Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 586 A Gathering of Heroes

Chapter 586 A Gathering of Heroes

Fearless chop!

Grom leaped up, and with an indomitable momentum and the belief to end everything, he chopped off Archimonde's head on the back of the neck.

This knife is to completely erase the dark past of the orcs being enslaved by demons.

However, Archimonde suddenly turned around and grabbed Grom in mid-air. Grom was taken aback, gritted his teeth, and swung out the Ashbringer in his hand toward Acker. Mond's hand was chopped off.

Poof! As expected of a divine weapon, this knife actually pierced the palm of Archimonde's hand, but it didn't stop there. Archimonde's palm was too huge, and the inevitable blow was struck by Archimonde. Catch the volley.

Not caring about the demon blood flowing in his hand, Archimonde tightened his grip on the orc in his hand and looked at Grom in his palm with a ferocious smile.

"Orc, don't think I haven't noticed you. You dare to use the same trick a second time. You are really desperate. Wait a minute, I recognize you - Grom Hellscream! The first one to drink the blood of demons. Orcs, hahahaha, you are such a fool. You dare to refuse the orders of the Legion and dare to resist the will of the Burning Legion. You are even more stupid than I thought. That idiot Mannoroth actually pinned his hope of destroying the world on you, a group of incompetents. on the orcs.

But when I finish solving all this, I will completely erase your ridiculous tribe from this world. Unfortunately, you are destined not to see that day. Die, you bastard! "

Archimonde tightened his fist hard, and fel flames ignited in the palm of his hand. Hellscream's bones made a cracking sound, and his flesh and blood were burned and blackened in the fire. Grom roared and struggled to pull the Ashbringer out of his palm. When he came out, he only got a more brutal squeeze.

His eyes were blood red and almost bursting with fire.

Others were frantically trying to rescue Grom, but Archimonde remained unmoved.

It wasn't until the orc in his hand was burned into a charred human form that he threw it back to the ground like trash.

"It's over. Grom is dead. It's really over now! Otherwise, we'd better retreat!"

I am the only one who shouted to Morgan Lisa beside me while throwing magic in vain.

"If you want to run away, you run away, I'm still waiting to get the guardian." Morgan Lisa threw away the magic, but gritted her teeth and persisted.

I was unwilling to act alone, and glanced at Luo Ning again, "Damn it, you are so cruel, I will play with you to the end!"

Evil energy penetrates the killing wave!

Whoever runs away will miss the guardian. Even if he runs, he must be the last one to run. In order to obtain this legendary power, I have to risk everything.

He tried his best, but his two friends couldn't stand it.

"Brother, I won't accompany you anymore!"

"Get out of the way first!"

The two teleported away directly.

"Damn, no loyalty - ah"

Only I could scream in agony. Because the evil energy killing wave attracted too much hatred, I was killed by Archimonde's Death Finger.

In fact, these two people were not the only ones who ran away. Not everyone stayed and fought with the determination to die. Most of them wanted to see Archimonde's power, or see if they could pick it up. Oops, didn't Aidan say he was looking for a more powerful force? What if the Ancient Dragon King returns? As long as he survives to win, he will be a hero after the war.

However, as the war situation went unfavorable, people continued to leave the battlefield after seeing such a tragic scene.

"Don't leave, Aidan will be back soon. Everything will be fine when he comes back!" Kaya shouted while shooting arrows, but no one paid any attention to her.

"What Ancient Dragon King? I'm afraid I knew I couldn't beat him and ran away early." A mage hero shouted, and then teleported away.

To say who is the most determined among the players present, it is undoubtedly the Shenwu Emperor.

The more critical this moment is, the more we must embody the bravery and fearlessness of our legendary hero - anyway, I have one chance to be resurrected, and the wave is over. Not only must I wave, but I must also wave out my momentum and trend. I must turn my existence into a wave. The feeling is reflected.

Even if you are going to fail in the end, your defeat will be spectacular and heart-wrenching.

At this moment, he took out the build prepared by his think tank.

All kinds of rare potions and magic scrolls were used at once.

Extremely effective giant transformation technique! Doubles your height, eight times your size, increases your strength by 50%, but reduces your agility by 50%.

Titan power! Increase your strength by 100 points, increase your endurance by 100 points, and increase your size by 60%.

Winterspring Valley Fire Wine! Increases your strength by 25 points and increases your size by 30%.

Giant Potion! Increase your size by 80%...

World Shrinker (a product of Gnome Engineering)! Increases your size by 100%.

Just look at the Shenwu Emperor blowing up a balloon and getting bigger, becoming more than thirty meters tall in the blink of an eye.

But this is not enough, there is still a final ultimate move that is useless.

Emperor Shenwu (King of Centaur): "Archimonde, don't think you can run rampant. I, the King of Centaur, challenge you. Face me, devil! Face the will of the emperor!"

Legendary hero skill - the will of the Centaur Emperor!

Use: Based on the number of ethnic groups you rule, it will add additional attribute bonuses to you and increase your size in proportion. The more powerful the forces you rule and the higher the population, the higher the bonus effect will be.

The effect gradually decays over sixty minutes.

Skill introduction: The Shenwu Emperor is the emperor of the centaur clan, representing the highest majesty of the centaur clan and embodying the glory of the centaur clan. The will of the people of the empire will be with you.

In an instant, Emperor Shenwu's size expanded again, directly expanding several times, and the attributes of his whole body increased by more than ten times.

The whole person is a hundred meters tall, with muscles as strong as a rock, and the aura of the earth exudes from his body. The whole person is as powerful as an unshakable god.

Coupled with the ten times blood volume bonus from the camp leader, the blood volume now reaches one million.

The body size is even more than 100 meters tall, and it can almost rival Archimonde in terms of size alone.

Of course, compared with a real person like Archimonde, his body shape that relies on various BUFFs is obviously a bit weak.

But at least the visual effects are quite stunning.

Even Archimonde can hold his own for a while.

Malfurion and Tyrande looked at each other with admiration, and they looked at each other, somewhat ashamed.

In the past, they had always been wary of the centaurs who joined the Dark Night Alliance, and they were even more suspicious of the purpose of Emperor Shenwu.

When Emperor Shenwu said that the war was launched to fight the Burning Legion, the two of them didn't believe it at all.

But at this time, he really believed it. Fighting so desperately, the sincerity of Emperor Shenwu made the two of them ashamed.

However, before he could be happy for a while, he saw the huge centaur being beaten back by Archimonde.

no! Emperor Shenwu is no match at all.

Stronger allies must join the war to change the situation.

"The Ancient Dragon King said he would come back." Tyrande suddenly said in a deep voice.

"Do you really believe what he says?"

"I do have doubts, but this is our only hope."

"Then keep fighting, my dear, let us hold Archimonde down. If Archimonde absorbs the power of the Well of Eternity, it will be useless even if the Ancient Dragon King comes back."

With Emperor Shenwu as the tank, the situation finally stabilized for a moment.

All the healing and auxiliary professions are working hard to increase the blood of the Shenwu Emperor, and the output profession is working hard to release attacks.

Judging from the scene alone, it really feels like a group of players attacking a wild BOSS.

However, Archimonde's health bar remained almost unchanged.

The Holy Armor is too rogue and cannot be killed.

But the heroes became more and more frightened as they fought.

Their only belief at this time is to delay time and see if there can be a change or a miracle.

"Your savior is here!"

A strange echoing sound suddenly echoed in the air.


It's really coming!

Everyone was extremely excited, but when they turned around, they discovered that it was not the Ancient Dragon King who appeared in the direction of the sound, but three people.

Gianna? Alsace? Sal? Why are these three here?

The players looked at the trio walking down from the top of the mountain in surprise.

Her whole body exuded an astonishing aura, especially Jaina, floating in the air, surrounded by a vortex of arcane energy, her eyes glowing blue, which was very astonishing.

However, several heroes of the alliance paid more attention to Arthas.

"Prince Arthas!?"

Isn’t this guy missing? Why did you come here?

The players of the tribe also looked at Thrall in surprise.

"Damn it, why is World Sa also here? But he looks a bit young, can it be done?"

But no matter what, the appearance of these three people still gave everyone a shot in the arm.

Jaina did her best to leave everyone and face Archimonde.

"Don't be afraid of warriors! Because - I, Jaina, will save you, watch me tear it into pieces with my magic!"

Jaina said confidently.

During this period of adventure, she learned many powerful magics, especially the crow sage, who taught her several legendary magics. Before, she could not cast them due to insufficient magic power, but now she can finally unleash them to her heart's content.

She raised her staff, and the arcane energy gathered at the top of the staff to form a constantly collapsing energy field.

Legendary magic - soul torrent!

A beam of magic energy as thick as a locomotive shot out, like a laser cannon, and the dazzling light made the surrounding area darken for a moment.

The powerful force pushed Archimonde back continuously. He desperately resisted the terrifying magic power that could destroy mountains and penetrate city walls.

"What, such a powerful force, mortal, what is this..."

Jaina was extremely excited when she saw the power of magic. "Hahahaha, you saw it, big guy. The power of the Well of Eternity has been absorbed by me. Now I am the incarnation of magic. Your plan has failed. Now face me." Magic."

"Huh, insignificant mortal, your lies can't deceive me. You do have some power, but it's far from the Well of Eternity."

The witch and the demon poured magic on each other almost simultaneously.

Archimonde's huge body was unable to dodge and could only resist, but Jaina kept flashing, like a blue lightning that kept jumping on the battlefield, dodging magic attacks while fighting back.

For a while, the fight was inextricably linked.

Everyone was surprised that this girl was so powerful.

"What are you waiting for, everyone, attack with all your strength!" Malfurion roared, summoning a giant tree man more than thirty meters high - the Titan Tree Kazakus!

He personally jumped onto the treetop and controlled this huge war weapon to attack Archimonde.

The dying Cenarius stood up again, and the Divine Martial Emperor also drank a bottle of Tears of the Goddess and charged again.

But this hopeful scene lasted only a moment.

Jaina can't be hit, but she can deal with several big guys around Archimonde without hesitation.

One punch knocked down Cenarius, and another punch knocked away the Shenwu Emperor.

Then he raised his hand and unleashed an evil fire storm, instantly igniting the Titan Tree and turning it into a huge torch.

"Malfurion, this is your hope, turned into ashes like this tree man!"

He blasted Malfurion with a bolt of fel lightning. Malfurion fell from the tree man and had no chance to dodge. Just as he was about to be hit, a black shadow flew past, like a big bird. He hugged Malfurion and avoided this fatal blow.

Everyone was surprised when they saw that person.

It turned out to be Illidan who had turned on his demon form.

Archimonde became even more angry when he saw Illidan. This 'betrayer' could be said to be the second in command of the Burning Legion. Just as he was about to pursue him, he felt a biting and cold frost dragon's breath coming from behind. .

Frost covered Archimonde's back, and although it didn't do much damage, it successfully interrupted his movements.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Varian riding the frost dragon Boleleus down from the sky.

Malfurion: "Second brother?"

Illidan: "Brother!"

Arthas: "Second brother?"

Varian: "Third brother!"

"The Lich King? You traitor to the legion, I haven't gone to find you yet, but you showed up at my door. Then die with these ants!"

Archimonde stretched out his hand, and a ball of evil flame burned in his hand, and he was about to throw it at the frost dragon in the sky.

Illidan threw Malfurion away casually, and shot a fel eye into Archimonde's palm, which directly detonated the chaotic energy. With a bang, Archimonde's palm exploded. .

Varian and Illidan, although it was their first time meeting each other, they had a good understanding of each other.

Facing the reinforcements that appeared again, everyone was surprised and happy. The Holy War on Mount Hyjal was indeed a big event, and the reinforcements came one after another.

Malfurion: "Illidan, my brother, I never thought you would come to save me!"

Illidan sneered, "Don't be sentimental, my dear brother, I'm not here for you, my beautiful Tyrande - we finally met. During the ten thousand years of imprisonment, your voice It’s the only thing keeping me sane.”

Looking at Illidan teasing his sister-in-law in front of her, Malfurion suddenly darkened his face. If it weren't for the powerful enemy now, he would definitely teach this short-sighted brother a lesson.

Varian pulled the reins, dodged Archimonde's punch, and sprayed a breath of dragon's breath on Archimonde's face.

Shouting while fighting.

"Hey, that guy with the horns, now is not the time for romance. If it's convenient, can you come over and help me?"

Evil fire corrodes the body!

Fel flames surrounded Boleleus without warning, and Varian hurriedly jumped and landed on the ground.

A ball of evil flames chased after him, but it was split apart by a strange-shaped sword made of ice and fire.

Varian looked at his third brother standing in front of him in surprise, "Alsace, long time no see, you've become stronger!"

Alsace continued to scatter the evil fireballs falling from the sky while replying, "Hahaha, you and brother have become so powerful, how can I lag behind?"

Illidan looked over at him.

Pointing at Arthas, "Boy, let's settle the score later." He looked at Jaina, his face suddenly changed, "Damn it, that little girl actually absorbed the power of the Well of Eternity, you really don't know how to live or die! You guys! I have no idea what I did.”

At this time, Thrall found the dying Grom. Looking at the orc warrior with only his last breath, Thrall hurriedly threw a healing wave.

However, it had no effect. Grom had entered a dying state, and ordinary healing magic was useless.

Thrall tried to remember, and he vaguely recalled the teachings of Master Drek'Thar. Legend has it that shamans have the most powerful healing magic, which can be used to heal any injury by borrowing the power of the ancestors.

Although I have never seen anyone use it, but I know the basic principles, maybe I can give it a try myself.

"My respected ancestors, please come to me, help me, and help me heal the body of the dying person in front of me."

The spirits of orc shamans appeared around Thrall.

Ancestral healing!

The dazzling green light covered Grom Hellscream's body. The body that was burned black by the evil fire instantly regenerated flesh and blood, and sprouted skin and hair.

The surging healing power continued to repair Grom's broken body, forcibly pulling him back from the abyss of death.

The darkness in front of Grom's eyes gradually faded, and he saw the figure of an orc in the haze, which seemed vaguely familiar——

"Dulong...Tan?" he murmured.

What finally became clear was a young orc warrior.

"I am Go'el, the son of Durotan! The orc of the Frostwolf tribe." Thrall could finally tell his identity proudly.

Grom looked surprised, "Gu'ir? It turns out to be you. I didn't expect you to still be alive!"

Thrall smiled. It was great to see a compatriot. For some reason, he was quite fond of the ferocious-looking orc in front of him. "Can we still fight?"

"Humph, this little injury can't do anything to me. Take care of my child. The tribe can't hide behind others at this time."

After speaking, he waved Ashbringer and rushed towards Archimonde again.

At this moment, Archimonde was completely angry.

It’s not over yet!

Where did these people come from?

There is no end to the killing.

At this time, he was somewhat embarrassed. Looking at the 'ants' that were besieging him again, Archimonde became even more angry.

"That's enough! You bunch of ant-like mortals, I've spent too much time on you. It's time to end this farce."

"The Burning Legion, heed my command! The army of demons from the Twisting Nether, accept my call, the hellfire demons from Marton, accept my call, the burning army from Argus, accept my call! Come down - burn Legion!”

The violent evil power was completely released.

Archimonde is no longer prepared to deal with the enemies one by one, but to summon his own demon servants to eliminate these mortals in one go.

He punched the sky, and the green evil power turned into a beam of light and rose into the sky. Under the control of the evil power, the dark clouds in the sky suddenly gathered into a huge pale green cloud, and meteorite raindrops were burning. Like falling.

That opened the space-time rift leading to Marton.

The Forbidden Spell of Chaos - Rain of Destruction!

Explosions came one after another, and the evil fire turned the top of the mountain into a sea of ​​fire. Hellfire, countless hellfires, crawled out of the burning crater.

Gate of the Void - Summon a swarm of demons!

The gate to the twisted void appeared out of thin air, and countless demons swarmed out of it.

Demonic Circle - Endless Summoning!

Magic arrays emerged around them, and powerful demons were pulled directly from Argus to this world.

After releasing three powerful magics in one breath, Archimonde was also a little tired.

Fortunately, with these subordinates, the enemy in front of him is no longer a threat.

"Kill them! My minions!"

Archimonde roared, watching the demon army rushing towards the coalition soldiers like a tide, but he rushed directly towards Mount Hyjal.

It's over, it's really over now.

Emperor Shenwu sighed secretly while slashing at the demons rushing towards him.

The demon army in front of them was enough for them to deal with.

It's hard to say whether he can survive this tide of demons, let alone stop Archimonde.

At this moment, a message suddenly appeared in his private message channel.

Aidan: "How's the battle going, Brother Shenwu?"

Emperor Shenwu: "Holy shit, brother Aidan, where have you gone? If you don't come back, we will be wiped out. Archimonde has already gone up the mountain and will succeed soon."

Aidan: "There are some things that need to be dealt with. Don't worry. I'm done. I'll be there soon. You protect yourselves and leave the rest to me."

(End of this chapter)

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