Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 564 The Immortal Covenant and the Era of Chaos

Chapter 564 The Immortal Covenant and the Era of Chaos

Aidan (Lord Protector of Alterac): "The dead souls of the past, follow my orders, and the bones and skeletons will transform into your shape!"

In the sound of Murphy's spell, the skeletons scattered on the ground floated into the air, as if an invisible hand was controlling them, and they were quickly put together to form a seven or eight-meter-tall skeleton giant.

Skeleton Giant (Aidan's servant), level 68 elite, with 8400 HP.

Looking at the summoned undead giant, Mo Fei nodded with satisfaction, and with a wave of his hand, the skeletal giant turned into bones again.

Almost there.

Murphy thought.

After three days of familiarity with this battlefield ruins strewn with corpses, I finally had a preliminary grasp of the function of the power of death.

Ever since the battle at the Wind God Throne, Mo Fei successfully broke through the boundaries of the system. He discovered that the use of this power of authority is not as rigid as ordinary skills. In many cases, players can use their imagination and creativity to shape Magic, creative skills, free use.

Just like a craftsman using clay to make pottery, what he can make depends entirely on his own skills.

So far, Murphy has mastered the three basic functions of the power of death.

The first is to use death energy to curse or directly harm the enemy. Murphy has mastered many necromancy spells and death curses.

Secondly, the power of death can be used to resurrect the dead. As long as the unit dies within a short period of time and the soul is not completely destroyed, the power of death can be used to resurrect it.

Of course, the racial type after resurrection will be automatically transformed into an undead creature, and its abilities during life will also mutate, and some will be downgraded.

For example, after resurrecting a dead storm dragon into an undead dragon, its combat power is obviously weaker than before, and its breath has also changed from thunder and lightning to negative energy lightning. The black lightning looks cool, but the damage is significantly reduced.

The third use is to use flesh, blood, bones and even souls to create DIY various artificial undead creatures.

Dead lives will leave behind various relics, and almost all of these products of death can be used as materials. With Mofei's current strength, as long as there are enough corpse materials, it is not a problem to raise an army of the undead in minutes.

If it were an ordinary person, this kind of power would be enough to become a hegemon, but for Murphy, it can only be said to be the icing on the cake.

He has at his disposal an elite group of Dragon Knights, who can also summon wind elemental legions.

Compared with the first two, the biggest advantage of the undead army is that it does not need to consume resources or maintenance fees.

It is equivalent to a lot of free servant soldiers, which is quite good as a cannon fodder unit.

If you need it in the future, you can use it.

If elite troops die in battle, they can be resurrected as undead to reduce losses.

While Mo Fei was thinking, a system voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

[World Announcement: In 1442 of the Sky Era, after several short but fierce battles, the second-generation Lich King Varian successfully defeated the defecting Death Lord Barbarian Conan, Winter is Coming, and captured Naxxramas. Necropolis.

As a result, Varian basically regained several major territories once occupied by the Scourge. Based on these territories, the Lich King Varian decided to establish a new force.

Different from the terrible purpose of the Scourge trying to destroy the world, Varian, out of guilt for the people of the Alliance and a sense of mission to protect the world, reorganized the Scourge into the Death Covenant.

Due to the damage of the Helm of Domination, most of the undead in the Scourge Legion regained their free will and awakened their past memories. As a result, the Death Covenant became a special society composed of undead beings.

This force also became the new official camp - the Immortal Covenant. 】

Murphy was surprised for a while. Hey, Varian moved very quickly. He defeated Naxxramas in just a few days.

wrong! Murphy thought in his heart that Winter is Coming and Conan the Barbarian were definitely not the kind of people who would fight to the death. They probably negotiated terms and brought in capital to invest as soon as they saw they couldn't beat them.

In this way, these two guys can be regarded as successfully getting ashore with their names clean.

It would be pretty good to be a camp boss in the future.

Murphy quickly exited the game, clicked on the official homepage, and checked out the newly developed official camp.

[Official announcement - Game patch 2.13 is about to be launched, and the new camp "Immortal Covenant" is grandly launched.

A new optional force has been added - the Immortal Covenant. With the demise of the Lich King Gul'dan, a large number of undead escaped from the control of the Helm of Dominance and awakened their free will. These undead regrouped under the leadership of Prince Varian and established the icy continent of Northrend. The kingdom of the dead.

Varian tried to protect the world in his own way and led the undead to survive in this crisis-ridden world.

The Helm of Domination was inherited from the ancient Vrykul Empire that had long since collapsed. The Frozen Throne is the relic of the capital of the ancient Vrykul Empire, so the legal system of the Undying Covenant has also been inherited from this time.

New optional races for adventurers—vrykul (undead), humans (undead), orcs (undead), centaurs (undead), night elves (undead), and high elves (undead).

Racial Features - In addition to the initial talents of the native race, the undead adventurers of the Death Covenant can also obtain the exclusive talents of undead creatures.

Talent 1: Dark creature. You cannot be healed by the Holy Light, but you can restore your vitality through death magic, or you can be healed by natural spells such as shamans and druids. You will lose health when you withstand Holy Light skills.

Talent 2: Awakening of the dead. After being killed, you can be resurrected on the same spot as the corpse after 60 seconds. After resurrection, you will only have 1% health. This talent can be activated once every 24 hours.

Talent 3: Will of the Undead. After activation, you will be immune to all mind control skills for 5 seconds.

Talent 4: Breathing underwater. You can breathe freely underwater.

Talent 5: Horrible face. As an undead creature, base Charisma is -5.

Faction leader: Varian (The Lich King).

Important figures in the camp: Genn Greymane, Mograine, Conan the Barbarian, Winter is Coming, Kel'Thuzad...

Faction Capital: The Frozen Throne.

Important cities in the camp: Naxxramas, Wyrmrest Temple.

Added optional lord template - Death Lord.

Lord Features: The Death Lord is the undead leader who once belonged to the Scourge Legion. He has the dark power to resurrect the dead. He can resurrect defeated enemies into his own troops to quickly expand the size and number of the troops.

The new soldier template - the soldiers of the Death Covenant come from different races and different forces. All units that have fought against the Scourge can find their undead versions in the Legion sequence of the Undying Covenant.

New hero professions - Death Knight, Dark Ranger, Lich, Necromancer, Dark Priest... Become a dark hero awakened from death, get rid of the control of the Crown of Dominance, and continue in this world. Write your own legendary story...]

Let me go, this Immortal Covenant feels very interesting.

You can choose from different races and have additional racial talents. I feel that the adventurers of the Immortal Covenant have an advantage.

Now Varian finally fulfilled his wish, and gained enough power to protect the world.

However, his second brother became the leader of the camp, and Murphy felt quite happy.

Mo Fei couldn't help but recall what Wang Xuan had mentioned to him about the four major camps. Now the four major camps were completed.

Moreover, the camp leaders of these four major camps all have good relationships with me - well, except for Ba Dao Qing Wu, who seems to have a normal relationship with them. I think it will be much easier to do whatever I want to do in the future.

However, before Mo Fei was happy for a long time, another official announcement was refreshed on the official homepage.

[World Announcement: In 1442 of the Sky Era, just as the Lich King Gul'dan was defeated under the city of Dalaran, the Eredar Lord Diapine led the Chaos Order to successfully find the Temple of Sargeras. He used a powerful The magical power raised the island from the bottom of the sea and successfully opened the door of the temple, where the remains of Sargeras were found.

Now that the power of Sargeras has been activated again, a huge portal opens in the square of this temple, and the Burning Legion launches a full-scale invasion of the world.

Huge legions of demons are constantly passing through the portal to reach this world.

Just as the alliance was celebrating its victory, a new crisis was unfolding.

This event has been recorded in the Chronicles of the Sky - The Burning Era. 】

[World Announcement: With the defeat of the Lich King Gul'dan, the 2.1 Era of Natural Disasters has come to an end. With the advancement and development of the game plot, the game is about to enter the 2.2 era and start a new expansion pack [Era of Chaos], which will be released in Recently launched.

The demon army from the Twisting Nether is about to come to this world. After [-] years, the Burning Legion finally launches another invasion of this world.

Now, the crisis of destruction has affected everyone.

Whether it is the Human Alliance, the Orc Tribe, the Dark Night Alliance, or the Immortal Covenant, they will all face unprecedented challenges.

Brave adventurers, follow your heroes and protect your kingdom and people.

The relevant information of this expansion pack has been officially updated, and players can log in to the official website to view relevant information. 】

Murphy's heart was shaken, he really came, he really came.

Murphy was not surprised at all by the content of this announcement. After the first of the four predicted disasters, the Scourge, the Burning Legion should appear next.

This is also in line with the development of the original historical plot of Warcraft.

What he didn't expect was that it was Diapine who personally completed the action of opening the Tomb of Sargeras and summoning the Burning Legion. It seemed that this guy should have had a plan for a long time.

Previously, they encouraged BOSS players to riot collectively and launch attacks on the major kingdoms of the alliance. They also promoted the Scourge Legion to attack Dalaran and summon the Burning Legion.

As a result, all players' attention is focused on Dalaran.

Now it seems that all this is creating smoke to attract players' attention.

Gul'dan is quite unlucky. He finally mastered a powerful power, but it is just a target used to attract players' firepower.

This Diapineapple is really insidious. It attracted everyone's attention to Dalaran. However, he did not appear in the lineup of the Scourge. Instead, he went to the Broken Islands to dig out the Tomb of Sargeras. .

Everyone has heard of the Tomb of Sargeras, but it is not that easy to dig it out. Not to mention the terrifying BOSS sealed inside, just raising the temple from the bottom of the sea is not something ordinary people can do.

It seems that Dia Pineapple is probably the guy who triggered the original plot mission.

It's interesting, it's interesting.

Murphy thought about it, then clicked on the content of the expansion pack to check it out.

Since it is a new expansion pack, there must be new game mechanics.

The following is a summary of information about the expansion:
  Open a new adventure map - Broken Islands.

In the endless sea, there are scattered archipelagos that were once part of the ancient continent. They were torn apart in the big explosion and now serve as the base and springboard for the Burning Legion to invade Azeroth.

Terrifying monsters roam everywhere here, and it is dotted with fortresses and military camps built by the Burning Legion. Any adventurers who come here will be attacked and killed by demons.

The legion-level dungeon - Temple of Sargeras has been opened.

This is an ancient temple that has been silent for thousands of years. Now, with the opening of the demon lord, its secrets are once again revealed to the world.

Although Sargeras' corpse has been taken out and used to build a portal, there are still countless secrets and treasures buried in the temple, attracting adventurers to investigate like moths to a flame.

The Alliance, Horde, Night Alliance, and Undying Covenant will all send their own reconnaissance troops to establish forward bases on the edge islands around the Broken Islands to conduct reconnaissance against the Burning Legion.

Adventurer players can join the reconnaissance force through the recruiting officer of their own camp, arrive at the Broken Islands, and fight the Burning Legion.

A new monster force has been added - the Burning Legion.

Power evaluation - invincible.

Leaders of forces - Sargeras (hidden), Kil'jaeden (hidden), Archimonde (already on the scene)

The Burning Legion is the main monster force in the current 2.2 Chaos Era version, and Archimonde the Defiler is the final BOSS of the version.

Added new player selectable monsters:

Destructor, Fel Guard, Succubus, Imp, Cerberus, Hellfire Demon, Doom Guard, Doom Guard, Fel Engineer...

New player-selectable demon BOSSs have been added: Dread Lord, Abyss Lord, Eredar Lord, Succubus Queen, Destroyer Mother, Crazy Fighter Lord, Doom Lord...

(The demon BOSS of this series can be born in the Broken Islands and surrounding maps, and appear directly in the body, without the need to be summoned. However, because it appears in the body, once killed in the plot event, it will not be resurrected through the Twisting Nether) .

Added new game mechanics——

Mechanic 1: Rain of Hellfire. With the massive invasion of the main material world by the Burning Legion, hellfire rain will periodically fall on various continents, and 10-100 hellfire demons will be refreshed in an area. And launch an attack on nearby cities to eliminate the hellfire demons to obtain a large amount of rare ores and resources.

Mechanism 2: Devil's Gate. In order to increase the efficiency of invasion and open up more battlefields, the Burning Legion began to use wild teleportation magic to randomly open portals to the main material world. Every time the demon gate is opened, a demon army will be teleported to the target area. This army There will be a BOSS-level legion demon who will lead an attack on nearby cities. Killing the demon leader will drop a large amount of top-quality equipment and gain a lot of reputation from the four major camps.

Mechanism 3: Crusade of the Burning Legion. The Burning Legion will continue to send troops to the world through the main portal in the Broken Islands. When the number of troops reaches a certain size, it will randomly launch an expedition against an official camp in an attempt to completely eliminate that camp. The Burning Legion's expeditionary force They will not stop attacking until they are completely eliminated.

Mechanism 4: Archimonde’s act of destruction.

The world-destroying BOSS Archimonde has appeared in the Tomb of Sargeras. He is accumulating troops and preparing to launch a final attack aimed at destroying the world. No one knows where his attack target is. When the Broken Islands When the strength reaches 100 million, Archimonde will personally lead the Burning Legion to attack.

Killing the demons of the Broken Isles can slow down the launch of this world-destroying campaign.

Destroying Archimonde can completely terminate the operation.

Current number of demons in the Broken Isles: 3%.

(As the version BOSS of Sky World 2.2, Archimonde receives a 50% all-attribute gain and a 100% extra health gain. He also gains sacred armor and cannot be effectively damaged by conventional physical attacks and magic attacks.

When Archimonde enters the battlefield, all Burning Legion units gain the 'Demon Fury' effect, and their damage is increased by 50%.

Mechanism 5: God Killer.

The heroes who participate in killing Archimonde will receive the title [God Killer] and receive a legendary achievement...

(End of this chapter)

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