Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 570 Strategic Master Archimonde

Chapter 570 Strategic Master Archimonde

Broken Isles - Tomb of Sargeras.

The ancient night elf temple has now become a demon lair inhabited by demons.

The portal is working non-stop, and countless demonic armies of the Burning Legion are arriving in this world continuously.

From the Tomb of Sargeras outward, the demonic army continues to expand its defensive strength.

At this moment, this island has become the base for the Burning Legion to conquer the world.

A crow flew through the clouds, flying through the clouds that turned pale green due to evil energy, and found a shelter between the ruined temple walls. It blinked and silently observed everything happening below. .

At this moment, a group of generals from the Burning Legion had gathered in the square of this temple to hold a meeting.

Archimonde glanced at the surrounding demon lords. In order to complete the conquest of Azeroth, the Burning Legion dispatched a group of powerful demon lords from various planets to join the battle.

Abyss Demon King, Dread Demon King, Doom Lord...

Hundreds of demon commanders surrounded him. Such a luxurious lineup, coupled with his own powerful strength, made Archimonde full of confidence in the outcome of this war.

Archimonde (Commander of the Burning Legion): "Demon lords of the Burning Legion, welcome to the new world. I think you know very well what our purpose is in coming to this world. We suffered setbacks ten thousand years ago, but this time Once, I, Archimonde, will lead you to completely destroy this world and let those mortals who dare to fight against the Burning Legion know the consequences of being my enemy.

I have strategic ideas that mortals do not have, I have powerful forces that ants cannot resist, and I also have capable assistants like you. There is no suspense in this war, and victory is within reach. Cheer, demon lords, for this Rejoice in the destruction of the world and rejoice in the victory of the Burning Legion. "

The demon lords let out a meaningless roar, not only to vent the furious flames in their hearts, but also to express their obedience to Archimonde.

The society of demons is one in which the weak eat the strong and respect the strong. Faced with Archimonde's speech, everyone must respond.

"Ho ho ho!" Diya Pineapple roared a few times perfunctorily, waiting for the next content.

Unexpectedly, Archimonde looked at him.

"Dia Pineapple, my most capable lieutenant, you did a good job this time and successfully opened the door to the Burning Legion. I will give you more powerful power and magic."

"Great Archimonde, it is my honor to serve the Burning Legion. I am willing to follow you and have nothing else to ask for."

"Hahaha, that's right. Those mortals who don't understand this truth are destined to be destroyed, hahahahaha."

Diapineapple was not surprised by Archimonde's wild laughter, but those players who had just established an account in the Burning Legion were somewhat stunned. Why did this Archimonde not look very smart?

In fact, Archimonde's intelligence is not low, but the Burning Legion is too powerful. He has been fighting in different worlds for tens of thousands of years, and he has never encountered any decent opponents. Wars often end in one wave. Won.

Over time, Archimonde naturally became extremely arrogant and his use of strategies and tactics completely deteriorated.

Therefore, in history, Archimonde clearly had an absolute advantage and controlled the huge military power of the Burning Legion and the Scourge, but in the end he was defeated at Mount Hyjal and was blown up by a group of ancient elves.

Fortunately, this time I have the help of myself as a player. As long as I actively help Archimonde provide suggestions and fill in the gaps, coupled with Archimonde's powerful power and the huge military strength of the Burning Legion, I can naturally win. .

Diapineapple (Lord of the Eredar): "Lord Archimonde, I have conducted many investigations and surveillance on various power camps in this world. According to the reports of my spies, we have several major forces that have invaded this world. We have already noticed that they are gathering forces to prepare for a decisive battle with Lord Archimonde on Mount Hyjal."

Archimonde (Commander of the Burning Legion): "Hahaha, these ignorant idiots actually want to fight me head-on. That's great. The more they come, the more they can catch them all at once, and the more time they save, the more they can do it." Once they've been cleared, let them come. The more they come, the better! Let's hold our troops still for now, and when they gather enough troops, it won't be too late for us to send out troops."

Diapineapple secretly cursed an idiot.

His original intention was to take advantage of the fact that the opponent has not yet finished gathering, and directly go over with a wave of A. Although the Burning Legion's strength is currently limited, it is enough to deal with a night elf, and the general lineup can completely destroy a mere night alliance. If When the three major camps are assembled, it will not be easy.

It is difficult to deal with so many heroes from the three major camps alone.

Unexpectedly, Archimonde immediately decided to stand still after hearing this. How could this be done?

Diapineapple (Great Lord of Airi): "Lord Archimonde, I have a suggestion. Since the enemy's main force is all gathered in Mount Hyjal, why don't we avoid the real and attack the weak and send out a large army to eliminate the enemy's cities and kingdoms one by one? , the Alliance, the Horde, and the undead traitors. Once their hometown is destroyed, the main enemy forces in Mount Hyjal will surely fall into chaos. Moreover, without their hometown, their war potential will be greatly destroyed. In this way, we will definitely win. No doubt."

Since we can't just attack in one wave, let's fight a long-term battle and take down the enemy's hometown first.

After Archimonde heard this, he really thought about it carefully. .

Archimonde (Commander of the Burning Legion): "That makes sense Diapineapple. It seems that you have indeed analyzed this war carefully."

Diapine suddenly felt happy. She originally thought that Archimonde would act arbitrarily, but unexpectedly he still listened to the advice.

Archimonde (Commander of the Burning Legion): "But your plan is too conservative. Why do you want to eliminate them one by one? These ant-like mortals are no threat at all. I want to eliminate them all at once, no matter the Alliance, Whether it is the Horde or the undead traitors, they will all be reduced to ashes before the Burning Legion.

I will send out three armies at once and destroy them all in one go. "

Diapine was shocked when she heard this, and thought to herself, damn, forget this idea.

It would be great to eliminate them one by one. With the power of the Burning Legion, if you attack one camp alone, it will definitely be a crushing victory. If the war starts on multiple fronts, it will not be so easy. Besides, fighting on two fronts is a taboo for military strategists. Not to mention the three-front battle.

How did Germany lose World War II?

He hurriedly continued to dissuade.

Diapineapple (Lord Ari): "But Lord Archimonde, there is only one of you, so how can you attack these three major forces at the same time? I think it is better to concentrate our forces and defeat the enemies one by one."

Archimonde (Commander of the Burning Legion): "Hahaha, you are right. I only have one Diapineapple. I can't deal with these mortals at the same time, but there is no need. I don't need to personally deal with these ant-like mortals. .

Mannoroth, Lord of the Abyss Demons, I order you to lead an army of demons, wipe out the orcs who betrayed the legion for me, and bring back to me the head of the orc warchief.

Tichondrius, leader of the Dreadlords, I order you to lead an army of demons. Those undead dare to betray the army and must be wiped out. Kill the Lich King for me and bring back the Crown of Dominance and Frostmourne. Give me.

Kazak, the commander of the Doom Guard, I order you to lead an army of demons to attack the Human Alliance in the Eastern Continent. It’s time to let those puny humans know what a tragic end it will be to fight against the Burning Legion.

After you eliminate these three forces, I will personally take action to deal with Cenarius and those hateful night elves. I will crush these elves with my own hands and burn their cherished World Tree. "

When Diya Pineapple heard this, she almost spat out a mouthful of old blood, and thought to herself, what kind of weird strategy are you talking about? There are obviously millions of demons that can be used, so you can win with just one wave of A, but you have to divide them into several groups and send them separately. Head.

You still said that what I said was right, but you didn’t listen to any of the suggestions I gave.

Although the three sent by Archimonde are all very powerful, what's going on one by one? I can't stand facing hundreds of heroes, so why can't we all attack together?

There are hundreds of thousands or even millions of adventurers in one camp. If you divide the troops like this, you are not giving away food. “But Lord Archimonde!”

"What, you want to obtain the status of a legion commander? I can give you such an honor to lead an army of demons to clear the obstacles to Mount Hyjal for me."

Diapine said hurriedly, "No, no, no, I think it's better for me to follow Lord Archimonde and listen to your direct command."

"Hmph, so be it."

Diapine looked at the three demon lords who left to select troops, and suddenly had a bad feeling about this war. The Burning Legion was extremely powerful, but it couldn't stand up to the old idiot.

Yes, these are the game mechanics previously announced by the official announcement of the game. Are these game mechanics unchangeable?


Godwin: It's confirmed. I just received news from an informant that the Burning Legion is preparing to attack in four directions and start a war with the four major camps at the same time.

Aidan: Really? This guy is really confident.

Godwin: I guess it’s the result of the system arrangement, mostly to give players a sufficient sense of participation. After all, such a major game event cannot end too quickly. It must have a sense of ritual and make players feel comfortable and happy. It's enjoyable, but it can't be too difficult for players to beat.

Aidan: Well, that makes sense. The big villain always sends his men out one by one, and then goes into battle himself. This is more convenient for us. Are you confident in dealing with Kazak?

Godwin: It’s a joke. Currently, the only troops sent out are the vanguard, mainly engineering troops. They are going to Mount Hyjal mainly to repair the defense line. The main force is still at home. It’s just right to finish defeating Kazzak first and then go to Mount Hyjal to deal with Ah. Kermond, it’s time to catch up.

Aidan: Well, if you can't beat him, remember to call me. I can also take the time to go back and help.

Godwin: That must be the case.

Mo Fei communicated with Ba Dao Qing Wu and Emperor Shen Wu again.

Turn off private messages.

Murphy couldn't help but laugh, thinking that the existence of this system is quite interesting. As long as you follow the script arranged by the system, you will feel like you are in luck. No matter how powerful Archimonde is, under the control of the system He's just an actor.

This is a sure thing. If Archimonde is so stupid in the subsequent Holy War on Mount Hyjal, there will be almost no risk.

He might not even have to take action head-on. He could wait until the ancient elves blew up Archimonde and then go up and cast the power directly. There would be no risk at all.

Archimonde's evil authority must be at least a medium authority, and it may even be a powerful authority. If he is lucky, he may even seize the natural authority of the World Tree and the arcane authority of the Well of Eternity. Woolen cloth.

He was thinking happily when suddenly there was a rapid knock on the door.

"Lord Aidan, we have discovered a strange fleet. It may be an enemy. You'd better come and take a look."


Murphy looked at the fleet sailing diagonally in the distance, and the ancient dragon's eyes instantly magnified the distant objects.

The size of the fleet was very large, at least three times larger than the Storm Fleet he led, with hundreds of huge battleships. The battleships were rough in shape and hung with strange flags.

At first glance, the flag of the fleet looks a bit like an abstract sun symbol, but if you look closely, you will find that it is a huge eyeball-shaped pattern with many tentacles coiled around the eyeball.

Ancient God? Could it be that person?

Murphy looked to the sky, and sure enough, some Obsidian Destroyers were hovering over the fleet.

Murphy immediately knew who the owner of that fleet was - it was Ner'zhul's Abyss Fleet!

Murphy still remembered that when he and Varian separated, Varian specifically reminded him of Gul'dan's meeting with Ner'zhul and Deathwing in Northrend.

I didn’t expect to see it in person so soon.

But shouldn’t Ner’zhul go to Ulduar to dig up the Old God? Why did you come to the sea again?

Could it be said that he has successfully dug up Yogg-Saron? Seizing the power of Yogg-Saron?

This product is quite efficient.

He still remembered that he had seen this fleet at sea. At that time, the fleet sailed all the way south into the fog. At that time, he guessed that the other party was going to Pandaria to look for Y'Shaarj.

Murphy was confused for a while, should he do it for a while?

If this is the most exaggerated scenario, Ner'zhul may have obtained the power of the three ancient gods C'Thun, Y'Shaarj, and Yogg-Saron. In other words, the opponent must have the power of the void in his hands.

And the authority level must be very high, medium authority or even strong authority.

But if he really has such strong strength, he may not be able to win.

Although there are four disaster dragons on his side, the other side also has Deathwing and some other bosses.

Moreover, the opponent's fleet is larger, so it's hard to say whether they will win or lose in a fight.

When Murphy thought of this, he couldn't help but hesitate.

The key is that his world-destroying level strength is not complete, and several rewards have not been unlocked, so he is really not sure that he can defeat the opponent.

Even if he could win, his fleet would probably suffer heavy casualties.

Moreover, Murphy felt that he probably couldn't win.

To fight Archimonde, the four major camps must fight together, so that they can more confidently seize power. Now, it is not wise to face Ner'zhul alone.

According to the prophecy, the third natural disaster is likely to be related to the ancient gods. Wouldn't it be easy to follow the four major camps to fight against the ancient gods?

Thinking of this, Mo Fei already made a decision.

"Everyone is on alert."

"Sir, are we going to war?"

"No, there is no need to make matters worse. We must first deal with the threat of the Burning Legion. All we need to do is stay on alert. If the enemy does not attack, we will treat them as if they do not exist."

(End of this chapter)

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