Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 569 Illidan’s Plan

Chapter 569 Illidan’s Plan


A cry of surprise came from the dark and gloomy corridor.

Then there was a rush of footsteps. Arthas, Thrall, Jaina, and of course Illidan, who they had just released from prison, were running at high speed in the dark corridor.

Illidan was still in a state of confusion, wondering where did these guys come from? Why save yourself.

But if he had the chance to escape from prison, he would never let it go.

But looking at the few people running away in a panic, they couldn't help but complain.

"You idiots, why didn't you even arrange a way to retreat? You are so ignorant and fearless."

"Shut up, don't forget that we rescued you from prison." Jaina shouted coldly and stopped suddenly.

She thought about teleporting away, but found that a barrier was set up in this castle, and teleportation magic could not be used at all.

In the darkness behind him, there were dozens of shadows and shadow guards approaching quickly.

She raised her staff, and the power of frost bloomed at the top of the staff - an ice barrier!

The rapidly condensing frost froze the corridor into a thick ice wall.

"This should hinder them for a while."

Illidan glanced at the effect of the magic with some appreciation. This young girl used magic well.

Alsace glanced around, his face a little ugly, "We seem to be lost."

Illidan was a little speechless, but suddenly his heart moved, as if he felt something, "Follow me, go this way."

He turned and ran towards a passage.

"Hey, wait a minute, we didn't come in from that way!"

However, Illidan turned a deaf ear and his figure quickly disappeared into the darkness. The three of them looked at each other and could only follow.

boom! A stone door was shattered. Illidan felt the rare magic power in his body. He had been imprisoned for ten thousand years. His body was extremely weak. Without weapons, he was like a tiger with its teeth pulled out. He blasted open a stone door. It's all a bit laborious.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you get back what belongs to you, your strength will soon be restored and even become stronger.

Although this ten thousand years of imprisonment prevented him from exercising his body and increasing his magic power, it also gave him a lot of time to think. There are now many ideas that need to be verified regarding the thinking and exploration of magic and evil energy.

But everything has to wait until he escapes from this damn prison.

He walked straight into the room and searched for what he was looking for.

The three people behind them looked curiously at the strange room in front of them. A row of huge green crystals stood against the wall, but there were no exits around it.

"This is not the way out of the castle!" Jaina said angrily.

Illidan sneered, "Who said I was going to escape."

He walked straight to the two largest crystals, inside which he could vaguely see a pair of strange-shaped weapons sealed inside.

"Azzinoth! My old friend, we finally meet again. Have you felt your master's call? Answer me!"

Illidan stretched out his hands, and the Warblade of Azzinoth in the crystal made an excited sound.

boom! The two crystals exploded instantly, and a pair of moon blades emitting green evil energy flew into Illidan's hands, and the powerful evil power was instantly activated.

The long-lost feeling made Illidan tremble all over, and the green magic patterns on his body lit up, as if he had returned to the years of slaughtering demons ten thousand years ago.

The three of them looked shocked. Is this Illidan so powerful?

At this time, footsteps were approaching rapidly in the corridor behind him, and the messy footsteps clearly meant that many people were coming.

"No, they're catching up!" Thrall shouted.

The three of them raised their weapons nervously. The guards of Shadow Castle were very difficult and very powerful.

"Hmph, you came just in time." A black shadow suddenly passed between the three people, and instantly rushed into the crowd of pursuers, sweeping past like a green whirlwind.

Devil's Bite!

Chaos strikes!

Death sweeps across!

With a pair of Azzinoth Warglaives in hand, killing these shadow guards was like chopping vegetables and melons. All the resentment that had been imprisoned for ten thousand years was vented in an instant.

"No, Illidan is too powerful. Go and inform Lord Maiev!"

Evil eyes!

The green fel energy beam shot through the darkness, instantly piercing the shadow guard who wanted to escape from the battlefield.

The battle was fierce and short. In just three or two minutes, all the dozen shadow guards were chopped down to the ground.

Looking at the corpses everywhere, Illidan finally let out a bad breath. After being imprisoned by Maiev and enduring so many years of torture, Illidan finally gave back some of it.

"We can leave now." He waved to the three of them and led the way outside.

Thirty minutes later, several people finally escaped from the castle and teleported to an unknown hill.

"Tell me, who sent you to rescue me, you guys..."

"We are humans." Arthas said hurriedly.

"Humans, haha, what a strange name. You look a bit like Vrykul, but you are much smaller. I once taught those big guys when I went to the north with my brother to adventure, a group of savages..."

There was a look of reminiscence on Illidan's face, as well as a hint of nostalgia.

"Hey, brother Illidan, we risked our lives to rescue you. I think you should at least express your gratitude to the savior."

"Humph, I won't be grateful to you, because I know that you rescued me for some purpose. I am a generous person, and I can give you something in return. I guess this is the reason why you rescued me, right? .”

The three of them looked at each other and thought that this Illidan was indeed as arrogant and rude as rumored, but he was still able to communicate.

"Yes, the Burning Legion has arrived, and we need you to help us fight against the Burning Legion."

"Fight against the Burning Legion? It's just you, hahahaha!" Illidan burst out laughing. He looked at the faces of the three people. Although he didn't know how long the lifespan of this race called 'humanity' was, how could these three people in front of him? He doesn't even look very mature.

"You should leave this matter to adults.

But okay, if you really want to seek help, I can give you some advice. To deal with the Burning Legion, you must first understand what their goal is and what their purpose is.    Do you know who is the leader this time? "

"Archimund the Defiler," Jaina said.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's that guy, then you are lucky. Although Archimonde is very powerful, he has no brains. It is much easier to deal with than Kil'jaeden. As for Archimonde's goal, there is no The question must be the World Tree on Mount Hyjal, or to be precise, the World Tree and the Well of Eternity below."

Jaina was a little surprised: "How did you know? We just rescued you."

"Because I created the Well of Eternity."

Illidan said proudly: "One thousand years ago, when the Well of Eternity was destroyed, I took seven bottles of water from the Well of Eternity, and I poured three of them into the lake on the top of Mount Hyjal, thus destroying them. Transformed into the second Well of Eternity.

Although it is far behind the original Well of Eternity, it is still a powerful source of magic. "

Jaina had heard the legend about the Well of Eternity, and when she heard such a secret, her eyes suddenly shone with excitement.

"What about the remaining four bottles?"

"One bottle was stolen by that bastard Dath'Rema and disappeared, and the other three bottles were secretly hidden by me."

"Dath'Remar - you mean Dath'Remar Sunstrider?" Jaina looked shocked. She didn't expect that the carefree and decadent night elf in front of her actually knew the founding king of Quel'Thalas. .

"Yes, you know that bastard?"

Jaina shook her head: "I do not have this honor. His Majesty Dath'Remar died thousands of years ago. He was the first king of Quel'Thalas and the founder of the Sunwell."

"What, that bastard Dath'Remar actually became the king? Humph, that's really unexpected. The Sunwell? Humph, it's really the style of the Sunstrider family, but in the end it's just from the Well of Eternity. It’s just a poor imitation, nothing compared to the power of the Well of Eternity.”

The more Illidan talked, the more excited he became. He looked toward the northeast, which was the direction of Mount Hyjal.

"My short-sighted brother didn't understand the greatness of the Well of Eternity at all. After ten thousand years of circulation, the power of the Well of Eternity must have been extremely powerful. Archimonde's goal must be to seize the power of the Well of Eternity. , all demon lords are tireless in their pursuit of power, and he absolutely cannot resist this temptation.

Once he seizes the power of the Well of Eternity, Archimonde will become extremely powerful and can even summon Sargeras. Of course, I highly doubt that he will probably take this power for himself. "

Jaina was extremely shocked when she heard that. For the mages of Dalaran, the Sunwell is a dream existence. Everyone wants to see its true appearance, and the water in the Sunwell is an extremely precious magic material. .

Later, I heard that the Sunwell was destroyed by the orcs, and the mages of Dalaran felt sorry and gloated at the same time.

It was with the power of the Sunwell that the high elves of Quel'Thalas established a powerful magical civilization and trained a powerful magic legion that could even compete with Dalaran.

Now that she has learned that the so-called Sunwell is just a low-end version, and that there is a high-end version of the Well of Eternity, and it was created by the decadent uncle in front of her, Jaina can't help but feel a very unreal feeling. .

How powerful will the power of the Well of Eternity be if it can attract the demon lord to snatch it at all costs?

Thrall said: "So Archimonde's goal is to seize the power of the Well of Eternity? Then how do we stop him?"

Arthas said: "Perhaps we can inform my elder brother. He is the Lord Protector of Alterac and has great influence in the entire alliance. If he knows about this matter, he will definitely lead an army to Mount Hyjal. Stop Archimonde."

Jaina: "That's right. Lord Aidan is very powerful. Even Archimonde may not be his opponent. In addition, we should also ask my teacher Antonidas for help. He is the leader of Dalaran. In order to To prevent the Well of Eternity from falling into the hands of the devil, I will definitely take action myself."

"Humph, it's useless. Mortal power can't fight against a powerful existence like Archimonde, but I have a better way to solve all this. In fact, I have been planning everything for these ten thousand years. Now it is finally time to implement this plan.”

The three of them were a little surprised and skeptical after hearing this.

Is this thing in front of me so powerful?

"any solution?"

"Since Archimonde's goal is to absorb the power of the Well of Eternity, as long as I absorb the power of the Well of Eternity in advance, his goal will never succeed."


It really sounds like that.

Jaina knows magic: "But a mortal body cannot withstand such a powerful force, unless -"

A word suddenly popped into Jaina's mind - [Guardian]!

Although the birth process of the Guardian is a huge secret in Dalaran, people only know that the Council of Tirisfal injected extremely powerful magic into the body of a mage, giving him nearly unlimited magical power. The first generation of guardians is born.

But there are different opinions on the origin of these magical powers.

Some people say that many archmages injected their own magic into the guardians.

But some people say that the Council implanted part of the Weave into the Guardians.

Logically speaking, a mortal cannot bear such a huge force, so no one knows what is going on.

Jaina and other mage apprentices had also secretly made guesses. As she learned more about magic, Jaina also had her own guesses.

She speculated that there was probably some kind of connection between the guardian and the magic network.

However, even the guardian only has the power of a small node in the magic network. An ordinary mage licks the water droplets seeping out of the water pipe, but the guardian is equivalent to opening a faucet directly from the magic network for his own use.

But compared to the power of the Well of Eternity, the power of the Guardian is probably far from comparable.

The power of the Well of Eternity is roughly equivalent to a big hole in a water pipe. This hole leaked out for ten thousand years, forming a huge reservoir.

To inject the energy of an entire reservoir into a person's body, it would have to burst.

"That's true. Mortals can't bear such power, so we need a Titan relic to assist. We can fuse the Titan relic with the mortal body to obtain the conditions for carrying eternal power. Ten thousand years ago, there was an artifact that was Enshrined in an ancient night elf magical temple.

When the explosion occurred, the temple was also submerged in the flood.

I originally planned to dig out that artifact at the right time and complete my plan, but I was imprisoned by my stupid brother.

But this plan can still be implemented. If you are willing to help me, I can absorb the power of the Well of Eternity and defeat Archimonde. "

The three of them all looked thoughtful after hearing this.

Jaina was the first to figure it out.

Suddenly he smiled and said, "Of course, in order to save the world, we are willing to help you."

Arthas was a little surprised. This was the first time he met Illidan. Who knew he was a good guy or a bad guy? Why did he agree to it?

He looked at Jaina, only to find that the latter winked at him and suddenly understood.

"Okay, I agree, but is there enough time?"

Illidan smiled confidently, "Don't worry, that guy Archimonde has no idea about strategy and will only use his brute force to destroy the enemy. Although that stupid brother of Items is old-fashioned and short-sighted, he still has powerful power, which is just right. Give us some time.”

(End of this chapter)

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