When the war is completely over, the sound of world announcement also sounds.

[World Announcement: In 1442 of the Sky Era, with the joint efforts of Aidan, Varian and Godwin, the Lich King Gul'dan was killed in the wilderness outside Dalaran, and the Scourge expedition also ended here .

With the fall of the first Lich King Gul'dan, the Dread Lords and Death Knights retreated, the Scourge led by Varian gave up their resistance, and the war officially came to an end.

The battle ended with the Alliance's victory.

It is called [War of Three Kings] in history.

Due to the death of the first generation Lich King, the Scourge also fell into a long-term state of division. A large number of death lords led their respective undead troops to continue to wreak havoc in the eastern continent and Northrend and other places.

It will become a huge trouble for the alliance for a long time to come.

The main remnants of the Scourge were temporarily pacified under Varian's control...

This event has been recorded in the Chronicles of the Sky - The Calamity Era. 】

[System prompt: Based on your performance in this plot event, you have obtained 3450 plot points. 】

Murphy felt helpless listening to the sound of the system.

Each legendary level requires 10000 plot points, which is an astronomical figure. Moreover, at this level, the plot points obtained in plot events also become less, because there is no longer the possibility of over-level killing.

Performances such as taking the lead in killing the Lich King and defeating Galakrond were only awarded more than [-] points. It seems that there is a long way to go to advance in the future.

This is the first time that Murphy has accomplished a great achievement but failed to advance.

Godwin couldn't be happier, he finally succeeded in being promoted to legend.

Became the third legendary hero in the game.

Varian looked disappointed at this time. Although he had gained freedom, even became a new generation of Lich King, and obtained the Helm of Dominance, the consequences of his actions were unbearable. Recovered.

Looking at the battlefield around him, Varian's face was filled with guilt.

Although the battle has ended, the corpses and horrific traces left by magic scattered for dozens of miles record the tragedy of this war, not to mention the terrible disasters caused by the Scourge Legion in the entire eastern continent during the previous period. , the entire Kingdom of Stromgarde was almost destroyed, and the Wetlands, the South Sea Kingdom, and Dalaran were all filled with sins caused by the Scourge.

And all of this must have been shouldered by him, the instigator, if he hadn't pulled out Frostmourne in order to seize the artifact, if he hadn't put on the Crown of Control in order to gain strength.

None of this would happen.

At this moment, facing his closest friends and relatives, Varian fell into silence.

Lothar (Regent of Stormwind City): "Varian, my son, everything is over. Although you made a big mistake, it was not out of your heart. You are also a victim of this disaster. There is still a chance to save everything, come with me back to Stormwind City, the Kingdom of Stormwind needs a king to lead them."

Varian suddenly raised his head, "Lord Lord Lothar, it is impossible for me to go back. The Scourge must be led by a Lich King. I have caused too many bad consequences for this world. This burden must be carried out by I'll take the responsibility.

During the natural disaster expedition, countless cities and territories were left ravaged by the undead. I must take over these troops to prevent them from causing more harm to the world.

And there's the Necropolis, the Scourge's aerial fortress with terrible war potential that I must recapture.

And there are those scattered Death Lords, and someone has to put an end to this. "

Murphy knew that it was not easy for Varian to clear his name. He still had the BOSS template on his head at the moment.

At this moment, the surrounding adventurers and heroes also gathered around again.

The first generation Lich King is dead, but the second generation Lich King is still there, and the color of the name on his head has only changed to brown-red - not even a neutral unit, it is just a truce.

Everyone looked at Varian with both surprise and greed.

Helm of Domination and Frostmourne, these two artifacts are both on Varian's body. If they were killed and exposed...

Although Varian is backed by the Scourge, he is not even one-third as strong as the original Scourge, so he can definitely win.

A subtle atmosphere is gradually brewing among the players.

Murphy also felt this atmosphere, and he glanced around coldly.

The majesty of the Ancient Dragon King was suddenly released.

The powerful dragon's power makes the surrounding players, whether they are adventurers or heroes, feel awe-struck.

"Do you still want to continue fighting?"

Murphy's voice sounded a bit warning.

"The war is over. Varian has found his way back and is no longer our enemy. If you plan to continue fighting, you will face the combined power of the Lich King and the Ancient Dragon King. I hope you'd better think Make a decision after knowing it clearly.”

Everyone looked at each other.

Why did you just say that justice will definitely defeat evil? Now we have to join forces with the Lich King...

But let’s face it, no one dares to do this combination.

In the end, it was Mr. Antonidas who broke the awkwardness.

Antonidas (Chancellor of Dalaran): "Prince Varian, what is the purpose of the Scourge's attack? Is it for a more evil plan as rumored?

You must cooperate with us and provide enemy intelligence, otherwise you will be completely destroyed as an enemy attacking Dalaran. "

The words may seem tough, but he has made enough steps, and he is worthy of the cunning Speaker of Dalaran.

Varian has been through so much, but he still doesn't understand that this is Antonidas giving him a step down. Of course, the biggest reason for giving him a step down is for the sake of his eldest brother.

Varian (Lich King): "Of course I will cooperate. When I was controlled by Gul'dan, I was able to peek into some memories in his heart.

He has a heartfelt fear and hatred for the Burning Legion. I once heard a name from the depths of his memory - the Demon King Sargeras!
  But what he really feared was another being, Kil'jaeden the Deceiver - the commander of the Burning Legion - the lieutenant of Sargeras and the leader of the eredar demons.

It was Kil'jaeden who planned all of this. Gul'dan was just a pioneer. His real purpose was to open a portal to another world and release the demonic army of the Burning Legion into this world. At that time, The world will truly end.

Although Gul'dan has been eliminated, the demon's minions are still active in this world. The fear demons who once accompanied Gul'dan have fled the battlefield, and they will never give up the mission given by their master.

The world is still full of threats. "

Antonidas (Chancellor of Dalaran): "The Burning Legion! Kil'jaeden! Sure enough, the prophecy has already hinted at all this. It seems that our war has just begun."

(End of this chapter)

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