Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 563 Arrival of the Burning Legion

Chapter 563 Arrival of the Burning Legion
  A few days later—The Endless Sea—The Broken Isles:
  The huge portal opened out of thin air, and several gargoyles flew out of the portal. They soared into the sky and hovered in the sky, as if they were on guard for something. One of them quickly flew back to the portal, and then , a huge army of undead poured out of the portal.

The beach was crowded with these undead creatures exuding the aura of corruption and death. The fishmen in the sea dived into the deep sea in fear, and the beasts on the island fled in all directions.

The leader of the undead army is none other than Gothicdios, the fear lord who disappeared from the battlefield of Dalaran.

At this moment, he was looking at the desolate island in front of him with a complicated expression, and beside him, there were several other fear devils following him.

Tichondrius (Dread Lord): "So this is it? The burial place of Sargeras? Why can't I feel any reaction from the evil energy?"

Mephistopheles (Dread Lord): "Yes, it is here. The remains of Sargeras are buried in an ancient temple in the deep sea. As for why it cannot be sensed, it is because of the human who defeated the clone of Sargeras. The mage sealed everything with magic. As long as we work together to raise the temple from the sea and open the seal of the temple, the remains of Sargeras will reappear, and this power is enough to open the door to Argus and lead the Burning Legion. to this world.”

Tichondrius snorted noncommittally and suddenly looked at Mephistro.

"I'm curious as to why Mephistro, as a member of the Nathrezim, serve Diapineapple instead of me."

(Why else, of course it’s for the soft girl coins. What kind of money can you give me to serve you? Dia Pineapple gave me real money. What can you give me? - Pava? ?) Mephisto cursed secretly in his heart, but there was an incomprehensible smile on his face.

"We are all serving the Burning Legion, so why should we separate ourselves?"

"Hmph, do whatever you want. Take me to see your master. Let's act quickly."

Dia Pineapple is on a hill not far from here. The ground has been flattened and a huge six-pointed star formation has been drawn.

A group of Chaos Priests gathered around the circle.

Diapineapple also has his own power. In the past few years, he has used the method of projection to create a cult organization that worships demons-the Chaos Order.

Nowadays, there are a large number of Chaos Priests cooperating in the operations of the Broken Islands.

"Master, those undead...?"

Diapineapple (Lord of the Eredar): "Don't pay attention to them. They are all servants of the Burning Legion. They were summoned by the Dread Lord. Look, they are coming."

On the earth mountain, the two demon kings finally met. As the leaders of two different factions sent by the Burning Legion to perform tasks in this world, there was both competition and cooperation.

Both sides implemented different plans, and now it seems that Diapineapple is obviously the better one.

Tichondrius (Dread Lord): "Diya Pineapple, we meet again. It seems that your operation is going very smoothly."

Diapineapple (Lord of the Eredar): "Yes, I have found the remains of Sargeras. As long as I complete the next magic, I can open it. But you look very depressed. What's wrong? Let me Guess, this good-for-nothing Gul'dan was defeated after all? Haha, it's not surprising at all. I've long said that useless orc warlock can't achieve anything big."

"You knew Gul'dan would fail? How is that possible?"

Tichondrius had a look of disbelief on his face, very suspicious that the eredar demon in front of him was clearly bragging about himself.

Diapineapple did not explain it, but in fact, he was really not bragging about this matter. He came to this conclusion based on the analysis of game data.

According to the latest official announcement of the game, the number of registered players in the entire "World of Sky" has exceeded [-] million, and the number of people online at the same time has reached more than [-] million, which shows the stickiness of the game.

Among several different templates, the number of adventurer players is the largest, accounting for more than half. After all, adventurers are not afraid of death and have natural advantages over other templates.

In other words, three to four million online players are all adventurers, and the Alliance, as the earliest official camp to open and the longest-running adventurer camp, has the highest number and quality of adventurers among the three major camps.

There are more than [-] million adventurer players online.

A large-scale plot event like the natural disaster invasion took place in Dalaran, the core city of the eastern continent. The number of adventurers who participated in the event was absolutely unprecedented.

It is conservatively estimated that there should be about one million adventurers.

And if there are millions of adventurers participating in the war, coupled with the strength of the alliance itself, it is simply impossible to push Dalaran with the power of the Scourge.

Gul'dan's failure seemed accidental, but in fact it was inevitable. The result of his attack was nothing more than how much damage it could cause to the Alliance.

In the end, there is no doubt that they will be killed by the alliance.

But what he imagined was that Gul'dan would be slowly killed by more adventurers after wiping out a large number of adventurers.

What I didn't expect was that Gul'dan would be killed by the Ancient Dragon King head-on and save Varian. It seems that we must pay more attention to this guy who appeared out of nowhere in the future.

He will definitely be the Burning Legion's formidable enemy in the future.

But Diapineapple wasn't too nervous. It didn't matter. He was just a hero who could transform into a dragon. When the Burning Legion came, the Ancient Dragon King, the Golden Tree, and the Centaur Emperor were all waiting to die.

You must know that Archimonde and Kil'jaeden are both world-destroying fourth-level beings, and Sargeras is a super-god-level being. If it were not for being too powerful to enter the main material world, Azeroth would have fallen long ago. .

With such a huge mountain at his back, Diapineapple was very confident in the Burning Legion's final victory.

It turns out that the three major camps in history successfully defeated the Burning Legion entirely by relying on the protagonist's aura and various extremely lucky performances.

But now that the Burning Legion has players like themselves who are familiar with the plot joining, it's completely different.

Of course, he had no intention of sharing this information with Tichondrius.

Diapineapple (Lord of the Eredar): "We have found the location of the Tomb of Sargeras. All we need to do next is to raise the island. Speaking of which, we still need your help to raise this island. Building an island requires a huge amount of power, and it would be very difficult for just a few of us."

"Why should I help you?"

"Your plan has failed. If you don't want to bear Lord Kil'jaeden's wrath, assisting me is your only chance to make up for your mistakes. Of course you can refuse, but in that case, I will truthfully report all this to Kil'jaeden. Lord Gardan.

You can also report, but I believe that Lord Kil'jaeden must trust his people more. "

Lord Ari and Kil'jaeden were of the same race. They could be said to be direct descendants of the direct descendants. They were completely incomparable to those who joined later, such as Nathrezim.

Tichondrius was annoyed: "Sometimes I feel that you are more of a nathrezim than me - okay, I will assist you."

Soon the two demons summoned their allies, five fear demons, an abyss demon king, and an eredar lord.

The seven demon lords gathered together can be said to be quite powerful.

Barr, Mephisto.

Tichondrius nodded at the other two demon kings. He was very wary of the strange combination of these three demon lords. Generally speaking, the major factions within the Burning Legion are divided according to race.

The eredar are the senior commanders of the Burning Legion, and Archimonde and Kil'jaeden are the leaders of the eredar. The Abyss Demon Lord is a powerful demon overlord who usually directly participates in wars as a battlefield commander.

Dreadlords are experts in infiltration and espionage, and are very good at controlling and bewitching mortal races to cause chaos within them.

In addition, there are many different demon races, each race is distinct from each other.

Although the Burning Legion is very fond of grouping different demons together, when executing a single plan, there is usually only one demon lord who serves as the direct commander.

The combination of the three people in front of them, who are so close and cooperative, is really a bit strange.

While they were talking, the seven demon kings had already taken their positions on the magic circle.

The six demon lords stood at the six corners, and Diapineapple stood in the center of the hexagram.

This important task must be completed by him, so that he can gain the greatest credit.

The seven demon lords released their magic power together, and powerful magic power was injected into the magic array at their feet. As this magic power spread, the sea water suddenly churned in the ocean.

The sea spread in all directions, an island slowly rose from the depths of the sea, and a towering gloomy temple stood in the center of the island.

rumbling rumbling...

Finally, the earth and ocean stopped shaking.

The seven great demons stopped casting spells and looked at the magnificent temple in front of them.

The Tomb of Sargeras - its predecessor was the Night Elf's Temple of Elune. When Aegwynn defeated the clone of Sargeras, he was worried that the corpse full of evil energy would pollute the world, so he built it in the Endless End. This semi-abandoned night elf temple was found at sea, and the body was sealed deep in the temple.

However, over the course of thousands of years, the power of Sargeras gradually infiltrated this temple, and even spread to the surroundings, attracting countless foreign creatures to approach here, whether it was fishmen, Nagas who accidentally broke in, or ancient creatures. The moon guards, and even the guardians sent by Aegwynn to guard the corpses in the temple, were all corrupted and changed by this evil power.

  The door of the temple was opened with a bang.

The dark temple exudes a frightening aura.

It seemed as if there was some extremely terrifying existence buried inside.

Even irrational creatures like the undead cower.

Tichondrius (Dread Lord): "Go forward you useless bunch of rotten flesh and bones, this is the meaning of your existence, search this temple and find what we are looking for, go my servants!"

Following Tichondrius's orders, the undead swarmed in.

Diapineapple also hurriedly sent Chaos Priests and some low-level demons summoned by the Priests to pour into the temple.

The Tomb of Sargeras is filled with murlocs and naga corrupted by evil energy, and ancient guards who have been awakened...

Sea creatures corrupted by fel energy, and the ancient wraiths of night elves.

These violent monsters no longer distinguish between friend and foe, and any intruder will become the target of their attack.

However, with the seven demon lords joining forces, these obstacles are nothing and cannot stop Diapineapple and his army.

In a few hours, they had penetrated deep into the temple.

Found several sealed rooms.

"Here we are, right here! The remains of Sargeras were divided into several parts and sealed in different rooms. They must be dug out and put back together again."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's start working!"

In the next few days, the undead servants worked day and night to dig up the seal, and the seven great demons personally went to battle to break the magic on the door.

Finally, on the third day, all the sealed parts were collected.

In the temple square, the seven demons pieced these broken limbs together.

The remains of a huge, lifeless demon appeared in the square.

Powerful evil energy gathered on the corpse, and Diapineapple held the last piece of the remains - the Eye of Sargeras in his hands.

This thing is also an artifact, equivalent to the control center of the entire corpse.

With the power of this artifact, he was able to activate the remaining energy in the corpse.

"The demon army from the Twisting Nether, the Burning Legion from Argus, the tide of hell from Marton, I, Diapineapple, once again open the door to this world. With the power of the great Sargeras, I summon you!"

boom! A green pillar of evil energy rose into the sky, and the clouds in the sky began to rotate.

The remains of Sargeras were gradually transformed into a huge portal under the distortion of the evil power. Two curved evil pillars rose upward, and the evil power gathered into an arched portal hundreds of meters high.

The moment the energy of the portal stabilized, a tide of demons poured into the world from behind the door.

"Success! We succeeded"

"Yes, the world will burn, and we are the ones who started this moment."

"Lord Kil'jaeden will definitely reward us."

  Suddenly, the ground began to shake, and a huge hoof stepped out of the portal. The owner of that hoof was so huge that he had to bend down when passing through the portal.

A huge demon with a height of more than [-] meters appeared in front of everyone.

The powerful sense of oppression made the surrounding undead tremble. The faces of the priests of the Chaos Order were full of enthusiasm, joy, and expressions of fear.

Archimonde glanced at the world in front of him coldly. This abominable world that once resisted the Burning Legion has now arrived again, and this time, this world is destined to be destroyed.

The Burning Legion has arrived!

(End of this chapter)

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