Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 600 You are asking for death

Chapter 600 You are asking for death

"Hurry up, he's dying!"

"Where's Output? Output, please pump me hard!"

"Come to me with the fifth regiment, don't let him get out of the battle! The sixth regiment is ready!"

"Are you ready to kill the God of Rising Sun? We are about to enter the killing line. You guys are all ready for me, ready to kill people. You must win this wave of plot kills."

In the past, the quiet and peaceful Felwood Forest was now filled with the shouts of adventurers.

Deep in the forest, a fierce battle was unfolding. The surrounding ground was littered with the corpses of adventurers, spreading along the traces of the forest's destruction.

This is obviously a well-trained adventurer army. Despite heavy casualties, the remaining people did not flinch at all, and they are different from ordinary guilds who like to swarm and rely on more people to make waves.

The guild's tactical arrangements are very coordinated. Only two regiments of people are sent to engage in battle each time, while the remaining people surround the perimeter to prevent the target from escaping, and at the same time, they are always ready to take over the battle.

Although more than one-third of the troops have been lost, the people who command this army of adventurers don't care. Anyway, they are all peripheral members recruited by the studio. They are all new cannon fodder, adventurers of level 30 or 40. If you die, you will die.

Just give me some compensation at most.

As long as you capture this plot character, you can earn back any number of times the income.

He always holds an elite group of fifties and sixties in his hand, ready to defeat them all.

But you have to wait until that person has used up all their ultimate moves before you can move up the queue.

The plot character's roar sounded again in the forest.

"I have been imprisoned for ten thousand years and expelled from my hometown. Now you dare to challenge me. You are seeking your own death!"

With that roar,

A green beam of evil energy swept across, and all the trees were cut into two pieces. Also cut in half were a large number of adventurers who were unable to dodge. The fifth group was completely destroyed!

But the Sixth Regiment, which had been prepared for a long time, immediately rushed to the battlefield.

Illidan gasped and looked at the enemies that were knocked down again and the enemies that rushed out of the forest again. These damn adventurers could not be killed at all.

The power of evil energy gathered around him - the evil fire storm!

Several adventurers were burned to death, and more were blocked from the outside. Although the battlefield was temporarily isolated with magic, Illidan did not relax.

There are still many enemies, especially those assassins hiding in the dark. They are not weak. They are waiting for themselves to reveal their final flaw. Illidan can feel it.

Damn it, it's a pity that I couldn't absorb the power of the Well of Eternity, otherwise how could I be forced by this group of adventurers? Although I learned a lot of evil spells from the Skull of Archimonde, I didn't have enough mana to It's a bit embarrassing to use.

And the opponent was obviously well prepared. As soon as he took action, he sent out several powerful mages and used dimensional anchors to position him so that he could not teleport away.

Then there were waves of encirclement and killing.

The battle continues until now. Although Illidan has killed countless enemies, he is at the end of his strength and his health is about to bottom out.

After all, heroes are not as good as BOSS in protracted battles because they have too little HP.

Should I seek help from that person? Illidan was hesitant. He was arrogant by nature and did not want to seek help from others even when faced with a desperate situation.

While he was hesitating, the evil flame had already been extinguished, and the adventurers who had been waiting outside immediately swarmed in.

"Come on, you bastards, come and face your doom!"

Illidan wielded the Warglaive of Azzinoth, killing the crowd like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

Even at the end of a strong crossbow, it is not something that just a group of adventurers can deal with.

But these adventurers are not afraid of life and death at all. Even if they are chopped down with a knife, they will chop at Illidan with the same knife before death to replace a trace of his health.

Seeing that another group was defeated, the leader waved his hand - "Upon the seventh regiment! The long-range team will suppress it with a wave of firepower!"

There were already a dozen mages in the surrounding trees waiting for extended range casting, as well as a dozen hunters using ultra-long-range shooting. At this time, taking advantage of the neutral position, a wave of fire suddenly came.

Illidan dodged left and right, but was hit in the knee by a spike shot. As soon as he moved slowly, he was immediately hit by a round of concentrated fire.

Damn it, no more hesitation.

Feeling the threat of death, Illidan finally made up his mind that face is not as important as life after all.

"Aidandron, the Dragon God, I, Illidan, pray for your help. If you can hear my voice, answer me."

The Mark of the Dragon God is activated!

This was the mark that Murphy left on him. All the heroes and warriors who participated in Archimonde's final battle received this special treatment.

At this time, more than a dozen swords were slashing at Illidan, and then the next second, a strong wind with Illidan as the core suddenly blew out in all directions.

boom! A circle of adventurers were all blown away by the whirlwind.

what's the situation?

The boss of the studio who led the team was surprised. He knew all about Illidan. He had researched it repeatedly before making the move, and there was no mention of him having storm-type skills at all.

When he looked again, a figure had appeared beside Illidan out of thin air. Looking at the lame demon hunter squatting on the ground, struggling to pull the arrow out of his knee, Murphy asked calmly.

"Need help?"

"Yes, Lord Dragon God, if you are free." Illidan said angrily.

Mo Fei couldn't help but feel happy, this guy is still arrogant at this time.

The big brother who took the lead had already clearly seen the name on Murphy's head.

Huh, 'Mysterious Man?' The boss was slightly startled when he looked at the name on Mo Fei's head. It looked like it was not a normal name. It should be the effect of some special prop. Unfortunately, this mysterious man didn't know where he came from, but he couldn't be careless. He is unwilling to give up the head he got!

A direct order was given, "Everyone, focus all your efforts on Illidan. You must explode his egg knife today! The ultimate team - on!"

With an order, all the reserve troops rushed out of the ambush site, including the elite of the most powerful regiment in his hands.

Hundreds of adventurers from Wuyang Wuyang rushed towards Illidan and the mysterious man.

Mo Fei saw it but didn't care.

The authority of the earth - the bondage of gravity!

The earth made a dull sound.

In an instant, everyone felt a huge force coming from under their feet, and their bodies were instantly as if they were filled with lead and it was difficult to move. Some legal professions with relatively low physical constitution were even directly pressed to the ground.

Arcane authority—Meteor Storm!

Countless stars fell from the sky and bombarded the adventurers.

Murphy did not use his signature skills. He did not want to reveal his true identity. The red dragon thunder was still too eye-catching, so he should use magic to solve the battle.


There were screams and explosions.

The dense meteors are really like a heavy rain, and the dazzling starlight almost lights up the sky.

The leading brother looked at it with a horrified look on his face. Where did this master come from?

Arcane authority—enhanced chain lightning!

Murphy combined the power of the storm with the power of the arcane, and finally shot out a dazzling bolt of lightning that instantly knocked out the remaining dozens of high-level adventurers.

The studio boss was stunned for a moment.

"Oh my God! God of Death, retreat quickly!"

"Humph, don't leave. Now that you're here, stay."

Murphy's Ancient Dragon Eyes had already taken a closer look at the assassin hero hiding in the dark. At this time, he raised his hand and fired the Finger of Death.

Killed in an instant, and then gave the studio boss another shot.

When the smoke cleared, only Murphy and Illidan were left on the battlefield.

"These damn adventurers died well! They didn't work so hard when they fought Archimonde! Lord Dragon God, do you know their origins?"

Murphy nodded, "Don't be surprised. In fact, you are not the first person to be ambushed. Come on, I will take you back to the Sky City. It is still safe there."

After saying that, he couldn't help but teleport away with Illidan.

When Illidan was brought back to the Dragon Temple in the Sky City, he discovered that he was not the first guest in the city.

Arthas, Jaina, Thrall, and several heroes whose names he couldn't name were all gathered here. Most of them were heroes who participated in the Battle of Archimonde, but there were also some strangers.

"This is Sir Roland, this is Prince Anvilmar, and this is Angus, they are all my subordinates.

This is Lord Andrew, this is Duke Bolvar, this is Duke Ravenholdt, this is Archmage Milhouse Manastorm...

I saved them all by the way, and like you, they were also attacked by adventurers. "

Illidan looked at the hero lords of various camps in the hall in surprise, "What is going on? Why do these adventurers suddenly go crazy?"

Murphy sighed, "It's hard for me to explain this question to you. You just need to know that a doomsday disaster has come. In the face of this horrific disaster, no one can escape and no one can survive. But no need Worry, I have thought of a solution, until then, I suggest you stay here."

Illidan nodded depressedly, "Okay, if you need me to do anything, please just ask. I think I can still be of some help." "Of course, I will call you if necessary, but now I There’s still something to be done.”

"Where are you going?"

Murphy smiled slightly, "Looking for some trouble for an old friend."


At this moment - the front lines of Lordaeron.

"Yeah, cheers for Godwin, King of Holy Light!"

"Long live the king!"

"Long live the Holy Light!"

"Long live the boss!"

Godwin looked at the church that was once again emitting holy light, feeling relieved in his heart.

After more than a month of fighting, he finally stabilized the front and gathered enough troops to begin to regain the lost territory.

Those kings and leaders of the alliance still thought that they would kneel down and ask them for help? Hum, there is no need at all. I have money and a studio that is willing to serve me. Even if the Void Army is in front of endless adventurers, it will still be pushed back in the end.

Godwin looked at the corpses of the beheaded void creatures on the ground and felt happy in his heart.

The fact that the battle went so smoothly had a lot to do with the fact that there were no players in the Void camp.

Unlike the Burning Legion, there are few players joining the Void camp this time. This allows Godwin to make full use of intelligence advantages and the power of players to defeat the Void Lords under the Will of the Void.

This is much easier than when fighting the Burning Legion. Because the Burning Legion has a large number of players, it is difficult for the evil game to be effective.

They may even be cheated on.

There is no other reason why this happens. The monster templates of the Void camp are really ugly.

Although the demons of the Burning Legion are relatively ferocious, they can still be considered domineering. There are countless powerful and domineering demons in various shapes, which are still very attractive to male players.

And there are also high-looking races like Eredar, Shivara, and Succubi.

Succubi, in particular, are very popular because they have a very high degree of adjustment in appearance. No matter how ugly a girl is, she can still have a pretty face if she chooses a succubus, and her figure is sexy and attractive to both male and female players. The strength is unusually high.

This results in the Burning Legion having no fewer players than the official camp alone.

In comparison, the monsters in the Void camp are uglier than the last, and they are indescribably ugly. All the humanoid creatures corrupted by the Void are covered in eyeballs, tentacles, flesh, and pustules, which are disgusting to look at.

Void creatures such as Void Walkers and Shadow Demons are all energy bodies with no fixed shape, which are difficult to evaluate.

As for non-mainstream creatures like the Faceless Man, they can be regarded as good-looking in the Void camp. You must know that the nickname of the Faceless Man is "Several Faces". This can become a representative of good looks, and It’s not difficult to imagine how amazing the Void camp’s looks are.

Whether you play games or not, whether you are strong or not is just a matter of one version, but whether you are handsome or not is a lifelong matter.

Otherwise, why would there be so many elven players?

Therefore, as the villain of the version, the Void camp has the strongest monster talents and the strongest attribute bonuses, but there are still not many people joining it, which makes it completely useless.

Now Godwin has begun to launch a counterattack, constantly destroying the lone Void Lords, lighting up the cathedral, and burning the small golden trees. At this rate, in two or three months at most, the health bar of the Will of the Void should be able to show up. By then, the level of adventurers in the entire game will be almost the same. If all the adventurers are gathered, it will be piled up to death.

The task of awakening the Holy Light can probably be completed smoothly.

Godwin was full of confidence, but the Void Will hiding in the corrupted golden tree at this moment was not so happy.

"Damn it, why haven't all these adventurers been killed yet!"

He also participated in several battles, and each time he swept across the battlefield and killed tens of thousands of adventurers, but it seemed to have no impact on the battle situation at all. That damn Godwin could predict his movements in advance every time and avoid them in advance. Sharp edge, specifically picking out areas where he is not available to attack.

Even though he had incredible strength, he still couldn't reverse the decline, which he couldn't understand.

"Old friend, it seems that you are not in a good mood."

A hoarse voice suddenly came from behind him.

The Void Will did not turn around. In fact, its perspective could cover all the surrounding environment. He could clearly see that the person speaking was a Void Lord who had just been pulled over from the Shadow Void.

"Watch your attitude lower down."

"Haha, I didn't expect that you void creatures would be so particular about respect and inferiority. I thought your social form was closer to the insect swarm mind."

Um? The other party's words made Void Will slightly stunned.

"who are you?"

"Why, can't you recognize your old friend after changing your body?"

That tone made Void Will a little stunned, "Are you——Dragon God Aidandron?"

"That's right, I..."

"Die!" The Will of the Void said no nonsense at all. Although he didn't know how the other party controlled the body of his subordinates, he instinctively did not want to talk nonsense to the other party. As soon as he raised his hand, the shadow energy was wildly withdrawn from the Void Lord.

The Void Lord was instantly sucked dry and dissipated, leaving only a pair of bracelets made of shadow crystals that fell to the ground - they were magic items used to solidify the Void Lord's body in the main material world.

"Oh my god, why are you so impatient? I haven't even finished what I said."

Another Void Lord issued that teasing tone.

"You are asking for death!"

The will of the void released its power again, and the second void lord was killed in the blink of an eye.

"Are you so afraid of me? You don't even dare to say anything to me."

This time it was a Shadow Demon King who spoke.

Void Will finally panicked, how could this be possible? His own will shrouded the golden tree, and not a single gray change could escape his perception, but the other party just appeared out of thin air, without any fluctuations in divine power or any recruitment. What on earth was going on?

"How on earth did you do that?"

He looked at the shadow demon in front of him, observing him with the power of shadow.

That's right, it's a very standard Shadow Demon, an energy creature that can be seen everywhere in the Shadow Void.

"Haha, you're talking about this? It's just a little trick."

Of course, he built several trumpets from the Void camp. In order to be able to appear near the Will of the Void when he was born, Murphy also specially created BOSS-level accounts, and he was able to reimburse hundreds of thousands in just a few minutes.

However, the effect was also very obvious, and the Void Will was obviously frightened.

Shadow Deprivation!

Another instant kill.

Tsk, that’s really troublesome.

Returning to the character interface, Murphy deleted the Shadow Demon who had just been killed in the plot, created another corrupted lord, and entered the game.

"I said, enough is enough, you can't kill me."

Shadow Cage!

Flesh and blood peeling off!

Soul capture!

A set of three, looking at the corrupted human soul being extracted from the hand, there is nothing special.

The will of the void was completely numb.

"Can you hear what I have to say now?"

The Void Will looked behind him, and this time it was a Faceless Overseer who spoke.

He didn't take action. The mysterious power of the Dragon God terrified him.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

"Don't be so nervous. I'm not here to trouble you. In fact, I want to talk to you about cooperation."

(End of this chapter)

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