Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 589 Confrontation with other heroes

Chapter 589 Conversations with Heroes (Part )

"Is Archimonde so young?"

Everyone looked at the corpse and couldn't help but sigh in surprise.

Mo Fei was not surprised, "A huge body is a superficial representation of extraordinary power. If you don't know how to control your own energy, too much power will turn the owner of the power into a giant. Although it looks quite spectacular, But the clumsy form is just a fragile target, just like the eredar before you."

He said, looking across the crowd, but fell on Jaina.

"Of course, there is another result, which is that the body is mutilated and damaged due to the absorption of too much power in a short period of time, and the body cannot withstand this power. This kind of damage is irreversible, and eventually leads to the body being destroyed. Explosive strength."

After hearing this, Jaina couldn't help but feel stunned.

Others didn't feel that much, and all stared at Archimonde's body.

There was a faint light on the corpse, and it could obviously be picked up. Everyone present had fought with Archimonde for so long, and it still caused some damage. Although they did not get the last head, Archimonde was still alive. With the amount of drops from this version of BOSS, you should still be able to get one or two pieces of equipment. If you are lucky, you might even be able to get some good stuff.

But seeing Dragon God Aidan standing by, no one dared to take action.

Murphy smiled faintly. He reached out and touched his trophies. Only then did the others move forward to touch the body.

Because Emperor Shenwu was the main force, he was the first to pick it up. After touching it, he found that it was just a purple-quality equipment.

"You're really stingy." He muttered. After all, he fought Archimonde head-on for a while, but he didn't even give him a pass.

But after all, he won the battle, and the rewards and plot points given out by the system are still considerable.

Of course, the most important thing is the gain in reputation. Among the three leaders of the players, only I am left to fight against Archimonde. From now on, I will be the number one player in the game!

He glanced at Murphy...Okay, the second player in the game is fine.

"Aidan...Um, brother, what the hell is going on."

Mo Fei was quite pleased that Emperor Shenwu was still quite a friend. This sentence helped him regain some of his human cognition.

"As you can see, I have become a god."

"Become a god? True god or demigod? It can't be a true god, right? Yes, you can challenge Archimonde alone, but demigods can't do this, but that's wrong. Doesn't this game say that you can't play god templates? "

Murphy smiled, Emperor Shenwu really regarded all of this as a game.

"Don't be surprised, the god template is part of the game. Although it is not open, you can become a god by completing hidden tasks. After all, this is an absolutely free game, and anything is possible.

Of course, my current divine power is still relatively weak. After all, I have just become a god and need some time to develop.

Speaking of development - if you'll excuse me, there's a little more work I need to do. "

Mo Fei looked at the World Tree behind him, hesitated for a few seconds, and then shook his head. He could feel that there was a powerful natural force on the World Tree. If he absorbed it, he should be able to obtain a weak natural authority. Effect.

However, he was not prepared to absorb it. He should keep this thing for the night elves. Natural authority itself was not considered a very good authority.

The most powerful authority in this universe must be the six forces.

Life, death, chaos (fel), order (arcane), light (holy light), void (shadow).

Now that he has mastered the three major powers of death, chaos, and order, he should be able to achieve perfection by gathering the remaining three.

Natural authority really doesn’t rank high.

But as for the Well of Eternity, he will naturally not be polite. This is a great opportunity to enhance arcane power.

As soon as he stretched out his hand towards the Well of Eternity, countless arcane energies poured out from the Well of Eternity and converged towards his palm.

No Titan artifact is needed, just absorb it directly with the body.

Powerful arcane energy gathered together in Murphy's hands, forming a deep blue arcane energy ball, like a blue black hole, without any fluctuations.

Murphy could feel the heaviness of power in his hands. This was the most powerful power he had absorbed. Such an amazing power was far more powerful than Archimonde. No wonder this guy wanted to take it so much.

Seeing Murphy's actions, several night elf leaders were immediately shocked.

Tyrande exclaimed, "Sir Aidan, what are you doing?"

Murphy smiled slightly, "Of course it absorbs the power of the Well of Eternity."


"But what? Since you don't intend to use the power of the Well of Eternity, and you don't have enough power to protect it, leaving it to you is meaningless. It will only bring disaster and doom to you. The Burning Legion is not the only one who wants this power. Archimonde would not be the first demon lord to attack Mount Hyjal.

If you keep it, it will be captured by a more powerful existence sooner or later. In this case, it is better for me to absorb its power. In this way, I can also use this power when encountering a greater crisis in the future. "

Malfurion said solemnly: "But... it is our night elves' responsibility to protect the Well of Eternity! How do we know what you will use it to do?"

This sentence is somewhat questioning.

Murphy curled his lips.

Aidan (Dragon God): "Haha, you claim to be the race that maintains world order, but the order you know no longer exists. The crises facing this world have exceeded your knowledge and are beyond your control. Understood.

In this grand game, only gods are qualified to be chess players, and you...proud night elves, you need to recognize your position and show due respect to those beings that exceed your cognition, otherwise , you will surely suffer disaster as a result.

You should feel lucky that as a new god, I graciously forgive your rudeness, but don't try to use your mortal rules to question my decision. "

These euphemistic yet direct words made several night elf leaders stunned on the spot, their expressions stiff.

Murphy stopped talking nonsense to them and directly absorbed this powerful arcane power into his body.

System prompt: Your arcane authority has been enhanced and is now - powerful authority.

Murphy frowned. Originally, he liked the sound of the system. Every time it sounded, it meant that his strength had grown again, but now, it felt a little noisy.

At his current level, the existence of the system no longer makes much sense.

His mastery of power has been extremely complete. Even if the system does not give a prompt, his understanding of the newly acquired power will not be reduced at all.

But forget it, this is a game after all.

After continuously strengthening two powerful authorities, Mo Fei was in a good mood. He turned around and looked at the crowd. There were many familiar friends and brothers among them, or at least they could be considered acquaintances.

Considering the performance of everyone in this unprecedented battle and what he was going to do next, Murphy decided to have a good exchange with these people and make some necessary explanations.

Maybe he won't have time to go on adventures with them in the next period of time.

Aidan (Dragon God): "Mortals, congratulations on winning the Holy War on Mount Hyjal. You helped me defeat Archimonde, the most powerful demon in the world for thousands of years. You are the most heroic warriors, even if In this desperate moment, he still fought until the last moment.

You have delayed Archimonde and blocked his demon army. You should receive glory and awards, but don't be careless. The crisis is not over yet, the disaster has just begun, and new enemies will appear soon.

At that time, you may still be needed to save the world.

But don’t worry, the old gods have returned, and the ancient dragon clan has risen again. You will have a solid backing. When you encounter threats that are difficult to fight against, pray to me, pray to the Dragon God, and I will answer you. .

This is also a reward for your performance in today's holy war. "

Murphy waved his hand suddenly, and a ray of light appeared on everyone's body.

Everyone has an extra BUFF on their head.

[Dragon God's Mark: You have obtained the Dragon God's mark on your body. You can consume this mark by praying to the Dragon God and get help from the Dragon God. 】

The characters in the plot were not impressed, but the players were quite excited. This thing is a good thing, it is equivalent to getting an opportunity to call the gods for support.

Next, Murphy talked to these plot characters in turn.

The first is the night elves.

"The power of the Well of Eternity was just taken away by you! You are really rude, I created it myself." Illidan said with some displeasure. "Haha, Illidan, you should be happy. Finally you don't need to carry this burden. Finally you don't have to make sacrifices that are not understood by others."

"That is the path I want to take. Even if you are a god, you are not qualified to make a choice for me."

Before Murphy could say anything, Malfurion shouted, "Illidan, don't be rude!"

What Murphy said just now made him immediately realize that he was talking to a god. Malfurion was a qualified political figure, and he was very familiar with changing his stance.

In comparison, Illidan is much more unruly and can even quarrel with a god.

But Mo Fei didn't take it seriously. After all, Illidan did create the Well of Eternity, and he was the one who picked the fruit.

"This is indeed my negligence, so as compensation, I will give this to you."

Murphy casually threw a strange-shaped skull exuding evil power to Illidan.

"The Skull of Archimonde contains some knowledge from his lifetime, as well as some remaining evil power. This thing is of no use to me anymore, but it must be of some help to you."

This thing is a piece of equipment that Murphy got when he touched the corpse just now. Now the equipment has no meaning to him, and it is useless to keep it. He might as well give it to the NPC to increase his favorability.

Illidan immediately felt the powerful power emanating from the treasure in his hand.

"How's it going? Are you satisfied?"

"Very satisfied, thank you Dragon God Aidan, you are a generous god, I don't know how to express my feelings - but if you need it in the future, I will consider temporarily serving you for a while, but now I have to Excuse me for now, maybe my dear brother won’t say much with you here, but after you leave, I guess he won’t be able to tolerate me continuing to hold this treasure.”

After speaking, he bowed his head to Murphy and hurried away holding Archimonde's head.

Malfurion's face turned blue with anger, but he didn't say anything more.

Murphy nodded to a few people, turned around and called Jaina over again.

"Lord Aidan - I..." Jaina hesitated.

"Jaina, you look a little uncomfortable. Why did you absorb too much magic power?"

"Yes, Lord Aidan, I feel something is wrong. There seems to be a huge black hole in my body, swallowing my will."

"This is not surprising. You have absorbed a power that is completely beyond your ability. Let me help you." Murphy waved his hand, and an invisible force pulled Gianna to him.

Jaina was shocked for a while. She had absorbed a powerful magic power and thought she was invincible, but it was meaningless in front of the power of the gods.

Murphy's hand gently brushed Jaina's cracked skin, and the power of the earth was activated.

Jaina's body instantly became extremely tough, the cracks quickly healed and returned to their original state, and the extremely empty feeling in her body suddenly disappeared.

This wasn't the end yet, Murphy activated the power of the Dragon God again, and Jaina immediately felt as if her body was full of power, and her chest felt even hotter.

"Your physical strength is simply not strong enough to support such power. It will inevitably self-destruct in the long run. But it should be fine now. I have made some modifications to your body and injected some dragon blood into you. It will not change you." racial attributes, but it will somewhat improve some physical fitness and toughness.”

The players looked at Jaina and found that she had an extra BUFF on her head.

[Blessing from the Dragon God (constant): You have received the blessing from the Dragon God. Your physical fitness has increased by 60 points, your biological toughness has increased by 200 points, and your health recovery speed has increased by 100%]

Thank you Lord Aidan!

Jaina hugged Murphy excitedly. After a moment, she realized that she had offended the gods and hurriedly let go.

She was worried before. Sure enough, having a good boss is safe.

He touched Jaina's head and asked her to step back first.

Murphy called Arthas and Varian over again.

"Arthas, Varian, our brothers are together again. Yes, I have stepped onto the throne of the gods and transformed into the dragon god. But I am still your eldest brother, so there is no need to be formal."

Alsace had a look of admiration on his face. His eldest brother was indeed his eldest brother, and he had actually become a god.

Varian didn't know what to say. His eldest brother was too strong. He originally thought that he had secured the position of the Lich King during this period, unified all the natural disaster departments, and his own strength had also gained a huge boost. With his promotion, he could finally be on par with his elder brother, but he didn't expect that the gap would become even greater.

"Varian, it seems that you received my message and made your choice. You did a good job. Although you are the Lich King, it does not mean that you must become a villain.

The disaster in this world is far from over. The undead, as a special life form, may play a very huge role in the coming disaster. "

Varian couldn't help but be stunned, "What kind of disaster?"

"You will know soon, Arthas. It has been a long time since you left Lordaeron. I think it is time for you to go back and take a look."

Arthas hesitated after hearing this, "Are you going back to Lordaeron? But... Big Brother."

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, Godwin won't make things difficult for you. Oh, by the way - you hold this sword."

Murphy handed him the Stormmaster. This sword was originally arranged for Alsace by the system. He had used it for so long, and now it was time to return it to its original owner.

Not only that, Murphy also placed a blessing of storm on it, enhancing its power to control the storm.

Arthas looked at the sword and was filled with emotion. He couldn't help but think of the experience he had with his elder brother on the stormy sea.

At this time, the storm dragon behind Alsace came up.

"Ah, it seems you have taken good care of it."

"Yes, Yinfeng helped me a lot during my escape, but I grew up too slowly."

Murphy nodded, "It's indeed a little small, so let me give you a little help."

The authority of the dragon god - promotion of the dragon clan.

Yinfeng's body was filled with electric light, and his size instantly expanded. He grew from a young storm dragon into a young storm dragon in the blink of an eye.

"I gave it a little blessing. It will grow much faster than ordinary dragons. It may grow into an adult dragon in a few years."

"Hahaha, brother, you are so good."

Arthas was even happier than getting the sword. It would be wonderful to think about riding a storm dragon in battle in the future.

"In case big brother wants to do something bad to me, I can escape on a dragon."

Morgan Lisa came over at this time and interrupted when she heard this.

"Don't worry, little brother, Godwin still wants to lose face, and I will definitely not dare to touch you. If you are really worried about me going back with you, if he dares to attack you, I will protect you."

"Haha, Lisa Morgan, you still have the same character." Murphy said with emotion.

Morgan Lisa watched Varian and Arthas walk away, but lowered her voice and asked, "Aidan, why do you feel so weird? Are you too deep into the drama?"

Are you falling into the drama... Mo Fei is also aware of his changes in his heart. Rather than falling into the drama, it is better to say that he is gradually adapting to the changes brought about by the power.

Power can change a person's character. In his eyes at this time, mortals are like dust, time is like a stream that can be manipulated at will, life and death, strong and weak, past and future, everything is completely different.

Although he can still talk to these former friends calmly, in essence, they no longer belong to the same creature.

He will be immortal and exist forever, while these mortals in front of him are destined to gradually disappear over time and become passers-by in life.

He suddenly understood why Nozdormu was always so calm and independent.

For a person who can see the end of time, it is difficult not to feel pessimistic about life - or realistically.

(End of this chapter)

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