Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 587 The Dragon God Arrives

Chapter 587 The Dragon God Arrives

The moment he stepped through the ancient gate, Archimonde finally breathed a sigh of relief.

These damn mortals finally don’t have to waste time with them anymore.

He was a little annoyed in his heart that even after so much effort, he couldn't eliminate them all. He had to admit that these mortals were more troublesome than he thought.

But it doesn't matter, as long as you obtain the power of the Well of Eternity, this world belongs to you.

You will become more powerful than ever before, and you can erase all these annoying little things with just one move.

Even Sargeras couldn't accomplish such a great feat.

Archimonde thought, even his steps became brisk.

The towering World Tree soon appeared in front of him. Looking up at the giant tree, he could feel the huge arcane energy hidden under the giant tree.

The closer we get, the clearer this feeling becomes.

Hahahaha, there is such a powerful energy!

Archimonde became more and more delighted. He could almost see himself becoming the Lord of the Burning Legion.

As soon as he raised his hand, the evil fire burned a big hole in the vines and roots under the tree roots, revealing the lake surface that shimmered with blue light.

Archimonde's eyes sparkled and he couldn't help but reach out his hand.

"It's an amazing power, isn't it?"

A calm voice suddenly sounded in his ears, and Archimonde was suddenly brought back to reality.

"Who is speaking!?"

He retracted his hand warily and listened intently. The surroundings were extremely silent, with only the sound of the breeze blowing through the grass and leaves, as if the sound just now was just an illusion.

Archimonde looked around in bewilderment. His perception ability spanned thousands of meters around him. Not even a bug could skip his perception. However, there was nothing. At the foot of the World Tree, it seemed that He alone exists.

"Is it an illusion?" Archimonde muttered to himself with some uncertainty. After hesitating for a moment, he decided to ignore it, regardless of whether there was anyone in it, and get the power of the Well of Eternity first.

However, before he could take action, the voice appeared again.

"Do you really think you are hallucinating? By the way, do you demons also have hallucinations?"

This time Archimonde was finally sure - it was not an illusion.

"Who is it! The guy who is pretending to be a ghost, show up, face me, face Archimonde's power!"

"I'm right here. Why, can't you see it like this?"

The sound seemed extremely far away, but also seemed so close that the specific location could not be identified.

"Haha, is the so-called 'Polluter' Archimonde, the commander of the Burning Legion, and the adjutant of Sargeras, such a slow and bluffing guy? How disappointing."

The contempt in that tone made Archimonde angry, but more importantly, he was afraid. The other party was able to talk to him without him being able to perceive it at all. This was completely beyond his knowledge.

Where exactly? Where exactly? what exactly is it? what exactly is it?

Archimonde continued to expand his perception, using chaos magic to enhance his sensing ability. In an instant, every inch of land around him, every change in air flow, and every energy fluctuation were reflected in his spirit.

Still nothing was found.

Evil fire sets a prairie fire! He released a shock wave, trying his luck to see if he could explode something, but it was a futile move.

"Forget it, let me give you a hint." The voice said in a low tone. The next second, Archimonde felt a bang on his head and was kicked by something.

He was so frightened that he took a few steps back, and then he saw clearly that the person speaking was actually a human being, floating above where he had just been standing.

He still kept kicking people.

No, the person in front of him is definitely not a human being. His breathing, his energy fluctuations, and the heat he emits cannot be sensed by Archimonde.

It's as if the person in front of you doesn't exist at all.

Magic phantom?

No, even illusions will have fluctuations in magic power.

For the first time, Archimonde felt like facing the unknown, and the unknown brought fear.

The person in front of me nodded slightly, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Aidan - the person who is about to take your life."

"Hahahaha, arrogant guy, take my life? No one in this world can fight against Archimonde. You must be stalling for time, right? I saw through your trick at a glance. You must be trying to hold me back with words. , so that you mortals can follow up and fight against me with you, right!

But don't be delusional. Rather than bluffing here, it's better to worry about your allies. They should have been crushed by my demon army by now. "

Murphy chuckled, this Archimonde is quite clever.

"I'm not worried about them. I have already sent out my ancient dragon army. Those demon servants of yours must have been crushed by my ancient dragon retinue."


As if in response to Murphy's words, the distant roar of the dragon came from the distant mountains.

Archimonde turned his head and saw a group of black dragons descending from the sky over the battlefield on the other side of the Ancient Gate, spitting red thunder and scorching fire at the battlefield below...

Obviously, the targets of these dragon attacks cannot be those mortals, but only his demon army.

"who are you?"

"Oh, I am Aidan, but you can also call me - Dragon God."    At the same time - the ridge of Mount Hyjal -

"Hahahaha, finally saved."

"Holy shit, there are so many dragons!"

"Hey, is that an ancient dragon?"

Among the overwhelming group of dragons, there were several strange ancient dragons whose bodies looked like ancient rocks.

They spit out red dragon thunder, blasting the demons and piercing them.

Their rock-sharp dragon claws can easily tear the demon into pieces.

It slaughtered demons in a devastating way. Even the powerful hellfire could rip out the heart with one claw. Even the doomsday guard that could compete with the dragon collapsed and disintegrated in the face of the powerful power of the dragon thunder.

A green dragon swooped down, and a breath of poisonous dragon breath corroded the group of hellhounds surrounding Tyrande and Malfurion into green blood.

Tyrande looked at the green dragon, with a look of joy and complaint on his face.

"Queen Ysera? Have you finally responded to our call? Has the Dragon Legion finally stopped shirking its responsibilities?"

Ysera nodded slightly in greeting, "I'm sorry to Cenarius, Malfurion, and Tyrande. There were some accidents before, and there were some... changes within the dragon clan. But don't worry, everything is over. The dragonflight has regrouped and grown stronger, and the Burning Legion will be driven from this world."

These words made everyone breathe a sigh of relief. The participation of the Dragon Legion undoubtedly brought hope to this war.

However, Cenarius immediately thought of something more pressing.

"The World Tree, go to the World Tree, Ms. Ysera, Archimonde is going to seize the power of the Well of Eternity! It must be stopped, otherwise it will be too late."

Ysera shook her head, "Don't worry, our master has arrived early and he will stop Archimonde."


Everyone looked shocked. Green Dragon Queen Ysera, the guardian of dreams and one of the guardian dragons, she actually has a master?

Could it be that a certain god has arrived?

Illidan noticed the details hidden in those words, "You said 'your master'."

"Not bad!" Alexstrasza also descended from the sky and said as if announcing something - "Our master!"

"Dragon God? I have never heard of such a god on the planet Azeroth. Who are you!?" Archimonde asked angrily.

Faced with Archimonde's excitement, Murphy was unusually calm, as if he was just chatting casually with passers-by.

"Strictly speaking, I am indeed not a god in Azeroth. I am more like a god in the physical universe. I just live here temporarily. Maybe you have heard of my name before I became a god - Aidandron, the King of Ancient Dragons."

"So you are the Ancient Dragon King! As long as I kill you, your dragon cubs will no longer be a problem."

Murphy casually made a gesture of invitation. This unscrupulous reaction made Archimonde feel angry, but also implied vigilance.

Such arrogance and wanton behavior must have something to rely on. The key is that he is not sure about the opponent's foundation, nor can he determine which spell is more effective.

"What, you're not going to take action? Then I'm going to take action."

Murphy was too lazy to wait and waved his hand.

Arcane Power—Comet Storm!

Boom boom boom!

A series of magic explosions surprised and delighted Archimonde. What surprised him was that the opponent's magic power was amazing. He had obviously mastered the power of authority. His control over magic power was stronger than any mage he had ever seen.

Fortunately, the thing he is not afraid of the most is arcane energy. The devil is born with the blood of chaos and has strong resistance to arcane magic. His own evil chaos magic can completely defeat the opponent.

A finger of death!

He immediately retaliated, but the magic shot directly through the opponent's body, as if it was really just an illusion.

But how could it be an illusion? The magic cast by the other party was real.

When he was stunned for a moment, Mo Fei raised his hand and struck him with an ancient dragon thunder strike. The damage this time was severe, causing more than 10,000 damage.

Archimonde realized that it was definitely not a false illusion.

Evil lightning! Still missed.

Evil fire storm! Missed again!

Soul torn! Still missed? How can it be!

The wronged soul of Argus! A series of crimson magic in the shape of a skull was tracking towards Murphy. This move had a locking effect, but the magical ghosts just circled around Murphy, like headless flies.

Murphy watched with some disappointment as Archimonde continued to attack him, allowing Archimonde's spells to pass through him.

(End of this chapter)

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