Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 596 Dark Judgment Day

Chapter 596 Dark Judgment Day

The two rushed out of the corrupted golden tree. Once outside, Murphy immediately discovered that it was not just the inside of the golden tree that was corrupted.

At this moment, the originally bright and gorgeous golden trunk of the golden tree has turned into a strange color of half black and half gold. Gold and black are constantly conflicting and blending, as if the Holy Light and Shadow are fighting for control of this giant tree.

However, in the end, the shadows gained the upper hand. The brilliant light cast by the golden tree now turned into a dark shadow. The huge shadow covered the entire city of Lordaeron. The golden leaves turned into pitch-black rotten leaves, like pitch-black leaves. Mold rain fell from the sky, shrouding the city of Lordaeron in a strange black mist.

Not only that, the entire territory of Lordaeron was already covered with small golden trees. These were branches extending from the roots of the golden trees in various places, but now they have become tentacles of the void.

The power of shadow continues to spread along the roots. The large and small golden trees in the city turn into the color of shadow one after another, spreading the evil power of darkness.

The priests of the Church of Light, the paladins of the Knights of the Silver Hand, and a large number of civilians who practiced the Holy Light all noticed something strange at this time. There was an ominous atmosphere in the air, and the corrupt power falling from the sky eroded their consciousness and corrupted them. Their flesh and blood.

Some people tried to summon the power of the Holy Light to fight this corruption, but found that they could not feel the power of the Holy Light at all, and only horrible whispers and whispers responded to them.

There were already bursts of screams and wails in the city.

The only ones who are ecstatic are the shadow corruptors imprisoned in the prison. In the past period of time, corrupted people caused by improper cultivation of Holy Light have been appearing in the city of Lordaeron. These people are all imprisoned in the prison. Now they But I felt the call from the void.

"How could this happen! How could this happen!"

Looking at the decaying leaves falling in the sky, looking at the gradually blackening golden trees, looking at the crying and screaming from the city, and listening to the shrill shouts of the corrupted citizens of Lordaeron, Godwin already looked panicked.

Mo Fei is not surprised. Light and shadow are twins. The more powerful the Holy Light is, the more terrifying it will be when it falls.

If the Will of the Void does this, the entire Lordaeron may fall.

Godwin looked at him suddenly, as if grasping the last straw.

"Brother Aidan, help me! Save my kingdom and help me defeat the Will of the Void. As long as I can save my country, I can promise you anything. Do you want money? I can give you 100 million, no. One billion!”

Murphy shrugged, "Sorry, I can't do it."

"I see, you don't need money, right? Yes, now you are a god!" Godwin seemed to suddenly realize, "It's better than this, as long as you help me this time, I will obey you in the future, and you will be my big brother."

But Murphy still shook his head: "Sorry, no."

"Why!?" Godwin shouted.

Murphy sighed, "After I became a god, I was interviewed by the game company. They gave me some warnings, telling me not to intervene in the plot of the game casually, let alone disrupt their plot planning, otherwise they would ban me. account."

What! ? Godwin couldn't believe it. It was promised a free game and players would create history.

But he immediately realized that this kind of thing was just a propaganda slogan. When could it be taken seriously?

"But you are a god now? Haven't you also gained the power of a god in reality? Isn't that right?"

Murphy nodded very calmly, "Yes, I did gain the power of the gods, but the other party is a game company. Who knows what kind of capabilities they have. If they really want to block my account, then I I won’t cry to death, so I can’t take action easily before I figure out what kind of abilities they have.

Saving you from death is already the limit.

If game companies want to promote the plot they have arranged and attract players into the game, of course they must continue to create disasters and create powerful villain BOSS for players to fight, so the destruction of Lordaeron is inevitable.

But you don’t have to worry. Generally speaking, justice will defeat evil in the end. I suggest you withdraw from the city of Lordaeron first, wait until the new expansion pack is released, and then you can gather heroes and adventurers and fight back. "


Godwin clenched his fists. Was he, the king, always the cannon fodder written in the script?

He understood that what Murphy said was right. There was no way to judge how powerful the game company was.

He can only follow the script assigned to him by the game company. If Tou Tie wants to forcefully fight against the Will of the Void, he has no chance of winning.

At this moment, the sound of horse hooves brought him back to reality.

But Uther was leading a large number of paladins to arrive here, and immediately saw this terrifying scene.

"Your Majesty, what happened!" Uther dismounted and asked in shock and anger.

Godwin took a deep breath, "The Will of the Void, a powerful evil god from the Shadow Void, has corrupted the Golden Tree! And plans to use the evil power of the Void to corrupt the entire Lordaeron."

"What!" Uther looked shocked, "We should rush into the golden tree immediately, destroy the will of the void, and take back the golden tree!"

Godwin shook his head, "No, Lordaeron is hopeless. Our strength alone cannot save this country. We must retreat immediately and evacuate the surviving people as much as possible."

Uther still wanted to persuade, but at this moment, a strange singing sound suddenly came from the sky.

Everyone looked up and saw that the huge crown of the Golden Tree had completely turned black. In the dark shadows, silhouettes of knights emerged. With dark wings on their backs, they sang desolate elegy, rising from the sky. They flew by in groups, spreading the shadows farther away.

Those fallen holy spirits are flying everywhere. They were all heroic spirits who once entrusted their souls with the golden tree, but now they have fallen with the golden tree.

Seeing this scene, Godwin strengthened his determination.

"Quick, evacuate immediately! Rescue as many survivors as possible."

With an order, the knights quickly changed direction and headed towards the outside of the city, but Murphy had quietly flown into the sky, witnessing everything from the perspective of a bystander, and only providing assistance when necessary.

At this moment, the city of Lordaeron has become a purgatory on earth.

Countless citizens have been corrupted by the fallen leaves from the sky. In fact, not everyone has been corrupted. The more one practices the Holy Light, the easier it is to become the target of those corrupted fallen leaves.

Due to the golden tree, almost everyone in Lordaeron cultivates the Holy Light. However, because the threshold is too low, a large number of practitioners simply do not have the mental toughness to control this power.

At this time, as long as there is a little influence of the power of shadow, it will be easily corrupted.

Only those paladins and priests with strong minds can resist this erosion. Of course, there are a few people who are completely incompatible with the Holy Light. Because they cannot practice the Holy Light, they are spared at this time.

But although they were able to avoid being corrupted for the time being, they couldn't stand the fact that they were surrounded by corrupted residents. Each of these corrupted citizens had deformed lesions on their bodies, giving them the ugly and grotesque appearance unique to void creatures.

The power of Holy Light in their bodies has turned into the power of shadow at the same level. For these void-corrupted humans, those normal people have become natural enemies.

Corrupting or killing them is the only goal of these corrupt humans.

There was fighting everywhere, with survivors fighting and retreating through the city streets, or being slain and devoured by the Corrupted.

Or they barely escape with their lives, but will soon face more enemies.

The entire city of Lordaeron is simply a huge biohazard scene.

Godwin led the Knights of the Silver Hand to kill all the way out of the city along the King's Road. Their team was all high-level paladins. Almost all of them had strong and tough minds, and each one of them could release the Holy Light. With their strength, they became a rare light in this dark world, and survivors continued to rush over to join them.

Godwin also sent several high lords to continuously rescue survivors from nearby neighborhoods.

"Odin's beard, Godwin, what on earth happened here!" A group of dwarves, led by Muradin Bronzebeard, broke out of the dwarf area. Lordaeron is the political center of the alliance, so all forces and races are here. Settlers.

"Don't talk nonsense, come with me and fight out." Godwin had no time to explain.

The Golden Law Sword in his hand kept waving, cutting down the swarming void creatures.

Holy light destroys evil!

A ray of holy light sword energy struck out, creating a gap in the pile of monsters.

Boom boom boom!

An explosion widened the gap, but the court mages gathered together and fought over to join together. Because the mages all practiced magic, almost none of them knew how to use the Holy Light, and they were also the rare group of people who were not corrupted.

"Quick, come with me to create a gap! Paladins, kill!"

Fortunately, the Will of the Void seemed to be busy corrupting the golden tree and did not pursue them. When Godwin led this team of survivors to break out of the city of Lordaeron, thousands of people had gathered around him.

Although there are many people who survived, but compared to those who were buried in that city, they are very few.

As the most prosperous royal capital of the Alliance, Lordaeron has nearly a million residents.

He looked at Lordaeron. The city was completely shrouded in shadow. There was silence in the city, like a dead city.

But Godwin knew that there were countless corrupted humans lurking there, and soon they would form a terrifying army of monsters...

"Your Majesty, we cannot stop. The roots of the Golden Tree are spread across most of the kingdom. We must evacuate the residents of other cities out of the radiation range of the Golden Tree before they are corrupted."

Godwin immediately cheered up. At this time, he had to be more stable. If his mentality collapsed, he would be completely out of luck.

As long as you defeat the Will of the Void and awaken the Supreme Will, there will be a turning point, and you can even complete the original plot mission!


Just as Godwin was leading the survivors to evacuate.

The sound of world announcements also sounds throughout the game

[World Announcement: In 1443 of the Sky Era, Ner'zhul absorbed the essence of the five ancient gods and successfully transformed into the Will of the Void.

Now this powerful evil god from the Shadow Void has descended into the physical universe, appeared in Lordaeron City, the capital of the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and successfully corrupted the Golden Tree. As a result, an unprecedented horrific disaster is about to come.

Most of the residents of Lordaeron were corrupted by the power of the void. King Godwin of Lordaeron only led thousands of survivors to escape the city.

The Will of the Void controls the power of corruption from the Shadow Void, corroding and transforming all living life. It has only one goal, to transform the physical universe into a part of the Shadow Void.

This event was called [Dark Judgment Day] by the survivors of Lordaeron.

This event has been recorded in the Chronicle of the Sky - The Era of the Void. 】

[World Announcement: With the advancement and development of the game plot, the game is about to enter the 2.3 era and launch a new expansion pack [Void Era], which will be launched in the near future.

The terrifying evil god has come to this world, and the enemy from the void has played the prelude to the doomsday. The twisted and corrupted fate is still quietly approaching, and will soon fall on every life in the world of the sky.

Whether it is the Alliance, the Horde, the Dark Night Alliance, or the Undead Alliance, they will all face unprecedented challenges.

Brave adventurers, follow your heroes, protect your kingdom and people, and protect your world.

The relevant information of this expansion pack has been officially updated, and players can log in to the official website to view relevant information.

The following is a summary of the information about the expansion pack:

A new adventure map has been opened - Dark Lordaeron.

The once sacred and majestic Royal City of Lordaeron has now become a kingdom of void and shadow. The golden tree has been completely corrupted by the evil power. The dark power spreads along the roots of the golden tree to every land in the kingdom. Only those who have not been The remote areas benefited by the golden tree still maintain order.

Shrouded in the shadow of the dark golden tree, the city of Lordaeron has become a dark cave where void creatures, faceless men, and corrupted humans gather.

Only the strongest adventurers can find out what's going on here.

The Alliance, Horde, Dark Night Alliance, and Undead Alliance all sent their own reconnaissance troops and established outposts on the edge of the Dark Realm.

Adventurer players can join the investigation force through the recruitment officer of this camp, go to Lordaeron shrouded in darkness, and fight against the evil enemies from the Shadow Void.

A new monster force has been added - the Void Dark Realm.

Power evaluation - invincible.

The leader of the force - Will of the Void.

The Void Dark Realm is the main monster force in the current 2.3 Void Era version, consisting of the Faceless Legion, the Void Invader Legion, and the Corruptor Legion.

Will of the Void is the version BOSS.

Added new player selectable monsters:

Faceless men, void shadow demons, shadow aberrations, flesh crawlers, void walkers, shadow elements, corrupted humans, corrupted dwarves, corrupted elves...

Added new player-optional BOSS:

Void Lord, Faceless Overlord, Shadow Knight Lord, Dark Archbishop...

Added new game mechanics——

Mechanism 1: Whisper of the Void. All intelligent creatures will hear the whispers from the will of the void after entering the territory of Dark Lordaeron. They will make a will judgment every ten minutes. If the judgment fails, they will lose 1-10 sanity points. Each unit has 100 sanity points. , once the sanity value reaches zero, the unit will fall into endless madness (this effect cannot be effective on undead, demons, elements, and mechanical units).

Mechanism 2: Corruption of flesh and blood. During the exploration of Dark Lordaeron and the battle with void creatures, players will randomly accumulate corruption points. Once the corruption value reaches 100 points, the player will trigger a flesh corruption and randomly gain a void ability, and This causes the racial attributes to be skewed towards void creatures by 10%. Players can use holy light or other purification mechanisms to dispel the corruption effects on them after leaving the adventure area.

Once the corruption level exceeds 50%, the player will be irreversibly transformed into a void creature (this effect is also effective for adventurers, but adventurers can clear this effect by dying).

Mechanism 3: Return of the Will of the Void. Will of the Void, as the version BOSS of Sky World 2.3, gains 50% of all attributes, and cannot be killed through normal means (no health value is displayed). When Will of the Void comes to the battlefield, all void creatures receive the [Blessing of the Void] buff. The shadow damage caused is increased by 50%, and health can be quickly restored in the dark.

Mechanism 4: The Redemption of the Holy Light King. Godwin, the Holy Light King who planted the golden tree with his own hands and ultimately caused the disaster, vowed to save his kingdom at all costs.

All adventurers can go to the Holy Light King to receive the Holy Light Protection BUFF. This BUFF can protect players and reduce the effects of all negative mechanisms encountered when adventuring in Dark Lordaeron.

Holy Light King Godwin will also serve as the main plot hero of this version, releasing tasks related to the main plot.

Mechanism 5: Light and Darkness. Now this war has become a battle between light and darkness. Although players cannot kill the Will of the Void through normal means, they can weaken the strength of the Dark Territory of the Void through various methods.

Method 1: Destroy the small golden tree. There are a large number of small golden trees growing in Lordaeron. Now these small golden trees have been corrupted by the void and have become transfer stations for the spread of dark power. Every time a small golden tree is burned, the dark domain of the void can be reduced by 0.1% - 1% force strength.

Method 2: Light up the cathedral. There are a large number of Holy Light churches in Lordaeron. Although these churches have been shrouded in darkness, the seeds of the Holy Light still exist. Help the priests of the Holy Light Church to purify these churches. Each time a church is purified, the Darkness of the Void can be reduced by 1 % force strength.

Method 3: Destroy the Void Lord. There are a large number of Void Lords under the Will of the Void. They are pure shadow creatures and an extension of the power of the Will of the Void. Each void lord eliminated can reduce the strength of the Dark Domain of the Void by 1%-2%.

When the power strength of the Void Dark Realm drops below 50%, the health of the Void Will will be revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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