Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 575 The power of destruction

Chapter 575 The power of destruction

The earth was trembling, and the sky was covered by pale green clouds of evil energy. There was darkness between heaven and earth. Only the mighty demon army came over with the momentum to destroy everything.

The forests of Ashenvale were reduced to ashes under the demon's flames, and Felwood was not spared. All the night elves' city strongholds, and all the wild monster groups either fled in all directions, leaving in a hurry before fighting, or were easily killed. were crushed into dust, becoming ashes and debris left on the march of the Burning Legion.

Before the Burning Legion even got close to Mount Hyjal, the impact it had had spread like a plague in all directions.

War reporters constantly posted the latest developments of the Burning Legion online, and then passed them to the camp on Mount Hyjal.

Astrana, the night elves' base camp in Ashenvale, was not conquered by Emperor Shenwu when he led a million-strong army. However, it only lasted for half an hour under the attack of the Burning Legion.

Shadowkeep, the home of the Watchers, the fortress that Maiev Shadowsong is most proud of, and the powerful fortress that once imprisoned Illidan, only lasted less than an hour.

The Burning Legion's terrifying magic and fel technology destroy all life like a falling blow.

Pictures of the war are conveyed through the cameras of adventurers who are not afraid of death, as well as those players hiding within the Burning Legion.

Seeing the overwhelming momentum of the Burning Legion in the picture, a one-sided battle that could almost be called a massacre, the expressions of the heroes gathered at the foot of Mount Hyjal became solemn.

On the game forum, the voices of players are even more chaotic. There are different opinions on whether Archimonde can conquer Mount Hyjal and seize the power of the Well of Eternity in this battle. Some foreign traders have even started At the handicap, a large amount of hot money poured in, and the odds of Archimonde winning were as high as 1 to 1.5.

At this moment, the command room was already noisy.

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Wocao, is the Burning Legion so powerful? Didn't it say that there is only an army of one million demons? Why is the combat effectiveness so low? I also had an army of one million demons back then!"

Ba Dao Qingqing (tribal chief): "Can it be the same? What kind of combat power does the devil have? What kind of combat power do you centaurs have? Don't think I don't know. Most of the million-strong army back then were low-level people in their teens or 20s. Little monsters, even being cannon fodder is considered redundant.

What is the configuration of the Burning Legion? The dogs they raise have combat capabilities of fifty or sixty levels. "

In fact, the current composition of the Centaur Kingdom's troops is not much better. Senior soldiers have to spend money and resources to purchase and train, and the upgrade of the troops costs a lot of money. It doesn't matter if the number of troops is small. When the purchase price of ten thousand troops is reduced, the gold coins consumed will be gone.

In contrast, low-level soldiers cost nothing, have low maintenance fees, and can support the scene with more numbers. Naturally, the more, the better.

Basically, most of the troops of various strengths are low-level soldiers, and they are said to be hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of troops. This sounds very bluffing, but in fact, most of them are just water in a real fight.

Because this battle was a local battle, Emperor Shenwu assembled an army of one million centaurs in one go, but it was not much different than before.

Of course, the other camps brought in relatively high-level troops due to their transportation capacity, but there were still a large number of basic troops in their twenties and thirties.

Human infantry, dwarf musketeers, orc infantry are still the main units of the army.

Godwin (King of Holy Light): "This battle is not easy to fight. Although we have many troops, there are only so many people who can reach the front line on the battlefield. The same number of people are not enough to face the demons of the Burning Legion. .”

Zhu Genbao (King of Alterac): "That's right, and we have too many low-level troops... They are basically cannon fodder. I need to adjust them..."

Furious Gandalf (Battle Mage): "Don't be afraid. In war, you still have to fight for high-end combat power. As long as you kill Archimonde, the devil's mentality will collapse. Then you can fight as you like."

Kaya Windrunner (Light Ranger): "But the Burning Legion's high-end combat power is not weak..."

In fact, he is not weak at all, he is simply ridiculously strong.

Although three great demon lords were sent away not long ago, there are so many bosses in the Burning Legion, and Archimonde still has a lot of fierce generals under his command.

The demon kings of the abyss include Azgaror, Brutalus, Magtheridon, Agona, Mogorolon, Machazaton, Baal...

The Dread Lords include Mal'Ganis, Balnazzar, Varimathras, Dethelok, Mephistro...

The eredar lords include King Teltras, Diapineapple, Prince Makzhar, Lord Borax...

The Doom Lord has…

There are hundreds of bosses above the disaster level, and there are even more bosses below the disaster level. Any little lord you pull out will have the strength of a terrifying boss.

The key is that BOSSs are all blood cows, and their survivability on the battlefield is much stronger than that of heroes. Even low-level BOSSs are not that easy to kill.

Moreover, most of BOSS's skills have AOE capabilities, which are most suitable for this kind of large-scale war.

Emperor Shenwu made everyone feel a little depressed, and suddenly said in a deep voice: "Don't be afraid. In fact, we have one of the biggest advantages - the system. The system will never let us lose. Think about it, if Archimonde really captures After conquering Mount Hyjal, seizing the power of the World Tree, and destroying the world, this game is still useless.

Justice will definitely defeat evil. This is the standard process of all fantasy stories. It can be said that we are sure to win in the script, so what are you afraid of? "

These words immediately attracted a burst of excited eyes.

Yes, we are great heroes who protect world peace. Isn't it appropriate for heroes to defeat villains?

But someone immediately sang the opposite tune.

Lord Voldemort (Shadow Mage): "You can't say that. Isn't this game called a fully free mode? Players create history, write legends, and all plot developments change dynamically.

The previous history has been changed to what the hell, and there are so many dead heroes. Look, I’m not surprised that Archimonde really flattened the World Tree. Anyway, this game has monster templates. Play, the game company is not afraid that the game will not continue to operate. At worst, the Burning Legion will be opened as a new camp, and everyone will become evil together to conquer other planets.

Maybe there will be more people playing. "

Well...this kind of thing doesn't seem to be impossible.

The morale that had been boosted was a little chaotic again.

While everyone was arguing, the demon army finally arrived at the outskirts of Mount Hyjal.

The heroes left the command room one after another and came to the defense line at the foot of Mount Hyjal.

This is the key construction area of ​​the three major camps. The dense castles, fortresses, fortresses, and arrow towers form an indestructible fortress group, connected by thick walls, completely sealing the front of Mount Hyjal.

It can be called a fantasy version of the Maginot Line.

The studio contractor who built this line of defense even called it ‘never fallen’, ‘unbreakable’, the iron wall of Kalimdor, and the mighty pass of Mount Hyjal.

Standing on the city wall, relying on the impenetrable defense line, everyone finally found a sense of security.

Looking towards the forest in the distance, the forest has long been burned to ashes by the evil fire, and the black army of demons can be seen as far as the eye can see. Since the demons are generally large in size, there are a large number of super-large demons with a height of more than ten meters and dozens of meters. In terms of momentum, the opponent's Burning Legion was even more powerful than the million-strong coalition.

This scene made all the heroes hold their breath.

Until Archdruid Malfurion and High Priest Tyrande arrived.

Malfurion (Arch Druid): "Heroes from all races, warriors from all camps, I pay tribute to you for your personal appearance on the battlefield. This battle is related to the safety of the world and to the For the future of all intelligent races, we must stop the devil.

Ten thousand years ago, I fought side by side with the Wild Gods and defeated the Burning Legion, and today, we will still win.

Fight hard until the last moment, for Azeroth! "

"For Azeroth!"

"For Kalimdor!"

"For the Alliance!"

"For the tribe!"

"For Emperor Shenwu!"

"For overtime pay!"

"For the equipment!"

"For Sylvanas' victory!"

Screams came and went, resounding through the sky, and the players shouted especially enthusiastically, especially the adventurers.

The heroes and soldiers were still worried, worried that if they died in battle, they would be dead.

Don't be afraid of adventurers. No matter whether you can win this battle or not, if you have the opportunity to participate in the experience of protecting the world and fighting the demon army head-on, playing this game will be worthwhile.

The shouts instantly boosted the originally low morale.

Emperor Shenwu looked at Godwin and said, "It feels really good." Godwin also laughed, "Haha, the feeling of winning is the real feeling."

Ba Dao Qingqing: "We must win! Our brothers are going to take the lead today!"

Even before the war began, most of the command tasks were handed over by several camp leaders to their lords.

Things like fighting rely on talent, expertise, and aura skills.

Most of the heroes focus on frontal combat, so it is better to let their subordinates take charge of the command.

The heroes of the coalition forces were divided into dozens of large and small combat groups, specifically responsible for dealing with the demon lords of the Burning Legion.

As for the Burning Legion, Diapineapple is also very confident. In the past, I just heard about it and didn't feel much about it. Only when I actually fight it can I feel that it is not without reason that the Burning Legion can conquer countless worlds.

Demons not only have high levels and high attributes, but also all members attack in a chaotic manner. Even when gods come, they will help you lie down. They also generally have the power of evil energy and can pollute the surrounding environment. No matter how beautiful the mountains and green waters are, they will be defeated even after a battle. You become a place of destruction where evil energy is rampant. In this environment, the combat effectiveness of demons increases, and the combat effectiveness of all non-demons decreases.

Coupled with the exaggerated destructive power of the demon lords, dealing with ordinary armies is simply crushing.

However, the coalition is not without its advantages. The biggest advantage is quantity.

There were two to three million troops participating in the battle alone, and another two to three million adventurers. From the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, they were all densely packed with people. Even the plains around Mount Hyjal were filled with troops.

Due to the large number of troops, the centaur army and the orc army also established two camps on the left and right sides of the battlefield and formed a line. Once the Burning Legion attacked the mountain with all its strength, the two armies could attack from both sides.

What makes everyone feel most confident is the fortress group built at the foot of the mountain during this period. Hundreds of thousands of ethnic farmers and orcs worked hard to build a majestic pass here, densely packed with castles, turrets, arrow towers, and city walls. Forming an impenetrable line of defense.

No matter how powerful a demon is, it is still made of flesh and blood. If you bump into it, you will have to break it and bleed it.

Diapineapple (Lord Ari): "Lord Archimonde, the enemy's frontal defense line is very tight, but the enemy's military camps on both wings are relatively weak. I think we might start from these two places..."

Archimonde glanced at Diapineapple.

Archimonde (Commander of the Burning Legion): "Dia Pineapple, you are a smart guy, but you know nothing about power!"

Archimonde's words made Diaboluo's heart tremble, thinking, boss, what kind of tricks are you going to do again?

I saw Archimonde slowly walking forward. Wherever he passed, the demon army automatically separated to both sides. When Archimonde stepped out of the line, the terrifying figure of 100 meters high attracted everyone's attention.

Archimonde (Commander of the Burning Legion) Level 158: World-Destroying Level 9850000 BOSS, HP .

Level 158!

What a concept!

Everyone was amazed.

I saw Archimonde sizing up the defense line in front of him, then he leaned down and drew some patterns on the ground with his hands.

While sketching, he whispered.

Archimonde (Commander of the Burning Legion): "Ignorant humans, stupid orcs, and arrogant night elves, you think that building this ridiculous wall of rock and steel can protect your humble and insignificant lives. ?

Mortals, you know nothing of the power that comes from the Twisting Nether.

You gathered in front of me blindly, trying to use your meager strength to fight against me, hehehehe.

I will show you the end in miniature, the end you are destined to face.

Your lives will wither like the dust before your eyes..."

Everyone on the defense line was talking a lot.

"What is he doing?"

"It seems like I'm drawing something."

"Draw something? Is it a map?"

"It's not a map, it seems like - some kind of magic circle!"

"Wo Cao, I know what that is, interrupt him quickly!"

"Excuse me, Archimonde is several kilometers away from here. How can he interrupt it at such a distance? Besides, it is almost impossible to interrupt the world-destroying BOSS due to its toughness.

"Don't worry, run!"

Whoosh, whoosh, the light of the teleportation technique kept flashing, and among the players standing on the defense line, some of them kept leaving the area.

More and more people are realizing what Archimonde is doing. What Archimonde casts at this time is the terrifying magic that destroyed Dalaran in history.

No one knows the name of this magic, but the effects in the CG animation are so impressive that no one who has seen that animation will forget it.

Some teleported away, some mounted flying mounts and flew into the sky, but most people were still confused.

After all, Warcraft is already a very old game, and many people have never seen the animation at all.

He had no idea what was about to happen.

Until Archimonde finished drawing the magic circle, he grabbed a handful of dust on the ground and gently threw it into the air. The dust gradually rose up, as if controlled by an invisible force, and gathered into a line of defense. blurred outline.

Floating above the magic circle.

"That's it! Our fortress?"

Those with sharp eyes can already see that what Archimonde used magic to conjure up is the appearance of the defense line of Mount Hyjal under their feet.

Compared with Archimonde's huge size, this model made of dust seems extremely small.

Archimonde reached out and stirred several castles on the edge of the dust defense line into a twisted mass of smoke.


The corresponding castles on the defense line collapsed suddenly as if they were cut off by an invisible giant hand. The thick city walls collapsed like rotten wood. The artillery and soldiers in the castle were all buried under the ruins.

With just one playful blow, one-tenth of the defense line was destroyed.

Archimonde waved his hand again, scattering several orc fortresses on the right side of the dust defense line.


The orc fortresses collapsed as if they had been exploded from the inside.

"Wocao, what kind of magic is this?"

"Run quickly, we are next!"

"Oh my God! I want to report Archimonde for cheating. Where is the GM? Hurry up and get your account banned! Doesn't anyone care about such cheating?"

Archimonde smiled cruelly, and he stepped on the dust defense line on the magic circle with a hoof - Boom!

The impact of this kick directly broke away the defense line formed by the dust.

The next second - boom! ! !

It was like a nuclear bomb suddenly exploded in the center of the defense line. The violent air waves spread in all directions, destroying all the buildings along the way. When the explosion subsided, only ruins were left of the originally iron-clad Mount Hyjal defense line. .

Corpses littered the fields, and the ruins were littered with junk equipment exploded by adventurers.

Diapineapple opened her mouth wide and looked at everything in front of her in stunned silence.

There is only shock left in my heart, Wo Cao, what kind of power is this? If I could master such power, wouldn't I be a god-like existence in reality?

Archimonde looked at his masterpiece and smiled with satisfaction.

"The Burning Legion—Attack!"

The demon army rushed towards Mount Hyjal like a tide.

(End of this chapter)

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