Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 568 Ancient Night Guards and Sleepers

Chapter 568 Ancient Night Guards and Sleepers

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "Ms. Tyrande, Archdruid Malfurion, this time we will face an unprecedented threat. The Burning Legion has arrived. We must unite all the forces that can be united to fight together." fighting."

"I have contacted the tribe and the alliance. They will fight side by side with us. Their troops are gathering and will arrive in Kalimdor soon. I hope to inform you first to avoid misunderstandings."

After hearing what Emperor Shenwu said, Tyrande looked slightly displeased, "Forget about the Alliance, those humans are indeed heroic warriors, but those orcs from the tribe?

Don't forget that we only fought a war with the orcs last year. It was the orcs who assassinated Lord Cenarion. It was the orcs who released the Ahn'Qiraj zerg and C'Thun. "

The Shenwu Emperor pointed at him and said, "I know this better than you. Don't forget, I killed C'Thun myself." The Shenwu Emperor said calmly, and Tyrande couldn't help but choke. There is really no way to blame the other party, who allowed them to take the head of the ancient god.

But the orc tribe is not the same. Just like there are traitors like Xavius ​​among the night elves, there are also good guys and bad guys among the orcs. Could it be that because of the appearance of Xavius, do you regard all night elves as enemies? ? "

Tyrande was speechless when he said this, and at the same time a little angry. This centaur was too sharp-tongued.

Malfurion finally spoke at this time, "Haha, you are still as eloquent as before, Emperor Shenwu."

Emperor Shenwu smiled and said, "Haha, Lord Malfurion is still as calm and steady as before. Even though the Burning Legion has arrived, I don't see you at all nervous."

"Fear and panic cannot help us fight against the enemy. If the world is destined to be destroyed, we should respond calmly and never give up hope.

Moreover, we have made countless preparations for the arrival of this day. I have foreseen the arrival of this moment since 10,000 years ago. The night elves have been preparing for too long, and now it is finally time to start to exert our true power. . "

Emperor Shenwu felt a shiver in his heart. The night elves have a profound background. How much power they have hidden has never been fully revealed. Will it finally be revealed at this moment?

But Malfurion said in a deep voice: "I think it's time to assemble the ancient night guards to fight against the Burning Legion."

"Ancient Night Guards?" Emperor Shenwu was a little stunned. He had never heard of such a force.

Malfurion nodded, "Yes, they are the Ancient Night Guards. Ten thousand years ago, after the War of the Ancients ended, we began to train a group of elite troops. At that time, they were just called the Night Guards. Established recruit troops.

But after 10,000 years of hard training and 10,000 years of bloody battles, this force has become extremely powerful. It is an unprecedented elite army. I have been stationed in Teldrassil to protect the last home of the night elves. But now, it's time to send them into battle. "

Emperor Shenwu couldn't help but feel shocked. Everything in this game is dynamic. NPCs, soldiers, heroes, and even civilians can gain experience points and improve their levels by fighting monsters and training. If this army is really upgraded, In ten thousand years, I'm afraid each of them will be a full-level elite soldier.

How strong does that have to be?

But Archimonde is not something that a group of max-level soldiers can defeat.

"It sounds very powerful, but even if they are ten thousand-year-old elites, after all, they are still flesh and blood. They may have no problem dealing with ordinary demon legions, but facing powerful demons like Archimonde, I'm afraid there is no way. Chances of winning, I do have a plan, a proposal, which may be the key to defeating Archimonde.”

Several night elf leaders were a little curious.

"Archimonde's real goal is to seize the power of the World Tree, so he will definitely lead an army to attack Mount Hyjal. Our three armies will set up defenses at the foot of Mount Hyjal to block the Burning Legion's attack and consume the enemy's strength. Delay time.

During this period, Lord Malfurion awakened the ancient elves and gathered the ancient elves around the World Tree. When Archimonde reached the foot of the World Tree, he let all the ancient elves rush forward and explode themselves, and then - Ka collapse! "The Shenwu Emperor made an explosive movement with his hands.

These words made everyone present look angry.

Tyrande's expression changed drastically.

"No, you don't know what you are talking about. The ancient elves are all ancient night souls. They are often a member of the night elves. They have lived from ancient times to the present and are our ancestors and relatives. To use the ancient The power of the elves against Archimonde would result in thousands of casualties.

Lord Martial, King of the Centaurs, you'd better stop your crazy talk, otherwise you will provoke the wrath of the night elves. "

Emperor Shenwu was speechless. He didn't expect the other party to react so strongly.

"How did you know about the existence of ancient elves?" Malfurion asked another question.

(Of course I saw it from the history of Warcraft).

Emperor Shenwu looked indifferent, "I am a favored person of the Mother Goddess of the Earth. I know everything on the earth very well. Is there anything strange about this?"

These words actually made everyone less angry.

Night elves are also believers of the Earth Mother. Although their belief level is lower than that of the moon god Elune, they still respect her very much.

"I can tolerate your rudeness, Emperor Shenwu, because I think that is also the extreme idea you came up with under the pressure of the Burning Legion, but I will never do such a thing to my people and my ancestors unless I have to. sacrifice.

We can fight Archimonde through our own strength.

I agree with your invitation to the Alliance and Horde to join the war, but the ancient elves plan is never feasible. "

"Well, I think that if our three major forces join forces, it may not necessarily require the sacrifice of the ancient elves, so I will say goodbye to everyone first. I will command the Centaur Legion to build positions in the plains around Mount Hyjal."

Watching Emperor Shenwu leave, the top leaders of the night elves fell into a quarrel.

Fandral Staghelm (Arch Druid): "The ancient elves are indeed our relatives, but if the World Tree is threatened, perhaps we should be prepared. The necessary sacrifices are acceptable."

The World Tree gives the night elves eternal life. If the World Tree disappears, the night elves will not be able to live forever. Without immortality, they will only live for ten thousand years and then die. The loss would be too great.

Tyrande still insisted, "Such a sacrifice is absolutely unacceptable."

"Maybe we should wake up the Sleeping Army." The Dryad Queen suddenly said.

Yes, the Sleeper Army!

Several people exchanged glances with each other, which was indeed necessary.

The upcoming battle on Mount Hyjal will gather millions of troops from both sides. The number of night elves' troops is still too small. To dominate this war, more troops are needed.

It is imperative to awaken the sleeping army.

Lalalu (Arch Druid): "What is the Sleeper Army?"

Everyone looked surprised at this question, wondering why they didn't even know this.

It was Malfurion who explained this.

In fact, the night elves have been preparing for war since ten thousand years ago.

After the night elves received the blessing of the World Tree, they gained eternal life and a strong body. At the same time, the night elves still maintained the same ability to reproduce as before. This means that as long as there are no accidental deaths, the population of night elves can grow exponentially.

There are only births and no deaths.

Over the next three thousand years, the night elves' population continued to multiply, and soon it exceeded the capacity of Mount Hyjal. They continued to expand into the surrounding territories, such as Ashenvale, Darkshore, Stonetalon Mountains, Feralas Glades, and even the Barrens. place.

As the population increased, Malfurion and other top night elves gradually realized that sooner or later the world would be unable to bear it if this continued. To feed so many night elves would inevitably put huge pressure on nature.

Although they care for nature, night elves are not virgins. In order to maintain the balance of nature, they will actively kill those beasts that reproduce too much to ensure the natural cycle.

The balance of nature must be observed not only by animals, but also by night elves.

Of course, we can't just massacre the night elves.

Druids have the ability to send life into the Emerald Dream, and once they enter the Emerald Dream, they can sleep forever.

Therefore, in order to maintain the balance of nature and to have enough troops to fight against the Burning Legion in the future, under the leadership of Malfurion and Cenarius, the night elves launched an operation called "Sleeper Plan" .

A large number of elite night elves were sent to the Emerald Dream and fell into a deep sleep. In order to protect these night elves, a large number of druids were also sent to the Emerald Dream for maintenance. In the next seven thousand years, except for a few wars, Outside of interruptions, the number of Sleepers in the Emerald Dream continues to increase at other times.

There are now millions of night elves in the Emerald Dream. Once awakened, they will be a force that can shake the world.

Malfurion nodded with a heavy expression: "You're right, it's time to wake up the sleepers. Countless night elves will die and sacrifice in this war, but this is the fate we must face."

Tyrande suddenly said: "Everyone, since we have to wake up the sleeping one and summon the ancient night guards, I think it is time to release him."

"You mean Illidan? No, he must not be released." Malfurion flatly refused. Although he was usually obedient to Tyrande, he never wavered on some issues of principle.

"Illidan is the best candidate to deal with demons." Tyrande still insisted.

However, when this was said, all the senior officials did not take it seriously.

Regarding Illidan, everyone's attitude is very obvious, try not to mention it or pay attention to it.

This kid has a bad temper and thinks very highly of himself. There is no need to let him out to cause trouble.

Malfurion even directly talked about the truth, "Using evil power to fight evil power will only breed more evil. Unless he can realize his mistakes, correct his evil ways, and give up the use of magic, he will He will be imprisoned forever in the dungeons of Shadowkeep, guarded by the Legion of Watchers, and no one will be able to free him."


"This is the Shadow Castle. Be careful. There are Shadow Warden guards everywhere, all high-level monsters in their sixties and above. I dare not get close. I will be easily discovered."

A thief whispered to the three people behind him.

The three of them hid in a bush on the top of the mountain, staring at the eerie castle built in the shadow of the mountain.

Most of the night elves' architectural styles are elegant and beautiful, but the castle in front of them only feels dangerous and gloomy.

You can see looming figures appearing and disappearing from time to time. Those are all night guards in a hidden state.

"Okay, my mission has been completed." The thief said, reaching out to the three of them.

Sal was a little confused, "What do you mean?"

"What else could it mean? Of course it's a mission reward. Is it free to help you lead the way?" the thief said matter-of-factly.

Alsace and Thrall looked at each other, both looking embarrassed. They had been living in exile for a long time. They had problems eating, and they had no money.

"I'll do it." Jaina said nonchalantly, took out a large handful of gold coins and stuffed them in, then put a blue-quality one-handed sword on top.

"Is this enough?"

"That's enough, that's enough, haha. If you have anything to do with me in the future, beauties, just come to me, no ambiguity - then I'll leave first."

The thief took the mission reward and left happily.

The three of them had a headache looking at the tight defenses of Shadow Castle.

Thrall (The Apocalypse): "This is where the crow sage said Illidan was imprisoned, right? Do we really want to rescue him?"

Arthas nodded, "Of course, what's your question?"

"But since he is imprisoned, doesn't it mean that he is a bad person?"

"Don't forget, the two of us are still wanted. My brother wants me, and your brother is offering a reward for you. I think maybe this person is framed like us - maybe he was framed by his own brother. Woolen cloth."

"Uh, okay, you have a point."

"Besides, the Crow Prophet said that Illidan is the key to defeating the devil and saving the world. Even if he is a bad guy, we must save him."

Jaina was a little hesitant: "Hey, you two, I always feel that the crow prophet is a bit sneaky."

Thrall said: "But he did predict the coming of the Scourge and the demon army, and also guided us to defeat the ogres that caused trouble in Razor Ridge."

Arthas also agreed: "Yes, he was the one who told us the weaknesses of the Gnoll Overseer when we fought against them."

Thrall: "There is also the water element lord who was corrupted by the evil force. He helped us purify it."

Arthas: "There is also the Naga Sea Witch in Naga Sea who caused us trouble. He also told us the location of the artifact."

Sal: "And..."

Jaina said helplessly, "Stop, stop, okay, okay, I won't say bad things about him. Let's figure out how to sneak in and save Illidan."

(End of this chapter)

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