Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 583 The Real Hero

Chapter 583 The Real Hero (Additional update for the leader of the alliance, the chivalrous and righteous Lazy Sheep)

When everyone rushed to the Temple of the Moon, they saw Malfurion, Tyrande and a tall demigod more than ten meters tall talking about something, it was the resurrected demigod Cenarius.

Unlike the historical Cenarius who was killed by Hellscream on the eve of the Battle of Mount Hyjal, this time Cenarius died relatively early, so he had enough time to resurrect, and now he was just in time for the final decisive battle.

But against Archimonde, Cenarius had no chance of winning.

You must know that his father, White Deer Demigod Malorne, was killed by Archimonde when he broke his neck during the War of the Ancients. His father was no match for him, so he naturally had no confidence.

Seeing the feeling of the coalition heroes, several people immediately stopped talking.

The faces of the three people were full of solemnity and solemnity.

Emperor Shenwu, Godwen, Ba Dao Qingwu and other big bosses exchanged glances with each other, and they all saw each other's joy.

It seems that Malfurion is finally going to use his ultimate move.

It's stable now.

"Heroes and warriors, at this time when the world is in danger, I am glad that you can come to Mount Hyjal to fight for the world.

But it seems that our enemy is more powerful than we expected. Archimonde's power is unstoppable. Now the survival of the world has come to the final moment. In order to defeat Archimonde, I decided to summon the ancient spirit soul. , detonating the magic in the Well of Eternity and destroying Archimonde in one fell swoop! "


Are you finally going to do it?

Damn it, wouldn't it be over if we had done this earlier? I sacrificed so many of my subordinates in vain. Damn, it's all money.

Everyone had their own thoughts in their minds, but their faces were solemn.

"Lord Malfurion, this is a choice we have to make. For the sake of this world, we must make sacrifices."

"Yes, countless soldiers from the Alliance were bloody in order to defeat the Burning Legion, but they deserved their death."

"My big tribe has also died a lot, and several chiefs have died. I said Malfurion, after we kill Archimonde later, I can't lose his share. Let's share the same code." Return to one code..."

"Ahem!" Godwin coughed violently before blocking out Ba Dao Qingwu's last words.

"Then what do we need to do?" Emperor Shenwu asked Malfurion.

"I need your help to delay it for a while. Summoning the soul of the ancient elves will take some time. Just one hour is enough."

One hour? Everyone was a little embarrassed, could it be done with such a small number of troops?

"Don't worry, heroes. Tyrande will lead the Awakened Army to defend mid-mountain and try to block the Burning Legion's attack as much as possible. However, Archimonde will most likely rely on his own strength to attack the top of the mountain alone. I need you. Help my teacher here to guard the door to the World Tree and buy me time to complete the final rituals."

"No problem, leave this to us."

"Go Malfurion, this is our last hope."

"Then - I'm going to start!"

Malfurion faced the ancient forest in the distance and began to try to communicate. However, after a moment, a solemn look suddenly appeared on his face.

"What's wrong, dear?" Tyrande asked with concern.

"I-I can't feel them!" Malfurion said with a look of shock and anger.

When everyone heard this, their hearts dropped.

An ominous atmosphere emerged.

Suddenly there was the sound of flapping wings in the sky, and several crows covered in wounds were seen fluttering to the ground.

But it was a few raptor druids.

"Sorry, Lord Malfurion, the ancient woodland was attacked by a large group of satyr demons, and the souls of the ancient elves suffered heavy losses."

Satyrs are demonic creatures transformed from fallen night elves. They have served the Burning Legion as early as the War of the Ancients.

Due to his familiarity with the inner workings of night elf society, he is often used as a spy or assassin by the Burning Legion.

What! Malfurion was shocked. He didn't expect that this would happen after he finally made up his mind.

at the same time------

"Hahaha, these idiots, do you think I haven't read the history of Warcraft? Do I know how Archimonde died? They still want to use the elf to self-destruct. I have already prepared a big gift for you. Well done Shura Yida, you did a great job."

"It's my honor to serve you - well, it's time for us to settle the balance."

The one who spoke was the Satyr Shadow Dancer responsible for the attack - Shura Yida.

"It's easy to talk to, isn't it just money? I've already prepared it for you."


All the players were dumbfounded when they heard the druid's words, and Ba Dao Qingqing even lost his voice and asked, "My day, won't you overturn the situation?"

"What should we do now? Has the Holy War on Mount Hyjal failed?"

"Damn, the game company must have changed the script."

"It's also possible that the players are responsible. There are also players on the Burning Legion side."

"What should we do?"

"By the way, we should have other big moves, right?"

"Why doesn't the guardian dragon come?"

"That guy Aidan must have known something inside. He ran away first. Damn it, I knew there was something wrong here."

Everyone was quarreling in confusion, unable to come up with a comeback plan.

Godwin pondered uncertainly for a while, and then suddenly said: "For the current plan, we can only retreat first."

Malfurion was shocked when he heard this.

"What! Your Majesty Godwin, at this most critical moment, do you want to give up our covenant?"

"No, of course not, but since the battle is no longer winnable, fearless sacrifices should naturally be avoided.

I will return to Lordaeron, return to the foot of the golden tree, pray to the Supreme Will, ask for his help, then reorganize the army and launch another attack on the Burning Legion. Don’t worry about Lord Malfurion, under the influence of the Holy Light With protection, justice will ultimately prevail.

But I also hope you can understand that if I die, hope is really gone, so please understand me. "

Malfurion's face was livid, what he said sounded nice, but it was the night elves who were betrayed.

After hearing this, Ba Dao Qingqing patted his thigh and said righteously: "Well said Godwin, the future is the most important, right? Our tribe has shed too much blood for this war, it's time to leave, no need I’m worried about you, we will make the Burning Legion pay the price in the future, and if you die, I will avenge you.”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere became even more embarrassing.

Emperor Shenwu's face was extremely ugly. Others could leave, but it would not be so easy for him to leave. As one of the camp leaders of the Dark Night Alliance, he couldn't afford to lose control at this time.

But if he runs away and everyone else dies, does that mean that he will become the supreme leader of the Dark Night Alliance?

However, this idea was quickly rejected by him.

I can't afford to lose this man. He is not only the Shenwu Emperor and the Centaur King, but also the chairman of Haotian Group.

He must not run away, as that would have a great impact on the social image.

Emperor Shenwu snorted coldly, "Hey, aren't you two? You are running away at this time. Just now you were laughing at the players who ran away.

Don’t forget that justice will defeat evil, and we will definitely win in the end. Are you the laughing stock of everyone? "

Godwin sneered and said, "That's hard to say. I suddenly thought of another possibility. What would happen if Archimonde seized the power of the World Tree? He would become the most powerful BOSS in the game, maybe. Establishing a super difficult dungeon group in Mount Hyjal. With such a big BOSS sitting in charge, are you worried that players will not be able to fight monsters in the future?

Although justice will definitely defeat evil, who knows whether it is today or a few years from now. Maybe this situation is suspiciously designed by the game company in order to attract more players to enter the game and fight hard to defeat the big devil. "

Ba Dao nodded ruthlessly and said, "You're right, I see it that way too. The game company is playing a big game. We were misled before, thinking that we would win this battle. Now I can see it. The game company is playing a big game. We have no intention of following the same old path, we definitely have to start over again and open up a new plot line.

Of course, it is also possible that the game company did not intervene at all, and it was entirely because the players on the Burning Legion side were too shady.

So, brother, I won’t accompany you anymore.

Laohou - let's go! "

Ba Dao Qingqing said that he was about to get out of the way, but after taking two steps, he found that Grom had not followed. He turned around and found Grom looking at him unusually calmly.

"Go away, War Chief. I will stay and finish this battle on your behalf. The honor of the tribe cannot be tarnished. Running away in front of a powerful enemy is not what an orc should do."

This time I won't run away anymore. Archimonde is the culprit who enslaved the orcs, and I will personally put an end to the orcs' past humiliation. "

"Holy shit, no, Laohou, you're going to die if you stay."

"Orcs are never afraid of death." Grom showed no signs of wavering.

The Shenwu Emperor next to him laughed loudly, "Haha, that's right. Grom, you are indeed a man. Don't be afraid. We will fight side by side, just like in the past."

Damn, you're poaching me right in front of me.

Ba Dao Qing Wu is so angry.

"I'll stay too!" Garrosh yelled.

Grom shook his head, "No, you must leave. This is my destiny, not yours. I once took the lead in drinking the blood of the devil and led the orcs into a disaster. Only with the blood of the devil or the It is my own blood that can wash away this shame.

But your time has not yet come. My son, leave here with the glory of the Hellscream family and be proud of your name! "

Greenskin King (Warhammer Chief): "Grom, I will stay and fight alongside you, with strength and glory!"

The leader (Chief Shabak): "And me, I've been playing games for so many years and I've never been afraid. I'll just do it."

Brother Pingtou (War Song Warlord): "How could I miss such a big scene? I have to fight to the end for the sake of the tribe!"

Ba Dao Qingqing was a little annoyed, "Damn, why are you guys joining in the fun? Aren't you afraid of losing your account?"

Seeing that the players under his command were also making noises, Ba Dao Qing Wu was furious. Are you stupid because the NPC has a single mind?

Greenskin King (Warhammer Chief): "Hahaha, Warchief, not everyone plays games for money."

Brother Pingtou (War Song Warlord): "You're right. Fighting to the death for glory is the true romance of a man. In reality, we don't have this opportunity. If we can experience it in the game, is this life worth living?"

The leader (Chief Shabak): "What I'm saying is, if you want to cancel your account, just cancel it. It's just a small amount of money. If you can get a lot of fun, it's worth it to be a hero for once."

Damn it, just a small amount of money. Your account has already reached Gold Level 2, so why should you ask for millions? Why don’t you just give it up if you say you don’t want it? Damn it, you look like a wealthy family, okay, okay, you guys are awesome, I'm leaving.

"I'll stay too."

It turned out to be an orc infantryman, poorly dressed, with only a spiked shoulder armor and a battle ax in his hand.

Buck (orc infantry): "And me, for the Horde!"

The sun sets and the sky turns dark (orc shaman): “For the tribe!”

Brother Dao (Wolf Knight): "For the tribe!"

The brain is not working very well (Ogre Striker): "Me too..."

Unexpectedly, there were many people who wanted to stay.

"And I!"

"And I!"

More and more tribal players are coming forward. Most of these people are soldier templates or elite templates, and their value is not too high. If they are cheated, they will be cheated.

There are also several warlord chiefs, who are probably really not short of money, or they are infected by the atmosphere, and they are clamoring to fight to the end.

Ba Dao Qingqing looked at his group of men and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Suddenly he felt very shameless. Damn it, why don't I stay too?

I am the chief of the tribe!

However, when the words came to his lips, he still couldn't say them out.

His number is extremely valuable, and it is where his wealth lies. Others can take risks, but he cannot.

"Take it." He gritted his teeth and handed the Ashbringer into Grom's hand.

Grom looked surprised, "You know I may not be able to take it back."

"It doesn't matter, it's just a broken sword." Ba Dao Qingqing said pretending to be relaxed.

Grom held the Ashbringer in his hand and looked at it for a moment, then bowed his head mercilessly to the sword: "Warchief, I will never dishonor the honor of the tribe. Goodbye."

He threw Gorehowl towards Garrosh, "Take it, kid, don't insult the honor of our Hellscream family."

Garrosh wanted to say something else, but Ba Dao Qing Wu had already pulled Garrosh down the mountain.

Godwin saw everything from beginning to end and felt very uncomfortable.

He glanced at Emperor Wu.

"Brother Shenwu? Do you want to stay too?"

Emperor Shenwu sighed: "I can't leave."

Godwin directly sent a private message - if you want to leave but you can't leave, just tell him to go down the mountain and gather troops.

Emperor Shenwu shook his head, "You can deceive others with some words, but you cannot deceive yourself."

Godwin couldn't help but be startled after hearing this. He also hesitated a little. Why don't he stay and give it a try?

Uther suddenly said from the side: "Your Majesty, your people are still waiting for you. For the sake of Lordaeron, you must leave!"

Godwin suddenly woke up.

Emperor Shenwu can play like this, but Godwin cannot. The Centaur Kingdom is full of employees of Emperor Shenwu. Even if he dies, he can re-establish his account and take over the power.

He can't do it. If he dies, his brothers will immediately take back the throne.

The most important thing is that his account has obtained the original power. If it disappears, will the power also disappear? He didn't dare to gamble.

In this regard, he is somewhat similar to Ba Dao Qing Wu. The difference is that Ba Dao Qing Wu cares about money, while what he cares about is power.

"Goodbye then, everyone."

Godwin said and left with the people.

As soon as Godwin and Ba Dao Qingwu left, most of the heroes of the Alliance Tribes withdrew from the battlefield and disappeared one by one with the white light of the portal.

On the final battlefield at Mount Hyjal, most of the people were instantly reduced by half.

Some people left, some people stayed.

Like the Horde, a group of people from the Alliance also stayed.

The leader is the trio of Guardian candidates, Morgan Lisa, Solo Alone, and Luo Ning.

The Guardian's final test is against the Burning Legion.

If you retreat at this time, you basically say goodbye to the position of guardian.

As long as you stay, even if you can't win, as long as you can persist until the end, you will naturally become the new guardian.

Anyway, mages can transmit magic, and they still have a chance to escape in critical moments.

Sylvanas hesitated for a long time, but still chose to leave with Godwin. Her relationship with the night elves was not very deep, and she could not sacrifice for them yet.

But Kaya Windrunner stayed. She didn't think about anything else. She simply felt that justice would definitely defeat evil. Aidan would definitely come to the rescue in the end, and she would definitely get a big reward if she stayed.

The last time she played the Throne of the Wind God, she ran away early and didn't get any good things in the end, but she suffered a huge loss. This time she had to persevere until the end no matter what.

"Grom Hellscream, hum, I didn't expect you to stay. The grudge between us has been wiped out."

Cenarius looked at Grom with a bit of resentment, but thinking about the other party staying to fight, it was hard to dwell on it anymore.

Malfurion looked at everyone with a solemn expression, "Everyone, you are all the most heroic warriors, the most fearless warriors, you are all - true heroes!

For the safety of the world, we must fight until the last moment and prepare for the final test! "

Following Malfurion's words, an army of demons also appeared in the woods in the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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