Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 578 Creation and Destruction

Chapter 578 Creation and Destruction

The pinnacle ancient dragon? What? There is such a thing?

Murphy was a little surprised and quickly checked in Gu Long's wisdom.

The database immediately gave an introduction to the Peak Ancient Dragon.

[Peak Ancient Dragon: The final form of the dragon clan. After a long period of time, if the dragon clan does not die in the battle, at the last moment of death, its power will reach the peak of dragon life, with strength that can rival the gods. .

However, such power is destined to be short-lived. The vitality of the ancient dragon in its peak period will be quickly lost, and fighting will accelerate this process, and eventually it will inevitably turn into decaying dust.

This is the final destination of the dragon clan that has lost their immortality. 】

Murphy was shocked. Did you actually use burning life to gain strength? Morpheus... What kind of burden are you carrying?

But these are not important anymore, Mo Fei will not show mercy at all because of the other party's determination.

Edandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "Then come on Morpheus, let me see if you have the energy to become a god."

The two dragon kings rushed towards each other again and fought together.

It's really strong!

After just two fights, Mo Fei couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The ancient dragon at its peak, whether it was the strength of the body, the hardness of the scales, or the power of the dragon's breath, had already reached the theoretically strongest form of a flesh and blood dragon, the death of the dragon. Wings are nothing more than that.

For a moment, the two sides were evenly matched, and it looked like there would be no winner for a while.

The battle on the ground has not yet been decided, but the battle in the sky has already fallen into garbage time.

The four disaster dragons are on the same level as the four guardian dragons. They are all the strongest among the first generation ancient dragons. The only difference is that they do not have the power of guardianship. .

However, at this time, the four dragon kings all lent part of their protective power to Morpheus, which made the battle between the two sides completely evenly matched.

Of course, the most important thing is that neither side is determined to fight to the death. Even though the dragon's breath is spraying all over the sky, for existences at the level of ancient dragons, a battle of this level is nothing more than scratching each other's itch.

The fight looked lively, but they were unable to pose a fatal threat to each other.

Both sides are actually waiting for the outcome of the battle on the ground.

In the final analysis, the two sides are fighting for orthodoxy, and it has not reached the point of life and death.

Anyway, the Dragon God will always return. When the Dragon God returns, the Dragon Clan will rise again, and they are all still waiting for this moment to come.

Whether it's Aidandron or Morpheus becoming the Dragon God.

The only difference is which party will occupy a higher seat among the ancient dragon clan in the future.

So when they saw Morpheus evolve into the ancient dragon at its peak and fight with the ancient dragon king inextricably, both sides subconsciously stopped.

Alexstrasza sighed, "Stop it, Lesajes. It seems that the battle for the Dragon God is about to come to an end. Morpheus has indeed shown the potential to become the Dragon God as he promised. "

Lysajes looked down with a sneer, "Humph, I really don't know what trick you used to make that young black dragon work so hard. Is it the sense of mission to save the world, or the sense of responsibility for the dragon clan? I guess you must put it Lord Aidandron should be described as an evil master who intends to destroy the world, so that he can fight to the death for your position of power."

Ysera categorically denied Lysajes's conspiracy theory, "All of this was his own choice. After all, we did him a big favor. Without the protective power we lent him, he would have had no chance to fight with us. A fair stop for the King of Ancient Dragons.”

Kalecgos also said: "That's right. As long as he can ascend to the Dragon God, it doesn't matter if his lifespan is burned out. Anyway, he will gain immortality the moment he becomes a god."

Iludicon: "And you can become the strongest under the Dragon God without taking any risks. What a calculation."

Both sides were chatting with each other, but they did not relax their attention to the battle below.

At this moment, after two long periods of improvement, Morpheus finally had the strength to confront the Ancient Dragon King head-on.

His body is extremely large, with a wingspan of more than two hundred meters. The power accumulated in his body is surging. The ancient dragon scales and huge wings all project powerful power.

The curved dragon horn is like a siege hammer, and every impact is as unstoppable as a mountain.

His dragon claws are like dark steel and cold iron, capable of tearing apart the earth. Even the ancient dragon's scales are difficult to defend against.

boom! The two terrifying giant beasts collided together again, making an earth-shattering roar.

The power of guardianship and the power of authority collided with each other, magic was intertwined, life and death reflected each other, the storm and the earth hurt each other, and the entire square almost fell into the realm of destruction.

The dragons fled in all directions, fearing that they would be affected by the battle between the two dragon kings.

Even the eight ancient dragons were amazed by this terrifying power and quietly climbed up.

Only the Dragon God Throne was not affected at all, as if it stood in another time and space.

However, the Eight Great Ancient Dragons were not the only spectators. On a dilapidated tower dozens of miles away, a black figure shrouded in pitch-black mist was watching this shocking battle. The black shadow said calmly, "Ner'zhul, you'd better hurry up, they are about to decide the winner. No matter who ascends to the Dragon God, he will definitely notice something abnormal here when the Dragon God is born. "

"Shut up Deathwing, don't you see I'm busy?"

Ner'zhul roared angrily. Around him, countless void orcs and faceless men were rummaging for the Heart of Xal'atath in the ancient treasure house of the ancient dragon clan.

From the tall towers at the top to the caves buried deep underground, we searched everywhere.

However, there was nothing, but a large amount of rare materials were unearthed. Even though the ancient dragon clan's family was looted by the departing dragon clan, the remaining amount was still astonishing.

However, these priceless materials were meaningless to Ner'zhul. The power of the void in his body surged crazily again, and the surface of his body continued to squirm and twist. Ner'zhul worked hard to suppress the rampant void energy in his body.

He casually strangled two Void Orcs to vent his anger, "The Heart of Xal'atath is not here at all. Are you lying to me?"

"Whether you are here or not, you have to hurry up, they are about to decide the winner."

Ner'zhul said angrily: "In that case, why don't I just kill those dragons that are in the way and then search for them slowly? The ancient gods have been defeated by me, so why should I be afraid of a group of reptiles?"

Deathwing continued to watch the battle without looking back, "I advise you not to do this. The ancient god you defeated was just a suppressed form after being sealed by the Titans and gods. It is not as powerful as it was at its peak. The same cannot be said.

But even the five ancient gods at their peak could not avoid being defeated by the power of the ancient dragon.

Only by combining the power of the five ancient gods and incarnating the will of the void can you truly gain the power to compete with the Dragon God. "

"With your current strength, it is not a problem to face the guardian dragon or the disaster dragon alone, but as long as you show up, those ancient dragons will immediately put down their fight and join forces to deal with you. In their hearts, the ancient god is Their most hated enemy, because it was the curse of flesh and blood that caused the ancient dragon clan to disappear and made them lose their immortality.

Coupled with that Ancient Dragon King, you have no chance of winning. "

Ner'zhul snorted coldly. He knew nothing about the war between the ancient dragons and the ancient gods. He could not find any point to refute based on Deathwing's comments.

I can only question: "How do you know this?"

"Because I have witnessed with my own eyes and participated in the battle personally. In that distant ancient era without written records, it was here that I fought against the dark Xal'atath, and together with my brothers, I tore apart the abominable ancient kingdom with my own hands. God’s flesh and blood.

After being eliminated by our joint forces, the Heart of Xalatath was sent to the Sky City by Midir. It is unmistakable. This is the order of the Dragon God. Midir will never disobey it. It must be here. "

boom! A huge vibration was heard again, and the ground beneath his feet trembled.

Neltharion once again looked into the distance, and the battle seemed to be about to be decided.

The Ancient Dragon King retreated slowly, and traces of cracks appeared on the huge ancient rock-like body.

Those were the traces left after a series of hand-to-hand battles. After gaining power that rivaled that of the Ancient Dragon King, Morpheus's fighting skills finally came into play. His skills without system restrictions were indeed extraordinary.

Even if Murphy used his dragon fighting skills, it could only be a draw.

Edandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "Haha, you are very powerful. Morpheus, I have to say, you finally impressed me."

Morpheus was overjoyed at first. He defeated the Ancient Dragon King in a head-to-head confrontation for the first time.

This one can win!

A flash of illusion flashed in his mind.

However, the next second, he felt something was wrong again. Why was the other party not nervous at all? Why was Mo Fei not panicked at all?

Do you have any trump cards? Or are you bluffing?

No, that's not a bluff! Morpheus knew Murphy very well. If it was a bluff, he would never act so plainly.

Morpheus (King of the Black Dragon): "Get out of the way, Murphy. I don't want to destroy you. Get out of the way and let me complete my mission. The power of the Dragon God is meaningless to you. It may even be a curse. When The moment you transform into the Dragon God, you will lose yourself and become the vessel for the Dragon God’s return.”

Edandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "Are you begging me, Morpheus? Maybe you can be more sincere, but don't think you can deceive me. I am too familiar with you, because everything about you is mine." Handcrafted.

Let me guess, you are dying, right? The ancient dragon at its peak cannot last for long, and the battle between us has greatly shortened this time, and your body is about to collapse. "

Murphy said firmly, which was met with silence from Morpheus. He wanted to deny it, but he realized that he could not deceive the other party.

As Murphy said, he knows Morpheus well.

Edandron (King of Ancient Dragons): "You know, I could have delayed the time and let you completely turn into ashes in helplessness and despair, but your courage moved me, so I will give you a share. With the utmost respect, I will show you what true power is.

Face me Morpheus, face your creator and face your destroyer! "

World Destroyer Form - On!

(End of this chapter)

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