Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 584 you shall not be passed

Chapter 584 you shall not pass!

Archimonde strode towards the top of Mount Hyjal. The ancient forest turned to ashes under his feet. The corpses of coalition soldiers covered the ridge. Behind him came the screams and roars of adventurers and demons. , countless defeated coalition soldiers fled across the mountains and plains, and countless adventurers launched a counterattack again under the call of heroes, fighting with the demon army...

But Archimonde didn't care about this.

The war with mortals is no longer interesting, and the pleasure of crushing these ants has also become dull. It is time to seize the fruits of victory.

He has only one goal in mind, and that is the World Tree on the top of Mount Hyjal and the Well of Eternity hidden under the World Tree.

The energy fluctuations emitted by the powerful power of the Well of Eternity are calling him. Soon, he will get this power. Once he gets this power, he will become more powerful than ever, perhaps even more powerful than Sargeras. powerful!

Archimonde thought in his mind that the number of demons around him was getting smaller and smaller, and they were constantly being held back by adventurers and coalition soldiers ambushing on both sides.

Even though the coalition suffered such tragic casualties, they still fought to the death. The human lords and orc chiefs continued to reorganize the defeated soldiers. The night elves' sentry generals were even more determined to defend this holy mountain. They led The awakened Legion of Awakeners once again went into battle.

The demon lords under Archimonde had to stop to fight the increasing number of enemies, but Archimonde did not stop.

He glanced at the mortals and demons fighting together.

"Hmph, these ignorant mortals are rushing blindly towards their end of death and destruction, their meaningless behavior..."

He witnessed a group of adventurers and demons fighting together, but did not take action.

These adventurers who are not afraid of death are simply invincible. No matter how many they are crushed, new ones will soon appear in front of them.

It made him feel a little numb. How could there be so many enemies?

It doesn't matter, as long as you get the power of the Well of Eternity, the futile resistance of these ant-like beings will be meaningless.

He thought to himself as he strode towards the top of the mountain.

Although the soldiers and adventurers of the coalition were brave, when they saw Archimonde approaching, they immediately retreated as if they had seen a ghost. They did not dare to fight this god-like enemy, and instead attacked the enemy behind Archimonde. subordinates.

boom! Another ancient door opened in front of him. After passing through the door, the enemy finally disappeared.

In front of you is an endless empty forest, and at the end of the forest is the last door. The World Tree behind the door towers into the clouds - it will be there soon.

Archimonde accelerated his pace in excitement. Because he moved so fast, none of the demon servants behind him could catch up, and they were all stopped by the coalition forces.

But Archimonde still didn't care, it was enough for him.

He observed the surroundings vigilantly. This was the last barrier leading to the Well of Eternity, and those mortals would definitely gather their last resistance here.

However, what surprised him was that everything in front of him was empty. It wasn't until he approached the gate, in the open space in the middle of the forest, that he finally met an opponent, a wizard with an old face, blocking his way.

Um? A human? Archimonde was a little surprised that he was not a night elf. The old wizard was dressed in gray robes, with a large pointed hat on his head. He held a staff in one hand and a sword in the other. His nondescript appearance attracted Archimonde's interest.

Archimonde (Commander of the Burning Legion): "You little mortal, you are very courageous, and you dare to follow Archimonde's footsteps. For the sake of your poor courage, if you turn to me now, I will consider Leave a place for you in the Burning Legion, and when I rule this world in the future, you will become a demon lord."

Archimonde is still a bit strategic, and he will still throw out a little temptation when it's time to tempt.

The old man didn't buy it at all.

Furious Gandalf (Battle Mage): "Shut up, demon, you can't pass me, and you can't seduce me. The power of justice will win. Go back to the darkness - you shall not be pass!"

"Huh, if that's the case, then go die!"

A finger of death!

A beam of red energy shot towards the mortal in front of him.

Gandalf raised his staff without hesitation.

Hero Skill—Ultimate Arcane Shield!

As a melee mage, the points you add are naturally completely different from those of ordinary mage. In order to ensure the survivability in melee combat, the first hero skill of the furious Gandalf is Magic Shield.

[Ultimate Arcane Shield: Can absorb 4955 points of damage. When the damage received is too high and cannot be fully absorbed, the shield will explode and offset the damage. 】

boom! The finger of death was resisted, and the arcane shield was shattered.

"Hahaha, you see, I am not afraid of you! You are Sargeras' slave."

"Mortal, you pissed me off."

Archimonde didn't take the wizard in front of him seriously. Even if he was a mere mortal, he could take his blow. He raised his huge hoof and stepped on Gandalf's head.

The furious Gandalf immediately raised his staff.

(Hmph, let’s see what ridiculous magic you can do)

Hero Skill - Extreme Flash!

Brilliant white light bursts out suddenly. The extreme flash actually has no lethality. The only effect of the spell is blinding. It is occasionally used to make the person invisible. This is the result of the violent Gandalf upgrading the flash spell to a hero skill.

Normal people would almost never waste their hero soul on such rubbish skills, but the furious Gandalf took an unusual approach. In order to cosplay Gandalf, even the skills were added according to Gandalf's skill types.

When I used it at this time, it had a miraculous effect.

Brilliant white light covered them all.

Damn it! Archimonde covered his eyes and roared.

"It's now!"

Everyone in the surrounding forest appeared at the same time, and Cenarius threw Grom Hellscream with all his strength - Fearless Slash!

With the help of the throwing power, Grom flew towards Archimonde like a cannonball, raising the Ashbringer high in his hand, and the target was clearly Archimonde's chest and heart.

This is a tactic that the heroes came up with after thinking hard. To deal with Archimonde, a guy with more than 1 million health, it is almost impossible to kill him through normal methods. Not only does Archimonde have a high health It's outrageous. It's still a sacred armor. Ordinary physical attacks and magic attacks can only deal % damage. You don't even have to think about it if you want to kill it.

The only chance is to kill him.

Although there were many heroes among the people present, there were only two or three who could really threaten Archimonde.

Grom is undoubtedly one of the best candidates. He has jumped to kill Mannoroth and Cenarius, and he is very familiar with such things as killing across levels.

Using Gandalf the Furious' ultimate flash to obscure his vision and take advantage of the opportunity to kill him is undoubtedly the best tactic.

The only problem is that Archimonde is too tall. Fearless Slash can't jump that high, so he can't get a pedicure.

Fortunately, Cenarius, a demigod, was able to realize this plan with the help of Cenarius's throwing.

Seeing Grom flying towards Archimonde's chest, everyone's hearts suddenly lifted.

However, Archimonde is not so easy to kill. He has led the Burning Legion in battle for more than 10,000 years, giving him extremely rich combat experience.

Although he didn't know what the other party wanted to do, his strong intuition still made him feel a strong threat.

Evil energy shocks!

The power of evil energy turned into a shock wave, spreading in all directions.

Grom was unable to dodge in mid-air. He was hit by the huge energy and was knocked back.

Kakaka broke a dozen tree trunks in succession and finally fell to the ground.

"Plan A failed, start Plan B!"

The heroes who were ambushing around them all came out together.

"Hahaha, mortals, is this your plan? Such insidious and despicable methods are meaningless in the face of absolute power."

Archimonde roared after regaining his sight, and the power of evil energy gathered on him. Everyone looked at Archimonde with solemn expressions. He may not be the biggest BOSS in size, but he is undoubtedly the strongest in terms of strength. .

But the time has come, even if you know you will die, you still have to fight.

"Death mark!" Jian Wuhen was the first to take action, marking a skull mark directly on Archimonde's head.

Then he immediately disappeared without hesitation. The reason why he stayed to fight was certainly not because he was fearless, but because he could legitimately pick up corpses. With so many heroes fighting Archimonde, everyone was wearing top-notch equipment. If the equipment is lost, the equipment on the corpse will naturally be lost. When the time comes, pick up any two and distribute them yourself. He is good at concealment and can do this just right.

Of course, you still have to take action, and you still have to be somewhat conscious.

Emperor Shenwu (King of the Centaur): "Mother Earth, I pray for your help. Mother Earth, I summon your power. In the name of Mother Earth, I will add your boundless power to the enemy in front of you. "

Extremely effective gravity barrier!

Archimonde immediately felt that his body became ten times heavier.

But for Archimonde, it doesn't matter how heavy it is. At most, it's just that his movements are slow, and it can't crush him.

Huh, is that all you can do?

Cenarius (Guardian of the Forest): "The power of nature, Cenarius calls to you! Evil creatures, face the wrath of nature!"

Disaster of thorns! Countless vines as thick as buckets grew out of the ground, climbing crazily along Archimonde's ankles and entangling his legs and feet.

Morgan Lisa also took action.

Eternal ice mist filled the surroundings of Archimonde, constantly freezing his body.

Archimonde hurriedly released the evil flames, burning the vines and ice mist on his body.

At this moment, in a hidden corner, Tyrande had already drawn her longbow. She was the killer of Plan B.

To break through Holy Armor, it requires either true damage, chaos damage, or soul damage.

In addition, artifacts can also cause effective damage to it. In addition to Grom, Tyrande also has an artifact in his hand-the Bow of Elune.

Tyrande had her bow fully drawn at Archimonde, but there was no arrow on the string.

She murmured to herself, "Elune, give me your power and turn the holy moonlight into life-threatening arrows!"

The phantom of a bright moon appeared in the sky,

The moonlight condensed on her bowstring, turning into a pure white arrow that exuded bright moonlight.

God-given skill—Arrow of the Moon God!

call out! This arrow flew towards Archimonde's face like a meteor.

Archimonde sensed the white light coming, but couldn't dodge it, so he hurriedly raised his hands to block it.

Poof! This arrow shot directly through the palm of the hand, and the arrow penetrated the back of the hand.


Archimonde couldn't help but let out a cry of pain.

"Ahhhhhh-night elves, you've made me angry!"

His body suddenly ignited with raging evil fire, and those strong vines were instantly burned away.

"You puny mortals, your vain efforts are meaningless."

He crushed the Moon God's Arrow with force, and the surrounding eternal ice mist quickly dissipated under the burning of the evil fire.

"Your strength is ridiculous! Even your poor gods cannot save you in the face of my wrath!"

He stepped on the ground, and the violent impact and the magic released by that foot directly broke the gravity barrier.

"Because you are facing me - Archimonde the Defiler, the Dark Lord who is destined to destroy your world."

Evil fire storm!

Archimonde waved his hand, and the evil flames spread crazily along the ground.

Everyone had to retreat and avoid.

The evil flames were chasing after him like they were alive.

Malfurion waved his staff and summoned a hurricane to block the flames.

Others also took action.

Luo Ning released an arcane meteor, and Alone's method also blasted Archimonde with the meteorite storm.



The pitiful damage figures made Weidoufa directly dumbfounded. Although Luo Ning was not a player, he also noticed that the magic blasted on Archimonde and could not even break the skin.

Swift wind and rain of arrows!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Golden arrows came like raindrops, it was Kaya Windrunner who was doing crazy damage. Unfortunately, when they shot at Archimonde, they could only do single-digit damage. All long-range professions were firing wildly, magic and arrows raining down on Archimonde.

The power of the sacred armor was finally intuitively reflected at this time.

"You are playing wantonly with power that does not belong to you, and you actually used that ridiculous magic to deal with me?"

Archimonde waved his hand, and chaotic fireballs filled the sky towards everyone.

Everyone hurriedly avoided, but some people were accidentally hit by the fireball. Those with more health or with shields could resist one or two hits, while those with less health were instantly killed, especially those who were not heroes. Basically, one hit would be enough. Die.

"No! Archimonde is too powerful, we can't hurt him at all."

"Laohou, get up quickly, I'm still waiting for you to kill me."

"If anyone has any great tricks to beat the enemy, just use them quickly - ah"

A finger of death!

A flash of red light instantly killed an orc hero. Archimonde looked at the enemies rushing in and laughed.

"Hahaha, ants, feel the power of Archimonde!"

Hell Roar crawled out from the broken tree trunk, looking at the rampant terrifying demon with a solemn expression. Even as fearless as Lao Roar, he felt helpless at this time.

"You have to let me get close to have a chance. You have to make him stop!"

Cenarius took a deep breath, "I'm coming, prepare the orcs, you only have one chance."

"Nature, lend me your power for Azeroth!"

The surrounding trees withered one after another, and countless green light spots floated out from the forest and converged towards Cenarius's body. This was nature responding to Cenarius's call and sharing the natural source power at countless costs. Destruction and death of forests.

Countless natural sources of power poured into Cenarius's body. His body grew crazily, reaching a height of seventy or eighty meters in the blink of an eye. It was almost the same size as Archimonde, and his whole body was filled with green natural energy.

Seeing this huge half-man, half-deer appear, Archimonde laughed.

"Haha, Cenarius, you are finally willing to show up. You finally have a decent enemy. Your father died in my hands back then. Now let me see if you are as fragile as your father, or are you I can hold on a little longer.”

"Die devil!"

Cenarius roared and rushed over.

At their level, ordinary spells were meaningless. He punched out, but Archimonde easily caught him.

"Is this the so-called demigod? Ten thousand years have passed and your power has not improved at all."

"The power I possess is beyond your understanding!" Cenarius bumped into him, and a pair of antlers pierced Archimonde's skin, but Archimonde immediately grabbed Cenarius's hand. The antlers twisted with force, knocking Cenarius to the ground with a single grapple.

Although the body shapes are similar, there is still an obvious difference in strength.

"What are you waiting for? If you have any big moves, use them quickly!"

As he said this, he took out a bottle of demon blood potion and drank it, and the power of evil energy surged through his body.

Legendary magic - evil energy killing wave!

boom! -5734!

This move was touched by him from Gul'dan's body when he participated in killing him, and it finally showed its power at this time.

Although the power is much lower than that of Gul'dan, it is still chaotic damage and can deal effective damage.

Emperor Shenwu also launched an all-out charge at this time.

All kinds of acceleration BUFFs on his body were fully activated, and finally he made a fearless charge, and his speed increased to supersonic speed in an instant.

It turned into an afterimage and instantly reached Archimonde's feet.


Holding a spear and piercing the feet.


He used physical attacks to inflict over a thousand damage...

The green-skinned king and the leading brother also drank the devil's blood potion, which gave each of them a certain amount of chaos damage, and they brandished their weapons to perform pedicures crazily.

However, these attacks were just for containment. Archimonde didn't care. He endured the pain and pushed Cenarius to the ground, punching him once, twice, twice!

Every punch burst out the evil fire, and Cenarius's huge body continued to shrink under the crazy blows.

Hellscream, however, climbed onto the trunk of a giant tree, charged up and ran towards Archimonde, who was waving his fist, and leaped out...

 Thanks to the leader of the book friend Xingxia Xingxia for the reward, there will be another update soon.



(End of this chapter)

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