Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 576 Dragon God Throne

Chapter 576 Dragon God Throne

Morpheus slowly landed on the broken stone steps, looking at the dilapidated city in front of him with both wonder and regret in his heart.

Magnificent, but also dilapidated, Kamyatra appeared before his eyes with an astonishing sight.

The huge city was torn apart from the middle, with a big hole smashed through it. The fragmented remains of countless buildings were suspended in mid-air. Collapsed buildings and dilapidated high walls could be seen everywhere. Huge tornadoes raged in the city, and from time to time there were red flashes. The dragon thunder fell from the sky.

A scene like the end of the world.

Is this the legendary City in the Sky? Even tens of thousands of years have passed, and the majestic scene of the past can still be vaguely glimpsed.

There was the sound of dragon wings flapping behind him. Morpheus turned around and could see the dragons flying out of the storm. He carefully counted the numbers. Fortunately, the losses were much less than expected. Thanks to the five major The Dragon King activated the power of authority to bless the dragons with various protective BUFFs.

But the most important thing is that the four dragon kings were finally persuaded by him and participated in this operation.

With the assistance of the four dragon kings, Morpheus became more confident in his goal.

"Is that the Dragon God's Throne?"

he asked, pointing in the direction of the city's center, the tall, monstrous tower.

"Yes, that is the throne of the Dragon God. The Dragon God once slept there, and it is also the place where the Dragon God ascended in the prophecy."

"Then what are you waiting for? Let's move forward!"

A reckless black dragon soared into the sky, trying to take the lead. However, as soon as it flew more than a hundred meters, several dragon thunders struck down in the sky. The black dragon was disintegrated by the dragon thunder in mid-air and turned into Ashes filled the sky and fell to the ground.

All of a sudden, the dragons roared angrily, and no one dared to take off again.

The power of dragon thunder revealed in an instant made the dragons realize that this city was more dangerous than it seemed.

Alexstrasza said in a deep voice, "Kamyatra's Dragon Thunder Barrier is extremely powerful, we'd better move close to the ground!"

Morpheus was convinced that, in order to facilitate movement, he even directly transformed into a human form, leading the orc warriors and dragon guards, slowly moving forward along the ancient streets, towards the throne of the Dragon God.

The dragons also crawled on the ground. Occasionally they would fly a little when they encountered obstacles, but they also glided forward close to the ground for fear of attracting dragon thunder.

They were attacked as soon as they entered the city. The attacker was a strange creature with a rock-like body, like a squat lizard, breathing fire and thunder.

The small ones were only two or three meters long, but the large ones were more than ten meters or even dozens of meters long. These monsters with rock scales attacked from all directions, and Morpheus hurriedly organized his troops to defend.

Although these rock lizard-like monsters move clumsily, their resistance is surprisingly high, and they are extremely resistant to all kinds of dragon breath. Several giant dragons in the formation sprayed out with flame dragon breath, but none of them were there. Spray to death.

On the contrary, the warhammers and axes of the orcs and dragonmen are very effective against these guys.

Morpheus felt a little lucky for a moment. Fortunately, he brought troops here this time, otherwise it would have taken a lot of effort to reach the throne of the Dragon God.

"What are these?" Morpheus looked at the string above the monster's head. ? ? ? asked strangely.

"These are ancient rock dragon lizards. I didn't expect them to multiply so much!" Alexstrasza also transformed into a human form, marveling at the vitality of these little things while treating the soldiers and adding blood.

"what is that?"

"Where humans live, there will be creatures such as rats and cockroaches, and where ancient dragons live, there will also be such strange creatures. No one can tell where they came from. Some people say they are Elemental creatures derived from the ancient dragon's scales, but this has never been confirmed.

In the past, we usually cleaned them every once in a while. The disappearance of the ancient dragons must have caused them to lose their control. "

Along the way, there are not only ancient rock dragon lizards, but also some dragon and thunder elements running around in the city. They are a branch of the thunder element. They have changed their characteristics under the influence of dragon thunder, so they live in the thunder clouds of Kamyatra. among.

Occasionally, they will wander into the open spaces between cities. From the outside, they look like a ball of flashing red thunderballs. Once someone approaches, they will shoot out a series of dragon thunders as if they are frightened.

There is another kind of giant guard carved from huge rocks. They were created by ancient dragons. Now most of them are dilapidated and in chaos. They will also attack nearby creatures.

After stopping and stopping for more than an hour, the team finally arrived at the foot of the Dragon God's Throne.

In front of him was a huge square, with the Dragon God's Throne standing in the middle of the square.

The throne is more like a high tower, made of ancient rocks, with steps spiraling upwards. At the highest point is a platform, and above it is a rock throne that is integrated with the platform.

The throne looked extremely simple. It was more like a hemispherical rock than a throne, and its appearance showed a natural and ancient texture.

This throne looks like some kind of broken star, and also like the fossil of a giant egg that has lost its host.

Alexstrasza, Ysera, and Nozdormu all looked at the throne with complicated eyes.

"Legend has it that the Dragon God's Throne was once the starting point of the birth of the previous universe, and also the end of the demise of that universe. The Dragon God was born from it. It represents rebirth and the end. The earth, sky, life, death, time, space, Arcana, chaos, and even the soul, from which all authority is born.

Even though the universe has died, the broken throne still retains the mark of authority.

Step onto this ladder, climb up to that high platform, and sit on that throne, and you can become the Dragon God, but be careful with Morpheus. The Dragon God Throne will never be polite to those who are rude and overstep their bounds. "       "Is it alive? "Murphy asked in surprise.

Alexstrasza shook his head, "No, it's more like an automatic review mechanism. If someone who doesn't meet the standards sits on it, there will definitely be no good results. The power of the Dragon God is not so easy to bear. .

Morpheus, I hope you'd better consider it clearly. The power of the Dragon God Throne is very powerful. A mere ancient dragon scale may not allow you to pass the test. Once you fail, what awaits you will be an ending more terrifying than death. "

Morpheus showed a firm look in his eyes, "No, I can definitely succeed, and I must succeed."

As he spoke, he tentatively took a step towards the steps. However, the steps made of ancient rocks seemed to carry an energy field. Before they even touched the steps, they were bounced away by an invisible force. .


A blast of thunder startled everyone.

Ysera was surprised, "It's the power of the Dragon God, it's warning us!"

Alexstrasza did not panic, and speculated, "It's probably just a coincidence."

Morpheus struggled to stand up. He ignored the thunder and walked towards the throne again.


There was another thunder, and Morpheus looked to the sky in surprise.

I don't know when, thunder filled the sky, and the storm that enveloped the Sky City began to swirl and gather, forming a huge vortex cloud, located directly above the throne of the Dragon God.

The red dragon thunder light flashes continuously, which is breathtaking.

Kalecgos (King of Blue Dragons): "It seems like it's not just a coincidence."

"Whether it's a coincidence or not, I won't stop, let's start, everyone, just like we planned before."

However, the thunder sounded even more violently, and the shocking thunder made the entire city tremble.

The storm was changing. At the center of the vortex, a brilliant thunder light fell from the sky, and a deep voice thundered from the thunder light.

"Those who overstep the authority of the Dragon God, step back!"

The landing point of the lightning was exactly the throne of the Dragon God.

Morpheus stepped back suddenly, avoiding the blow.

boom! When the lightning dissipated, the ancient dragon king with a wingspan of nearly two hundred meters appeared in front of the dragon army carrying a kingly aura.

Boom boom boom! Rays of lightning fell down, and each ray of lightning dissipated and turned into a disaster dragon.

The storm rotated and spread, revealing the dark sky, and countless dragon-riding sky patrols flew down and hovered in the sky. The four disaster dragons were arranged around, guarding the ancient dragon king in front of the Dragon God's throne.

Set against the shining red lightning, it's like a god coming to the world!

The King of Ancient Dragons!

The guardian dragons exclaimed and hurriedly transformed into dragons and entered a state of alert. However, the Ancient Dragon King seemed to be indifferent to their reactions and just stared at Morpheus.

Edandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "Morpheus, I haven't seen you for a long time. I didn't expect that we would meet again under such circumstances. You are still as desperate as in the past, and you are obsessed with powers that do not belong to you. You are stupid. Guy, you shouldn’t have come.”

Morpheus's pupils tightened.

Morpheus (King of the Black Dragon): "Murphy - Aidandron! Why, why did you come here! You should be in Mount Hyjal!"

The ancient dragon king in front of him has become larger than the last time we met, and his aura has become more terrifying. The unfathomable ancient aura is as awe-inspiring as a god.

Morpheus knew that it was the effect of dragon power. All dragons had it to some extent. It was usually only effective on the weak. It could make him, the majestic black dragon king and the guardian of the earth, in awe, which meant that he was in the system's judgment. , compared with the ancient dragon king in front of him, he is a 'weak'.

This inference made Morpheus feel weak.

Why! Why! Why did he become so powerful! Why does he appear here? It's obvious that I've staked everything, and it's obvious that I'm only one step away from success!

The anger in his heart did not change Morpheus's attitude. He was as good at disguise as Murphy.

Edendron (King of Ancient Dragons): "You think your little tricks can fool me? Do you think the invasion of the Burning Legion can distract me and give you the opportunity to seize the power that should belong to me?

Hahaha, I have to say that you are still too naive, don't forget who created you.

I know all your abilities and all your plans.

I have already seen everything and foresee the future. Your every move cannot escape my eyes.

Your pathetic ambition is destined to fail because you made the biggest mistake of your life - becoming my enemy! "

(End of this chapter)

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