Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 577 The Peak Power of the Dragon King’s Duel

Chapter 577 The Dragon King’s Showdown——The Peak Power

Morpheus (King of the Black Dragon): "No! No! No!"

Morpheus roared angrily, not knowing whether he was denying Murphy's words, unwilling to accept the current situation, or both.

"That power should belong to me!" Morpheus said, the expression on his face was extremely ferocious.

The Ancient Dragon King sneered, "Humph, it belongs to you? I'm curious about Morpheus, what makes you think you are qualified to become the Dragon God."

Morpheus took a deep breath and his expression became extremely solemn, "Because I am the person chosen by fate, I am the chosen awakener, and I am the only savior! I am destined to liberate this world and give Be free from this world.

This is the mission given to me by fate. No one can stop me, not even you. Get out of the way of Murphy! "

Mo Fei was speechless for a while. Is this guy a high school student?

Or maybe when he was practicing the Black Dragon, he was too involved in the drama, which made him become nagging?

Or maybe his identity as an awakened person gave him unrealistic fantasies.

Haha, it doesn’t matter. Since you want to play the hero who saves the world and the chosen one who awakens free will, then let me play the role of the big villain and boss. I want to see if you, Morpheus, are really Is the protagonist of the story.

Edandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "Haha, do you think so? Do you think you are the protagonist of the story? Then come and defeat me!

Because only true power is the reason to become a god!

Use all your strength to fight against me, and let me see how much you have grown over the years without my help. "

"You forced me!" Morpheus roared and instantly transformed into an ancient black dragon.

Murphy originally thought that the opponent would take the Dragon Soul, and was even prepared to deal with it. However, it was not the case. Morpheus knew very well that the Dragon Soul was the most powerful trump card in his hand, but it was also the only one. One of them, once the dragon soul is invalid, he will definitely lose.

Therefore, it must not be used lightly until the decisive moment.

Once you take action, life or death will be determined.

A mouthful of dragon breath spurted out.

For the same reason, Mo Fei did not use Dragon Soul Annihilation for the same reason. Dragon Soul Annihilation can only be used once a day and must be used at critical moments.

Ancient dragon flames!

Super Cologne Thunder!

The dragon thunder instantly dispersed the dragon flame, and the effect of force lightning knocked Morpheus away.

With just one blow, Morpheus was sent flying backwards, collapsing an ancient building and falling into the ruins.


The four guardian dragons saw the fight starting and immediately came to help, but they were immediately stopped by the four disaster dragons.

"Alexstrasza, you traitors still like to win with more."

"Get out of Lesajes's way. The power of the Dragon God should not be given to people with ulterior motives."

"How can the one you choose be any better? Strength is the foundation! Aidandron, the Ancient Dragon King, is the true inheritor of the Dragon God!"

"It seems we have nothing to say. Let fate decide everything!"

The dragon's breath spurted wildly, and the dragon's superpowers were unleashed. Storms and flames, thunder and magic, eight ancient dragons fought together instantly.

Terrifying power was released in the air, and in this ancient homeland, the ancient dragons once again released their power.

However, Murphy was not disturbed, and it was time to settle things with Morpheus.

The Ancient Dragon King walked slowly towards the ruins.

Edandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "Morpheus, you have disappointed me so much. As your creator, I originally thought that you would grow stronger and become a respectable opponent after leaving me, but you didn't. To think that it was just like that..."

"Shut up!" Following the roar of the dragon, rocks splashed in the ruins, and the Black Dragon King climbed out of the ruins with a ferocious look on his face.

Morpheus (King of the Black Dragon): "You know nothing about me. I shoulder an important mission. I will never lose to you! You want a respectable opponent - then I will give you one !”

Alexstrasza, Dragon of Life, I pray to you to lend me your life force.

Ysera, the Dragon of Dreams, complies with our contract and gives me the power to control dreams.

Nozdormu, the dragon of time, lent me the authority of time, allowing me to transcend the between.

Kalecgos, the dragon of magic, lend me the power of magic, and I will become the embodiment of magic.

life! Dreamland! time! Arcane! I use the body of the earth to carry all this protective power and become the incarnation of the protective dragon!

Life, soul, time, arcana, and four powerful energies emerged one by one on Morpheus, and different energies were completely integrated into his body, becoming one.

The Black Dragon King's body has a sacred aura, faintly like a god.

What? Can you still play like this? Mo Fei's mind was spinning and he understood everything instantly.

The answers to the weird religion spread by the Dragon Worship Cult and why Morpheus thought he could ascend to the Dragon God all emerged at this moment.

Obviously, Morpheus had a part-time job as a priest during this time.

High-level priests can use prayer skills to temporarily borrow the power of the gods. Generally speaking, the intensity of the power is related to the wishes of the gods.

The major deity can even bestow divine power upon mortals if they wish.

These four guardian dragons use the spread of faith to bind their authority to the power of faith.

In this way, Morpheus can temporarily borrow the power of the other four guardian dragons during the battle, which is equivalent to one dragon holding five powers.

Ordinary dragons really can't do this, and their overpowering power is enough to crush all flesh and blood. However, the authority of the earth has the characteristics of toughness, bearing, and endurance. It may be the only one that can carry the five major authorities in a short period of time. exists.

Of course, the borrowed authority level will definitely not be high. His earth authority should have a weak level of authority, while the other four authorities are probably only at a weak level of authority.

But as long as it is authority, it meets the conditions for ascending to Dragon God. Although the ranks of these five authorities are a bit stretched, the minimum standard has indeed been met.

As for the identity of the ancient dragon - Murphy speculated that Morpheus probably wanted to use the dragon soul in his hand to deceive the review mechanism of the Dragon God Throne.

The dragon soul is originally made of the scales of the ancient dragon, and it can be regarded as a continuation of the power of the ancient dragon. However, whether this kind of thing can be successful, Murphy is very doubtful about it. The Dragon God Throne must be an ancient dragon for those who ascend to the Dragon God.

The ancient dragon itself is not just a verification code, but more like a standard for containing authority. The body of the ancient dragon has the ability to carry the power of authority. Because it is immortal and sacred, the soul and body are integrated into one, it is the most perfect creature.

The black dragon is completely unsatisfactory. It may be able to temporarily withstand the pressure of five weak authorities, but it is absolutely impossible to succeed if it has to withstand the entire dragon god's divinity and authority.

Even if it succeeds, it will probably only last for a moment before falling.

Morpheus's behavior is more like a desperate move, either too stupid or too extreme.

Looking at the Black Dragon King with the five powers united into one, Mo Fei was not nervous. The power of power in his hands was not weak either, but not that much. The authority of the storm has reached the level of powerful authority.

Edandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "Is this what you rely on? It's interesting, but it's just interesting. Let me show you what the real power is!"

Arcane Power—Arcane Storm!

Arcane comets all over the sky appeared out of thin air around the Ancient Dragon King and blasted towards Morpheus.

Around Morpheus, countless arcane comets also appeared.

The power of arcane protection—arcane storm!

Boom boom boom!

The arcane comets collided with each other, or crossed over and blasted towards each other, exploding on the bodies of the two dragon kings.

Magic explosions came and went, but this was just an appetizer. It was not even a real attack, but more like a feint before the attack.

Super Cologne Thunder!

The power of the earth’s guardian—earth barrier!

The rocks rose up to form walls, resisting the bombardment of the Dragon Thunder. However, in front of the Destruction Dragon Thunder, the rocks were shattered layer by layer, unable to withstand it at all.

Arcane/Earth Guardian Power - Great Meteor Technique!

This Morpheus actually used the two guardian powers together to create a huge meteorite out of thin air, which penetrated the clouds and blasted towards Murphy.

The ancient dragon king suddenly raised his head, and the ancient dragon's thunder and lightning turned around and shot into the sky.

boom! The meteorite shattered and disintegrated, turning into a rain of meteorites all over the sky. The fighting dragons and the dragon-riding sky patrollers dodged in confusion.


Storm authority—dragon thunder storm!

In an instant, several dragon thunders fell from the sky and struck Morpheus. The huge storm in the Sky City and the power of dragon thunder contained in it further strengthened the power of this storm authority.

The power of time guardianship - time stands still!

Morpheus's body flashed with golden light, and for a moment, the dragon thunder solidified in mid-air. Morpheus easily dodged several dragon thunders.

The power of life protection - extraordinary false life!

His health bar increased crazily. His blood volume, which originally only had more than 400,000, surged to 600,000 to 700,000 in the blink of an eye.

Want to fight a protracted war? The end of life is death, how about trying this.

The power of death—the fading of life!

The temporary blood bar blessed by the power of life protection quickly dropped back.

Morpheus was a little anxious. He couldn't hold these five powers forever.

The power of dream protection - the dream is coming!

Murphy found that everything around him suddenly began to become blurry, and the psychedelic green of the Emerald Dream began to cover the surroundings. Towering giant tree domes began to replace the city's tower ruins. Even Morpheus was covered by the green and disappeared. .

Murphy sneered and tried this again, trying to drag me into the Emerald Dream and trap me? The same trick cannot be effective twice on the Ancient Dragon King.

The Eye of the Ancient Dragon easily saw through the dream realm that had not yet completely arrived, and directly aimed at Morpheus's position and blasted it with a dragon thunder.

Morpheus was guiding the spell and was staggered by the blast.

The dream was shattered instantly.

Murphy was too lazy to play with him. The collision of powers of authority would not be able to tell the winner for a while, especially when this guy also possessed the five guardian powers.

Although the authority is a little weaker, authority is authority, and the fight will be endless.

Direct hand-to-hand combat is the way to go.

The Ancient Dragon King pounced directly on him.

Morpheus was a little panicked. There was a huge size difference between the two sides, so hand-to-hand combat was not an option.

But he had no other choice. He quickly summarized the five guardian powers in his mind. None of them could stop the opponent.

The ancient dragon's non-controlling characteristics are almost unsolvable.

Dragon Claw Slam!

Dragon combat skill - split the sky!

boom! The two dragon claws attacked each other at the same time. The moves were very similar, but the huge gap in strength made Morpheus unable to parry. Morpheus was almost sunk into the ground with one blow.

"Understand, Morpheus, you are not the protagonist of this story at all, I am! Your power was given to you by me, and you want to use this power to fight me? You are too weak!"

Dragon combat skill—Landslide!

boom! The Black Dragon King was hit by a dragon chariot from the Ancient Dragon King and fell into the ruins again.

Without delaying for a moment, Morpheus soared from the ruins into the sky.

Soaring like a flexible bird, breathing out flames.

Haha, is it the same old routine?

Murphy couldn't help but want to laugh, this is Morpheus's real strength, flying and breathing fire.

Bomber genre.

But it's too naive to want to use this trick to win yourself. Don't forget, I researched this set of extra points.

Dragon Thunder Storm—Listen to my orders!

With a roar, the storm above the entire Sky City responded to the call of the Ancient Dragon King. Countless dragon thunders crashed down. The dense dragon thunders were like a forest of red lightning. No matter how fast Morpheus flew, it would not matter. Faster than lightning, not to mention such a dense dragon thunder, he tried his best to avoid several dragon thunders, but was finally hit by one. After a slight pause, dozens of dragon thunders joined him and he fell again.

Edandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "Give up, Morpheus, you can't beat me! Everything is over."

Morpheus (King of the Black Dragon): "As long as I don't die, everything will not be over!"

Familiar lines, Mo Fei thought.

The Black Dragon King in front of me is covered in blood and his dragon scales are broken. Do you still want to continue fighting?

The answer is yes, Morpheus quickly uses the power of guardianship to recover.

The power of earth protection allowed its body to remain intact despite the bombardment of dozens of dragon thunders, and the power of life protection allowed its injuries to heal quickly.

But this can only delay time. If you want to win, you must work hard and show your real trump card.

The power of time guardianship - step into the long river of time!

In an instant, a powerful time force field enveloped Morpheus, and the flow of time around him instantly accelerated countless times. Even the rocks under his feet quickly weathered and disintegrated in the long river of time.

Um? What is this for?

Murphy was a little surprised.

Time magic is ineffective against him.

No, this guy is using it on himself.

Just look at Morpheus's body rapidly expanding and enlarging like a balloon. In the blink of an eye, he grew by one-third. The dragon scales also changed from the shining luster of dark obsidian to gradually dimming, as dark as the ultimate. dark night.

Ancient Black Dragon - Evolution completed!

Wocao, can you still play like this?

Dragons can automatically improve their strength level through age, including baby dragons, young dragons, adult dragons, lord dragons, ancient dragons, and ancient dragons.

Except for the use of some magic to give birth to a young dragon from its infancy to the young stage, the rest can only slowly survive the years.

Although Morpheus is the King of the Black Dragon, he is just an ancient dragon. His basic attributes are not that strong, even weaker than those old guys in the Obsidian Temple. But now he has been directly upgraded to the ancient dragon by leaps and bounds. It can be said that the blood volume, attributes, dragon breath, and dragon abilities have suddenly increased by a level.

But it's just an ancient dragon... Mo Feixin said that I have killed so many ancient dragons.

Morpheus is blessed by the five guardian powers, so he is also a formidable enemy.

The wild flames! boom! Morpheus breathed out flames again.

But this time, the power of its flames has obviously increased dramatically. The wild flames are a skill that only Deathwing has mastered.

Obviously, Morpheus obtained new talent points and skill points, and was upgraded on the spot.

Murphy hurriedly put his four wings together to block the flames.

Super Cologne Thunder!

Dragon car collision!

Dragon combat skill—Landslide!

Boom, two giant dragons with a wingspan of 200 meters collided together. This time, Morpheus was only knocked back a few steps, not directly knocked out like before.

It's a little powerful, but it's only a little bit. The strength of the Ancient Dragon King is not comparable to that of the ancient dragon.

"Aren't you going to give up, Morpheus? You have no trump card, right?" Murphy asked with a sneer.

"No!" Morpheus gritted his teeth and said with a look of absolute determination, as if he had made some crucial decision.

The power of time guardianship - step into the long river of time!

Again? Mo Fei wanted to laugh a little. If the ancient dragon continues to grow, can it evolve into a stronger form?

impossible! The top dragon template in this game only provides the ancient dragon. If it continues to grow, it will be a dead dragon.

Although the dragons have a long life and can live for tens of thousands of years, they also have an end, which is completely different from the immortal existence of the ancient dragon.

Even if an ancient dragon is hundreds of millions of years old, it will still be an ancient dragon, while the flesh and blood dragons only have a lifespan of less than tens of thousands of years.

The ancient dragon is already equivalent to human old age.

However, Morpheus did change. Its shape became larger again, its wingspan reached two hundred meters, and its dragon scales were almost as black as black rocks, lifeless, and it matched well with the surrounding city.

Its bones are bulging, its horns are curved, and there are many bone scars, and its eyes are glowing with dim pupils.

The whole dragon feels unusually ancient, heavy, decayed, and—powerful!

The pinnacle ancient dragon!

(End of this chapter)

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