Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 597 The black hand of invisible control

Chapter 597 The black hand of invisible control

Murphy looked down at the city shrouded in darkness below him. Sporadic battles still occurred from time to time in the deep corners of the city, but they had no impact on the overall situation.

That was the last struggle of a few survivors. There might be one or two lucky ones who escaped, but most of them were destined to become members of the void army.

Lordaeron fell, and in less than a day, this glorious and majestic capital of kings, protected by the Holy Light, fell into a fallen realm of darkness.

Look at the corrupted citizens walking on the streets like zombies.

Watching those priests and bishops embracing the shadow, using shadow magic to open portals one after another, summoning a large number of void creatures into the world.

Seeing the shadow energy spurting out from the golden tree, it continues to spread and expand.

This shocking sight made Murphy silent for a while.

He was suspended above the sky, watching this horrific scene with cold eyes.

"Haha, I didn't expect you to actually hold back and not take action."

A voice suddenly sounded from beside him.

Mo Fei knew without guessing that it was Wang Xuan.

He turned his head and saw Wang Xuan also suspended in the sky, overlooking the city below him.

"I've always kept my promises. Since I said I wouldn't meddle in changing the plot, I will naturally exercise restraint. So are you pushing for all of this? The fall of Ner'zhul, the corruption of the golden tree, the corruption of Luo Is the destruction of Danlun all part of your preset script?"

"Yes, how about it? This plot is great, isn't it? Historically, Lordaeron was destroyed by Arthas, who was the crown prince of Lordaeron. Now it is indirectly destroyed by Godwin, who is the king of Lordaeron. .

It was the rulers who personally destroyed the cities and kingdoms they protected.

They were all destroyed in one day.

It also reduced the people of Lordaeron into servants of evil.

It's full of a sense of fate and epicness. Wow, I'm so excited about my genius idea. It's so touching.

Then, naturally, we have to watch our great Holy Light King gather adventurers and redeem his people. Of course, it may also be Prince Arthas who rewrites history and becomes the savior of Lordaeron, as well as other princes and princesses. We, I think many people want to be the chosen one, the savior who saves their own kingdom.

As for who can ultimately save the world, naturally everyone has to rely on their own abilities. Although we as GMs have to control the development of the plot, we still have to leave room for players to play. 'Players create history.' This is not just A slogan, but I have to set this history. "

Looking at Wang Xuan's triumphant expression, Murphy asked slightly sarcastically: "So, does it make you feel satisfied to see the people of Lordaeron reduced to the walking dead?"

Wang Xuan shook his head, "Of course not, I'm not a pervert with a twisted mentality or an anti-social personality.

Of course, I don't feel guilty about what happened. If I want to blame it, just blame them for their bad luck. Who made the plot require their sacrifice? "

"Is this your reason?" Murphy's voice was a little cold.

"Haha, don't pretend to be a saint. Didn't you do nothing? If you really care about their lives, you can stop them. If you go all out, you will be 50-50 with the will of the void. Yes, maybe we can still win.

Even if you intervene in this incident in advance, you may be able to directly prevent Ner'zhul from completing the final ritual.

Don't say it's because of the agreement between us that people like you don't really care about my warning. I guess you just don't care about them that much. "

Murphy nodded and frankly admitted Wang Xuan's speculation, "Yes, I really don't care that much."

Maybe he would have cared in the past, but now, after gaining the power of the gods, he feels calm when looking at those mortals who are as dusty as dust.

Not only because they are all NPCs, but the bigger reason is that for the Dragon God, who has endless life and can foresee the future, mortal life is too fragile. He has already witnessed countless kinds of Luo in his observations of the future. Dan Lun's tragic ending and everything that happened before his eyes was just one of them going on as scheduled.

No matter how tragic the scene is, it will make him feel boring after being spoiled.

"Ha, look, we are all the same kind of people, aren't we? You have also started to think from the perspective of a chess player. Yes, these mortals are just chess pieces on the chess board, sometimes in order to achieve a great goal , some are destined to be sacrificed, and as long as their sacrifice is valuable, it is not a waste of life.

This is the difference between gods and mortals. He who controls his own destiny and the destiny of others is the meaning of powerful power. "

After listening to Wang Xuan's words, Mo Fei asked: "So what is your 'great goal'? It makes you not care about so many victims in front of you. Is it really worth it?" ?”

Wang Xuan smiled mysteriously, "Don't test me, Mo Fei. We have known each other for a long time. I think you should know that I won't say anything now. Why don't you join me? Then you will know everything. Between the two of us, Are you still afraid that I will cheat you?"

Murphy said nothing more, rejecting the invitation and admitting his worries.

Wang Xuan spread his hands helplessly, "Okay, okay, let's not talk about this anymore. The excitement here is over, but there is more excitement to see elsewhere. I know something interesting is happening somewhere. Are you interested in going and taking a look at things?"

Murphy stretched out his hand and made a gesture of invitation.

The two figures immediately disappeared into the night sky.


Two white lights flashed, and two more figures appeared on Dalaran's teleportation circle.

Both of them wore mysterious man's cloaks, making their identities unclear.

Walking out of the teleportation tower and walking on the bustling streets, this glorious magical city is even more lively now. It is obvious that the news of the destruction of Lordaeron has not spread yet - the players all know it, but the way NPCs pass on information But after all, there is a process.

People were coming and going in the city, and there was a warm atmosphere like a festival.

"What happened?" Murphy asked a passing mage.

The mage was about to have a seizure, but was immediately frightened by the aura emanating from Mo Fei, and said in a low voice: "It's a guardian! A new guardian is about to be born, and the Kirin Tor Council will announce the news soon!"

Mo Feixin said that was the case,

It is not difficult to understand the excitement and excitement of the citizens of Dalaran.

The past few years can be regarded as thrilling for the Alliance. First, there was the black dragon disaster, then the orc invasion, then the natural disaster, which once killed the city of Dalaran, and then the demon army intended to destroy the world... Even in Dalaran, Laran is a magical city, a city protected by the powerful power of mages, and people are living in fear.

Facing more and more terrifying enemies and more and more threats,

People generally miss the relatively peaceful era in the past. Although there were trolls, gnolls, murlocs, kobolds and other evil races that posed threats to the alliance at that time, compared with the terrifying enemies they face now, they are simply incomparable. And words.

Moreover, at that time, the guardian Medivh was still the protector of people. Even if a big BOSS appeared occasionally, he would be easily eliminated by Medivh.

This makes it easy for people to associate guardians with safety. Now it is time to create a new guardian to protect everyone.

Everyone was very excited and talking about this new guardian plan.

Outside the Violet Castle, there were crowds of citizens and merchants waiting for news.

Mo Fei and Wang Xuan did not stupidly wait for news outside. Both of them had powerful powers that ordinary people could not perceive, so they entered the Violet Castle quietly.

They used their respective powers to hide their figures and witness the upcoming plot events. Murphy looked towards the candidate platform. At this moment, the two final candidates for the Guardian, Morgan Lisa and Luo Ning, were standing on the platform, waiting for the final result.

Next to them were a group of mages from Dalaran. Murphy also saw Jaina, who had already put on formal French robes.

There was also Khadgar, who must have just arrived from the Watch Keep. He looked a little uneasy and seemed very regretful about missing such a big event as the Guardian selection.

The six-member Kirin Tor Council was on the high platform on the other side, muttering and seeming to be having a heated discussion.

"Hey Ronin, no matter which one of us becomes the guardian, I hope it will not destroy the friendship between us. You are a respectable teammate and a strong competitor. The battle on Mount Hyjal was very good. pretty."

"Thank you, Princess Morgan Lisa, but I don't think you need to be nervous. I think you will probably be the guardian."

Morgan Lisa was surprised, "Oh, why do you say that? Do you have any inside information?"

Luo Ning shook his head bitterly: "Do you even need to ask? You are the princess of Lordaeron, and I am just a civilian mage. Besides, my reputation in the Kirin Tor is not very good. The Guardian is like this How could the heavy responsibility fall on me?"

Morgan Lisa laughed after hearing this, "You are wrong about this. If I lose the election in the end, it may be because of my status as a princess."

Luo Ning was stunned. He had limited understanding of political struggles, but he was still a smart man and could vaguely guess the reason.

Could he really become a guardian?

When he thought of the way Guardian Medivh had cleansed the world and protected the world, he felt excited.

However, thinking about the responsibilities that the guardians have to bear, they feel huge pressure. Luo Ning has always been lazy, so it is inevitable for him to feel nervous about such an arduous task.

Just when Luo Ning was worrying about gains and losses, the six-member council finally made a decision.

In fact, the council's decision had already been made, but in order to avoid giving the impression of being finalized, it deliberately appeared to be arguing.

At this moment, I felt that the heat was almost there, so I was ready to announce it.

Morgan Lisa absolutely cannot become a Guardian. The reason is very simple. Under the protection of the Golden Tree, the power of the Holy Light Church in Lordaeron has completely occupied a dominant position, and the Royal Mage Faction has no influence at all. Word.

And Godwin is the chosen one of the Holy Light, and his dominance is unshakable. In other words, Dalaran's influence on Lordaeron is already very shallow.

Under this circumstance, even if Morgan Lisa is chosen to become the guardian, there is a high probability that it will not change the political structure of Lordaeron, and Morgan Lisa will most likely be coaxed and used by Godwin.

This is equivalent to Dalaran giving a big gift to Lordaeron. How can Dalaran compete with Lordaeron in the future?

Although Luo Ning's reputation is not very good, he is just a civilian mage with a shallow family background, which makes him easy to control. Although he is not the best candidate for the guardian, at least he can add a powerful weapon to Dalaran, which is better than giving him a powerful weapon. It is better for people to make wedding clothes.

Antonidas walked onto the high platform and looked at the two people below with a solemn expression.

"This is a difficult decision, Morgan Lisa, Luo Ning, you two performed very well in the battle of Mount Hyjal. Of course, you were also very heroic in your own way. Unfortunately, he has died in the battle.

But there can only be one guardian. After some discussion, the council finally made a decision. The candidate for the new guardian is——"

"Wait a moment!"

At this time, a mage suddenly ran over in a hurry and whispered a few words in Antonidas's ear.

Antonidas had a solemn and unbelievable expression on his face. He led several other council members to discuss a few words quickly. Murphy could vaguely hear the words "Lordaeron", "Dark Golden Tree" and "Shadow of the Void". words.

The discussion soon came to fruition.

"The candidate for the new guardian is-Morgan Lisa!"

As expected, Luo Ning suddenly sighed in his heart.

Morgan Lisa was stunned, this...

Antonidas walked up to Morgan Lisa.

"Congratulations, Mage Morgan Lisa. Your magic is very powerful and your faith is extremely tenacious, so you are the perfect choice for the guardian."

"Thank you." Morgan Lisa thanked her.

At the same time, the sound of the system sounded in her ears.

[System prompt: Complete the original plot mission [Guardian]...]

"Congratulations to you, Master Morgan Lisa. Please come with me and let us complete the guardian's last rituals. In addition, there is some bad news that I need to let you know."

Morgan Lisa was stunned for a moment, but she still followed Antonidas through the corridor and walked towards the depths of the Violet Castle.

Murphy and Wang Xuan witnessed all this.

Murphy was a little dumbfounded, "It turned out to be Morgan Lisa who became the guardian. Is it because of the great changes in Lordaeron?"

Wang Xuan smiled slightly, "Yes, it was impossible for Morgan Lisa to become a guardian, and Dalaran would never give up such power to anyone.

But now with the destruction of Lordaeron, things have fundamentally changed. The Kingdom of Lordaeron is destined to decline after this incident, and may become a second-rate country within the Alliance. Moreover, as the initiator of all this, Godwin's reputation has suffered. The Holy Light Church was severely damaged, and it almost lost the power of the ninth level.

Today's Lordaeron has become a completely new situation that is falling apart and waiting to be reshuffled.

Let Morgan Lisa become a guardian, which can help her fight for the dominance of Lordaeron. If all goes well, and Morgan Lisa defeats powerful enemies with the help of Dalaran and regains the royal city of Lordaeron, then she is likely to become Queen of Lordaeron, then the mages of Dalaran will inevitably dominate this declining Lordaeron.

And Dalaran will become the new core of the alliance. "

"Did you arrange all this?"

"Ha, I'm not that scheming."

But looking at Wang Xuan's proud expression, one could tell that he was simply giggling.

Murphy saw something different in all this.

First, Godwin's original plot mission changed. The [Spirit of Holy Light] mission that the card owner could not complete was directly transformed into the relatively easy mission [Awakening the Holy Light]. Although it seemed difficult, at least there was hope of completing it.

Godwin even became an important plot hero.

It was simply pushing him forward.

Then Morgan Lisa completed the original plot mission of the Guardian, also under the secret control of Wang Xuan.

It seems that Wang Xuan is pushing the players of the original plot mission to complete their missions.

So what is all this for?

He is selecting the strongest among the players!

No, he is screening his teammates!

Murphy can almost predict that when Godwin and Morgan Lisa complete the final part of the original plot mission, they will definitely receive the Hall of Fame reward and go to the game company to get an invitation from Wang Xuan.

(End of this chapter)

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