Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 582 Tragic Battle Situation

Chapter 582 Tragic Battle Situation

Just when Murphy went to the Sky City to seek the power of the Dragon God and start a Dragon King battle with Morpheus, a fierce war was also going on at the foot of Mount Hyjal.

In terms of the scale of the war, its brutality, and even the number of people participating in the war, this war is much more spectacular than the battle between Murphy and Morpheus.

It can even be described as unprecedented.

For players, its attention is even more noticeable around the world.

The eyes of the whole world are paying attention to this war. You can see the live broadcast of this war on various video websites and live broadcast APPs, showing every detail of the war vividly from different angles.

However, unlike before the war, when everyone generally believed that there would be an evenly matched attrition, this war presented a one-sided situation from the beginning.

Archimonde cast an unknown forbidden spell, directly destroying the coalition's greatest support - the defense line on Mount Hyjal.

After losing the strongest line of defense, the demon army of the Burning Legion marched all the way to the top of the mountain without any skills. There was no strategy, no division of troops, and no hesitation. It was the army of millions of demons that pushed them all the way.

Hundreds of demon lords drove all kinds of demonic creatures, like an unstoppable tide, flooding the dense forest at the foot of Mount Hyjal, crushing the central line of the coalition forces, and the coalition forces established themselves in the mountains of Mount Hyjal. The defense line was broken down layer by layer.

Heroes continued to die in battle, and dozens and hundreds were beheaded and devoured by demons.

The entire Mount Hyjal was shrouded in a strange red hue, the color of blood and fire.

On several occasions, the coalition forces tried to organize an effective counterattack, or to gather forces in a dangerous area for key defense.

It had some effect at the beginning, and even surrounded and killed some intruding demon lords. However, whenever the Burning Legion's troops faltered slightly, Archimonde would personally lead the eredar demon army into the battle.

In the face of Archimonde's destructive power, no force can stop the advancement of the Burning Legion.

Several times, the heroes tried to use the tactics used to deal with ordinary bosses. The tanks resisted, the treatment was increased, and the DPS pumped hard...

However, the tank heroes and lords who rush forward are often killed instantly by Archimonde's 'Finger of Death' before they can get close enough.

Players are familiar with the magic of Finger of Death. Lord Voldemort knows this trick. It is a top-level move of undead magic. It will cause a huge amount of damage to the target and perform an instant death judgment.

Theoretically, as long as your physique is high enough, you are lucky enough, or your magic resistance is strong enough, you can survive it.

At least after Lord Voldemort learns this trick, he can kill elite monsters in seconds, occasionally fight low-level mini-BOSSs, and instantly kill heroes of the same level without even thinking about it.

However, it was also the Finger of Death, but when Archimonde used it, he was instantly killed again and again.

This thing doesn't even look at the health bar, it's just a fatal blow. Although there are many heroes, after several NPCs died, no one dared to go up and use their lives to receive skills.

Even the heroes dare not go up there, let alone the soldiers.

The morale of the coalition forces dropped again and again, almost collapsing.

At this time, thanks to the adventurers who launched a counterattack without fear of life and death, the coalition forces were able to stabilize their formation and were not penetrated by a single wave.

At this moment, at the top of Mount Hyjal——

The heroes who had retreated all the way from the foot of the mountain gathered together again.

Looking at the remaining defeated soldiers around them, the leading bosses felt a little desperate.

There were more than a thousand heroes who participated in the war, but now there are less than a hundred left.

"Damn it! This battle can't be fought!" Ba Dao Qingqing said with a sigh.

Phew, a white light flashed, but it was Morgan Lisa who teleported over, "Two more hung up, and seven ran away."

"Damn, they are all cowards. They promised to fight to the end." The furious Gandalf filled the blue bottle while re-enchanting his sword. He was covered in blood and looked like he was fished out of a pool of blood. .

It’s no wonder that hero players are afraid. In just a few hours, the number of heroes killed on the battlefield exceeded three digits.

Many long-famous silver and gold-level heroes died in battle, and there even seemed to be an epic unlucky guy who was attacked by a group of fear demons and died before he could even use his life-saving skills.

You must know that each of these heroic characters is of huge value. Many high-level hero numbers are even worth more than tens of millions.

Just like that, being killed by Archimonde's Death Finger in one click, or being killed by sneak attack by those sinister Dread Lords, this consumption efficiency cannot be resisted even by the richest man in tomatoes.

It can be said that in just a few hours, the amount of wealth lost by players in this battle was in the billions.

Although Godwin is the King of Holy Light, his perspective on things is quite dark.

"I think this is basically a conspiracy by the game company. They use the Burning Legion and Archimonde to cancel the accounts of hero players so that everyone can re-open their accounts and recharge their accounts."

Ba Dao Qing Wuqing immediately agreed, "My God, this is really possible. Otherwise, why would Archimonde be so difficult to beat? He will kill anyone he meets. This is too fierce. There is no way to beat him. He will be beaten whenever he meets someone." It’s a matter of seconds.”

Suddenly someone said: "I asked you guys why don't you go up and give it a try? I feel that if you replace the leaders of your camp, it will definitely not be possible in seconds. If you can resist the line, can't we beat him as a BOSS?" "

Everyone turned to look at them, but it was Jian Wuhen. Ba Dao cursed mercilessly, "Damn, I don't know what you kid is planning. If we are killed, you are probably waiting to pick up the body, right? We are all worth hundreds of millions or billions, how can we?" You can go up there and swim.”

When fighting against the Scourge, you can still be resurrected as undead to save some losses. But fighting against the Burning Legion does not allow you to do so. If you die, you are really dead, because all the previous positions have been taken away by the Burning Legion, and you can't even pick them up. No chance of a corpse.

They, the camp leaders, really don't dare to go out there at all.

Everyone complained to each other for a while, but it did not help the current war situation.

Seeing the tide of adventurers at the bottom of the mountain being swallowed up by the demonic fire one by one, everyone was helpless.

"What to do now?" someone asked.

At this time, Emperor Shenwu finally spoke.

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Don't worry, my centaur army still has enough strength. As long as the cavalry legion led by my adjutant War Shadow launches an attack, everything will be fine."

Immediately, employees of Shenwu Emperor came over to report the situation.

"Your Majesty, the Shadow of War and the Abyss Demon King Azgaro died together."

What! Emperor Shenwu couldn't help but lost his voice for a moment.

Unexpectedly, even the Shadow of War died. He was the number two figure in the Centaur Kingdom.

Ba Dao Qingqing saw this and hurriedly comforted him, "Don't worry, my tribal army will give the Burning Legion a fatal blow from the right wing, which can delay it for at least half an hour. I gave the order to my men before I went up the mountain. It should be There will be news soon."

But immediately he also got bad news. A troll witch doctor who had just finished communicating with the tribe camp through soul communication approached him.

"Great Chief, Lord Grogo Evil Eye did not gather enough troops. He believed that the priority should be to preserve the effective strength, so he did not launch a counterattack - but led his army to retreat."

"What! Damn Grogo Evil Eye, the flanking offensive is an order, an order. I, Ba Dao Qingwu, personally issued an order, but he went against him. What the hell does this bastard want to do? He can even refuse the order of the war chief. implement!"

The Alliance's side was not much better. As the main force of the central defense line, it suffered the greatest casualties in the first wave of the Burning Legion's offensive.

"Your Majesty Godwin, we have lost all our troops. The troops of Kul Tiras have withdrawn from the battlefield. King Blaze of Gilneas believes that the war has failed. He chose to retreat to the sea. There are also dwarf legions who are holding on. The whole army in the position was destroyed... As for the other troops, most of them had lost contact, and the remaining ones all retreated to the mountains.

No more than 30,000 people are expected. "

enough! Godwin stopped his subordinates from reporting. His heart was bleeding. This battle could be described as a loss of elites. He originally thought that by sending the most troops and making the most military exploits, he could compete with the Burning Legion in this battle and gain the biggest benefits. Benefit.

But he didn't expect to be beaten straight up.

At this time, a female hunter came flying from the mountain.

"Several adults, Lord Malfurion asked me to inform you that please hurry to the meeting outside the Moon Temple on the top of the mountain."

After hearing the messenger's words, everyone's eyes lit up.

Great, I finally made it to the last minute.

Although it was never fought head-on, it successfully delayed the Burning Legion's time.

If you calculate carefully, the situation is actually very different from the historical Holy War on Mount Hyjal.

They were all defeated repeatedly by the Burning Legion.

And compared with the historical Holy War on Mount Hyjal, their consumption of the Burning Legion will only be greater. Although the coalition forces suffered heavy casualties, most of the million-strong Burning Legion army was also consumed.

Now it all depends on Archimonde's strong personal strength to continuously advance the front.

As long as Malfurion summons the ancient elves as he did in history, and waits until Archimonde runs to the World Tree to explode himself together, killing Archimonde in one wave, then this battle can still be won.

Even with the death of Archimonde, they, the remaining coalition leaders, can naturally easily harvest the heads of the Burning Legion BOSS.

The reason why everyone can still hold on until now after this battle was so brutal is because of this last wave of counterattack.

As long as Archimonde is dead, those demon lords won't have anything to worry about. At that time, massive equipment drops, huge plot points, and legendary achievements that help attack and kill Archimonde will all be obtained.

The greater the risk, the greater the benefit. Unfortunately, those heroes who ran away in advance did not understand this truth at all.

Ba Dao slapped his thigh ruthlessly, "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go there quickly."

The dozens of remaining heroes all ran towards the top of the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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