Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 593 Shadow of Lordaeron

Chapter 593 Shadow of Lordaeron

Ner'zhul sat in a dark corner of the tavern, his dark cloak clinging to his body, covering his bloated and deformed body, as well as his orcish face. He worked hard to calm down the rampant void energy in his body, so that they would not Completely out of control.

For a while, he was about to focus all his attention on the inside of his body, but the huge shadow energy of the ancient god became a burden to him at this time.

Fortunately, the energy in his body was rarely too restless today, which allowed him some time to breathe.

Phew, finally suppressed.

Ner'zhul gasped, his heart filled with resentment. Damn it, damn the Old Gods, damn Deathwing!

For the first time, he felt that overpowering power was so abominable. With his strong control over energy, if he had not absorbed the essence of an ancient god, he would not be in such a mess now.

The body under the black robe squirmed violently again.

Boom, boom, boom, the table in front of him couldn't help but shake.

The guests in the tavern all cast surprised glances, but when the sound subsided, their gazes quickly moved away.

This is the Bloody Hand Inn, an underground black market located in Booty Bay. People who come here are either assassins, thieves, intelligence dealers, or even cultists. They come from all races and forces. They have no camp concepts, let alone moral ethics.

In this chaotic place where fish and dragons are mixed, people can only speak with their strength.

It is precisely because of this that everyone instinctively refrains from meddling in Ner'zhul's abnormal situation.

Even though Ner'zhul was so suspicious and disturbing, no one had any intention of interfering.

Ner'zhul took a sip of the bad wine in the cup. The spicy wine made him regain some sense.

A black figure walked into the tavern quietly, wearing a neat black leather armor, a black hood, a dagger hanging on his waist, and a faint blue light in one eye.

The famous 'Nightcrawler' Duke.

He came to Ner'zhul and said, "I'm sorry, 'Sir,' but we couldn't find the information you wanted."

Duke said, playing with the dagger in his hand carelessly.

"Hmph, as expected, you useless losers have never let me down before."

There was a hint of murderous intent in the assassin's eyes, daring to be so arrogant with the Brotherhood of Shadows... But when he saw the purple pupils under Ner'zhul's hood, the murderous intent instantly turned into trembling.

The assassin's instinct allowed him to sense the strength of the other party, and the curse words on his lips turned into: "Yes, sir, I'm sorry 'sir', I'm very sorry, we have tried our best, but the information you need is too old. so……"

The assassin left in despair, not even daring to ask for the balance.

Ner'zhul's body felt restless again, and the irritability in his heart made him want to go on a killing spree - just kill them all like this.

He glanced at the crowd in the tavern as if looking at a group of dead people.

(No, we can no longer indulge the will of those guys.)

Ner'zhul didn't care about the lives of these mortals, but every time he slaughtered, devoured, and digested them wantonly, he could feel that the remaining will of the ancient gods in his body was becoming stronger and stronger.

It became increasingly difficult to control. He originally thought that he had completely absorbed and transformed these powers, but as more and more of the essence of the ancient gods was absorbed into his body, he gradually discovered that these ancient gods could not be destroyed at all, as long as As long as you cannot achieve a balance, you will have to endure this painful torture.

Perhaps one day the essence of these ancient gods will burst out of his body, causing himself to be torn apart, or directly split into several different individuals...

The Heart of Xal'atath must be found, and the final ritual must be completed! This was the only thought left in Ner'zhul's mind at this time.

"I heard that you are looking for the Heart of Xal'atath. Haha, that thing is not easy to find." A light voice suddenly came from beside me.

"Who!" Ner'zhul suddenly turned his head and looked at the mysterious man in black robes who suddenly appeared on the seat next to him with some surprise.

He clearly remembered that the seat was obviously empty before, and with his aura, no one dared to come and join in the fun.

However, the man in front of him appeared out of thin air, even looking like an old acquaintance, holding a wine glass and toasting to him.

Is it because the explosion of energy in the body just now distracted his attention?

The stealth ability of the assassin and thief was like child's play in front of Ner'zhul who mastered the power of the Law of Shadow. The invisibility of the mage was meaningless to his Eye of the Void. The man in front of him appeared silently, and he was not aware of it at all. .

This surprised Ner'zhul, but at the same time he also had a bit of expectation.

Ner'zhul: "Who are you, human?"

Mysterious man: "It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that I brought the information you want."

"Do you know where the Heart of Xal'atath is? How is this possible?" Ner'zhul was a little unbelievable.

The Heart of Xal'atath is hidden in the Sky City. Even if it is taken away, it is probably related to half of the ancient dragon. How can a mortal know such information?

It was just a desperate struggle for him to come here to issue a reward order.

"Of course I know, otherwise why would I come to you? As for the source of the information, you don't have to worry about it. Anyway, are you interested in making a deal?"

"tell me the story."

"I'll tell you where the Heart of Xal'atath is, and you have to do something for me."

"Okay." Ner'zhul said without hesitation.

The mysterious man smiled, "You haven't asked me what I want you to do. What if it's something you can't do? Your answer seems very insincere."

Ner'zhul snorted, "There's nothing I can't do."

"Besides finding the Heart of Xal'atath?"

Ner'zhul's face suddenly darkened - in fact, his face was originally dark, but now it became even darker. Although they only exchanged a few words, for some reason, he felt an inexplicable desire to have sex with the human in front of him. An impulse.

"...Do you still want to trade?"

"Hahahaha, don't get excited. I was just kidding you. Of course you can do what I want you to do, otherwise I wouldn't have come to you. I will tell you the heart of Xal'atath right now. 's whereabouts.

The Heart of Xal'atath is inside the Golden Tree, and inside the body of the light-forged beast Eldon. "

"You're kidding me!" Ner'zhul was furious, and the power of the void spread out like a substance, and even the light in the entire tavern became dim.

The walls and roof of the tavern made a creaking and twisting sound. All the guests in the tavern stood up in fear, and the brave ones had already fled.

Of course, Ner'zhul had reason to be angry. Although he had little communication with other countries in the alliance, he still knew about the Golden Tree. It was a world tree infused with the Holy Light. It was located in the city of Lordaeron and was the core of the Golden Dynasty. That golden tree element contained extremely powerful power of holy light, and the holy light it emitted could be felt even by Ner'zhul thousands of miles away.

The Holy Light and the Shadow are mortal enemies, so Ner'zhul pays a lot of attention to the Golden Tree.

He has already planned it. Once he transforms into the Will of the Void and prepares to corrupt the world, the Golden Tree will undoubtedly be his enemy. Going there will undoubtedly be a volcano hitting an iceberg, and the world will inevitably collapse.

If he had transformed into the Will of the Void, Ner'zhul would certainly not be afraid of a mere golden tree, but in his current state, it would be a bit dangerous to go to the golden tree.

What's more, when you hear the name Eldorn, the Lightforged Beast, you will know that it is some kind of powerful holy light creature. The Heart of Xalatath is the heart of the ancient god. How could it be in that thing?

This lie is simply too outrageous.

"Hey hey hey, don't get excited. Can I make up such an obvious lie? You have served the ancient gods for so long, and you have absorbed a lot of shadow power and void knowledge. Don't you still understand the principle of twins of light and shadow?

The shadow is the holy light, and the holy light is the shadow. Light and shadow are two sides of the same body. Where there is light, there must be shadow. The greater the light, the greater the shadow. The reason why you can't see it is that the light is too bright. It's just dazzling, but once the light fades, what's left is unfathomable darkness.

I've said everything that needs to be said, it's up to you whether you want to go or not. "The mysterious man said, picked up the wine glass and drank it in one gulp, then turned and walked outside.

"Wait a minute, you haven't said what you want me to do for you."

The mysterious man waved his hand, "It's not too late to wait until you get the Heart of Shadow."

Ner'zhul looked at the mysterious man's disappearing figure with a solemn expression.

The power of shadow in his body stirred again, reminding him that time was running out.

It seems that I must take a trip to Lordaeron.


Return home. Murphy entered the game again.

I haven't been online for seven days, but I still have to fulfill my responsibilities as the Dragon God.

But Morpheus's promise may be temporarily put on hold.

Mo Fei knew very well that although Wang Xuan's words were polite, the warning in them was very obvious. It was not difficult to understand. Even for the most superficial reasons, a game GM would not allow a player to exceed the system limits. of gamers are messing around in the game.

A god really going crazy can turn the game upside down.

Wang Xuan warned him, which was exactly what the title meant.

Although Murphy cared about his promise to Morpheus, he was not willing to fight for it.

If it was an ordinary opponent, that would be fine, but facing a game company that held control, he had to think more.

Sorry Morpheus, it seems our agreement will have to wait for a while.

Before entering the game, Murphy quickly learned about the recent trends in the game.

After the Holy War on Mount Hyjal ended, the players who participated in the war received huge rewards, especially those who persisted until the last moment and finally assisted the group of players who killed Archimonde. They were promoted in levels and promoted in promotions. , those who get equipment get equipment, it can be said that everyone who survives has huge gains.

Among them, the one who gained the most was Emperor Shenwu. The video of him transforming into a centaur giant and fighting Archimonde on the battlefield was reposted on major websites, which greatly boosted his popularity. Even the share price of Haotian Group rose accordingly. A wave.

However, those players who died were out of luck, and most of them couldn't even get back the drops from their corpses, so they lost all their money.

Many people found that the equipment they dropped later mysteriously appeared in the auction house. It was obvious that someone had made a fortune.

Among them, Jian Wuhen is considered to be the biggest suspect. During the battle against Archimonde, this guy never showed up except for wearing a Death Mark. It is very likely that he went to touch the corpse and pick up equipment.

Some people even jointly reported it, but the official response from the game was that Jian Wuhen did not violate the game rules at all, so they would not intervene.

Therefore, Jian Wuhen is likely to become the second winner of this plot event.

After the Battle of Mount Hyjal, although the Burning Legion was defeated, the demons were not completely eliminated. Many demon lords used various methods to escape the battlefield and took away a large number of surviving demons.

Among them are Diapineapple and the three brothers Memphito and Barr.

Today these demon lords have established many demon-themed replicas on various continents throughout the world of Azeroth.

What evil fire abyss, devil's canyon, hell temple...

Since the coalition forces also suffered losses and participated in the war, and these demon lords usually hid in dangerous underground cities, the army could not play a role, so the coalition forces had to temporarily stop the pursuit.

Instead, they each recruited adventurers to hunt down these demon lords.

Nowadays, these dungeons have become popular areas for leveling and equipping, and the adventurers are quite happy.

The biggest losers in this battle are undoubtedly Godwin and Ba Dao Wuqing. The two left the battlefield on the eve of the final battle, which caused a huge impact on their reputation. Coupled with the increase in the number of participants in the battle, it can be said that their reputation has increased and decreased. Big loss.

However, Godwin also found a suitable reason to explain his retreat - because the tribal chief Ba Dao ruthlessly left suddenly, Godwin was worried that this was a plot by the tribe to launch an attack on Alliance 0, so he had to withdraw from the battlefield to avoid The Alliance was backstabbed by the Horde.

Ba Dao Wu Wu also found a similar reason. Because of the sudden departure of Alliance King Godwin, Ba Dao Wu Wu was worried that the alliance would stab the tribe in the back, so he had to leave.

Both accused the other of withdrawing from the battlefield first, and used this as a reason to persuade their subordinates within the faction. Temporarily stabilized the interior.

Murphy very much doubted that the two guys had negotiated.

But the biggest news in the game is undoubtedly the emergence of god template players.

Murphy transformed into the Dragon God and defeated Archimonde, which has already caused huge waves in the game. Can players also become gods? No one has ever seen such a game.

This is a god, and even though it is a god in the game, because the game is extremely realistic, the experience of becoming a god is probably not any worse than in reality.

This immediately made the players excited.

There are all kinds of reactions.

Some people scolded the game company for operating behind closed doors. They must have secretly sold the god templates to internal players. Dragon God Aidandron was the game company's trustee and an internal employee of the game company - this guess almost came true.

Some people began to look for ways to become gods, digging into Mo Fei's past gaming experiences and even finding out about the underground caves leading to Tianfeng. Unfortunately, they were destined to be unable to replicate Mo Fei's successful experience.

Some players tried their best to contact the company, and even collectively petitioned to open the god templates to players - they are probably rich people who are not short of money.

Others are collectively willing to ask the game company to block Dragon God's account. The reason is naturally that it destroys the balance of the game.

There are even many live broadcast platforms and advertising companies that have begun to contact Murphy, wanting to cooperate with him to be an anchor or a spokesperson for an advertising company.

It made Murphy a little annoyed.

Murphy was not surprised by this result, but he did not intend to respond.

After understanding the game consultation during this period, Murphy entered the game.

As soon as I went online, I found that the private message channel was bombarded with a lot of private messages.

Murphy deleted all the messages he didn't know, leaving only messages from acquaintances. The first one was from Godwin.

Godwin: Damn it, Brother Aidan, I heard that you have become a god? real or fake?

Godwin: Brother Aidan, if it's convenient, let's get together and discuss the game experience.

Godwin: Brother Aidan, why haven't you been online recently? I have something to do with you. Please go online and get back to me.

Godwin: Oh, brother Aidan, you are finally online. If you have time, come to Lordaeron.

(End of this chapter)

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