Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 592 Wang Xuan’s invitation

Chapter 592 Wang Xuan’s invitation

"Hello, may I excuse you?" Murphy stood in the lobby on the first floor of Cangqiong Building and said to the beautiful receptionist.

"Can I help you sir?"

"I want to receive the game reward - the Hall of Fame reward." Murphy said calmly.

There was a look of confusion on the receptionist's face at first, but then he reacted and his face instantly became excited.

"Hall of Fame reward, you got a hidden achievement? Oh my God, please wait a moment sir, I will help you contact the CEO."

She quickly picked up the phone and dialed a number, "Hey, Mr. Zhao, someone is here to receive the Hall of Fame award!"

CEO? Murphy was a little surprised. It seems that game companies attach great importance to players who have received Hall of Fame rewards.

Ten minutes later, Murphy had arrived at the luxurious office on the roof of Cangqiong Building. Zhao Donglai, CEO of Cangqiong Group, personally received him.

"Please come in, please come in, hahaha, it's really rare. After waiting for several years, it's really rare to finally have the first Hall of Fame player - what do you call it?"

Mr. Zhao's enthusiasm made Mo Fei a little surprised. He didn't feel flattered at all. After all, he was also a dragon god now.

However, he was somewhat unexpected that the CEO of a game company with powerful mysterious power turned out to be so approachable and down-to-earth.

He thought before that as the CEO of a game company, he must be a BOSS-level figure, possessing powerful mysterious power, and even giving people a feeling of inscrutability.

However, Mr. Zhao, who was in a neat suit in front of him, didn't feel anything special at all. The only special thing was probably that he was relatively young. He looked like he was under thirty, and he was dressed in a "domineering" way. The CEO's persona, designer suits, luxury watches, meticulous hair care...

But now Mo Fei is no longer what he used to be, and he told him directly that the person in front of him was by no means a truly high-ranking person.

However, people like Mo Fei will not show what they think in their hearts and still maintain due courtesy.

"I am also honored to be the first Hall of Fame player. My name is Murphy, you can just call me by my name."

"Mr. Mo, right? Who is the character in the game?"

Murphy became more and more sure of his guess. He didn't even know who his game character was. Mr. Zhao felt completely out of shape.

"Prince Aidan Perenolde of Alterac. Of course, I also have another identity - the Dragon God Aidan Delon."

"Dragon God! Holy shit, you're awesome, brother, you can actually unlock the god's template? By the way, are you talking about a demigod or a true god?"

Mo Fei was speechless for a while. Mr. Zhao at least acted like that just now. After these few words, he stopped pretending. This tone and tone were appropriate for a college student who had just graduated from college. After playing the game in the Internet cafe, we discussed the gameplay in a 'buddy' tone.

"True God."

"Oh, yes, no wonder. I didn't expect that the first person to be inducted into the Hall of Fame would be a god player. It's awesome. How about it? The games we make are quite fun, right? How does it feel to be a god? Even though it's just in the game. , but the experience must be great.

Hey hey hey, by the way, have you done anything interesting yet? I heard that there are many beauties in the game. "

Mr. Zhao had a 'you understand' expression on his face.

Murphy was a little speechless. Why did this CEO feel that he was becoming more and more out of tune? After all, he was not looking for the wrong place, right?

"About Hall of Fame awards..."

"Oh, this, this is not my responsibility. I am mainly responsible for game marketing and the sales of game helmets. In-game matters need to be handled by the technical department. Don't worry, I have already said hello and they will be here soon. "

"Technical department?" Murphy immediately thought of one person, could it be him?

At this time, a voice came from outside the office door, "Good afternoon, Mr. Zhao, you have something to do with me. Hey, isn't this brother Murphy? Why are you here?"

When Murphy heard that voice, he thought it was indeed him - Wang Xuan.

As soon as he turned around, he saw Wang Xuan walking in from the door with his pockets in his pockets. Mr. Zhao hurriedly leaned over and whispered in Wang Xuan's ear.

Wang Xuan's eyes lit up and he smiled.

"Ha, I knew Brother Murphy was a master - I didn't expect that the first Hall of Fame player would be you - well, you don't have anything to do here, so you can go down first."

Mr. Zhao nodded, waved to Murphy, and left the office, carefully closing the door when he left.

Murphy had already made an inference in his mind before and was not surprised to see this scene, "So you are the boss of the game company?"

"Can you say that?" Wang Xuan walked to the wine cabinet, unceremoniously picked up a bottle from it, and poured a glass for each of them.

"I don't like complicated affairs. After this game is built, someone needs to come forward to run it. It just so happens that my classmate can't find a job, so I hired him to be the CEO. Anyway, I don't care how much I earn, who cares? It doesn't matter whether he does it or not, he is one of our own after all.

Unexpectedly, he did quite well and made a lot of money by selling gaming helmets, which was an unexpected surprise. "

As he spoke, he handed a wine glass to Murphy. His movements were unusually familiar, reminding Murphy of the time when Wang Xuan took him to Karazhan to attend Medivh's party and drink together.

I have to say that Wang Xuan seems to have a strange quality. No matter where he is, he feels as at ease as at home.

Murphy took the wine glass and thought that it was more than a lot of money. Millions of gaming helmets were sold for 80,000 each. He made tens of billions just by selling the gaming helmets, not to mention the various fees in the game. project.

But it can also be seen from this that Wang Xuan is the one who truly has power. For people like him, maybe money is really meaningless.

He took a sip of the wine in the cup. It tasted good and felt inexplicably familiar.

"Is this Karazhan's moonshine wine?"

"Ha, you have a good memory. Yes, it's moonshine wine. You must miss it very much. It's been hard to get it since Medivh blew up Karazhan."

"I really miss it." Murphy took another sip.

He calmly sensed Wang Xuan's every move, his breathing, the heat emanating from his body, energy fluctuations, and the speed of his muscles...

The Dragon God holds a lot of authority, which allows him to perceive the opponent's strength from many different angles.

However, no matter which angle you look at it, the other person seems to be just an ordinary person.

There are no energy fluctuations, and the body temperature, breathing frequency, heartbeat speed, and even muscle strength are all the same as ordinary people.

There is no threat.

But the more this happened, the more unsure Murphy felt.

Since Wang Xuan is the one who created the game and has control over the entire game, and the power in this game can be brought into reality, there is no reason for him not to develop a set of powerful abilities for himself, but now he has If it behaves so normally, then the answer can only be two.

First, Wang Xuan is an ordinary person. For some unknown reason, he cannot obtain abilities from the game.

Second, Wang Xuan's power has far exceeded his own level, so much so that he can easily conceal his own strength, making it impossible for him to perceive the other party's power.

Logically speaking, Murphy is more inclined to the second possibility.

But how is this possible? He is the Dragon God, so he would understand if Wang Xuan had power beyond the gods. After all, the other party is the GM of the game and knows much more about the game than he does.

But it's a bit scary to be so powerful that you can't even perceive what's special about him, and it's completely beyond your own level.

Murphy looked at Wang Xuan's drinking movements and Wang Xuan's slurping of wine, and his heart became more and more unpredictable.

"So how does it feel to become a god, Murphy? It must be very satisfying to be a person with divine power in reality."

"you know?"

"Of course I know. I created this game myself. I know exactly what kind of power it can produce. You haven't answered me yet."

"It's very cool." Mo Fei said frankly, "I have never thought that I would have such power to control the power of heaven and earth. Maybe I fantasized about it when I was a child, but since I grew up, I have realized that this is completely impossible. Maybe, I just didn't expect...I didn't expect that it actually succeeded, and I got it from a game, which is enough power to destroy the world!"

He clenched his fists slightly, recalling the powerful force that easily destroyed a fleet at sea.

If he fully releases his divine power, it may be difficult to destroy the earth, but if he just destroys most of humanity, it can still be done.

Even he was startled by the possibility of the power he had and the destruction he would cause if he got angry.

"Haha, your reaction is exactly the same as when I first gained power, but I'm not as sentimental or anxious as you. I used the power I gained to enjoy myself for several months, and punished those who had offended me one by one. Again, of course, I also have to give benefits to people I have good relationships with.

Revenge with hatred, repay kindness with kindness, you know, by the way, you have never thought about taking revenge on anyone? For example, that guy named Wang Ziheng, he pushed you very hard back then. "

Seeing Wang Xuan's curious look on the baby, Murphy shook his head.

"It's all in the past." "Oh, you are really generous. I am not as open-minded as you. At that time, I was..." Wang Xuan hesitated, and covered up the wine in the cup. After finishing the drink, the smile on the corner of his mouth and a hint of cruelty flashed in his eyes, as if he was recalling the pleasure of revenge in the past.

Seeing that the atmosphere was almost heightened, Murphy finally asked the question in his heart.

"So what's going on with this game?"

"You want to know?"

"Of course I want to know."

"It's a pity that I can't tell you." Wang Xuan smiled with an expression on his face.

Mo Fei was speechless. Sometimes this Wang Xuan was inscrutable, but sometimes he felt naughty. He was a bit like a bad student in the class who liked to play pranks. He was full of bad taste.

"Hahaha, I'm curious about it. I'm curious about how this game is made. I'm curious whether those plot characters are real beings or virtual programs created by the system. Unfortunately, I can't tell you. This is magic. Master's secret', but well, there is a way to solve the problem between us now.

You are here to receive the Hall of Fame reward, right, and the Hall of Fame reward is - a work contract, joining the company, joining my team, and becoming a part of the Cangqiong Group.

As he spoke, he took out a rolled scroll from his pocket. When he opened it, it was a contract, which seemed to have been prepared a long time ago. He handed it to Mo Fei along with a pen.

"As long as you sign this document and become a member of the company and one of our own, the answer will naturally be known to you."

Murphy picked up the document and read it, and the content made him frown.

This is not as simple as a simple work contract. The content of the work is somewhat vague, but the requirements for the contractor are extremely demanding.

Those who sign the contract are required to join the team led by Wang Xuan and fight for a 'great goal', and are not allowed to withdraw even if their lives are in danger.

Until the goal is completed or the contractor dies.

In return, the person who signs this contract will know Wang Xuan's secrets and can share in the benefits gained from completing the task.

This is not a work contract, this is clearly a contract of betrayal.

"Are you kidding? - Until the goal is completed or the contractor dies... I will not agree to such harsh conditions."

"Of course I'm not kidding, you have completed the original plot mission, gained real power, and even become a god, right?

But does this satisfy you? Don't you want to gain more power? The power of the Dragon God is indeed amazing, but above this, there are existences in higher dimensions. The power you possess is nothing in front of that higher level of power.

Just join my team and you will have a chance to get it.

Do you think that becoming the Dragon God has reached the pinnacle of power? No, no, no, the truth of this world is more amazing than you imagine. I can let you see unimaginable things and let you come into contact with unimaginable power..."

"How about you first tell me what your mission is, and then I will make a choice."

"That's not okay, it's a secret."

"Forget it, I have no interest in taking orders and being someone's little brother."

"I'm not asking you to be my subordinate, but to be a member of the team I lead."

"What difference does that make?"

"Of course there is a difference. If you are my subordinate, I will give you straightforward orders and you will be killed if you don't obey. But if you are a team member, I will fully listen to your suggestions and respect your personal choices more. , of course, the final decision-making power is still in my hands...

Well, the difference is really not that big, but don’t you want to know the answer to all this? I don’t want to know what is going on in this game and why am I recruiting? As long as you accept this contract, all truth will be revealed to you. "Wang Xuan continued to guide, his tone full of temptation and persuasion.

Mo Fei disagreed. The more mysterious the other party was, the more he felt there was a trap.

"Aren't you afraid that I will pretend to agree and then regret it after knowing the truth?"

Wang Xuan smiled and said, "Of course I'm not afraid. You are a smart person. Talking to smart people can sometimes save you a lot of trouble. As a smart person, you should know what kind of power I have to create such a game. I naturally have the means to ensure that defaulters are punished.”

Murphy looked at Wang Xuan's expression. Although the other person was smiling, he realized that Wang Xuan was very serious.

"Then...I'm afraid all I can say is that I can't say anything."

Murphy said while gathering the divine power in his body.

He didn't know whether refusing Wang Xuan's invitation would anger the other party, but if Wang Xuan really wanted to attack him, he would also like to try to see how big the gap between the two was. He wanted to know what Wang Xuan had. How powerful.

The power of the Dragon God that he possesses is not given to him in vain.

However, Wang Xuan just spread his hands helplessly, "Well, since you don't accept it, forget it."

Murphy was stunned for a moment, thinking that you must be too talkative. "Are you like this? Aren't you going to force me to join by force?"

"Ha, I'm not that domineering. My team doesn't need players with grievances. What I need are truly like-minded allies, reliable brothers who can explore and take risks with me. If you don't want to accept me, you can't force yourself not to be. , Besides - I don’t dare to fight against a god easily, hahahaha, you say so.”

The words were quite nice, but the tone sounded a bit ridiculing.

Murphy was a little confused whether the other party was bluffing, or whether he really didn't care about the Dragon God's power.

"Then I'm leaving?"

"Well, please—but if you change your mind, you can come to me at any time, so goodbye."

Wang Xuan said, extending a friendly hand.

Murphy looked at the hand and stretched it out.

He was still secretly on guard, maybe the other party would attack him at the moment of shaking hands.

But Wang Xuan just shook his hand and let go.

Murphy turned and walked outside.

Wang Xuan sent him outside. The moment Murphy walked out of the office door, Wang Xuan suddenly said: "Oh, by the way, since you don't plan to join my team, there are some things I still have to say to you. .You are now a god in the game. In theory, this template will still be in the unopened stage. After all, it is too disruptive to the balance.

Although you obtained it through normal game channels, in order not to ruin the gaming experience of other players, I must remind you not to abuse your divine power to disrupt the existing order of the game, let alone interfere with the game plot casually, such as playing Deus Ex Machina. set.

The version of BOSS is prepared for all players. If you just kill Archimonde casually, it's fine if you play it once. If you play it too many times, players will feel that the story writers of our game company are very poor.

The story tone of the world of the sky is a heroic epic, not a battle between Greek gods. If you mess around, we will have to take action against you. "

"Is this a warning?"

"That's right. After all, I'm still the GM of this game, right? As the GM, I must maintain the normal operation of the game. Your power has exceeded the system's control to a certain extent, and some restrictions must be placed on you."

Murphy nodded, this request was quite reasonable.

"Don't worry, I'm a model player in all aspects."

When Murphy left Cangqiong Building and his figure disappeared into the crowd on the other side of the street, Wang Xuan, who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, withdrew his gaze.

It's a pity that the first person selected chose to refuse, but this is also expected.

Two other GM figures appeared behind him.

Su Wenrui and Zhang Zhen.

Su Wenrui asked, "How about it, he didn't accept it?"

"Yes, actually this is not unexpected. After gaining such powerful power, no one wants to be inferior to others."

Zhang Zhen joked, "Didn't you threaten me?"

"Damn, do I look like that kind of person? Besides, I wouldn't dare. The original power this guy got is the 'Dragon God'. I'm not sure how strong this thing is. It's not part of the game plan at all. Inside, I don’t know how the system came about.

If I really get into a fight with that kid, I really have no idea.

But don’t worry, I think he will come to us sooner or later. The stronger the power, the more difficult it is to resist the temptation to explore higher levels of power. "

Zhang Zhen didn't seem to agree with this statement, "What if he doesn't come?"

Wang Xuan waved his hand, "What are you afraid of? He is not the only one who triggered the original plot mission in this game. Let's just continue to pay attention to the other candidates."

(End of this chapter)

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