Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 566 The conspiracy of the guardian dragon

Chapter 566 The conspiracy of the guardian dragon

After chatting with a few people for a while and confirming the strategic details of the Battle of Mount Hyjal, Murphy couldn't wait to enter the game.

As he lay down in the game room, he was still thinking about the best way to deal with Archimonde.

Judging from official data, although this version of the BOSS has also been greatly strengthened, it is not immune to critical strikes, so in theory, players can kill Archimonde.

But this is just a theory. As the fourth-level BOSS of World Destruction, Archimonde is so powerful that it can be said to be the most powerful BOSS in the entire game. After being strengthened by the version of BOSS, even Deathwing is in front of him. , I’m afraid it’s much inferior.

Moreover, Archimonde possesses powerful evil magic, and it would be very dangerous for him to confront him head-on.

It will be beyond imagination to kill head-on.

It is also unrealistic to fight a war of attrition. Archimonde's sacred armor has a super high immunity against ordinary attacks and magic damage.

In other words, ordinary people's attacks would most likely not be able to break through his defenses.

In a real fight, most of the soldiers and adventurers can only exist as cannon fodder, not even capable of draining blood.

There are only a few ways to actually cause damage to the sacred armor.

1 is chaos damage. This thing has the same effect regardless of the armor it hits. All living beings are equal before real attacks. However, the most common magic that has chaos damage is the magic of demons and warlocks. In front of Archimonde, demons and warlocks are just disciples. Grandmaster, he has no will to fight at all.

2 is true damage, which can directly ignore the target's defense ability. This is the case with your own Ancient Dragon Thunder, which is also one of the few forces that can confront Archimonde head-on.

3 is soul damage. Only a few special magics can have this effect. The characteristic of soul damage is that it first consumes the target's blue bar, and then burns the corresponding health value according to the consumed mana. In other words, the stronger the magic power, the more terrifying it is. Soul damage, on the contrary, is a pure warrior profession without blue bars, so it is not afraid of this thing at all.

According to Murphy's speculation, the explosions caused by the countless ancient elves that killed Archimonde in history should have caused soul damage.

4 is an artifact weapon that can also cause damage to sacred armor. The Wind King Divine Sword in my hand and the ruthless Ashbringer are all in this list. Malfurion and Tyrande should also have them in their hands. Artifact.

Oh, and there's Frostmourne on Varian's hand.

From this point of view, it is not impossible to fight.

While thinking about it, Murphy had already entered the game and appeared on the battlefield ruins outside Dalaran.

The skeletons of Galakrond were still piled up in the distance. As the aura of death filled the surroundings, some undead mobs began to spawn, and some adventurers began to level up monsters around them.

This hill of bones has become a famous attraction, and many players came here to take photos.

Murphy did not stop here and walked straight towards Dalaran. He planned to say hello to Morgan Lisa first, and then go directly back to Alterac to prepare for war.

Walking into the city, Dalaran has now become extremely prosperous. The defeat of the Scourge has greatly increased Dalaran's reputation. It is considered the safest place by merchants from all over the alliance. Even the Lich King has not taken Dalaran. method, it can be seen that this place is perfect for settling down.

In this world full of monsters and dangers, even royal capitals like Stormwind City have been captured before. Having a safe living environment is too precious.

Businessmen from all over the place continue to come to conduct trade and purchase real estate. Adventurers will obtain equipment and materials on the battlefield and set up stalls to sell them, and there are shouts everywhere.

Murphy walked all the way towards the Violet Castle. The second round of the guardian selection event had been successfully concluded. The three final candidates who advanced were Morgan Lisa, Solo Alone, and Luo Ning.

Now I am accepting the final round of selection tasks.

The guardian will be born among the three.

While walking in the bustling city of Dalaran, a man in black robes preaching loudly among the crowd caught Murphy's attention.

Dragon Faith Spreader (Mysterious Believer), Elite: Level 48, HP 1800.

Let me go, isn’t this the Dragon Worship Cult? Why did you come here to preach?

Murphy was a little surprised, so he went over to watch the excitement.

The Dragon Worship Cult is a monster force. In addition to having friendly relations with some dragon-related forces, it is a proper monster group in the eyes of adventurers.

Even the missionaries sent out are often neutral units.

The spreader of dragon faith in front of him was unexpectedly a friendly unit.

The man was standing in the middle of the busy city, surrounded by a circle of citizens, and was preaching loudly.

Dragon Faith Spreader (Mysterious Believer): "Dear citizens, come and listen to me. The natural disasters of the undead have been repulsed. However, the disaster of the doomsday has come. The natural disasters of the undead are just the beginning. Soon the world will Caught in a sea of ​​doomsday fire, in this desperate and critical moment, only the four great dragon kings, the great guardian dragons, can save you.

Let me tell you the greatness of these four dragon kings. Nozdormu, the Dragon of Time, is the incarnation of the God of Time. He controls the destiny of the past and the future. Pray to the great Nozdormu, and it will protect you from the future. Disaster.

There is also Alexstrasza, the dragon of life. She is the incarnation of the goddess of life. We are born and we die. The starting point and end of life will be under the control of Her Majesty Alexstrasza. Pay tribute to the great Alexstrasza. Please pray, sir, she will protect your lives and avoid the threat of death.

There is also the great dream dragon Ysera, who protects our dreams and protects us from nightmares. Pray to the great Ysera, and your souls will not be invaded by evil.

Kalecgos, the magical dragon, controls the power of the magic network and is the incarnation of magic. As a resident of Dalaran, I think you must know what that means. Pray to the great Kalecgos. You will be protected by the magic dragon, and your magic will become more powerful! "

Um? Listening to the cultist's preaching, Mo Fei couldn't help but be stunned, wondering what the hell he was thinking.

What are these things talking about?

Time Dragon? Dragon of life? Dream Dragon? Magic dragon?

The ability is quite right, but why are you still praying when you are all fussing about it? Is this spreading faith to the guardian dragon?

Mo Fei couldn't help but feel doubtful. The guardian dragon itself has the power of protection. There is no point in developing faith. The power of protection is not consumed when used. It is very convenient. Isn't it much easier to use than miracles? Wouldn't it be unnecessary to give them an additional miracle?

Miracles are related to faith. Even if you gain the power of faith, it is just overlapping your own protective power.

And why only the four dragon kings are promoted, but not the black dragon king Morpheus?

There must be something going on here. Could it be that Morpheus is up to something?

He listened in the crowd for a while, but the doubts in his heart were getting bigger and bigger, but he didn't show up. The Dragon Worship Cult spreads its faith on a large scale. It sent out a large number of believers at once, and he couldn't stop it even if he wanted to. easy.

Unless there is a big fight.

Or go to the Dragon Tower and ask the Archbishop of the Dragon Worship Cult, but Murphy has a feeling that the other party will probably not tell the truth. The Dragon Worshiping Sect is a sect that worships dragons and respects all dragons equally. As the most powerful dragon force in the past, the Guardian Dragon is regarded as a god-like existence by the Dragon Worshiping Sect and is extremely respected.

Although his relationship with the Dragon Worship Cult is not bad, it has not yet reached the point where he can make them obey their orders.

You can ask Angus about it later.

He left the crowd silently, entered the Violet Castle, and found Morgan Lisa.

"Ha, Aidan, you're here, look, look, my robe looks good."

"This is?"

Morgan Lisa was wearing a white robe inlaid with blue magic runes. The magic runes seemed to be alive, constantly changing and flashing, looking very mysterious.

Mo Fei used the power of the magic net to sense it. The runes on it had corresponding magical effects and could be activated to release the magic instantly.

There are four kinds of runes on this robe, which means it comes with four kinds of magic.

Protection type, invisibility type, illusion type, hey, there is also a teleportation type.

Good stuff.

Morgan Lisa said excitedly, "This is the guardian robe. As one of the candidates, I will receive the mission reward after completing the second round of missions. There is also a legendary magic book to choose from. I haven't picked it yet, so I won't be accepted now." It’s not a loss if you join the Guardian.”


"Haha, it's all thanks to you. Oh, by the way, Antonidas said that if you come, I hope you can meet him."

Murphy nodded, said goodbye to Morgan Lisa and came to the speaker's office.

Antonidas seemed to have been waiting for him for a long time, "Ah, Lord Aidan, you are finally here. The disaster Dalaran is facing this time is so terrible. Thanks to you, it can all end. I am not solemn when I say this." I expressed my gratitude.”

"You're welcome, Master Antonidas. We are all fighting for the tranquility and peace of the alliance and to protect the world. Don't worry about it."

"Protect the world, haha, maybe." Antonidas looked at Murphy with deep and long eyes. One day the ancient dragon king showed the form of the world destroyer, and he saw the terrifying power that could destroy the world. For the ancient dragon in front of him The incarnation of the king, he is also quite fearful and vigilant.

Each of these powerful dragon clans is mysterious and unpredictable. They have ancient secrets and deep plans, so they must be guarded against.

But now that everyone is still in the same camp, Antonidas is happy to maintain harmony in performance.

"Sir Speaker, do you have anything to do with me?"

"Yes, I have received a lot of information and intelligence recently, some of which are quite exaggerated and unbelievable, but also conclusive. Perhaps Lord Aidan can provide me with some opinions.

Dalaran's Astrology Academy received a prophecy while observing the starry sky. The Scourge was just the beginning. Terrible enemies from another world had arrived, and the horrific disaster we were about to face was far from over.

Today, some students from the Arcane Academy claimed that the demon army is coming to the world, and we need to respond immediately.

I asked them how they knew it, but the student was hesitant and couldn't explain it. However, if only one or two people said this, I wouldn't mind it. But even the great mages have expressed that they should beware of the invasion of demons, so I felt that Doubts inevitably arise, have things really reached this point? Are we prepared for the coming crisis? "

Mo Fei's heart was clear. The prophecies from the Astrology Academy, the students from the Arcane Academy, and the archmages. Most of the people who provided information were players. Yes, there would definitely be players who would take advantage of the information to gain benefits in this kind of thing. of.

But looking at Antonidas, he didn't seem to believe it.

No wonder, if you can't even give a reason, how can you believe it easily.

But he did have enough reasons to convince the other party.

"This information is correct. The Burning Legion has arrived. They arrived at the Tomb of Sargeras in the Broken Islands. They are led by Archimonde the Defiler. Ten thousand years ago, he led an army of demons to invade. In this world, it was the Night Elf Empire, the Aspect Dragon, and many wilderness demigods who joined forces to defeat it. Now they are back again, with the sole purpose of destroying this world."

"What? Are you sure?"

Antonidas's face suddenly became serious after hearing this.

"How do you know all this?"

"Haha, of course I know, maybe it's time to tell you my true identity——

I am the King of Ancient Dragons, the ancestor of all dragons. I have witnessed everything from the moment this universe was born. I have witnessed the formation of the planet under my feet. I have witnessed the prehistoric era ruled by the King of Elements. I have witnessed the ancient times with my own eyes. With the advent of God, I witnessed with my own eyes the arrival of Titan and the birth of the Demonic Network.

For thousands of years, countless races have risen and fallen, countless empires have been born and perished. I have witnessed too much. The so-called Burning Legion and the ancient war are just a few waves in the long river of history, so what else do you have? Problem? "

As Murphy spoke, the majesty of the Ancient Dragon King was quietly released, and the unfathomable pressure made Antonidas' complexion change drastically.

The astonishing information revealed in those calm words made Antonidas even more confused. Even he, the Speaker of Dalaran, had never heard of many of the contents. Even after the Explorers Association excavated countless ruins, he had no idea at all.

He looked at the young-looking human in front of him, but the unfathomable pupils in his eyes revealed ancient wisdom, and he felt a little more respect in his heart.

As for Murphy's words, he believed it seventy-eight percent.

After all, this world is all about power, and the power Mo Fei has shown in the past is enough to back up his words.

"Thank you for bringing such important information, Your Majesty the Ancient Dragon King. I don't know why you turned into a human being, but since you chose to become one of us, I think you definitely don't want our ethnic group to perish and become extinct. So in the face of such How should we deal with this crisis? I wonder if you can give me some suggestions."

"Don't be nervous, Speaker Antonidas. I have fully exchanged views with His Majesty Godwin, the Centaur King Shenwu Emperor, and the tribal chief Ba Dao Wuwu. We have decided to unite all forces and organize an unprecedentedly large army. Facing the invasion of the Burning Legion, I hope to see Dalaran mages join the fight."

"Of course, we have no shirk..."

(End of this chapter)

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