Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 594 Oath of Light

Chapter 594 Oath of Light

Looking at the few private messages sent by Godwin, Murphy felt something in his heart.

He calculated secretly in his mind, thinking that it was about time that that thing happened.

Since taking control of time, Murphy has made some observations on the timeline of this world.

No one can resist the temptation to see into the future. Since we have the ability to observe the future, we naturally have to figure it out.

However, after observing, Murphy discovered that the power of time does not allow him to completely predict everything that will happen in the future. Time is inherently full of uncertainty, and having the power of time only allows him to see the various possibilities he will encounter in the future. , each certainty extends to a different future direction, and each future route derives more uncertainty...

The longer time goes by, the more uncertainty there will be, and the future will be harder to predict.

Only in a short period of time, before the timeline is extended, is it basically predictable.

But then Murphy discovered another huge bug in this ability to predict the future - that is, the player was completely invisible in all the extensions of the timeline.

In other words, this prediction ability cannot deduce the impact that players have on the world, so the predicted results are naturally not too accurate.

This makes Murphy quite disappointed. Fortunately, some huge historical events in the short term, which are not easily changed, can still be predicted.

These included the four natural disasters, and the third natural disaster was about to take place in Lordaeron, but he could not confirm the way it would be staged.

Anyway, it would be nice to be able to witness the disaster with your own eyes.

Mo Fei did not intend to take action to prevent the disaster. Wang Xuan reminded him that as a god, he should not be too deeply involved in these matters. Saving the world should be left to the heroes and adventurers. .

Secondly, if the version BOSS does not appear, he will not be able to seize the opponent's authority. The third disaster should correspond to the void camp, and he has not yet obtained the void authority.

Therefore, Murphy made up his mind to observe the progress of the incident secretly. When disaster strikes, the heroes and adventurers follow the script and fight the version BOSS for 300 rounds. When he is about to be overthrown, he appears to reap the power of authority.

This saves trouble and avoids attracting the attention of game companies.

Aidan: I'll be there right away.

Ten minutes later, Murphy had arrived at the palace of Lordaeron.

He arrived through teleportation magic, and Wang Xuan's warning was still ringing in his ears. Mo Fei naturally would not deliberately look for trouble. He moved the scene through teleportation as a mortal, and the noise he caused was much smaller.

Murphy usually just acts as Prince Aidan.

As long as I don't admit the identity of the Dragon God, that's fine. If that doesn't work, just say that I'm possessed by the Dragon God.

When Godwin heard that Aidan was coming, he hurried out to greet him.

"Hahaha, Brother Aidan, you are finally here. I have been waiting so hard for you."

Mo Fei looked at Godwen speechlessly, thinking to himself that this boy was so attentive and had a flattering expression, and he knew without asking that it must be because he became a god.

"What's up?"

"Let's talk when we come in. Let's talk when we come in. The last time I went to Mount Hyjal, Malfurion gave me some night elf wine as a national gift. We just happened to chat while drinking."

With that said, he welcomed Murphy into a living room.

Soon the maid brought fine wine and exquisite meals to the table in the banquet hall.

Murphy was enjoying the delicious food and wine, feeling very relaxed.

He has now become the Dragon God. Apart from slowly increasing his authority level, he basically has nothing to pursue in the game, so he feels very relaxed.

Godwin was not that able to keep his composure, and after a few glasses of wine he couldn't hold it any longer.

Godwin (King of Lordaeron): "I know it might be too much to ask directly, but I still want to ask you, if it's convenient - how did brother Aidan become the Dragon God?"

"Haha, what do I think? That's it. What's the inconvenience of this? In fact, there is nothing to hide. The way for me to become the Dragon God is very simple. I just need to complete all the original plot tasks. What, you Haven’t you completed the original plot mission yet?”

"Oh, don't mention it. The mission got stuck on the third link." After saying that, he stopped hiding it and directly revealed the mission content.

[Heart of the Holy Spirit (original story mission)

Mission content: Fulfill the oath of light and build the heart of the Holy Spirit.

Current progress: 0/8.

Mission introduction: You have successfully completed the mission entrusted by the Supreme Will, spreading the brilliance of the Golden Holy Tree in the world. However, in order to obtain the true power of the Holy Light and become a 'Holy Spirit', you must completely purify yourself. Soul, fulfill the vow of light. Only in this way can your body and soul be in perfect harmony with the Holy Light.

Special note: Completing the original plot mission may involve unknown risks, so please choose with caution. 】

"This bullshit mission doesn't give any hints at all. How to fulfill the Oath of Light is not explained clearly at all. I have been busy for so long and haven't achieved any progress. Brother Aidan, you are someone who has been here. Come and give me the details. chant."

Holy Spirit... It sounds pretty powerful, and this is only the third ring mission. It corresponds to my original mission and should be equivalent to the stage of the Ancient Dragon Road mission.

There will be a fourth stage next, which will be even more powerful.

Maybe he can become a god after completing this task.

Murphy felt a little emotional, and he also felt a little helpless for Godwin. Although his third ring mission was difficult, requiring the dragon hearts of ten ancient dragons, they were all clearly priced, which was a bit baffling for him.

However, it is not that there are no clues at all.

"The progress of the mission is 0/8. In other words, there are eight items in the Oath of Light. Hey - could it be related to the eight virtues of the Paladin?"

The so-called eight virtues of the Paladin are - humility, honor, sacrifice, heroism, mercy, honesty, spirit, and justice.

Generally speaking, a paladin should practice these virtues as much as possible, but it is generally impossible to do them all. In fact, it would be good to do three or two.

Godwin nodded, "I have thought of this too, but how do I put it into practice? During this period, I have also worked hard in various ways, such as helping the old lady cross the road every day, fighting bravely against those evil bosses, and participating in the Inquisition. Tried and did a lot of wanted missions, but it was of no use at all.”

Murphy shook his head, "What you said is too superficial. How can the original plot mission be so simple? First of all, it is most likely to be completed in the plot event to be effective.

Secondly, it must be something that ordinary people cannot do.

For example, when Archimonde attacked the World Tree, everyone knew that fighting him would probably result in death. If you still insisted on fighting him, you might be able to trigger the bright oath of [Bravery].

But if you are just fighting some bosses who are weaker than you, and you have a lot of subordinates around you, how can you possibly connect with [Brave]? "

This is really a bottle that cannot be opened. Godwin's face suddenly looked a bit ugly after hearing this.

This sounds really true.

He explained with some embarrassment, "There is nothing I can do about it. I'm not afraid of death. The key point is that if I die, will the power I have gained disappear? I don't dare to bet on this kind of thing. At that time You’re not here, otherwise it wouldn’t matter if you stayed.”

Murphy shook his head: "If I were here, you wouldn't be considered heroic if you stayed. You can only be considered heroic when you fight against enemies who are stronger than you. Haha, you won't really die, just lose." If you don't dare to participate in a battle of strength, how can you have the nerve to think that you have 'heroic' qualities?

Godwin was stunned for a moment, "So what you're saying is that if I want to complete the Oath of Heroism, I have to challenge a higher level, and I can't have helpers..."

"That's right, and I guess the other characteristics are basically the same.

Have you ever truly treated those NPCs who are inferior to you in status and power as equals and listened to their demands? Provide help?

Have you ever made fearless sacrifices for the safety of others, regardless of your own life? Have you been honest with your soldiers and your people, and told the truth why you fled Mount Hyjal?

Have you ever given up huge benefits for the sake of honor? Do you regard honor as more important than wealth and equipment..."

Godwin's face became more ugly every time he asked a question.

If you think about it carefully, it seems that he doesn't have any of the eight virtues.

In the eyes of players, NPCs are just data, and at most they pay enthusiastic attention to those heroes.

In the eyes of players, the purpose of playing games is to get equipment drops. Of course, every good thing must be grabbed and fought over.

In the eyes of players, only by staying alive can you continue to be free and unrestrained. Of course, you must fight for the battles that you can win. Whoever doesn't run away from the battles that must be lost is not a fool.

Of course, there may be individual players who are more into role-playing, such as those players in Mount Hyjal who are not afraid of death and stay to fight.

But Godwin is definitely not such a person.

He suddenly felt that he might not be able to complete his original plot mission.

Murphy patted Godwin on the shoulder, "The original plot mission is not for you to play as a game, but for you to truly immerse yourself in it. Your behavior and your heart must all practice the beliefs in the mission. , you can fool the system, but you can’t fool yourself.”

"I understand, alas..." Godwin's thousands of words finally turned into a long sigh.

"Next time I encounter this situation again, I will never run away again!"

As soon as he finished speaking - boom!

The Royal Palace of Lordaeron suddenly began to shake.

Mo Feixin said that she was here after all. Although she didn't know what happened, she could probably guess it.

Godwin was surprised.

"What's going on? Is there an earthquake?"

He stood up, and suddenly the voice of the Supreme Will sounded in his ears.

His expression suddenly changed, and a listening expression appeared on his face.

After hearing that voice, Godwin's expression suddenly changed.

"I can't rely on you! Something happened to the golden tree. The Supreme Will just gave me a warning. Someone is coming to steal my house!"

After saying that, he walked out and suddenly turned his head after taking two steps.

"Brother Aidan, are you coming?"

Murphy nodded and followed.

The two people walked out of the palace and immediately felt something strange. The leaves of the golden tree above their heads were falling in pieces, and the sky was filled with golden leaves.

The violent vibrations came from the huge trunk of the golden tree.

Godwin grabbed one of the attendants.

"Ask Uther to gather his troops immediately and go to the Golden Tree!"

After Godwin finished speaking, wings of light appeared behind him and flew towards the golden tree.

Murphy followed closely behind.

It was clearly noon at this time, but the light of the golden tree, which was so bright in the past, became slightly dim at this time.

The two of them walked quickly and soon came to the foot of the golden tree. There was a gap in the middle of the trunk, but at the end of the gap was a golden light curtain.

Around the gate of the golden tree, dead golden guards were lying everywhere.

These were all seventy-level elites, and they were all killed silently, which showed that the invaders were very powerful.

The two of them walked into the light curtain one after another.

As soon as he entered the golden tree, Murphy saw the origin of the mutation. A huge creature he had never seen before was fighting a twisted humanoid creature exuding the power of the void.

The shape of that huge creature is very strange.

The dark body has veins and nerve structures that look like gold. Its body is transparent. The sides of the spindle-shaped body are covered with weird fins and tentacles. The head is a hemisphere protruding from the neck. At the top of the golden neural network is a strange skull that looks like the sun.

The whole body exudes a dim golden holy light.

'Lightforged Beast' Eldon (Guardian of the Golden Tree): World-class fifth-level BOSS, level 99, HP 495000.

The world-level fifth-level BOSS is supposed to be quite powerful, but at this time, it has no ability to resist the attack of the humanoid creature. It is constantly bombarded by void magic, and the power of holy light emanating from it is also constantly is getting darker and darker.

But his opponent, Mo Fei, also recognized him by the name on his head.

Ner'zhul (The Void Destroyer): The fourth-level BOSS of Destruction, level 134, HP 1965000.

It turned out to be him...

However, Murphy could tell that Ner'zhul was not using all his strength. He seemed to be using shadow magic to continuously consume the power of holy light in the light-forged beast.

Although the light-forged beast's blood volume is still very high, the power of the holy light in its body is almost exhausted.

"Holy shit, World Destruction Level 4, are you kidding me!" Godwin was immediately frightened.

Although he is now a legendary hero, he is only one of the legends. Moreover, heroes have to rely on group fights to win BOSS. With so many people fighting Archimonde together, he is scared. Now he will face another hero of the same level. BOSS, he was naturally frightened.

“Brother Aidan—let’s go together!”

Mo Fei shook his head: "Don't you want to fulfill the oath of Holy Light? Now is the best time. Don't be afraid when facing evil. Be brave to face him. I think as long as you are brave enough to face Neo Zu, even if you can't win, you can at least fulfill your vow of [bravery].

If I go up, the nature will change. "

After hearing this, Godwin was stunned. This...

He glanced at Ner'zhul, who was concentrating on consuming the Lightforged Beast, and then at Aidan, who had a calm expression on his face - he was indeed a god, and he didn't even blink when facing the world-destroying fourth-level BOSS. .

Damn it, in order to become a god - I also fought hard!

"Holy Light, give me power!"

Golden heavenly weapons appeared around Godwin. He waved the golden sword of law in his hand and spread his wings of holy light to kill Ner'zhul.

(End of this chapter)

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