Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 581 Transformation into Dragon God

Chapter 581 Transformation into Dragon God

[System prompt: You have successfully forged the authority of the Dragon God, completed the ascension ceremony, your Dragon God Road mission is completed, and your ‘Ancient Dragon Incarnation’ skill has been upgraded to ‘Dragon God Incarnation’.

You received 5000 plot points.

You have obtained the Dragon Godhead, and your game character template is upgraded from a hero/BOSS template to a god template.

Since this mission is the last part of the plot line of Return of the Dragon God, your original plot mission is completed, and you can no longer trigger other original plot missions.

Congratulations to you player, you have obtained [Original Power: Dragon God]. You have unlocked the core content of this game. Your game character will enter the game hall of fame. Your current ranking in the hall of fame is - first place. You You can go to the game company’s headquarters to redeem exclusive Game Hall of Fame rewards. 】


Murphy looked at the task content that turned into golden light and disappeared in the task bar, and took a long breath, feeling as if he had completed a long journey.

This task was really difficult, and it took three years to complete.

As the task disappeared, Murphy felt that his body seemed to have undergone some subtle changes.

He stretched out a hand. It was still human flesh and blood, but it seemed different.

He closed his eyes, countless information poured into his mind, and countless powers gathered in his body...

The situation was a bit unexpected.

Murphy felt the changes while thinking about what this meant.

[Original Power: Dragon God]? In other words, there are other sources of power...

Yes, Godwin accepted the origin mission related to the Holy Light. If he completes all the quest lines, he should be able to obtain abilities such as [Original Power: Holy Light].

But there are actually Game Hall of Fame rewards? Still going to the game company headquarters? So what does that mean?

Originally, he thought that the game company might not be aware of the original plot mission, but now it seems that this is not the case.

However, there is no need to worry about the Hall of Fame rewards for the time being, let's first determine how powerful this dragon god's power is.

Murphy felt the divine power in his body, and he was full of expectations for how powerful this dragon god's power was.

Although the physical changes are difficult to describe, the changes in attributes can be visually witnessed through the panel.

Murphy couldn't wait to open the attribute bar. He wanted to see what the god template was.

[God template (hidden template)

Note: This template is not available in the current game and cannot be obtained through normal channels. It can only be unlocked by completing the original story mission. 】

Click on the template and find that this template comes with five passive features.

Body of the God: Your health multiplier is increased to 10 times the current health limit (this multiplier will be adjusted based on your current health and can be stacked with any effect that increases the health limit).

Holy Armor: Your armor type is changed to Holy Armor, and the damage caused to you by all physical attacks, magic attacks, and elemental attacks is reduced by 99%.

Divine power (medium divine power). You have gained the power of God. Within the domain you control, you can create and use all types of skills, including combat skills, magic, divine spells, etc. You can also grant these skills to others.

According to your power of authority conversion, your current divine power level is medium divine power.

God's Majesty (Dragon God): Constant [divine power LV10] (Your ancient dragon's majesty has been upgraded to Dragon God's majesty. The majesty of the gods makes all mortal creatures feel awe of you from the bottom of their hearts. When mortal creatures and you During combat, there is a 30% chance that all skills will not take effect, and a will determination will be made every 15 seconds. If the determination fails, the target will completely lose the will to resist. This effect is reduced by 50% against extraordinary creatures.

Domain of God (Dragon God): Activate - Open your Domain of God (Dragon God). Within this domain, all dragons will be under your control and receive a 33% all-attribute bonus and 100% morale. addition.

You can also exert authority you possess within your domain to gain additional domain effects.

Authority of the Storm (Powerful): Blessing of the Storm. The movement speed of all friendly units in the area is increased by 50%, and the movement speed of all enemy units is reduced by 50%.

Arcane Authority (Weak): Arcane Tide. All spellcasters in the area will receive a 100-point spell strength bonus, and the mana recovery speed will be increased by 100%.

Death authority (weak): control death. Causes all creatures in the area to suffer 20 points of negative energy damage every five seconds, and resurrects all corpses in the area as undead servants under your control.

Authority of the Earth (Weak): Guardian of the Earth. All friendly units within the area gain 200 armor points and 20% spell resistance.

Chaos authority (weak); Chaos pollution. Causes all creatures in the area to suffer 10 points of chaos damage every five seconds and gain 1% chaos pollution. When the pollution value increases to 100%, the target will make a resistance judgment. If the judgment fails, the target will be converted into A demon-like creature. 】

It was worthy of the power of the gods. Just the passive characteristics of the gods' templates already amazed Murphy.

Strictly speaking, these characteristics are not even skills, they are just equivalent to the racial talents of ordinary hero players.

However, this is not all the power he has gained. The real bulk comes from the upgraded [Dragon God's Authority].

All the five powers in the original skill bar were dimmed, and were replaced by a brand new power skill.

[Dragon God’s authority (original power)

Dragon God Incarnation: You can freely transform between human form, ancient dragon form, and dragon god form.

Lord of Time: The Dragon God is a life born outside of time. He is not affected by the power of time, nor is he at the mercy of the power of fate. At the origin of time, you have witnessed the birth of the universe. At the end of time , you are also destined to witness the end of the universe and enter the next reincarnation.

Endless power: All your powers have now been integrated and become part of the dragon god's power. You can continue to seize the power of power to increase your power level or increase the number of powers.

Skill introduction: You have become the Dragon God and gained the authority of the Dragon God. Storm, arcana, death, earth, chaos... and even all things can be used by you. 】

The description of the skill seems simple, with only two passive effects.

One is a time lord who doesn't know why, and the other... is full of infinite possibilities.

Is this...the power of gods?

Murphy stretched out a hand, and a mini storm gathered in his palm. With a thought, the storm turned into pure arcane energy, and then turned into a ball of negative energy...a rock, a ball of evil energy. fire.

The energy is constantly changing, sometimes expanding and then shrinking.

Even though the description of the skill is very simple, the true power of the Dragon God cannot be described in words at all.

Mo Fei felt omnipotent at this moment. He looked around and everything in front of him seemed to have changed. The world was filled with energy particles and dimensional lines. Time seemed to have become touchable. section.

A mysterious and mysterious feeling made Mo Fei fascinated by it for a while.

He could feel that the Dragon God's power was by no means as simple as described in the text. The system could no longer limit him, at least not completely.

Regardless of skills or attributes, they have become dispensable to him at this moment.

His body slowly floated into the air on the Dragon God Throne.

His will extended in all directions, and the entire city in the sky, as well as the huge storm surrounding it, became as one with him in Murphy's consciousness.

Storm, earth! The power of the two major authorities instantly turned into subtle control and touched every corner of the Sky City.

The Time Lord's power allows him to see into the past and future.

With a thought, the power is activated instantly. In an instant, the entire city in the sky became still, the storm stopped rotating, the ancient rock dragon lizard froze in mid-air, the collapsed tower, the broken stone steps, the shining dragon thunder, everything came to a standstill.

The eight ancient giant dragons raised their heads in shock. They could feel that the power of the Dragon God had returned, covering everything around them.

Aidandron (Dragon God): "The city in the sky - Kamyatra, the former home of the ancient dragon, return to your original appearance, return to your former glory, in the name of Dragon God Aidandron, Reversal of time!"

He waved gently.

As if receiving a signal, in an instant, the entire Broken Sky City began to move. However, it was not a normal movement, but it seemed that tens of thousands of years had been condensed into a few tens of seconds, and It's like playing it upside down.

The broken buildings were automatically pieced together piece by piece, the broken stone steps regained their solid and flat shape, the vines and weeds growing from the dilapidated remains disappeared, and the ruins covered with dust and ashes were restored as new.

The corpses of orcs, humans and even ancient rock dragon lizards disappeared without a trace.

In the blink of an eye, a magnificent city in the sky reappeared in front of everyone.

The storm disappeared, the dark clouds dispersed, and in the sky, the bright sunshine shone on the rocky walls of this magnificent city in the sky. The domes of the towers and the statues of the temples exuded golden brilliance.

The ancient dragons were happy and shocked, the Dragon God - returned.

The Dragonmaw Orcs and the Dragonsorrow Knights were confused about the changes before them, but when they saw their master, they quickly calmed down.

boom! A huge black dragon landed among eight ancient dragons, causing a commotion.



Both the disaster dragon and the guardian dragon looked wary.

Murphy looked at Deathwing calmly, with no anger or surprise in his heart. His heart was extremely calm at this time.

The Dragon God's power not only changed his body, but also changed his state of mind. In the face of absolute power, no matter how terrifying the enemy was, he now became so insignificant.

The hatred and festivals that were once become meaningless now.

Murphy knew very well that Deathwing was not here for revenge. His gaze penetrated Deathwing's body and looked directly at the ancient power in his body, the destructive power composed of flames and lava, and the void entrenched in it. Power.

"I feel the power of the void in you, Deathwing, so you come to me for help?"

Deathwing stared at Murphy, his eyes full of complicated emotions.

Anger, resentment, hope, awe.

He slowly lowered his head.

Neltharion (Dragon King of the Void): "Great Dragon God, please forgive my past ambitions and anger, forgive my ignorance and stupidity, I failed to recognize your true identity, I was wrong."

Aidan Delon (Dragon God): "No, you are not wrong. Without the protection of the Dragon God, the Dragon Clan is destined to fall apart and turn to different camps in order to survive. I have already foreseen everything.

You all did what you should do, and now, it's time for me to do what I should do. "

He stretched out a hand, and an invisible force immediately surrounded Deathwing.

"O evil power from the void, leave my dependents" - Void Peeling!

The power of the void was stripped out of Deathwing's body like a wisp of black smoke.

Mo Fei was a little surprised. He originally thought it would take a lot of effort. After all, the Will of the Void was on the same level as the Dragon God. However, at this time, the power of the Void was easily stripped out of Deathwing's body, as if there was no one at all. control.

Under Mo Fei's control, these void powers turned into a dark sphere, floating in Mo Fei's palm.

The power from the void is unfortunately too little, far from enough to create a new authority, but it is better than nothing.

The most powerful characteristic of the Dragon God is that it can absorb all energy. This extends to the Dragon Clan, which is that it can be transformed into different types of Dragon Clan by absorbing energy.

But for the Dragon God, there is no need to change himself, but he can integrate the absorbed energy into his own authority.

With a thought in Mo Fei's mind, the power of the void quietly disappeared into his body. When he turned around and solved the third natural disaster, when the power of the void was combined, this trace of the power of the void could add some color.

He looked at the dragons in front of him again.

Aidan Delon (Dragon God): "Guardian Dragon, Disaster Dragon, you have been enemies with each other in the past, but now that I have returned, the ancient dragon clan will rise again. I will give you the power of the ancient dragon and grant you immortality." body, granting you eternal life.

But you must make a choice. The ancient dragon is the descendant of the Dragon God and an extension of the Dragon God's power. When you become an ancient dragon, the authority you once held will be taken back and your power will be constant.

Your flesh and blood will become immortal and stop growing. The elemental power you control will also be lost and transformed into the power of dragon thunder.

You must make a choice, whether to accept this gift or keep your original dragon body and serve me as a dragon. "

The four disaster dragons all looked excited.

Transforming into an ancient dragon is what they have been striving for for tens of thousands of years.

The four guardian dragons hesitated.

Becoming an ancient dragon is indeed a huge gift, but being a giant dragon is not without its benefits.

The size of the ancient dragon is fixed. The eternal life of the immortal body means that it cannot continue to grow like the flesh and blood body. Although the flesh and blood body is fragile, it can continue to grow, making it stronger and stronger.

Tens of thousands of years ago, the guardian dragons were much smaller than they are now.

Not to mention the terrifying existence of Deathwing with a wingspan of 200 meters, even one with a wingspan of more than 100 meters is very rare. Except for Galakrond, a war weapon created by the dragon god, most ancient dragons are only fifty to sixty meters, sixty to seventy meters in size, and there are even mini-types of ten or twenty meters.

For example, Yakir turned into a stone statue on Tongtian Peak.

Of course, for Taigu Long, there is actually not much room for growth, which is not a big deal.

What is really fatal is that the power of authority is taken back, and the guardian dragon is a secondary god-like existence.

Of course, the benefits of becoming an ancient dragon are also obvious.

The most powerful thing about ancient dragons is that they are immortal, so they can break through the reincarnation of the universe and enter the next reincarnation.

The dragon clan can live for tens of thousands of years, which seems quite long, but compared with the eternal and immortal ancient dragon, it is nothing.

Moreover, the ancient dragon's flying ability is supernatural, so it is not affected by aerodynamics. It can physically break through the atmosphere and directly enter the universe for astral travel. This is something that a flesh-and-blood dragon cannot do no matter how powerful it is.

The two can be said to be on completely different levels of existence.

Aidan Delon (Dragon God): "There is no need to make a choice in a hurry. You have enough time to consider it. Before that, we must first solve the crisis facing the world."

 Sorry, there is only one update today, there will be two updates tomorrow



(End of this chapter)

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