Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 565 Mount Hyjal Strategy

Chapter 565 Mount Hyjal Strategy

Murphy looked at the content introduction of the new expansion pack and couldn't help but feel solemn in his heart.

The introduction of the Burning Legion's appearance information this time is much more terrifying than the scale of the Scourge Legion. It can be seen from the game mechanics of various new versions that it is not comparable to the Scourge Legion at all.

The Scourge has only one goal - to summon the Burning Legion.

It can be said that there is an aura of being a vanguard from beginning to end.

The goal of the Burning Legion is to destroy the world. This aspect alone is not a concept at all.

Moreover, the Burning Legion's strategy is to attack on all sides, with the intention of fighting a world war.

Not only that, the supporting mechanism of the Scourge Legion is the Curse Sect, which is just a collection of cults that secretly conducts biochemical attacks and secretly poisons and spreads the plague of the undead. It does not dare to confront other countries head-on.

But the Burning Legion is a real frontal attack, and it is an attack on all fronts. Judging from the introduction of the game mechanism, it seems that it will launch an attack on all camps.

Launched the so-called Crusade of the Burning Legion.

Murphy estimates that the scale of the Burning Legion expeditionary force is estimated to be at least 100,000 troops. Since it is launched with an entire camp as the target, it must have at least the paper strength to destroy one camp.

This is not an army of the undead that looks like cannon fodder, but a real army of demons. The quality of the troops of the Burning Legion is not comparable to that of the Scourge Legion.

It seems that this version will last for a very long time. According to the data, there will definitely be more than one Burning Legion expeditionary force, but they will be sent out continuously.

And game mechanism 4, Archimonde's world-destroying operation, has a scale of up to one million demons.

A powerful demon of the fourth level of world destruction leads millions of demons to launch an attack. I am afraid that none of the four major camps can resist it alone.

However, although the data said that no one knew where Archimonde's attack target was, Murphy guessed that it was most likely the World Tree located in Mount Hyjal, just like in history.

You can make some preparations in advance for this.

If the three major camps—no, there are four major camps now—joined forces to defend Mount Hyjal as in history, they would probably be able to confront Archimonde. As long as they were delayed long enough, in the end, Summoning a large wave of ancient elves to blow up Archimonde can still win the war.

The scripts are all ready-made...

No, this time the plan may not be so easy to realize. You must know that the Burning Legion also has players participating. Since Diapine is so proficient in playing the game, he must also be very familiar with the plot and story of the game's history, and he will definitely remind Ah Kermund is careful about those ancient elves.

If this happens, things will become troublesome.

What if Archimonde doesn't take the bait? I'm afraid no one can beat him head-on.

Even with the strength of the Ancient Dragon King, I dare not say that I am sure of it. After all, Archimonde controls the power of chaos and is the nemesis of the ancient dragon body.

But there is no chance at all. Archimonde's sacred armor can also be restrained by his own Super Ancient Dragon Thunder.

It seems that you can only know if you can win or not by playing.

Mo Fei was thinking, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep, beep beep, the computer suddenly rang.

I opened QQ and took a look, but there were messages from Godwin, Emperor Shenwu, and Ba Dao Wuqing.

Godwin: Brother Aidan, have you seen the official announcement of the new version? It’s not going to be easy this time. The Burning Legion is here. Archimonde is not comparable to that loser Gul’dan. Hurry up and get online. Let’s We need to discuss carefully how to deal with it.

Emperor Shenwu: Brother Aidan, my brain trust has just analyzed the content of the new expansion pack. They believe that the Burning Legion’s attack target is most likely the Holy Mountain of Hyjal. The night elves have limited troops. By then our Centaur Empire will definitely It's the main force, so it's not easy to deal with. I'm still a little weak against Archimonde.

I still need your help this time. We have time to discuss it carefully. Don't worry, the main brother is willing to help, and the reward is absolutely indispensable. You won't let your help go in vain.

Ba Dao Qingqing: Brother Aidan, do we want to discuss the Burning Legion? After beating the Lich King, your alliance is full. This time against Archimonde, our tribe also needs some soup. If you see this, please reply to the message immediately.

Mo Feixin said it right, now that he has become a hot commodity, why should everyone consult with him.

It seems that it is because of his status as the Ancient Dragon King. If he wants to go head-on with Archimonde, he will definitely need someone who can fight head-on.

It is estimated that no one else except him has this confidence.

Unless he is not interested in participating in the war, he cannot avoid it.

Mo Feixin said not to be so troublesome. He directly opened a room and pulled the three people in.

Looking at the three different avatars in the chat room, Mo Fei couldn't help but feel happy.

Godwin is the avatar of the Archangel of Holy Light, Ba Dao Qingwu is the avatar of a domineering orc, seemingly from Warhammer 40K, and the avatar of Emperor Shenwu is more interesting, it turns out to be an ancient style avatar of an ancient emperor, resembling Qin Shihuang.

Ba Dao Wu Qing: Let’s talk about it, everyone, let’s discuss how to deal with this Archimonde. We are all leaders of the camp. We can’t avoid this kind of thing.

Emperor Shenwu: What else can be said? It is our duty as a generation to defeat Archimonde and save the world. Besides, the scripts are all ready-made. We can just do whatever happened in history.

Just gather all your troops and wait at Mount Hyjal for Archimonde to come.

Godwin: Should we attack the Broken Isles directly? Now that we already know the location of the enemy and know that the Burning Legion is constantly sending troops, why should we give the enemy a chance to gather troops? There are only tens of thousands of demons on the Broken Islands now. If our four major camps join forces, we can assemble an army of two million. It's not a problem, they will be piled up by then.

Aidan: It's not that easy. Although there are only tens of thousands of demons, they will definitely continue to increase. When we gather our troops to kill them, it will take at least three or four days. By then, we may not have more than ten or two hundred thousand. Moreover, there are a large number of undead troops on the island, brought there by Tichondrius. There are more than ten or two hundred thousand.

Moreover, our transportation capacity is limited. Last time we transported 300,000 people to Death Beach, even if we increase the scale this time, 600,000 people will not be able to hold on.

At that time, 600,000 will be defeated by 300,000 to 400,000, and the enemy will be a powerful force like demons. In addition, Archimonde, a world-destroying BOSS, will be in charge.

Archimonde is a sacred armor, and it is difficult for normal attacks and magic to cause much damage.

In the history of Warcraft, the Alliance and Tribes once joined forces to attack the Broken Isles, but they were defeated, miserably. Varian died on the Broken Shore at that time. How could such a loser copy the script?

I think it would be better to just follow what Emperor Shenwu said and just sit back and wait in Mount Hyjal. The night elves will also have to join the war. Tyrande and Malfurion will join the war, and the ancient elves will self-destruct. There are too many.

This is the most reliable strategy that Mo Fei thinks. To fight this kind of plot battle, of course, you must gather the largest number of troops. The more people, the better, and it will be easier for adventurers from the four major camps to participate in the battle. When the time comes, the four major camps will Two million troops, plus two million adventurers, four million people will ask you how to lose.

With these cannon fodder to attract firepower, you can deal as much damage to Archimonde as you want, greatly increasing your chances of winning.

Godwin: But is it possible that Archimonde will attack somewhere else? After all, the official said that no one knows Archimonde’s attack target. Maybe history has been changed. As far as I know, Archimonde seems to be absorbing the power of the World Tree. You must know the World Tree in this world. There is more than one tree.

Emperor Shenwu: Impossible. My think tank has already analyzed that Archimonde’s goal is not the World Tree, at least not entirely the World Tree, but the Well of Eternity under the World Tree.

Godwin: Didn't the Well of Eternity explode ten thousand years ago? Why is there still a Well of Eternity?

Emperor Shenwu: In the War of the Ancients, on the eve of the explosion of the Well of Eternity, Illidan received seven bottles of water from the Well of Eternity before its destruction.

When the war ended and the night elves retreated to Mount Hyjal to recuperate, Illidan discovered a lake on the top of the mountain and poured three bottles of Well of Eternity water into it, turning the lake into a second Well of Eternity. .

The intention is to use this new Well of Eternity to enhance the magical power of the night elves to fight against the Burning Legion.

Everyone knows what happened next. Illidan was imprisoned. In order to cover up the arcane energy emanating from the new Well of Eternity and prevent it from attracting more demons, Malfurion, Tyrande, Cenarius and the Aspect Dragon , planted a World Tree on the lake. This is the origin of Nordrassil, the first World Tree. Due to the influence of the power of the Well of Eternity, Nordrassil is also the most powerful among the World Trees. One, containing extremely powerful arcane energy.

Godwin: Oh, that’s right.

Ba Dao Wu Qing: Haha, Godwin, you are a guy who doesn’t read the information, are you afraid that Archimonde will steal your golden tree?

Godwin: Humph, of course, the Golden Tree is also planted from the seeds of the World Tree, it is also the World Tree, and the power contained in the Golden Tree is not necessarily less than Nordrassil.

Aidan: I don’t think you need to worry about this. Archimonde’s purpose is to absorb the power of the World Tree and the Well of Eternity, and then become stronger than Sargeras. The arcane energy contained in Nordrassil is It can be absorbed by demons, but the Golden Tree contains the power of Holy Light, which is completely incompatible with evil energy. I think the World Tree that Archimonde is least likely to attack is the Golden Holy Tree.

Godwin: Well, that makes sense.

Emperor Shenwu: That’s it, let’s go directly to Mount Hyjal to build a defense line and wait for Archimonde to hit the wall.

Ba Dao Qingqing: Yes, but you have to say hello to Malfurion and Tyrande, don't wait for me to go over with the Horde army and get beaten.

Godwin: Who made you orcs do all kinds of evil and serve as the lackeys of the Burning Legion to invade this world? Our alliance will not have to worry about being attacked by the night elves.

Ba Dao Qingqing: Damn, I'm not the only one who has been a villain. The Undead Alliance was still a villain last month. Don't think I don't know that the Lich King was created by your alliance.

Godwin: The Lich King is Gul'dan. Varian was just accidentally taken away. Technically speaking, he is still a victim. Gul'dan was also from your tribe. You can't get rid of this problem.

Emperor Shenwu: You are right. When Gul'dan was working under me, I knew that he was not a good person. He shouted to me that he was going to dig the Tomb of Sargeras. Fortunately, I killed him decisively. , otherwise the Burning Legion would have arrived two years earlier.

Ba Dao Qingqing: Holy shit, are you mistaken? Don’t think I don’t know. Varian took the initiative to wear the Crown of Dominance, and Gul’dan was expelled from the tribe by me a long time ago. Our tribe is not responsible for this. On the back, it was Varian. It was really not too easy to clear his name. Just because he was a prince, he killed so many people and made such a big fuss, so no one could sleep.

I think your alliance is just a feudal dynasty ruled by a group of decadent aristocrats. It doesn't regard the common people as human beings at all. It is incomparable with our big tribe, a fair society where talent and strength are everything.

And Emperor, you used to be a villain, right? You even had a big battle with the night elves. If you couldn't beat them, you gave in and joined. You still have the nerve to blame me.

Emperor Shenwu: This is called conspiracy. With the huge power of my Centaur Empire joining us, does the Dark Night Alliance dare not accept me? I think highly of them by forming an alliance with them.

Godwin: Hahahaha, you’re right. I’m just asking if you’re angry.

Mo Fei was speechless for a while. In the game, these guys all played great chiefs, kings, and emperors, but in reality they were just a group of middle-class teenagers, middle-class young people, and middle-class middle-aged people.

Aidan: Okay, everyone, stop making trouble, let’s get down to business. Even if the strategy is determined, the battle of Mount Hyjal may not be easy. This time Archimonde is different from the previous BOSS. He is the Holy Protector. A means that in the judgment of the system, he is a god-like existence. The fourth level of world destruction is already terrifying enough, and it also has the attribute blessing of the version BOSS. I think we still have to think carefully about how to deal with it. Just fine.

This time, I'm afraid it won't be all about adventurers.

Godwin: What are you afraid of? There are three of us, no, five legendary heroes.

Tyrant Blade and Ruthless: Five Legendary Heroes? Who is there? Emperor Shenwu counts as one, and Tyrandemar and Furion count as two. That’s only three. Who else is there? Illidan? Isn't this thing still locked up?

Godwin: Hahahaha, of course Brother Aidan and I. We are both already legends. Don’t you envy me? Speaking of which, you, the war chief, are also the leader of the camp and are not even a legend. Doesn’t it feel a bit shameful?

Tyrant Blade is ruthless: Go ahead, I’m busy with tribal government affairs and don’t have time to finish the plot. If I go back and kill Archimonde, I’ll get the legend. Just watch, Archimonde’s head will definitely be mine. Tribal.

Godwin: I think you want Laohou to get the head. Do you, the parallel import chief, dare to go there and die?

(End of this chapter)

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