Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 567 War Mobilization

Chapter 567 War Mobilization

Sure enough, his words are different depending on his status. Now he is already a very important figure in the alliance, and he got Antonidas's promise with just one word.

Sure enough, power is everything.

After leaving Dalaran, Murphy chose to return to his castle to prepare for a new round of war.

An hour later, Murphy slowly landed in the square of Longshang Castle.

He directly ordered his subordinates to gather for a meeting in the castle hall. When everyone arrived, Murphy began to assign tasks.

"Fresanks, I have a task for you. Go to Northrend to meet Varian and tell him that the Burning Legion is about to invade Mount Hyjal on the continent of Kalimdor, and a battle will take place there to determine this... A battle for the survival of the world. If he wants to protect the world and prove his justice, then this battle will be his best chance.

Of course, this is not a requirement that I swear to him, so he needs to make his own choice and repeat my words to him clearly, do you understand? "

"I understand, Lord Aidandron, I will definitely handle this matter." Fresanks agreed and left with the news.

There is also a deep meaning in arranging Fresanks to do this task. Fresanks is a ghostly death dragon, and it is not easy for him to misunderstand the Immortal Covenant.

Then Murphy looked at the Dragon Worshiping Priest.

"Angus, do you know what the Dragon Worship Church's recent missionary operations are? Why does the Dragon Worship Church spread faith to the Aspect Dragon? Is this their own initiative, or is it a task given to them by the Aspect Dragon?"

Angus shook his head in embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Master, since I joined the master, the archbishop no longer trusts me. He seems to have noticed something, and seems to have a slight criticism of the master. I can no longer get it from him." Direct instructions.

However, I did learn from some priests I know that the Dragon Worship Cult is conducting a major operation, which is said to be related to the return of the Dragon God. "

The return of the Dragon God? So why didn't I get the message? I am supposed to be the incarnation of the Dragon God.

wrong! Could it be that this Dragon God has other intentions?

Murphy frowned and couldn't help but sigh. Winning other people's bosses to work for him would indeed have side effects.

Now there is one less source of information.

But it doesn't matter, Angus is not the only one of his men who has the ability to gather information.

"Lisa Jess, I have a task for you. Use your wind language to monitor the situation on the Dragon Islands for me. The guardian dragon seems to be brewing some plan. I must always understand their movements and monitor them. If anything happens to them, please notify me immediately."

Lesajes nodded, "Yes, Sir Aidandron, I will definitely handle this matter."

Murphy had no doubt about this. He had been confused by the wind whispering technique before. Even the guardian dragon might not be able to guard against this elusive monitoring ability.

Then he looked at Roland again.

"Roland, assemble the troops of the Dragon Knights, let's go to Kalimdor."

"I will comply with your instructions, Master." Roland agreed.

In the War of Three Kings, the Knights of the Dragon Knights had no casualties because they held the line at the rear, so they were able to join the Holy War on Mount Hyjal.

Although personal strength is very important, appearance is also indispensable. At least when fighting for the right to speak or distributing benefits, the troops in hand are also very important.

"If we use the Storm Dragon King fleet for transportation, we can transport up to five thousand troops. Do we need to recruit some adventurers to fill the gap?"

"There is no need, they will go on their own. This war will be an unprecedented one, and it will not happen too soon. We have enough time to prepare. Oh, by the way, Prince Anvilmar, bring your dwarf craftsmen. , this time we need to fight a defensive battle, so some fortifications are also necessary."

Asona, a militant, was extremely excited, "Finally, my fateful battle is about to happen."

While he was talking, a shout suddenly came from outside.

A knight rushed into the castle hall, "My lord, you'd better come out and take a look."

When Murphy led everyone out of the gate and came to the tower of the castle, he saw at a glance a huge green flame cloud floating in the distant sky, and meteors burning with green flames were shooting from there. Passing through the clouds and falling towards the ground.

It’s the rain of hellfire!

Murphy reacted immediately.

Judging from the direction and distance, it should have fallen deep into the Alterac Mountains.

Murphy frowned slightly. He didn't expect that the game mechanism would start to be refreshed so quickly, and it happened to appear in Alterac.

Is it just good/bad luck?

No, the game mechanism of Hell Fire Rain should be involved in the entire game. At this moment, I am afraid that all countries have suffered such attacks.

"You continue to execute the order, I will go over and take a look."

As Mo Fei spoke, he transformed into an ancient dragon, fluttered its wings and flew into the sky, flying towards the direction of the falling meteorite.

When Murphy flew to the target location, the cloud of evil flames had disappeared, and dozens of hellfire demons landed on the snowfield below.

This should be the energy reaction caused by the long-distance projection of troops by the Burning Legion. Looking down from the air, the originally white snowfield is now full of craters left by the explosion, and green evil fire is burning on the ground. Huge hellfire demons crawled out of the pit one after another. They ignored some snowmen and direwolves nearby, gathered directly into a group, and headed towards Alterac City.

Murphy counted, there were thirty-three hellfires in total, each of them was a monster of more than ten or twenty meters tall and above level 80. The most powerful one among them was even a disaster-level BOSS, with a total of four or five. Ten meters high.

Although the highest level is only disaster level, the basic template of the Hellfire Demon is the Colossus template. Even ordinary monsters have up to 15,000 HP, so Mo Fei does not underestimate him. Such a group of Hellfires is enough to destroy a small building. city.

Murphy doesn't care about these hellfire demons, but he cares that if this happens, Alterac may not be able to attack in full force. Not only will Alterac not be able to attack in full, but all the countries in the alliance may need to retain enough troops for defense. .

Godwin's order to recruit an army may encounter obstacles.

He was about to swoop down to eliminate these hellfires when he saw many small black dots appearing densely on the distant horizon.

At a glance, Mo Fei's Eye of the Ancient Dragon seemed to be very close. He was an adventurer. He seemed to have discovered that the rain of hellfire was falling nearby, so he formed a group to defeat the wild BOSS.

The number of adventurers in the distance is increasing. At first there were only three or five groups with one or two hundred people, but soon they became densely packed into thousands.

Their target is naturally these moving Hellfire Demons. Because they are version mechanism monsters, the drop rate of these Hellfire Demons is very high, and they will drop a large amount of rare materials. It can be said that all of them are walking real money. . Especially for studios, this is definitely a great opportunity to make money.

Murphy suddenly felt relieved, haha, he had forgotten about these adventurers.

He did not swoop down, but soared above the clouds, watching the situation on the battlefield. The adventurers were first frightened by the size of this group of hellfires. Dozens of large men tens of meters high moved together. The movement was not Generally large, a hasty attack will inevitably cause heavy casualties.

But the adventurers soon had a strategy to deal with it. Each guild sent many hunters to pull out monsters. They shot an arrow from a distance and drew a hellfire's hatred far away. When it was drawn out a few hundred meters away, it fell. Shan Shan, a group of adventurers immediately swarmed up like hyenas besieging a buffalo, and killed the hellfire demons they had lured out in minutes.

There were more than thirty hellfires, and one hunter after another was pulled out of the monster group and beaten to death by the adventurers. Before the group of hellfires reached even half way, they were completely eaten up by the adventurers.

There are even player teams that failed to grab the strange ones.

The last BOSS-level Hellfire was beaten by thousands of people and died in an extremely miserable manner.

Mo Feixin said that it seemed that he was worrying too much. With the existence of adventurers, this version of Hell Fire Rain and Devil's Gate and other game mechanisms are basically to provide equipment and materials to adventurers.

Because it is a mechanical monster, the drops are quite impressive, more generous than ordinary wild BOSS, but it is just meat.

The only thing to guard against now is the mechanism of the Burning Crusade. The setting of this mechanism is that the Burning Legion will send an army of demons to attack a certain camp until it is completely destroyed and the camp is destroyed.

Of course, it is impossible to destroy an official camp, and there is a high probability that this is the reason. But to be able to destroy an official camp, the force must be very large, and it is definitely not something that just 1,800 adventurers can solve.

I'm afraid we will have to deal with it carefully when the time comes.

But it doesn't matter. There are many players in the Burning Legion. As long as there is such a big move, it will definitely not be hidden. When the time comes, we can deal with it in a targeted manner.

The top priority is to gather troops and go to Mount Hyjal to occupy a position. Mount Hyjal will soon become a battlefield where various forces gather. You have to find a suitable and good place for your troops to deploy their defenses.

The evil power in Archimonde's hands must be obtained.

Thinking in his mind, Murphy flew in the direction of Longshang Castle.

At this moment, not only Murphy is gathering troops, preparing to join the war and seize Archimonde's power of authority.

Several major official camps are also hesitantly preparing for war.

The Alliance is the most concerned about this war. After all, they have just finished defeating the Lich King and are particularly sensitive to threats.

Although I didn't get the official reward for defeating the Lich King (because the Lich King Gul'dan was split into two souls, which caused the Lich King's golden body to be broken, he also lost the savior reward corresponding to killing the Lich King. ), but Gul'dan dropped a lot, and those who participated in the battle and killed more or less got some good things.

Some even got their hands on legendary weapons.

And those death lords who were eliminated in the war contributed a lot of top-quality equipment and plot equipment.

Coupled with the massive amount of plot points, the soldiers, lords, and hero players who participated in this battle have all received a wave of improvements. Many of them have gained advanced levels and even acquired legendary specialties.

Although the casualties are not small, because of the undead transformation mechanism, it is still safe.

Now that the Burning Legion is coming again, and Archimonde is personally in charge, the equipment dropped will only be more top-quality, and the plot points given will only be more. Whoever can grab this wave of benefits will definitely be in the next round. Become a strong player in the game.

The loss of Archimonde attracted countless coveted eyes.

So as soon as Godwin issued the mobilization order, players from all over the world immediately responded. However, the NPCs seemed less concerned. Their field of vision was relatively narrow and they could only see the tragic casualties in the War of Three Kings.

However, Godwin did not force other countries. He was limited to naval capacity. His goal was to gather 500,000 elite troops to participate in the war. Forget about the militia. In a war with a force of the level of the Burning Legion, the militia troops would be killed if they went up. .

It can still be of some use against skeleton zombies, but it may be of no use against the demonic army of the Burning Legion.

So as the leader of the alliance, he gave various countries a relatively reasonable number of troops.

Lordaeron can independently bear the number of 200,000 troops, the Kingdom of Stormwind has 80,000, and Dalaran has 80,000. Forget about cannon fodder), 30,000 from Alterac, 30,000 from Gilneas, 50,000 from Kul Tiras (mainly the navy), 10,000 from Stromgarde (in view of the huge losses in the war with the Scourge), Godwin also They specially sent troops to rescue Rapids City and drove away the Frostwolf Clan's army.

Ironforge, Eagle's Nest, Quel'Thalas, and Gnomeregan also allocate a certain amount of troops.

Countries are still giving face to Godwin's mobilization. First of all, the country of Lordaeron is now at its peak, and defeating the Lich King has made Godwin happy to be promoted to the legendary rank. This situation is stronger than others, and the alliance leaders still have to give face.

On the other hand, when Godwin called on everyone to fight the Scourge, no one believed it, but it turned out that the Scourge was indeed real. Now facing the more powerful Burning Legion, they still believe more.

The Horde also had little trouble. The key problem was that the orcs were not dealing with the Alliance, and they had nothing to do with the night elves. Speaking of which, they still had a grudge - although the grudge was between Ner'zhul and Gul'dan. A good master and apprentice formed a relationship, but if the night elves had a bad opinion of the orcs, they didn't run away.

Looking at it this way, it seems a little unreasonable for the tribe to join the war.

However, as a great chief, Ba Dao Qingqing still has some prestige. The key is that he is relatively good at deception.

Directly tell the orcs in the tribe that this battle is to completely free the tribe from the shadow of demon rule, and to avenge the heavy casualties caused by being enslaved and exploited by the Burning Legion. The orcs will never be slaves. Faced with the former Master, we must defeat them.

The speech successfully aroused the orcs' fighting spirit.

Of course, the main reason is that many of the clan chiefs are players, and they all want to join the battle to grab loot, so they naturally cooperate with Ba Dao's ruthless orders.

So an army of half a million orcs gathered one after another and marched towards Kalimdor.

Finally, it’s the night elves’ side.

At this moment, Emperor Shenwu had arrived at Mount Hyjal and met with Tyrande and Malfurion to discuss the plan to fight against the Burning Legion.

In the conference room, Emperor Shenwu and the senior leaders of the Dark Night Alliance gathered together.

(End of this chapter)

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