Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 595 The Will of the Void Arrives

Chapter 595 The Will of the Void Arrives

While Murphy was talking to Godwin, Ner'zhul also noticed the sudden appearance of the two men.

Realizing that his actions had been discovered, Ner'zhul immediately increased his output.

Various shadow magics frantically greeted the light-forged beast Eldon, blasting this sacred beast covered in golden light with golden light, and the holy light dimmed.

The shadow energy almost drowned it. Although Ner'zhul's output was fierce, he did not kill him. If he had really killed the holy light beast in front of him, he would have succeeded long ago. His real purpose was to force the opponent to use up all the energy in his body. The power of holy light then fell into the void.

Only in this way can he peel out the Heart of Xal'atath from the giant beast.

Seeing the holy light on Erdon's body gradually dissipating, and the darkness in his huge body becoming more and more abundant, almost completely swallowing up the golden light spots in his body, Godwin wielded the Golden Law Sword to kill him.

"Get away you bastard." Ner'zhul roared in an inhuman voice. He could finally achieve perfection and would never allow anyone to stand in his way.

C'Thun - Heed my call!

A huge shadow suddenly appeared out of thin air, blocking Godwin's face.

It was a monster like a mountain of flesh, with a terrifying huge eyeball on its huge body staring suddenly at Godwin.

This phantom of the ancient god made Godwin dumbfounded.

Fake, fake, must be fake!

However, the next second, the huge eyeball shot an eye full of destructive aura towards Godwin.

C'Thun's Eye of Destruction!

Godwin quickly blocked the Golden Law Sword in front of him - Boom!

The powerful energy sent him flying backwards. Although he blocked the blow, he could not make any progress.

What's even worse is that the powerful power of shadow continues to consume and wear down the heavenly weapons on his body.

no! You can't go up any more, you'll die!

Godwin immediately felt a desire to retreat. He stood at the starting point and mobilized the power of the Holy Light to repair the sacred armor on his body to avoid being blasted by the eye, but he did not dare to move forward any further.

However, at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded in Godwin's ears.

Supreme Will: "Quick, he is consuming the power of Eldon's Holy Light. You must stop him before the power of Holy Light is exhausted. Use all your strength. Don't be afraid, don't shrink back. The Holy Light is with you." exist!"

(Damn it, the boss has finally made some move, hurry up and take action.)

Supreme Will: "Due to some special reasons, I am unable to appear physically now. You must defeat that monster independently. This is the test of your incarnation as the Holy Spirit!"

(You say it's easy, but what should I do to win? I can't beat him at all.)

Supreme Will: "Don't worry, there is a way to defeat him. That monster has almost reached its limit. As long as you feed yourself to Eldon and let it swallow the power of your holy light, Eldon will become If you are extremely powerful, you can completely defeat this enemy.

Tell me Godwin, my beloved, do you have the courage to sacrifice yourself? Do you have the fearless spirit to devote yourself to justice? ? "


(Is there no other way?)

Supreme Will: "There is no other way."

(Then if I die, can you resurrect me later?)

Supreme Will: "No, your soul, your body, your will will be integrated with Eldorn, but this is necessary. If the monster is allowed to succeed, the entire Lordaeron will fall into darkness, you None of my people will be spared, and even I will temporarily lose my power. As a king, as a dependent of the Holy Light, you must do this - what are you waiting for!"

(Zinima, I won’t do this, I’ll sacrifice you to paralysis!)

Godwin cursed in his heart.

Are you kidding me?

Supreme Will: "...Is this your choice...Godwin, you...hehe, let's do's too late..."

The sound was intermittent, like a radio whose signal was not working, and finally became silent.

At the moment when the sound disappeared, Eldon's power of holy light was finally exhausted. The center of its huge body, which exuded warm holy light, had been completely engulfed by darkness and turned into a pure black distortion. The monster's originally sacred and pure body was now exuding the terrifying power of void corruption. Its dorsal fins and tentacles were squirming and growing twisted, and its hemispherical head rapidly expanded and extended into a weird and ferocious head of flesh and blood. Huge whirlpool-like sharp teeth filled the intestine-like mouth, surrounded by countless blinking eyeballs.

The name also changed——

'Void Beast' Xal'atath (Elder God of the Ancients)...

Ner'zhul was overjoyed that he had finally succeeded. As long as he swallowed its heart, he would achieve perfection.

Ner'zhul: "Now, I command you to surrender to me, Xal'atath, to your master, to complete your original mission, to peel off your flesh and blood, to sacrifice your essence, and to give up your abominable life. , turn it into a sacrifice that descends from the void!"

Ner'zhul said ferociously, he suddenly felt something was wrong.

When did I become the master of Xal'atath?

So what is the original mission?

Why do you say that?

These words did not come from what he was thinking at all, but came out of his mouth as if they were pre-set contents.

Not quite right!

But the energy raging inside his body left him no time to think too much.

As if he felt something, the power of the void in Ner'zhul's body wanted to leave his body restlessly.

And in front of his eyes, the 'Void Beast' Xal'atath actually began to tear apart his own body. Its body composed of filthy flesh and materialized shadows rolled outwards crazily, peeling off layer by layer. , a dark and deep black sphere appeared in the monster's body. Surrounded by the blood of shadow, it absorbed all the light around it, like a black hole.

Ner'zhul couldn't hold it any longer, so he grabbed the sphere and swallowed it.

His body stiffened suddenly, and the body under the black robe squirmed wildly. His eyes were covered by darkness, and a terrifying roar came from his mouth. The voice was low and emotionless, as if it came from another world.

"I am finally complete. I have finally returned. After tens of thousands of years of dormancy and tens of thousands of years of division, now with this mortal body and mortal hands, the will of the void has finally reached perfection. I will rule this world, I will By corrupting this planet, my will will cover all things and transform the physical universe into a new dark realm of void! Since I am, I am—the will of the void!"

"No! I am the will of the void, I am Ner'zhul, I am..."

"Hehehehe, Ner'zhul... little orc priest, you should feel lucky to be able to become the carrier of the will of the void and the cornerstone of my coming. This is your glory and your destiny."

" shouldn't be like this...this shouldn't be my...fate!"

Finally, Ner'zhul's body stopped squirming, and the essences of the five ancient gods merged into one. Black-purple cracks appeared on his face, and his body exploded in an instant. The flesh and blood skin was annihilated, and the bones were destroyed. Hejinluo only stayed for a few seconds before being completely annihilated in the pure shadow energy.

Ner'zhul's last form also disappeared, and the dark power expanded in all directions, filling the entire golden tree's interior instantly.

A dark, fuzzy humanoid figure appeared where Ner'zhul disappeared.

C'Thun's phantom disappeared, but everything was settled.

Godwin looked at all this in horror. The heavenly armor on his body continued to dim and fade, and the fear in his heart seemed to be intuitively reflected in his state.

It was not until a ball of evil energy shield protected him that he was not directly swallowed by the void.

Murphy also put on a evil energy shield for himself. Evil energy and shadow are both evil energies, but their properties are completely different. Although it cannot directly offset shadow damage like Holy Light, it can isolate it.

The dark human figure looked at Murphy.

Void Will: "Let me see who this is, Dragon God? I didn't expect that it was you who beat me into another form tens of thousands of years ago, and when I came back, I faced the same you, but this time, you There will be no chance.”

Mo Fei looked at the dark figure in front of him calmly, just like the will of the void he had seen in his dream.

The will of the void finally appeared.

Murphy looked at the dark figure in front of him.

Will of the Void (????), level? ? ? ? ,life value? ? ? ?

Sure enough, the will of the void exists beyond the control of the system and cannot be easily quantified.

This is the same as him.

Murphy was weighing each other's strengths. The previous Ner'zhul had great power even if he died, and it was still torn apart, but the Void Will in front of him probably had great power.

However, the current Will of the Void should not be as powerful as the one that just arrived tens of thousands of years ago. After all, it was crushed by the Dragon God and was just resurrected after tens of thousands of years, so it should not be complete yet.

However, he, the Dragon God, is not much different. After all, he has only ascended not long ago. If there is a fight, it is really difficult to say who is stronger.

Aidan (Dragon God): "We will come to an end, but not now. Your mission has not been completed yet. When the fate comes to an end, I will come and end it with you. Let's go to Godwin."

Will of the Void (????): "Hahaha, are you feeling scared too? Then run away. My power will become stronger and stronger. Soon you will no longer be able to stop me. As for you Godwin, you Why should you leave? The mission I gave you can still continue, but in a more relaxed way."

"The mission you gave me? Are you - the Supreme Will?" Godwin suddenly asked. "I know, twins of light and shadow!"

The voice of the Supreme Will disappeared. The name of the Void Will was so similar to the Supreme Will. Coupled with the words of the Void Will, he immediately made an association.

Will of the Void (????): "Yes, I am the Supreme Will, and the Supreme Will is me, but that is just a false disguise of mine. Now that the real me has returned, the void and shadow are me. The true entity of the Light will no longer be able to capture me.

I understand your heart very well. You are simply unable to fulfill the tasks assigned to you by the hypocritical Holy Light. The oath of the Holy Light is meaningless.

humble? Why should a god care about what mortals think?

honor? That is just a hypocritical lie used to deceive the world.

sacrifice? Hahahaha, life is inherently selfish. Only by strengthening yourself can you reach the peak of power.

heroic? When facing someone stronger than you, you should learn to obey in order to survive.

mercy? The real world is cruel, and all life will eventually perish, without exception...

Abandon those false oaths, join the void, join my command, become a member of the void camp, I will give you real power, serve me, obey me, you will become stronger than ever, abandon your pathetic form , abandon your fragile body, become one with the shadow, and become the true incarnation of darkness! "

[System prompt: Due to plot changes, your original plot mission [Heart of the Holy Spirit] has changed. You can reselect the current mission route.

Choice 1: Stick to the oath of the Holy Light, and fight for justice no matter how desperate you are. Your [Heart of the Holy Spirit] mission is changed to [Awakening the Holy Light] - Goal: Defeat the Will of the Void and reawaken the Supreme Will.

Choice 2: Abandon the oath of the Holy Light, join the Will of the Void, and become a member of the Void camp. Your [Heart of Holy Light] mission is changed to [Return to the Void] - Goal: Assist the Will of the Void in corrupting the Golden Tree and converting Lordaeron. Transformed into the realm of void and shadow. 】


Godwin was stunned.

Awakening the Holy Light? This void will can actually turn into the supreme will again? But it feels so difficult.

This is more difficult than killing directly.

Return to nothingness? This task is very simple, just kneel down and it seems that the power you get in the end is not bad, judging from the task introduction.

Godwin: Aidan, what should I do? Godwin hurriedly sent a private message to Murphy to ask for his opinion, and at the same time sent the task content to the private message channel.

Murphy was also stunned, he didn't expect such a change.

Returning to the void... It seems that Lordaeron will not be able to escape this disaster, and it will be even worse than in history.

Historically, it was turned into a kingdom of the undead by Arthas, but now it has become a kingdom of void and shadow...

But he didn't advise anything.

Aidan: Godwin, this is the path you are going to take, and you have to make your own choice.

Will of the Void (????): "Is there anything else that needs to be considered? Godwin, I can know your heart. You are not material for cultivating the Holy Light at all. You desire power and are afraid of death. That hypocritical guy cannot give it to you. , but I can give you...

Join the void, embrace the tranquility of darkness, embrace the power of shadow, turn Lordaeron into a paradise of void, a sanctuary of shadow, and let your people return to the void with you! "

"No!" Godwin suddenly gritted his teeth and roared.

"Maybe I'm not brave enough, nor humble enough, I don't have the determination to sacrifice myself, nor do I have the honor that a king should have, but at least I know what is right and what is wrong.

I will never bow to evil, supreme will, I know you still exist, I will wake you up, and I will strip away the power of shadow that corrupted you! "

Will of the Void (????): "Haha, miserable mortal, you still made the stupidest choice after all, so be it!"

The power of shadow turned into dozens of dark energy waves and surrounded Godwin from all directions.

Murphy waved his hand - Chaos Storm!

The flames of chaos ignited instantly and collided with the power of shadow, making a violent explosion.

So strong!

As soon as they met, Mo Fei immediately felt the pressure.

The power of this guy has definitely reached the level of great authority, and at this time, the entire golden tree has been corrupted, exuding powerful shadow power, and now it has become the home of the Will of the Void.

However, it is not easy to defeat the opponent, but it is not that difficult to leave.

"It's time to go Godwin."

As he spoke, Murphy fired back a wave of chaotic flames, burning through the entrance of the golden tree. He grabbed Godwin and the two of them flew out.

(End of this chapter)

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