Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 588 The Real God

Chapter 588 The Real God (Additional update for book friend False Christ A)

Of course he is not an illusion, nor is he invincible, it is just a little trick played by the power of time + the power of the Dragon God.

The time roaming skill has been improved.

Murphy named it [Time Projection] - projecting his own existence to a location five minutes later, and switching between different timelines at any time.

However, even with this little trick, there is nothing that can be done about the final BOSS in the version in front of him.

Strictly speaking, this skill does not exist in the game's database.

Obviously because of this, Archimonde has no idea of ​​how to deal with this ability.

At this time, he was completely in a state of incompetent rage.

Is this the power gained after breaking through the rules of the system?

No, it is not accurate to say that it is power. Murphy can feel that Archimonde's power at this time is not much weaker than his own. His level of evil power has probably reached the peak of powerful power. As a version BOSS, It can't be said that it is not powerful.

In contrast, Murphy's strongest storm authority has just reached the level of powerful authority.

In terms of health points, the opponent's eight million health points are stronger than his own five million health points.

The real difference is the application of the laws of the world between the two.

He is like a scientist who has mastered the powerful technology of the future. As long as the materials are enough, he can create various technological weapons, but the opponent is an ancient soldier with infinite strength, heavy armor and amazing sword skills. At first glance, he looks very powerful, but under the circumstances In the eyes of scientists, there is no essential difference from a ferocious beast.

No matter how powerful the opponent is, it doesn't matter. I have used materials to create a weapon that the opponent cannot understand. Now I can choose the time to strike at any time and anywhere, and I can take his life at any time as long as he is willing.

And the other party couldn't even discover his location.

This is a gap in dimensions and levels.

The reason why Murphy didn't go all out was just to see how powerful a BOSS of Archimonde's level could be under the constraints of the system's rules.

Is it possible to break through the limitations of the system? Now it seems obvious that the answer is no. Although Archimonde is powerful, he is not a true god after all.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little dispirited. He was originally looking forward to an unprecedented decisive battle. Now it seems that only existences of the level of Sargeras, the Lord of the Void, and even the Titan gods of the Pantheon can be called true. opponent.

However, if I were to face those guys now, it would still be very dangerous. The authority level of my new Dragon God was still a little low.

If your opponent can also break through the system's limitations, your own lack of strength can easily become a weakness.

But it doesn't matter, my power of authority is about to undergo a major improvement.

The way Murphy was thinking made Archimonde even more angry. The other party did not regard him as a real opponent at all, and even had time to lose focus.

"Face me you bastard! Fight me with your true power!"

Chaos annihilation wave!

A black-green energy wave penetrated through Mo Fei's body.

A smile appeared on Mo Fei's face, "Oh, are you angry with shame? That's as you wish! After all, it's the final BOSS of the version. Let me give you some due respect and put it in a way you can understand. Put an end to it once and for all.”

The next second, the crimson dragon thunder energy gathered in his hand.

Super Cologne Thunder!

Archimonde's pupils tightened, and he felt that the person in front of him suddenly became real.

He also gathered the magic power of chaos and struck out with all his strength.

The ultimate evil lightning!


The evil lightning and ancient dragon thunder and lightning collided together. The power of chaos born at the beginning of creation and the world-destroying dragon thunder that appeared when the universe was annihilated were completely opposite energy types. They annihilated each other and made a terrifying sound.

One god and one demon activated their power at the same time, facing the waves.

At this time, Archimonde finally found the feeling of fighting against a strong enemy. Although the opponent's power was extremely powerful, it was at least much better than the situation just now when he couldn't hit the enemy.

He struggled to release the evil power in his body, hoping to seize the opportunity to completely defeat his opponent at this moment.

Waves of chaotic magic power gathered in his hands, turning into a steady stream of evil lightning, and even pushed the intersection of energy towards Murphy.

Hey, Archimonde is still a bit powerful, it seems I have to be more serious.

Hero Specialty - The Supreme Dragon King activates! Increase your strength based on the number of dragons near you.

Hero Specialty - Brothers unite to activate! Increase the power of your skills based on the number of [Brothers] near you.

Instantly, the powerful BUFFs of the two heroes' specialties are superimposed.

Archimonde was shocked and furious to discover that almost instantly, the opponent's power surged by a level.

"This...this is impossible!"

boom! The dragon thunder as thick as a train sent Archimonde flying backwards. His huge body over 100 meters high fell down like a collapsed sky pillar, causing the mountains to tremble.

Archimonde climbed up with difficulty.

"This is impossible...such a powerful are just a mortal...whatever dragon god, they are all fake, they are all fake!"

"Haha, are you still unwilling to accept reality?" Mo Fei chuckled and decided to end the game. Golden dragon wings emerged on both sides, dragon horns, dragon eyes, and dragon scales, these are the unique characteristics of the dragon clan. Like hieroglyphs, they appeared around Mo Fei.

He is decorated with sanctity and majesty, full of divinity and supreme aura.

"You are lucky to be the first BOSS to die in my Dragon God form, but to be honest, as a version BOSS, your lines are really boring - let me tell you what is The real BOSS!"

Archimonde trembled all over. He finally believed it. Yes, this was the Dragon God, a real god. The last time it gave him such a terrifying feeling was Sargeras. In order to vent the fear in his heart, and to restore his dignity, he concentrated all the evil power in his right hand, and then launched a fierce charge.

"Die Dragon God!"

The punch was blasted out with astonishing power like a green sun streaking across the sky.

Murphy didn't dodge this time. He directly hit the sun with force, so fast that it turned into a golden stream of light.

The stream of light penetrated the sun, Archimonde's flesh and heart.

A golden beam of light passed through Archimonde's body from behind.

Stopped in mid-air.

Archimonde staggered a few steps and looked at the human-shaped hole in his chest in disbelief.


The evil power in his body exploded instantly, and boom——

The huge explosion made the heroes on the battlefield look horrified.

However, in an instant, the explosion suddenly disappeared.

There was no reply.

what's going on?

Everyone looked towards the direction of the World Tree and faintly saw green light reflecting the sky.

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, but those demons seemed to have sensed something, gave up fighting, and fled down the mountain like crazy. Even though the giant dragons bit them and breathed out dragon breath, they no longer resisted at all and just wanted to escape. here.

Nozdormu seemed to have already understood everything, "It is our master, he has destroyed Archimonde."

"Archimonde is dead?" Illidan asked in disbelief.

"Yes, Archimonde is dead."

"Archimonde is dead!"


This sentence quickly spread throughout the battlefield, and everyone reacted with disbelief, but also extreme surprise.

At the same time, it feels a bit absurd and unreal.

After beating them for a long time, the final boss, who couldn't even defeat 10% of his health, died like this?

Is this the end?

Why isn't there even a world announcement?

Why didn't it explode?

You must know that for an existence of Archimonde's level, the energy contained in the body is extremely amazing. When he dies, he will inevitably self-destruct. For example, Mannoroth self-destructed when he died. This is true for powerful demon lords, not to mention Archimonde's level exists.

No matter what, there won't even be any movement at all.

With doubt.

Everyone tremblingly followed the huge burning footprints left by Archimonde towards the mountain. When they passed through the Gate of Eternity, an astonishing scene appeared in front of them.

Archimonde was torn apart and suspended in mid-air, with fear and despair on his face. His body was torn into countless pieces from his chest. Only his limbs and head were relatively intact, motionless like a frozen scene, and his face was still. Maintaining a ferocious expression.

Green evil energy burst out from his broken body, forming a huge evil energy explosion fireball and energy light waves. However, the flames and energy waves were all solidified in mid-air, like a three-dimensional painting. .

The explosion seemed to have already occurred and would destroy everything around it at any time.

But it stopped for some reason. I just don't know if this stagnation will continue forever, or if it will continue to explode in the next second, destroying everything around it.

"Don't worry, everyone, Archimonde is dead and he won't hurt anyone anymore."

Only then did everyone notice the person who did all this.

Aidan (Dragon God), level? ? ? ? , rank? ? ? ? ,life value? ? ? ? ?

Mo Fei quietly admired his masterpiece.

The power of the Dragon God is even more magical than he imagined. As long as he has sufficient imagination and creativity, he can present amazing appearances. It was just a whim just now, but he didn't expect it to actually come true.

He stretched out a hand and peeled off energy!

The evil power in Archimonde's body was quickly extracted and gathered into his hands, forming a dark green sphere the size of a football, spinning like the chaotic form at the birth of the universe.

With a thought in his mind, the sphere that embodied the evil energy's authority sank into his body.

Fel Power - Strengthened.

The evil power that was originally only a weak level instantly reached the level of powerful authority.

Without the chaotic magic power in the body, the broken corpse immediately lost its light and turned into broken, lusterless flesh and body parts that fell to the ground with a crash.

Even the size of the corpse has been reduced to a height of more than two meters, which is the true height of the Eredar people.

(End of this chapter)

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