Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 590: Confrontation with the Heroes

Chapter 590 Conversations with the Heroes (Part )

Chapter 590

Murphy shook his head, shaking away the inexplicable feelings in his mind.

Looking at Morgan Lisa, "Are you confident that you will get the position of guardian?"

Morgan Lisa shrugged, "Half and half, it depends on luck. Ronin also survived. I feel that I performed very well in this battle, but you know those old men in Dalaran, they probably won't treat the Guardians." Leave the position to me, after all, Aegwin has learned from his mistakes."

Murphy smiled slightly, "I think you will be the one who becomes the guardian."

Morgan Lisa smiled and said, "Then I'll lend you some auspicious words."

"this is for you."

Murphy said as he threw a scroll over, which was also a magic scroll that exploded from Archimonde.

Archimonde's drop was naturally not bad. Morgan Lisa took a look and found that it turned out to be another legendary magic.

"Ah, it's for me? It's too expensive. Why don't you give me your bank card number and I'll transfer the money to you later."

"No need, money is meaningless to me now, and the magic scroll is also meaningless to me, so you can stay, don't be embarrassed."

Morgan Lisa was honest, "Thank you very much."

Next, the person who appeared in front of Murphy was Kaya Windrunner.

"Boss Aidan, I knew you would come back." Kaya shouted excitedly.

"I'm glad you trust me so much. You don't have the amulet to hold on to."

Another top-quality piece of equipment was lost.

Kaya was a little surprised: "Sent to me?"

"That's right. In addition, regarding the belief in the Storm Dragon in the Windrunner family territory, I'm afraid it needs to be changed. I will send someone there later."

"I understand, I understand. Are you now Lord Dragon God? Magic dragons and other things definitely don't fit your identity. I will definitely cooperate."

Next, there are Grom Hellscream and Thrall.

Murphy looked at the two of them and couldn't help feeling a little emotional. These two finally came together.

It seems that the two of them are quite compatible.

Facing Prince Aidan who ascended to the Dragon God, Grom was silent for a while. He didn't want to show weakness, but facing such a powerful existence, he also knew that he should not offend easily.

Sal didn't care so much. He looked at Murphy with a complicated expression and recognized him as the murderer who killed his father.

"Lord Aidan, if I am not mistaken, you killed my father!"

Murphy looked at Thrall with interest. He didn't expect the orc children to grow up so fast. He already looked like a strong boy at the age of seven or eight. Moreover, it seemed that this boy was developing quite well. He was already an epic figure. level hero.

"Yes, why, do you want to avenge him?"

The atmosphere solidified instantly.

Grom suddenly stood in front of Thrall, "Prince Aidan, Durotan's death is not your fault, because there is no right or wrong in war, but if you want to take action against Thrall, you must pass my level before doing so."

"Haha, don't worry, I won't take action against Thrall. This world is facing too many disasters, and there are always too many heroes. But you should pay attention to Thrall, maybe he wants to take action. .”

Thrall patted Grom on the shoulder, "Thank you, Uncle Grom, but this matter is my matter and must be resolved by me."

He looked at Murphy with a serious look on his face.

"I am not here to take revenge on you. Maybe I had this idea at first, but after experiencing so many adventures, I have learned a lot. As Grom said, there is no right or wrong in war. It is his choice. It is also his fate. I just want to ask you a question, what kind of person is my father?"

"Why do you ask me? Why don't you ask your people?"

Sal shook his head, "That answer would be too subjective. I learned a lot from an old man during my wanderings. One of them is that everyone has their own perspective on things. I need a fair For an objective answer, perhaps only God can truly tell me the answer.”

Murphy thought for a while and replied, "As an orc, he is a brave warrior, as a chief, he is a wise leader, and as an enemy, he is a respectable opponent. This answer is enough." What?"

Thrall couldn't help showing a hint of relief after hearing this, "Thank you, Lord Aidan."

Haha, this guy is quite a philosopher.

He opened his backpack and looked through it.

He casually threw the reins of the 'Wild Ripper' and the Frostwolf to Thrall.

"Take it, this is what your father left behind. I don't have any use for it anymore. There is also this little guy. I think you must remember it."

Thrall held the sharp ax in his hand excitedly. This weapon represented the glory of the Frostwolf clan and was a relic of his father. Being able to recover it was of great significance to Thrall.

This time he sincerely bowed his head to Murphy.

Murphy had a conversation with all the heroes present, and also gave away a lot of equipment in his bag.

Anyway, for him now, equipment is meaningless, it is better to use it to increase his favorability.

Aidan (Dragon God): "Okay everyone, time has ended. I will return to the Sky City. I have a hunch that one day we will get together like this again, but by that time, maybe what we The situation we face will be completely different.

"Now, go and complete your unfinished mission. I am also going to complete mine."

Mo Fei said and floated into the air. Behind him, the dragon army roared and rose into the sky. The black dragons flew towards the city in the sky and soon disappeared outside the skyline.

Looking at the group of dragons gradually disappearing, everyone felt a little disappointed and at the same time breathed a sigh of relief.

It was not obvious when we were together. When the Dragon God left, the powerful aura that suppressed everyone subsided, and everyone suddenly realized that they had just talked with a real god.

The coercion and indescribable aura of the gods weighed on my heart like a mountain.

The players were somewhat okay. Although they were deeply shocked, in their eyes, the other party was just a player in the game. Even the most powerful player was still a player.

Even if there is any magical aura, it is only the effect of game skills.

I don’t know what kind of luck this guy had, he completed the hidden mission and became a god.

But for the characters in the plot, they really understand what the concept of gods is.

A mere demigod, Cenarius, can help the night elves become the overlord of Kalimdor.

Tyrande gained the favor of Elune and became the Chosen One, so that she could firmly sit on the throne of the night elves leader.

If a real god appeared in the real world, the impact would undoubtedly be huge.

Fortunately, this god is on their side, several top night elves thought happily.

"What should we do now?" an alliance hero suddenly asked.

Tyrande looked angry, "Of course we will completely eliminate the Burning Legion from this land. Although our army is scattered, it has not fallen apart. Now that Archimonde has been defeated, it is time to regroup the troops and give the Burning Legion a final blow." One hit.”

Malfurion also said, "Yes, the demon army of the Burning Legion suffered heavy losses in the previous battle and suffered heavy losses from the Dragon Legion. This is a good opportunity for us to launch a counterattack. We must seize the time and quickly assemble our troops." Launch a counterattack.”

After hearing this, the players suddenly became excited again. They couldn't love beating up a drowned dog, especially now that the demon army of the Burning Legion has lost Archimonde, the version of BOSS, without the blessing of [Chaos Frenzy]. , on the contrary, there is an additional DEBUFF that collapses morale, which is a good time to harvest experience and equipment.

Although no one got much from the drops of Archimonde, but think about how many bosses there are in the Burning Legion. They are all big fat meat. It would be so nice to eat them in one bite. The Burning Legion is full of talents, including those famous ones. Demon Lords each have the possibility of breaking out legendary equipment.

"Then what are you waiting for? I'll assemble my legions right away!" Emperor Shenwu said excitedly.

Grom also said: "It's time for me to go back to the tribe."

"Grom, you don't have to rush back. Defeating the Burning Legion is our current focus. Why not fight with me? Before those demons have escaped, I will send someone to inform him over there. .”

Grom hesitated for a moment, then nodded, "Okay, I will help you fight, but only in this battle."

Emperor Shenwu laughed loudly, "Don't worry, I won't force anyone to do anything difficult. Little brother Sal, you can come too."

Thrall wanted to refuse, but the Shenwu Emperor said, "I remember you are from the Frostwolf clan, right? Your brother will send people to hunt you down. When this battle is over, I can help you if you need it. I have always said that I will take back my clan, and Grom can testify for me.”

Thrall listened and looked at Grom. Seeing that Grom didn't deny it, he nodded.

Varian also mounted Boleleus, and his undead army also came to join the battle, but was isolated from the battlefield and was now fighting against the undead troops enslaved by the Burning Legion.

Heroes from all forces in the alliance are preparing to launch a counterattack...

Murphy, on the other hand, no longer pays attention to this war. With the strength of the coalition, there should be no pressure to deal with the demon army without Archimonde.

At this moment, he has led the dragon group back to the Sky City.

Kamyatra, the city in the sky——

When Murphy led the dragons back to their former home, the Dragonmaw Orcs and Dragonsorrow Knights had already begun to clean up the city. These two dragon-related legions will become the vassal legions of Sky City in the future, fighting for the ancient dragon.

What Mo Fei has to do next is to complete the last step of the rise of the ancient dragon.

Create your own ancient dragon family.

As a dragon god, how could he not have his own family?

Looking at the ancient dragons gathered around the throne, including the four disaster dragons and Nozdormu. Deathwing has transformed back into the form of an ancient dragon.

Nozdormu was the first to make up his mind to become an ancient dragon. He handed over the power of time and returned to the order of the ancient dragon.

Although the Aspect Dragons have all suffered from the curse of power, Nozdormu is undoubtedly the worst one. Because he is the guardian of time, he can see into his own future. Every time he observes the future, what he sees is The scene of his own tragic death.

Due to the loss of immortality and the ancient dragon's will, every ending was either corrupted, brutally killed, or died due to aging. It can be said that there is no ending that makes him happy.

But he couldn't help but keep looking, just to find the slightest opportunity to change the tragic ending, but he couldn't find it.

It was like playing a game that was destined to gameover. No wonder he couldn't get excited about anything he did all day long.

Who else is not confused about this matter?

Because of this, Nozdormu in a certain timeline was directly blackened and became the Eternal Dragon King. Unfortunately, even the Eternal Dragon King is not truly eternal, it is just a dying struggle after falling into madness.

Now that he learned that he could transform into an immortal ancient dragon again, he decisively accepted it.

Deathwing was the second one to be transformed by the ancient dragon. Because he lost his identity as the guardian of the earth, he didn't have much attachment to the identity of the black dragon.

In addition, his body's scales were constantly torn due to his excessive strength, so transforming into an ancient dragon was also a way of relief.

The other four disaster dragons naturally chose to transform into ancient dragons without hesitation. Anyway, they had no guardian power to consider.

Fresanks, after following Murphy back to the Sky City, also immediately made the choice to return to the ancient dragon.

Only the three remaining Aspects—Ysera, Alexstrasza, and Kalecgos—have not yet made up their minds.

Dragon God’s authority—promoted to Ancient Dragon!

Murphy took his hand away from Fresanks' forehead.

The Netherworld Death Dragon, which originally had the aura of death, re-transformed into the immortal ancient dragon at this moment, roaring to the sky in excitement.

Murphy smiled. Although Fresanks had lived for tens of thousands of years, he probably lived at home for too long and felt somewhat childish.

He looked at the last three ancient dragons.

Aidan (Dragon God): "What about you three, have you made a decision? Should you return to the ancient dragon sequence, or continue to be a flesh-and-blood colored dragon."

The advantage of the ancient dragon over the giant dragon is extremely obvious, which was clearly revealed when he fought the demon just now.

Dragon thunder can easily destroy demons, the ancient dragon's scales can protect itself to the greatest extent, and the ancient dragon's claws are a natural killing weapon.

It would take a lot of effort to kill the devil with ordinary dragon breath.

Moreover, in hand-to-hand combat, the dragon does not have much advantage against those powerful upper-level demons.

The only drawback of ancient dragons is that they cannot grow larger, while giant dragons can continue to grow.

But for the guardian dragons who have grown into ancient dragons, this is not a problem at all. Anyway, they have grown to their peak state. At this time, they are transformed into ancient dragons. They have the immortality and aloofness of ancient dragons, while maintaining their huge size and shape. Strength can be said to be the best choice.

Of course, you can also get stuck and grow to the peak of the ancient dragon and then transform into an ancient dragon, but that will still take tens of thousands of years. If you die during this time, the gain will outweigh the loss.

The only pity is the power of protection.

It's not easy to let go of responsibilities after you've held them for a long time.

Alexstrasza (Queen of the Red Dragon): "If we transform into ancient dragons, what will happen to our responsibility to protect this world? Without the power of protection, how can we protect our own tribe?"

Aidan (Dragon God): "Haha, don't worry, I will personally protect this world, and you will fight side by side with me to protect this world together.

And you don’t need to worry about the issue of authority. I have already thought of a solution, just as Morpheus can borrow your power in battle.

Since the power of faith can be converted into the power of guardianship, then as the Dragon God, I can naturally lend my power of authority to my dependents.

Now that the Dragon God has returned, it is time for the Dragon Worship Cult to offer their loyalty to their gods. Next, I will completely control the Dragon Worship Cult and use the priests of the Dragon Worship Cult to spread the new Dragon God faith, which belongs to the true gods. The power of faith.

As my dependents, you will share my power, and I will lend you my authority so that you can still maintain your original power. "

This solution made the three dragon kings' eyes light up.

Yes, you can still do that!

What else is there to say?

"Lord Dragon God, I am willing to return your authority. Please accept me to return to the order of the ancient dragon and become a member of the ancient dragon clan again."

"Lord Dragon God, I am willing too."

"Lord Dragon God, I, Kalecgos, pledge my allegiance to you."

The authority over life—return!

Soul authority - return!

Arcane Power—Return!

Murphy's authority as the Dragon God was once again strengthened.

Murphy checked the Dragon God's authority and now he has authority over eight domains.

Storm Authority: Powerful.

Fel Power: Powerful.

Arcane Authority: Powerful.

Time authority: powerful.

Earth Authority: Moderate.

Soul Authority: Weak.

Life Authority: Weak.

Death authority: weak.

The three guardian dragons were also transformed into ancient dragons again by Mo Fei.

Murphy sat on the Dragon God Throne and glanced around.

The five guardian dragons plus the five disaster dragons make exactly ten ancient dragons.

Aidan (Dragon God): "I appoint you to be the ruler of the Ancient Dragon Ten. You are my first dependents, and you will also be an important force in the rise of the Ancient Dragon clan.

But this is not the end. All those ancient dragons scattered around the world can return to the ancient dragon clan as long as they are willing. Not only that, but the outstanding descendants of the five major dragon clans can also return to the ancient dragon clan if they can accomplish important achievements and pass my test. A clan, I will personally promote them.

Go and pass this news to all the dragons in the world and tell them that their gods are back! The ancient dragon clan will rise again. "


The dragons roared loudly, responding to the Dragon God's declaration.

Mo Fei quietly looked at his own powerful force, the Ancient Dragon Clan and the Dragon Legion, which were destined to become the decisive force that changed the world.

"Go and complete your mission. I have to leave for a while first."

"Lord Dragon God, where are you going?" Lesajes couldn't help but ask.

Where to go - of course, to experience the feeling of becoming a god in reality.

Although he knew that the power of the source could be brought back to reality, he had indeed brought the power of giant dragons and ancient dragons back to reality before.

But now he has the power of gods!

Murphy would inevitably feel a little uneasy. He was afraid that this power was false.

What if you return to reality and find that you have no divine power? Having gained great power and then suddenly losing it would probably be more painful than never having had it.

But if this power is real, what does it mean?

No matter what, he had to make sure of this.

Murphy did not answer Lesa Jess's question.

He nodded at his relatives, then disappeared from the Dragon God's throne in a flash.

(End of this volume).

(End of this chapter)

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