Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 580 Dragon God’s Q&A Time

Chapter 580 Dragon God’s Q&A Time

What the hell is this place?

Murphy looked at the vast starry sky around him and the huge rock platform suspended in the void beneath his feet, and was confused for a moment.

He also thought that the Ascending Dragon God would have some extraordinary sound and light special effects, a sky full of golden dragon thunder, or a sacred dragon roar...

Then endless power poured into the body, and then a world announcement came, announcing the birth of a new god...

However, there was nothing. The moment he touched the Dragon God's Throne, his eyes were in a trance, and he appeared in this place the next second.

This place... shouldn't be real, right? He said to himself if he felt something.

There was no cold, no heat, not even the slightest sensation.

More like a dream.

"System panel!"

He shouted - but there was no response.

A thought came to my mind——Long Lei!

Still no response.

Sure enough, he suddenly realized that he did not come here in his true body, but more like his consciousness entered a certain spiritual space.

This seems to be another dimension independent of the game, and even the game data cannot be reproduced.

It was somewhat similar to the dreams he had in the past, which were also somewhere between games and reality.

He looked around, having a hunch that there must be something here that would answer his doubts.

Then he saw a bleak figure standing on the edge of the platform, looking at the starry sky in the distance.

Dragon God? That's right - it's the Dragon God, the Dragon God in human form in his memory.

He has a human-like body, but also has dragon wings, tail, and dragon horns.

At this moment, he seemed to be waiting for his arrival.

It wasn't until Murphy walked behind the man that the Dragon God finally turned around.

His face also has some characteristics of the dragon clan, and his eyes are like condensed time. He cannot see any color of life, nor can he see any changes in emotions. He just stares at Murphy calmly.

For some reason, the Dragon God in front of him made Murphy feel extremely familiar, as if the two had known each other for a long time and were destined to meet here.

"Welcome Heir, you are finally here."

Murphy said in surprise, "Are you the Dragon God? Aren't you already dead?"

"Haha, yes, we have indeed fallen long ago. What you see now is just a projection that has traveled through time, from the beginning of the birth of the universe." He pointed to the huge sphere in the distance that was being merged and formed. "Azeroth, have you seen it? That is the planet you are on now, and it has just been born at this moment, just like this universe."

This answer surprised Murphy, "So in your timeline, you are not dead yet? Have you really foreseen everything that will happen in the future?"

Dragon God shook his head, "No, strictly speaking we just foresee various possibilities in the future."

"What's the difference?"

"Of course there is a difference. Time is like a network composed of countless rivers, intertwined with countless nodes, and each node leads to countless possibilities. We are not sure where time will go, but we can foresee every step at the same time. possible direction.

Unless we guide and intervene at every different node to ensure the direction of time, the future will be chaotic and unpredictable.

So you see, we don't really foresee everything that happens in the future, we just let time flow in the direction we expect.

But after we die, it will be a little difficult to ensure that time flows in the right direction. Fortunately, it seems that the few chess pieces we laid out in advance have played their due role, so you will appear here now, with us. Witness the birth of this universe. "

Murphy looked surprised when he heard this: "So I am really the one chosen by fate? The legendary chosen one?"

"No, to be precise, Morpheus is the Chosen One, but for some reason, you were entangled with its fate, which led to you and not it being the one who finally came here. To be honest, we are also very Unexpectedly, fate can also go wrong. The context of time should be clearly visible, but for some unknown reason, in this reincarnation, many things are shrouded in fog. What an unexpected result.

But that's the interesting part about fate, isn't it? "The Dragon God said and smiled, but Murphy couldn't feel that there was any clarity in that smile.

Mo Feixin said, could it be because he is a player?

Yes, if there were no players, history would have taken a completely different direction, and Morpheus might really have gotten here.

"sorry, I."

"Don't be sorry. It doesn't matter who comes here. It doesn't matter whether you or Morpheus. There is no difference at all."

The Dragon God's expression was unusually calm, and he was obviously not comforting Murphy.

"No difference? Why do you say that?"

Dragon God smiled slightly, but did not explain.

Mo Fei felt a little guilty. This dragon god gave him a sense of mystery that could see through everything. Does he know the identity of his player? Do you know the difference between games and reality?

He hated this feeling of uncertainty, so he simply asked straight to the point.

"So why am I here?"

"Because you became the Dragon God. The moment you became a god, your consciousness would transcend time and space and be attracted by the power of the Dragon God, so you came here."

"So what is the purpose of my coming here? Do you want to give me some kind of mission?"

"Purpose? Haha, why must there be a purpose? You are here, that's all.

We don’t have any mission to entrust to you. Of course, your mission is for you to discover by yourself. "

Murphy was completely confused now, wondering what the hell was going on in this game.

His thinking always looks at everything from the player's perspective. Since the system has sent him here, something must have happened, such as giving him a task, fighting a BOSS, or at least having an NPC explain it to him. Some information and intelligence about the Dragon God.

The moment he saw the Dragon God, he thought it was probably the third type. This Dragon God was probably an NPC that provided tasks or consultations, but he didn't expect that the other party didn't know anything about it.

He couldn't accept this result at all, "Are you sure you have nothing to tell me? For example, what should I do next as the Dragon God? Is there any mission or anything like that?"

The Dragon God shook his head helplessly, "Okay, we will explain to you, including why there is no difference between you and Morpheus, and why we have no mission for you.

Have you discovered that among all the different civilizations, whether they are orcs, dwarves, humans, trolls or even kobolds, different continents, different races, or even different planets, all civilizations have invented The wheels are all round. "

Mo Feixin said that's nonsense. A wheel that isn't round can't roll.

"Do you know why."

"Because only round wheels can roll."

"Yes, of course you can also understand that only things that can roll can be called wheels. This is the fate of wheels. It will inevitably be round. Even if it starts with edges and corners, it will eventually become the same. shape.

When you become the Dragon God, you will naturally do things that only the Dragon God would do, just like the wheel will inevitably roll. I don’t need to tell you, let alone explain anything. When you start rolling, Everything will happen naturally.

Because of this, it makes no difference whether it is Morpheus or you who comes here. You will both do the same thing in the end. "

This mysterious and mysterious explanation made Mo Fei a little confused, so he decided to ask in a different direction.

"So what does Dragon God mean?"

The Dragon God smiled calmly: "The Dragon God is the first ancient dragon from outside time. It is the starting point and the end of everything. It is the first life in the universe and the last life. The Dragon God is a witness and is immortal. The ancient dragon is destined to witness the birth and death of the universe.

When the universe dies, a new universe will be born again, over and over again. "

Saying it is the same as not saying it. I can brag and stuff like that.

But of course Murphy didn't dare to say that.

"So as a dragon god, what is your goal? To protect the world? To destroy the world?"

"A goal? Haha, if we have to find a goal for us, it would be freedom."

Murphy was a little speechless, why do both of them want to be free, "Aren't you quite free now?"    "No, for the frog in the well, jumping out of the well is freedom, for the prisoner in the prison , leaving prison is freedom. For those humans who find themselves living on a planet, leaving their own planet is freedom...

All life is imprisoned in a cage. What you can see is the wall. The farthest distance your feet can reach is the boundary of the cage. The boundary between life and death is your sentence.

From a macro perspective, no one is free.

And our goal is to break through all this and become the first being to gain freedom. Whether it is the planet, the universe, or the universe above the universe, all dimensions and all boundaries will be broken. Only when At that moment, we can be truly free. "

Murphy was inexplicably shocked when he heard it. The Dragon God's goal was so ambitious that he couldn't even imagine what it meant.

"But according to your point of view, no matter how many boundaries you break through, there will always be new boundaries beyond those boundaries. How can you achieve freedom?"

Dragon God did not answer, but asked: "What do you think is the largest number in the universe?"

The biggest number? Mo Feixin said where is the biggest number?

I have to say the biggest thing——

"Infinite?" he asked tentatively.

"That's right, it's infinite. If you want to be truly free, you have to gain unlimited power - this is not an adjective, but unlimited power in the true literal sense.

You know, when the first Dragon God was born, we only had the authority of time.

But eternal immortality gives us infinite possibilities. In the first reincarnation, we tried to gain real life, so we gave up the body of the immortal ancient dragon and survived, reproduced, died, and resurrected in the form of fragile flesh and blood.

This is how we take control of life.

But we are not content with this. In the second reincarnation, we hope to obtain a soul, so we separate our consciousness from our body and let our consciousness walk independently in the universe and withstand the baptism of spiritual storms.

From this we have the authority of the soul.

Reincarnation after reincarnation, power after power, our power continues to grow, becoming stronger with each reincarnation, and one day we will become infinite and become that truly free existence.

That day will be extremely far away, but it will definitely come.

And you are a part of this reincarnation.

"But don't you die in every reincarnation? The new Dragon God is not the same person as you? Then you are no longer the one who is free in the end! No, since I am also a part of this reincarnation, how do you know Will I continue your plan? What if I give up? Anyway, the power of the Dragon God is in my hands, and I can use it however I want."

Murphy couldn't help but get excited as he spoke.

If you start the next reincarnation, does it mean that you will also die?

The Dragon God was still calm, "Your understanding of life is too superficial, successor, but this is not surprising. You are just a new Dragon God who has just gained the power of authority and has not been baptized by time. It has not yet been polished by fate.

You know very little about everything, and you have no idea what you will experience in the future.

Remember our answer just now, all wheels will eventually become the same shape.

Just like human beings change their cognition as they age, the life of the Dragon God is measured in hundreds of millions of years. After the birth and death of a universe, he has witnessed the rise and end of all things. In the end, you will understand everything and the freedom of freedom. Meaning, understand the meaning of life.

At that moment, you will become the real Dragon God and become us. "

The more Murphy listened, the more he became upset. The other party kept calling himself "us". What did this mean?

Could it be that in the end all dragon gods will merge into one? Become a ‘being’ that shares a common memory?

He looked at the Dragon God in front of him, feeling an inexplicable awe and a strong sense of belonging in his heart.

Damn it, I don't want to be with you.

My memories and experiences are completely different, I am just a player!

"What, are you scared?"


"Haha, there is no need to hide it. All dragon gods will inevitably fall into fear when they know all the cause and effect. But don't worry, you will understand everything in the end.

Are you worried about losing yourself?

Don't worry, before that, you have at least hundreds of millions of years of life to squander to complete your reincarnation. Compared with those insignificant mortals, isn't billions of years of life not enough?

The fear in your heart is simply because you know too little. What you don’t know is unknown, and the unknown always brings fear.

When you know everything, you will no longer have any fear. Then you will understand what I mean. "

Mo Feixin said yes. With hundreds of millions of years of life, what else could he ask for? However, he still decided to stick to his heart and himself. He wanted the power of the Dragon God, but to hell with freedom and the like.

With the power of the Dragon God, I can feel as happy as I want. Do I have to put in the effort to pursue infinity and freedom?

He suddenly reacted, "What did you call me?"

"Of course it's Murphy. Why, isn't that your name? Or do you want me to call you Aidan, or Aidan Delon?"

"You know I am..."

"Player? Haha, of course I know."

The Dragon God looked at the planet that was being born, and Murphy also followed his gaze.

"I have another question, is this world real?"

“From a macro perspective, everything is false, and from a micro perspective, everything is real. What is true or false depends on your perspective.

You must have heard of this theory. Scientists in your world believe that the world is a simulation and does not really exist.

When you hear such a theory, do you feel that the world becomes any different?

Your family, your loved ones, your family and friends, your life and your past, will they become false because of this?

Murphy shook his head, "No!"

"If the theories of those scientists are true, and there is another higher-dimensional world above your world, a higher-dimensional life that thinks that you humans are ant dust and can be crushed for fun, will you be willing to sit back and wait for death? Or are you saying Stand up and resist.”

"If you were that high-dimensional being, would you think that those in the lower dimensions who have the same thoughts as you are false?"

Murphy thought for a while, but didn't know how to answer.

"So is this world real or fake?"

Dragon God once again showed his unwavering expression.

"I won't answer your question. You will understand it in the future, because -"

Mo Fei nodded helplessly, "Because the Dragon God will turn into a wheel, I understand, I understand..."

"Okay, it's time to continue your journey. Now - leave Murphy, the time has come, it's time to become the Dragon God."

Dragon God said, reaching out and tapping Murphy's forehead.

"Hey hey hey, wait a minute I have another question!"

However, it was too late, and a strong light flashed before his eyes. When the light dissipated, Murphy found himself back on the throne of the Dragon God, with the familiar sight of the Sky City in front of him.

system hint:……

 Thanks to the book friends: the leader of the chivalrous and righteous Lazy Sheep and Sheep Rewards, there will be an update tomorrow.

  This is already Lazy Yangyang’s third leader. Thank you very much for your support.



(End of this chapter)

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