Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 562 Hero’s Oath

Chapter 562 Hero’s Oath
  The banquet hall of the Violet Castle was filled with heroes who had come to attend the celebration banquet. Noble lords from various kingdoms, members of the royal family, and wild heroes from all over the world were all gathered together at this moment.

After defeating the Lich King and his Scourge, people can finally drink and celebrate their victory.

Not just celebrating victory, but also celebrating surviving successfully.

You must know that when the news came that two million Scourge troops were marching towards Dalaran, people were very desperate.

Unexpectedly, in the end, [-] people beat [-] million people, and they still won the victory with a force gap of four times. It has to be said to be a rare miracle.

As the supreme commander of this war, Godwin was considered the best military genius in the alliance, and at this moment, he became the focus of the audience.

"Hail to our Lord Godwin!"

"Your Majesty Godwin, your bravery is amazing! Your Majesty Tenaris would be very pleased if he knew about it."

"The War God of Lordaeron, salute Godwin, the War God of Lordaeron."

Godwin laughed heartily. He held the wine glass and several great lords of the Silver Hand, and kept walking around among the crowd, communicating with the leaders of various countries, and listening to the people's words of praise, he felt a feeling in his heart. beautiful.

No one can resist the feeling of being admired and praised, especially when the people who praise him are all important figures in various kingdoms.

Godwin was deeply fascinated by this feeling of becoming the focus and central figure of history.

However, he still has some sense of propriety, and he still has to pretend when it's time to pretend.

"No, I should be the one paying tribute to you, you are the real heroes.

I would also like to pay tribute to those brave soldiers who died in the war! It is their sacrifice that allows our people to enjoy peace and tranquility! "

"You're right, salute the warriors!"

"pay tribute!"

Amidst cheers, Godwin drank a large glass of dwarf liquor in one go and was able to escape.

When he returned to his seat, he found Uther with a serious expression on his face, eating the barbecue provided at the banquet. There was no wine in front of him, only a glass of water, and he was wearing armor and looked ready to fight at any time.

"Uther, why don't you have a drink together? You haven't had a glass of wine since the banquet."

Uther bowed, "I must maintain my state. Your Majesty the King, the Scourge has not been destroyed yet. Although Prince Varian was possessed by Gul'dan, he made such a big mistake. Even though he promised that the Scourge will not Another threat.

But who can guarantee that there is no darkness in his heart?
  Besides, it's always better to be cautious. If the Scourge attacks again, at least one commander here should stay awake. "

Uther's answer made Godwin a little speechless and a little funny.

How could there be any danger? The world announcement has come out, and the Scourge is no longer a threat.

However, he understood Uther's temper, so he didn't say anything, and he even admired him a little.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "You are the best commander under my command, Uther. If the Empire of Lordaeron can be established, I hope you can serve as the first marshal of the empire, but I won't say this anymore, Mog." How’s Lenny doing?”

The High Lord Mograine has now become the Death Lord of the Scourge. Although the crack of the Helm of Command has restored his consciousness to freedom, Mograine still refuses to return to Lordaeron, and is even unwilling to fight with him. Several great lords of the Knights of the Silver Hand met.

There is no way, the plot characters are not as easy to understand as the players.

Also transformed into undead, those player heroes have begun to make money by reselling materials and equipment using their status as the boss of the Scourge Legion.

From the player's point of view, it doesn't matter whether it's living or undead, it's just a game anyway. It's enough to have strong combat power and enjoy the game.

But for a great paladin like Mograine who received Holy Light education, his transformation from a great lord respected by everyone to a cursed creature like the undead has completely shattered his outlook on life and world view.

In particular, Mograine has a strong character and hates evil as much as he hates it.

It was okay to be controlled by the Crown of Dominance before, so that he could avoid thinking too much. Now that he has regained his freedom, Mograine's thoughts fell into despair and chaos. He even had the idea of ​​​​committing suicide.

In the end, he relied on everyone's persuasion and told him that the demon army of the Burning Legion was about to invade the world. Even if he was going to die, he should die in a battle with the demons.

Only then did Mograine give up the idea of ​​seeking death.

Now I am wholeheartedly preparing to fight the devil to my death.

He even tried to regain the power of the Holy Light in his undead body, but the results of several attempts were not very satisfactory.

However, he survived, but Lordaeron will definitely not be able to return. How can there be room for a death lord under the golden tree? In the end, he can only follow Varian.

Uther sighed and said: "Mograni asked me to tell His Majesty that he has betrayed His Majesty's trust, so he has no shame to meet with Your Majesty again."

Godwin sighed, feeling a little regretful. What a pity. Among the Six Saints of Silver, he was most optimistic about Mograine, Tirion Fordring, and Uther. The rest were To make up the numbers, I didn't expect that one of the three people would not listen to the call, and one would become undead directly. Only Uther was still loyally accompanying him.

But just leave, without Ashbringer, Mograine's combat effectiveness may not be able to reach its peak in history.

He took a sip of wine, glanced around, and lowered his voice: "Where is Prince Aidan? Is he also outside the city?"

Godwin knew very well that the real hero of the victory in this war was Aidan. However, Aidan was too close to Varian and stood up for Varian during the day, which somewhat made the leaders present a little dissatisfied.

That's why everyone gives themselves face and touts themselves as the biggest contributors to this war.

After all, NPCs also pay attention to human relations and sophistication.

When others gave him face, he was naturally happy not to mention Aidan, but privately, he still paid attention to Aidan.

After all, Aidan is both his strongest ally and his biggest competitor among the player base.

Uther nodded: "Prince Aidan is monitoring the Scourge outside the city, but I guess he is seeing Prince Varian off."


Outside Dalaran - Death Waste.

This land was originally called the Hope Plains. It is said that when merchants from other places arrived at this plain to transport goods, they could see the towering towers of Dalaran. For the merchants, this was the hope of making money...

However, following this tragic war, this plain has now fallen into deathly silence.

The smell of corpses and decay is everywhere, and the land destroyed by the war has fallen into a state of withering and decay.

The march of the Scourge will leave the undead rot behind. Even if the undead are no longer enemies, nothing will change.

Not to mention the millions of undead and hundreds of thousands of Alliance adventurers and coalition soldiers who died here during the day.

In addition, the existence of the Scourge Legion also keeps nearby residents at a distance. These terrible undead, even if they are no longer enemies, are still eerie and terrifying.

A raised bone mountain also appeared in the Death Wilderness, and Galakrond's corpse exuded a strong aura of death.

At this moment, Murphy and Varian were standing on this bone mountain, looking at the undead army gathering in the distance.

"Varian, are you leaving now? You won't stay for a while?" Murphy asked with some regret.

Speaking of which, the two brothers he made friends with have not been together for a long time.

Although he had some personal purposes when making friends, to be honest, he, Varian and Arthas really got along well with each other.

Varian (Lich King): "I must leave. This land does not welcome me. Staying here will only make the alliance countries uneasy. Besides, I still have my own things to do."

He looked faintly at the undead army in the distance, with no expression on his helmeted face. He never took it off again after putting on the helmet of command.

The Helm of Domination controls the undead from natural disasters. Once taken off, these undead will lose control and run wild. It can be said that they may have to wear this helmet for the rest of their lives.

"Oh, by the way, this is for you." Murphy handed several parts of the Wraith Armor to Varian.

"I picked up two of them, and the other two fell into Godwin's hands. I asked him to get them. Anyway, this style of equipment is not suitable for him."

After taking several parts of the Wraith Armor, Varian put them on himself one by one, finally completing a complete set of Wraith Armor.

Feeling that his body was wrapped in armor filled with the power of death, Varian fell silent for a while.

"Brother Aidan, thank you very much this time. If it weren't for you..."

Varian didn't finish his words, but the meaning was self-evident. Varian knew very well that if his elder brother was not here this time, his ending would be very tragic.

Brother Aidan not only rescued him from Gul'dan's control, but also handed him the Helm of Dominance. Even when the Alliance showed murderous intent, the eldest brother stood on his side without hesitation.

All this filled his heart with gratitude and shame. He had been worried that his eldest brother would snatch the Helm of Command. It was really ridiculous to think about it.

Murphy didn't know what Varian was thinking, so he just smiled meaninglessly, "We are brothers. If I don't help you, who will? Besides, I believe that if I encounter something similar to you, you will too." You will help me, right?"

Varian nodded solemnly, "Brother Aidan, I swear in the name of my father, no matter what happens in the future, even if I have to be the enemy of the entire world, as long as you need me, I will fight for you. Accept At your call, my sword is your sword, and my legion is your legion!”

[System prompt: Varian's favorability towards you has increased to 100%, and you have obtained Varian's [Hero's Oath].

Note: The Hero's Oath is obtained from the plot character's oath after meeting sufficient conditions. The player can order it to complete anything within the scope of the oath for you by triggering the [Hero's Oath]. 】

Murphy was startled. He didn't expect that there was such a thing as [Hero's Oath]. This was the first time he heard about it.

It's probably because the triggering conditions are too harsh, so no one has encountered it before.

I couldn't help but feel a little touched in my heart.

It seems that this second brother's friendship was not in vain.

However, he did not think that such a day would really come to pass. With his strength as the Ancient Dragon King and his status as the leader of the alliance, he would not be forced into a desperate situation.

But it's nice to have a helper you can call on at any time.

Murphy nodded, "I accept your oath, but I hope this won't happen one day."

He stretched out his hand, and the two held each other's hands tightly.

"What's next for you?"

"I want to take back Naxxramas first, and then conquer the death lords scattered all over the place one by one. If there is no master to control them, these death lords will definitely harm the world. As the Lich King, I have this responsibility Constrain them.

As for what happens next - I will go to the Dark Portal to attack the tribe, and I still have an account to settle with the tribe. "

This is also one of the conditions that Varian has negotiated with the league's top executives.

Now that the Scourge is no longer a threat, the tribe has naturally become a potential enemy. However, the alliance has just formed an alliance with the tribe, so it is not easy to fall out immediately. If the Scourge is willing to fight the tribe, help the alliance consume this A potential enemy, it can be considered a great favor to the alliance.

This agreement did not fall on paper, but was more of a tacit understanding reached during the exchange between Varian and a few old bastards.

Varian immediately agreed to this, and besides, he did have a grudge against the Horde, and King Llane's body was still under the control of Grogo Evil Eye.

How could Varian bear this tone? He had to kill this guy.

At this time, a death knight came flying over.

"Varian, the troops are ready." Genn Greymane said in a deep voice.

"I'm coming here."

Varian hugged Murphy for the last time, patted each other's shoulders, turned and walked down Bone Mountain, towards the Scourge Army.

After walking a few steps, Varian suddenly stopped again.

"Brother, there is something I think you should know. Before Gul'dan resurrected Galakrond, he encountered another group of strange orcs in Northrend. Their leader was Ner'zhul, and - Deathwing Still with Ner'zhul, they seem to be looking for something."

Murphy couldn't help but feel solemn in his heart, Ner'zhul...Deathwing? Northrend...looking for something?

Are you looking for the Temple of Ulduar?

Murphy's guess was not without reason. Since Ner'zhul dug up C'Thun and absorbed C'Thun's power, he must be carrying out some kind of activities related to the ancient gods.

The ancient god Yogg-Saron imprisoned in the Ulduar Temple must be what he is looking for.

I just don’t know what he wants to do with Yogg-Saron?

Be loyal to Yogg-Saron? But Deathwing should be from N'Zoth's side.

And according to his previous deduction, Deathwing should be the third of the four disasters. However, Deathwing came out so early. Could it be that he had deduced it wrong?
  Murphy couldn't figure it out for a while, but his instinct told him that this matter must not be simple.

It is probably related to the prophesied catastrophe of annihilation.

Looking at the mighty Scourge Legion leaving in the dark, Murphy shook his head, turned and walked towards Dalaran, where the lights were brightly lit, the lights were extremely gorgeous, and the light of magic illuminated the entire city. The name of the Eternal City.

It was in sharp contrast to the undead army silently leaving in the darkness in the distance.


At the celebration banquet, the atmosphere became extremely lively.

Garises (Alliance Admiral): "Hahaha, Ms. Shandis, this time the night elves and the Alliance are fighting side by side. I am really grateful. If there is a chance in the future, we will definitely fight side by side."

Shandris Yuyue reservedly clinked her wine glass with Garises's.

but did not drink.

As the Sentinel General sent to support the alliance this time and the commander of the Horned Eagle Knights, she also participated in the daytime war and shot down a large number of Frost Bone Dragons and Gargoyles in air battles.

In addition, Emperor Shenwu and Lordaeron had teamed up to deal with the Horde, and the relationship between the Dark Night Alliance and the Alliance was much more harmonious.

It's a quasi-ally relationship.

Galises left, and Antonidas came over again.

This old mage was much more civilized. He had no intention of persuading him to drink. He just chatted with Shandis Yuyue for a few words.

"I hope General Shandris can bring back the news about the Burning Legion. I believe Ms. Tyrande and Lord Malfurion will be very interested in it."

"I will, Master Antonidas..."


"It's a wonderful sight, isn't it?"

I don't know when, Murphy appeared next to Godwin.

Godwin glanced at Murphy. After the battle during the day, he became more and more unpredictable about this ally. Especially when he turned on the Destroyer form, the terrifying power that seemed to be able to destroy everything made him The moment is still fresh in my memory.

Even vaguely afraid.

However, looking at Murphy, who looked calm and content at this time, Godwin felt that the terrifying power during the day was just an illusion.

"Varian is gone?"

"Yes, the Scourge Legion will no longer be a problem for us in a short time."

"The messenger from Stromgarde has just arrived. Princess Catherine - she should be called Queen Catherine now, asked the Alliance for help. The Frostwolf clan has surrounded Stromgarde. The main army of the Kingdom of Stromgarde was destroyed in the Battle of Thoradin's Wall. Now Rapids City is in crisis and is in urgent need of support."

"Congratulations, you can annex Stromgarde now."

"Hahaha, thank you very much."

Godwin raised his wine glass with great satisfaction.

Murphy continued: "But if you want to annex Stromgarde first, I suggest you do it quickly."


"Isn't this obvious? The war is not over yet. According to the game's official plot arrangement, the Burning Legion will definitely come. It is too easy to win this war today. The Burning Legion must be planning some conspiracy. Maybe it has already It’s begun.”

(End of this chapter)

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