Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 601 Superficial Humans

Chapter 601 Superficial Humans

"Cooperate? Humph, do you think you can deceive me? Just speak up, Dragon God, use your sweet words to deceive me, use your false words to mislead me, but it is meaningless, because no matter what you say, None of the false lies and misleading words can shake my determination to corrupt this world, nor can they stop my will to completely engulf the physical universe."

The Will of the Void slowly floated up into the sky, suspended high in the space within the golden tree, and looked down at the faceless warlord who had been taken away by the Dragon God.

Murphy laughed secretly in his heart. He said something arrogant, but he still flew into the sky and put on a guarded posture. Sure enough, he was still afraid.

Yes, it is obviously impossible to remain indifferent to this kind of operation that is beyond the NPC's cognition using game mechanics.

It's just that Mo Fei is very curious about the existence of the Will of the Void, which is beyond the control of the game system to a certain extent. If he knows that he is just an NPC, he doesn't know what kind of operations he can do.

"Of course, you are the King of the Void with supreme wisdom, the king from the Shadow Void. How can my few words affect you, so it doesn't hurt to listen to what I say, right? Then I will say it."

Void Will made no move, which meant it acquiesced to Murphy's words.

"First of all, let me guess, you plan to use the root tentacles of the golden tree to go deep into the ground and completely corrupt the planet, right?"

Void Will did not answer, but since there was no answer, it was naturally acquiescence.

Murphy easily understood the other party's subtext.

"But your corruption process is obviously not smooth. The roots of the trees need branches and leaves to grow on their own, but the roots of the golden trees that you extend are constantly being destroyed. Those corrupted small golden trees are burned one after another. , am I right?"

"Hmph, some losses are meaningless to me. My power is endless. Under my control, the Void Tree will extend more roots and grow more clones, and eventually it will spread all over this continent, and even The whole world."

Murphy sneered in his heart, what you think is quite beautiful.

In the past few months, the Golden Tree has indeed been growing new small Golden Trees, but they cannot keep up with the rate of destruction. Often when the Will of the Void grows one small tree, two or three will be destroyed.

This is actually equivalent to a tug-of-war between the light camp and the dark camp, but in this tug-of-war, the light camp has an absolute advantage due to the presence of extra-dimensional creatures like players.

Although the Will of the Void is powerful and can kill tens of thousands of adventurers in one battle, adventurers can be reborn, and Godwin is also a thief. He always opens multiple battlefields at the same time, allowing the Will of the Void to focus on one thing and not the other. Will is like the Overlord of Western Chu. As long as he shows up on the battlefield, he can sweep away the coalition forces, but on other battlefields, he can only be pushed aside by Godwin's various tricks.

Moreover, the Will of the Void still has to sit in the golden tree and activate the power of corruption, so there is no way to fight outside for a long time.

"At this rate, in three months at most, all the branches of the Golden Tree will be destroyed, and your strength will also decline, because you have spent too much energy on the Golden Tree. In other words, you have never considered changing one. Road?"

"Hmph, I thought you had such brilliant words, are they just such shallow words? You just want to trick me into giving up my plan to corrupt this world. Don't think you can fool me. In this short time, I After killing countless mortals, the power of mortals is about to be exhausted, I can feel it.

Every time a small golden tree is destroyed, they lose tens of thousands of troops. Every time a church is purified, they also lose a large number of troops. How many humans are there in the entire alliance?

At this rate, the first to be unable to hold on will be those mortals. The current strength is just an illusion created by sacrificing a large number of lives. As long as it takes another two or three months, the blood of mortals will be exhausted, and by that time When the time comes, no one can stop me anymore.

Don't try to deceive me, I won't be influenced by you. "

Murphy burst into laughter immediately, and the faceless warlord let out a weird laugh that echoed in the dark space inside the golden tree.

"Hahahaha, is the so-called will of the void so slow and blind? I once regarded you as an opponent, but now it seems that I have thought too much.

Of course you will not be affected by me, because there is a higher-level force controlling you, manipulating you, leading you to the path destined to perish, covering your eyes and confusing your mind, just like at the beginning Just like Ner'zhul who was played by you, I think Ner'zhul must have been driven by you when he was collecting the power of the ancient gods, and he didn't even notice the slightest difference.

He must have thought that all this came from his inner thoughts and was a grand plan carefully planned by him. Little did he know that when he gathered the power of the ancient gods and thought that the moment when his strength reached its peak, it would be the moment of his demise. "

"You are just another Ner'zhul. You think you have the key to victory, but in fact you are blindly heading towards destruction and death." A force surrounded Murphy and pulled him into the air.

The dark figure looked directly at him, and the black hole-like eyes seemed to see through his flesh and soul. The power of the shadow surrounded him and penetrated him. Mo Fei felt that his flesh and blood were changing and squirming, but Mo Fei Unless you don't care, a god who has not broken through the control of the system is ultimately just a crab in a box. It seems to be showing its teeth and claws, but in fact it is not a threat.

Seeing that Mo Fei had no reaction, Void Will let out a cold snort with echoes.

"Huh, am I being controlled? This is impossible. Your lies are clumsy and absurd. The only thing that impresses me is your ability to control my useless subordinates. This must be some kind of new power of faith. You What kind of lies have you instilled in your believers so that their fanatical beliefs can give you this novel effect?

Don't think that I will be scared by you, it's just some bluffing trick. "

"Hehehe, do you think so? You do have some ideas. The power of faith... I really haven't thought about it from this aspect. Okay, let's not talk about it for now. I said before, I'm here to see you. You are talking about cooperation, regardless of whether those mortals will really be unable to support it soon, I have a quick way to deal with mortals, I can help you change your current disadvantage, are you interested in hearing it?"

"Why are you helping me?"

"Because the higher-level existence that manipulates you is also my enemy. If you fall, it will be my turn next. You don't need to believe my words at all, but you might as well give it a try. , it won’t waste much resources anyway.”

"You must suspect that I am setting you up, but what if I am deliberately telling you the key to victory, so that you will have a rebellious mentality and ignore this way out?"

"Say it, I'm listening." Void Will couldn't help being curious after all.

"The biggest reason why your Void Army cannot defeat those adventurers is that they are too ugly. Mortals are superficial creatures. As soon as they see your ugly relatives, those corrupted human elves, they will have endless thoughts in their hearts. Fear brings anger, and anger brings strength.

In order to prevent the curse of flesh and blood from contaminating them and transforming them into that abominable form, they must fight with all their strength and try every means to fight you. This is true for all kingdoms and all forces, so you cannot defeat them.

The best way to defeat mortals is to destroy their will to resist and make them lose their determination to continue fighting. "

The Will of the Void was really persuaded, at least it sounded like the other party was completely thinking about him, "Then what should we do?"

"It's very simple. The reason why mortals are afraid of being corrupted is because they will turn into ugly forms after being corrupted by the void. You only need to gather a group of corrupted humans and elves, and then transform them into extremely beautiful, noble, and powerful creatures in the eyes of mortals. The Void race then told those mortals that the corruption of the Void was not a curse, but a blessing. Being transformed by the Void would not only have powerful power, but also gain a perfect body, so those mortals would no longer be fierce. If you resist, some people will even take the initiative to accept the void.”

Void Will simply wanted to laugh after hearing this, but unfortunately Lord Void did not have the function of 'laughing', so he could only let out a cold snort.

"Are you kidding? Dragon God Aidandron, confuse me with such a ridiculous plan? Would a mortal change his mentality and give up resistance because of such a superficial thing? Give up the justice he insists on? Give up his own world? Are you sure? Do you know what you are talking about?

Murphy couldn't help but laugh, "Of course I know what I'm talking about, believe it or not, but my plan will definitely work. I think it's not difficult to create this kind of void life with your power, right?"

"Of course it's not difficult, but the gift of flesh and blood can make corrupted lives stronger. This is the truth of the void. False appearances are meaningless. It's impossible for those mortals not to understand the meaning of this."

"If you insist on thinking so, then just pretend that I didn't say it. Anyway, you will definitely die first, and you might as well think about it, what if what I said is correct? After all, I understand mortals better than you. If I were Correct, if you do what I say, you can turn the situation around quickly.

Of course, you can also continue to hold on and see if those mortals will really die as you think.

Okay, that's all I'm saying. It's up to you whether you want to try it or not. Then - farewell. "

Watching the faceless warlord disappear out of thin air, Void Will fell into deep contemplation, and there was silence all around.

The will of the void is not as firm as his words, and there is no way to kill all those adventurers. This is the experience he has summed up during this period of time. It is clear that all the adventurers in an area were killed in one battle, but in one battle Turning around, those adventurers appeared one after another, as if they were growing out of the ground.

This even made him doubt for a time whether all the gods in the real universe had participated in the war.

But even the gods don’t have such power!

Dragon God's words made him somewhat moved. Although the words sounded so ridiculous, as the other party said, what if it had an effect? That will completely change your situation.

Huh, let's give it a try. It won't consume much power anyway.

The will of the void conveys its thoughts to its servants, those dark archbishops, who were once believers of the Holy Light, but because their minds were not firm enough, they quickly betrayed after coming into contact with the power of the void.

The most powerful one among them is Benedictus, one of the former Holy Light Bishops.

Today's Shadow Bishop.

After receiving the message from the Will of the Void, Benedictus immediately responded.

"Great Master, what are your orders?"

"Select a group of corrupted people and I will personally transform them."

Soon thousands of corrupted humans and corrupted elves were sent to the foot of the golden tree.

Each of these humanoid creatures was covered with pustules of flesh and blood, their deformed arms turned into tentacles, and their bodies were covered with eyeballs of different sizes. Each one looks like something out of a Cthulhu horror movie.

However, although it is a bit ugly, its combat effectiveness is much better than that of ordinary human elves.

Void Will looked at these own creations, and his heart was full of appreciation.

Huh, those ignorant humans don't know how precious the blessing of the void is. The wriggling flesh and blood is full of vitality, and the twisted body is full of energy.

You don’t know how to cherish such a gift. Forget it, let me transform you!

He released the power of shadow, and the shadow energy wrapped around a corrupted elf like countless tentacles. This was a female elf. Her twisted appearance could no longer tell what she looked like in life. Only the broken elf robe could still show her past. identity.

The shadow energy invaded the squirming body and carefully carved it, peeling off the ugly tumor pustules, absorbing the eyeball tentacles, and transforming the squirming flesh into smooth skin.

Soon the corrupted elf returned to its original appearance. Except for the purple light in its eyes and the darkening of its skin, it looked almost the same as a normal elf.

But the price is to reduce the strengthening effect of Void Corruption by more than three levels.

It's too weak, and I'm afraid it's not beautiful.

Void Will is an expert at playing with souls. He has captured countless souls and is very aware of the dark desires deep in the hearts of mortals. He is a master of how to provoke and control such emotions.

So let me give you a small change.

The shadow energy once again invaded the elf's body, and her body began to undergo subtle changes.


A perfect void elf appeared in front of the void will.

Her figure is slender, but her breasts stand proudly, her thighs are plump, her calves are well-proportioned, her skin is as delicate as silk, and every part of her body is as elegant and perfect as a work of art.

Waist, hips, long legs, all arranged.

The purple eyes exude a charming light, which is captivating.

"Benedictus, look at this, how do you feel?"

"Ah, great master, your power is truly unfathomable. Such a perfect creation can only be created by a being as great as you."

Perfect? This thing is extremely weak. It is at least three levels weaker than its previous form... Are these mortals really such superficial beings? So be it.

Since you don't cherish this great gift, then let's turn you into this flashy, degraded version.

The Will of the Void released countless tentacles of shadow, and soon all the thousands of humans and elves were transformed.

All the men have muscular bodies, eight-pack abs, evil temperaments, and handsome shapes like sculptures.

All the women have provocative perfect figures, seductive eyes, and breathtakingly beautiful appearances.

At the same time, it retains its affinity for shadow energy, and its strength is much weaker than the previous version.

In addition, in order to match their appearance, Void Will also designed exclusive clothing for them, which can highlight their figure and appearance to the greatest extent.

To the millions of void armies, such a force of several thousand people was nothing at all.

However, the Will of the Void still named it [Void Elf], and it existed as an independent category of dependents - in fact, many of them were transformed by humans.

At the same time, he gave these void elves a special ability to transform captured enemies into void beings of a similar form.

Void Will's mentality was somewhat complicated. He hoped they would work, but also didn't want the Dragon God to be right. Soon he sent this unit to the front line.

He didn't have much hope, but things soon surprised him.

After a battle, the number of void elves increased instead of decreasing.

When mortal adventurers encounter these void elves, their attacks will obviously not be so brutal.

They may even approach on purpose to try to have some kind of communication and interaction.

It actually works? The Will of Nothingness was a little surprised.

At this moment, the news about the new race of the Void camp has long been spread on the forum.

In the city where the Void Elves are stationed, players are pouring in crazily.

"Damn, this void elf is so handsome."

"Hahahaha, look at my perfect eight-pack abs, look at my evil eyes, hahahaha, I'm so handsome."

"Wow, look at me, I'm so beautiful!"

At this moment, the number of resident players in the entire Void Elf is growing crazily. After discovering that there is such a super-good-looking monster type in the Void camp, players decisively transferred in in large numbers.

Passed from one to another, the number of players in the Void camp suddenly increased sharply, but all of them chose the monster type of Void Elf, while other Faceless Men, Void Walkers, etc. were still not selected.

As a result, Void Will was surprised to find that the number of corrupted people under his control had increased by more than one million in less than three days.


Murphy closed the post on the Tieba. It seemed that his plan was still very successful.

Now the void camp has been stabilized, and may even continue to spread. Wang Xuan will have something to worry about in a short period of time.

With Void Will attracting attention, it’s time to start taking action on your own.

Murphy entered the game and immediately gathered the ancient dragon army.

"I will be observing the future in the next period of time. If nothing happens, please do not disturb me. No one is allowed to enter the Dragon Temple."

After everyone left, Murphy closed the door of the temple.

Naturally, he is not going to conduct future observations, but is preparing to go to parallel time and space to collect the authority of light and the authority of shadow.

It's just that he suspected that there might be Wang Xuan's spy in the dragon army, so he had to do some cover-up.

Time travel! Murphy stepped out and his figure instantly disappeared into the Dragon Temple.


Vote: Do you want to write in detail about the process of the protagonist going to parallel time and space to collect authority?

1. Write it in detail.

2. Just take it with you.

(End of this chapter)

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