Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 602: Uninvited Guests in Stormwind City

Chapter 602: Uninvited Guests in Stormwind City

Tanaris Desert——

The thick and high walls of Ahn'Qiraj stand tall, completely isolating the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj, a titan ruin buried deep underground, from the outside world. A powerful magic barrier seals off this ancient city occupied by bugs.

Under the knowledge of the night elf sentinels, silence and tranquility have been maintained here for thousands of years.

Ancient gods lie deep underground, brewing conspiracies and evil plans.

However, today, this calm is destined to be broken.

Murphy stood on the desolate sand of Tanaris, looking at the towering Gate of Ahn'Qiraj, the strange-style Ahn'Qiraj obelisk and the ruined temple in front of him, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth. It was really familiar. Landscape.

The scene of killing C'Thun together with the Divine Martial Emperor is still vivid in my mind. Now that I think about it, it was at that time that Ner'zhul began to collect the essence of the ancient gods, and was finally captured by the Will of the Void.

Of course, Murphy didn't come here just to be nostalgic about the past. His purpose here was to gather the power of the shadow authority.

The five ancient gods, except for Xal'atas who was dismembered, the remaining four are very consistent with Murphy's goal - to seize the authority related to the shadow of the void.

But to say that the most familiar one is naturally C'Thun. After all, he has been here once, and after the war, Murphy also went deep into the underground palaces and labyrinths of Ahn'Qiraj, and is very familiar with the terrain here.

In this case, let's just take action on C'Thun.

Mo Fei's figure flashed and he had already escaped into the ground and passed through the Wall of Ahn'Qiraj.

The authority of the earth allows him to escape beneath the ground. Whether it is the towering wall of Ahn'Qiraj or the underground labyrinth of the Ahn'Qiraj bugs, it may be difficult and insurmountable obstacles for others, but for Mo In other words, you can come and go as freely as your own back garden.

In a short time, he had already penetrated deep into the underground, into the sealed prison of C'Thun.

He walked through the ancient stone gate, stepped into the dark corridor tunnel, stepped into the last gate, and looked directly at the huge flesh and blood body of the ancient god.

C'Thun's body like a mountain of flesh lay across the darkness, squirming and twisting, and his huge eyeballs emitted a faint purple light of the void in the darkness.

Countless tentacles surround the body like a mountain of flesh. Some of these tentacles are covered with barbs like thorns, some have big split mouths at the top, and some have eyeballs growing out of the top, blinking and watching. Everyone.

This nightmare-like scene fell into Murphy's eyes, but it was so kind.

The C'Thun that he fought at the beginning seemed to be just a shell, but now he can finally have a good fight with his true form.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Ke. I came to see you. How are you? Are you surprised?"

Murphy said this to himself, looking at the huge monster in front of him with his hands in his pockets.

As if feeling threatened, C'Thun's huge eyeball shook violently, a strange purple light flickered in it, and countless tentacles swept towards Murphy...

Murphy looked at the dense tentacles attacking him, but had no intention of dodging. He raised his hand - Dragon Thunder!

The roaring thunder sounded like a sky-shattering sound, and the dazzling red thunder light and the purple light of the void complemented each other...

Ten minutes later——


In the violent explosion, Nak'Thun's huge eyeball was directly blasted by the red dragon thunder, exploding from the inside, pieces of flesh flying all over the sky, and a rain of flesh and blood fell in the dark underground prison.

Murphy looked at the huge body that was torn apart in front of him, and stretched his body happily.

The hearty battle made him feel quite comfortable.

It has to be said that the ancient god's combat power is still very strong. Although his strength is weaker due to being sealed, his blood volume is really thick and he can withstand beatings very well.

It was a great pleasure to let Mo Fei use all his firepower.

Since becoming a god, due to his strong strength, he has rarely had the opportunity to fight to his heart's content.

But now it's all over.

Murphy looked at C'Thun's broken body with some regret. Because the vitality was too strong, the body was still active and twitching, but it no longer posed a threat.

Reach out—power taken away!

The power of shadow was frantically absorbed from the flesh and blood body, turned into a black hole-like sphere, and sank into Murphy's body.

Shadow Authority - Forged.

Murphy checked it out and found that it was just a medium authority, even weaker than Archimonde. However, it was understandable that one was a version of BOSS in its prime, and the other was a weakened body that had been sealed for thousands of years. It was normal. Under the circumstances, the Ancient God should be stronger than Archimonde.

But it’s okay.

Murphy was not going to continue to collect the shadow powers of the other three ancient gods. Firstly, there was no need. Secondly, he was not familiar with the remaining three places. Yogg-Saron was sealed in Ulduar. In the temple, there are guardians arranged by Titan to guard it. If you want to seize it, you have to fight the guardian first, which will easily alert the Titan.

He wasn't sure where Y'Shaarj was buried, or N'Zoth. It was also difficult to find in the depths of the sea.

C'Thun is still the easiest.

Anyway, as long as there is shadow authority, there is no need to go to that trouble for the time being.

The authority of shadow is easy to solve, but it is the authority of light, which is a bit unclear.

There are a large number of god-level beings in the void camp, including five ancient gods alone.

In contrast, although the Holy Light camp occupies a very important and dominant position in the game, except for a group of Naaru, there seems to be no god-level powerhouse with a special presence.

The God of Light only exists in the background. Even in the original story, the God of Light does not even exist.

I don't know where to look for it either.

As for demigods or something, I have no idea at all.

Mo Fei had a headache, but just because he didn't understand it, it didn't mean that others didn't understand it either. He just needed to find someone who knew about it.

At this time, the dense footsteps of the Ahn'Qiraj bugs came from outside the underground palace. Murphy did not wait any longer, and teleported him out with a teleportation spell.

An hour later, Murphy appeared on the bustling streets of Stormwind City.

Since there is no player intervention in this time and space, the history of all development is exactly the same as the history of the original version of Warcraft.

Now is the period when the Scourge is raging. The Kingdom of Lordaeron has been occupied by the undead and turned into a kingdom of the dead. Arthas personally destroyed the kingdom he once guarded. This is similar to the timeline of the game. One was destroyed by the Scourge of the Undead, and the other was destroyed by the Dark Realm of the Void. It seems that there is no way to escape this disaster in Lordaeron.

In the far south, the Kingdom of Stormwind is gradually recovering from the trauma of the Orc War.

The majestic Stormwind City was rebuilt under the leadership of Van Cleef, the leader of the Stonemasons Guild. However, the stonemasons failed to get the rewards they deserved due to the corruption of the nobles. They were eventually forced to take risks and transformed into the Defias Brotherhood, becoming the enemies of Stormwind City.

Looking at the bounty notice on the bulletin board and Van Cleef's slightly cold and fierce face, Murphy couldn't help but sigh. Although his goal was to liberate the world that was about to be destroyed by gamers, he had to say that without it In the player's world, things are not really that beautiful.

It would be nice to have both, retaining the player's ability to change history and eliminating the player's potential instinct to destroy the world...

While thinking about it, Murphy looked beyond the bulletin board and towards the towering spire in the distance.

That is the top of the tower of Stormwind City Cathedral, and the person Murphy is looking for should be there.

After passing through the crowded trade district and crossing the stone bridge over the canal, Murphy walked into the square of the church district. It was extremely quiet and peaceful. The solemn chants came from the church, making everything look so solemn. And holy.

Murphy felt quite relaxed. He had been here before. No, the cathedral he had been to had been destroyed by the war... but he still felt like he was revisiting his old place.

Different planes and different historical developments gave him a wonderful sense of wandering between histories.

When Murphy walked to the door of the cathedral, just in time for the morning prayers to end, the monks walked out of the church in twos and threes.

He walked through the crowd and walked into the church as if there was no one around. Several monks glanced at him, and a paladin walked up to him and looked at him warily.

"The midday prayers are over."

"I'm not here to pray. I'm looking for your archbishop."

"you are?"

"An old friend."

The monk's face changed slightly, and then a majestic voice came from behind the monk.

"I'm sorry, I don't seem to recognize you. Although I'm old, I'm not that old and confused yet. Please explain your purpose, sir."

Murphy looked up and couldn't help but be happy, it was him.

"Benedictus, haha, I didn't expect you to come to Stormwind City and become the archbishop."

Benedictus in another time and space has surrendered to the void. From this point, it is not difficult to see that his heart is not as firm as it seems on the surface.

"I want to know some knowledge about the Holy Light. Can you answer it for me?"

Murphy's tone made Benedictus unhappy, and he didn't even use the honorific, which was really ungrateful.

"I'm afraid I don't have the free time. Please leave, Tucker, and send this gentleman away."

Just as the paladin was about to step forward to stop him, Murphy snapped his fingers, and the paladin's movements suddenly froze in mid-air. Everything around him also froze. The monks walking outside, the choir singing, and even the church bells stopped rotating.

There was silence all around, and the whole world stopped silently.

"Do you have time now, Archbishop?"

Benedictus looked at the young man in front of him in amazement. He looked elegant but also had a bit of unfathomable magnanimity.

noble? prince? Or maybe it's a powerful mage?

This ability to pause time shocked and horrified Benedictus.

"Of course - of course, I can ask, who are you?"

"I am just a traveler. For a great mission, I must understand information related to the Holy Light."

"Then please ask."

"The first question is, are there gods in the Holy Light camp?"

"There is no god in the Holy Light. The Holy Light is an idea, a belief, and a yearning for beautiful things. There is no god, only the piety of believers."

"Then who do you pray to?"

"We pray to the Holy Light itself. It fills this world and is everywhere. As long as you have good intentions in your heart and have positive emotions such as justice, courage, and honor, the Holy Light will answer your prayers and send blessings. .”

"Is there any supernatural life in the Holy Light Realm? A supernatural existence that is different from ordinary people."

Benedictus showed a look of reminiscence, "I once saw a vision while praying. In the boundless darkness, there was a life emitting holy light that responded to my prayers and answered my confusion. I don't know what it was. , but undoubtedly something sacred..."

Sacred things...maybe they are disguised by the Lord of the Void.

"What did that thing answer for you? Did you say what it was?"

"That divine being calls himself Naaru, Servant of the Holy Light."

Naaru, that's useless.

Naaru's combat prowess is incomparable to that of the ancient god Lord Void, and it is impossible for him to have the power of authority.

"Naru, unfortunately that's not what I'm looking for. What I'm looking for is a being who holds the authority of the Holy Light, a god or demigod with the power of the Holy Light. Do you know this kind of thing? "

Benedictus shook his head, "I have never heard of anything like this... Who are you?" He finally couldn't help but ask again.

"That's not important. Since you don't know, forget it. Just pretend that I haven't been here. It will be good for you."

Murphy said, patting Benedictus on the shoulder, turned around and walked out of the church.

With a slight snap of his fingers, everything around him started to move again.

The singing, the chatter of the monks, and the church bells all rang again.

Murphy was a little disappointed, it could be said that he gained nothing.

However, he did not give up. He turned around and walked toward Storm Fortress again.

Since the believers of the Holy Light have no information, let's try it from the official intelligence network of the Kingdom of Stormwind.

Soon Murphy arrived in front of the magnificent Storm Fortress. When he reached the door, the guards immediately stopped him.

"Stop citizen, this is the palace, not a place where civilians can come and go at will."

The guard looked at Murphy warily.

"I'll ask King Varian to inform me that his old friend is here to see him."

Of course, Murphy didn't know Varian in this time and space, but he naturally had a way to make Varian submit.

The two guards looked at each other with strange expressions.

A soldier asked suspiciously, "Don't you know that the king has disappeared!"

The king is missing? Murphy was stunned. He recalled it and quickly remembered the plot.

In order to seize control of Stormwind City, the black dragon princess Onyxia used the soul splitting technique to split Varian into two. The cowardly Varian was imprisoned by her and prepared to be used as a puppet, while the brave Varian was Naga, who appeared unexpectedly, was captured and sent to a desert island.

Later, he went to Kalimdor and became a gladiator, and had a series of adventures. Finally, with the help of his partners, he regained his memory, exposed Onyxia's conspiracy, and defeated the evil Black Dragon Princess.

But this is all for the future. The cowardly clone has not yet appeared, which means that Varian should have just disappeared at this moment.

I didn't expect such a coincidence, but it doesn't matter. The ruler of Stormwind City should be Duke Bolvar and Onyxia's disguised human Countess Katrana.

"Then go and inform Countess Katlana for me that her master has come to find her."

Five minutes later, Murphy saw an angry Onyxia in the living room.

"Bold, you arrogant and reckless guy, you dare to claim to be my master. Do you know that I am..."

"I know who you are, Onyxia. Put away your young lady's temper if you still want to live." Murphy said casually.

As he spoke, the dragon god's majesty on Murphy's body was instantly released. The powerful aura made Onyxia speechless in shock. The powerful pressure that hit her face made her tremble all over and make her unable to get up. Not the slightest will to resist.

Even her father, Deathwing, didn't have such a terrifying aura.

"You, who are you?"

"This is not important." Murphy's eyes instantly turned into dark golden vertical pupils. The deep gaze made Onyxia lower her head subconsciously. The dragon's instinct made her immediately realize that the person in front of her was The superior among the dragon clan.

This sense of dragon power is particularly common among the dragon clan. Many times, two dragons can tell each other's strength and status just by looking at each other.

The mysterious man in front of him is undoubtedly an unprecedented high-ranking person among the dragon clan, and may even be more terrifying than his father.

Even those Dragon Kings are far from being so coercive.

"I salute you, my lord, what are your orders?" Onyxia instantly became obedient. It is the nature of the black dragon clan to fear the strong.

"Gather some information for me. If you do a good job, I don't mind giving you a small reward. Otherwise - haha, you don't want to know what will happen."

"Collect all information about the Holy Light. Has there been a very powerful controller of the Holy Light on this continent? Whether it is a god, extraordinary creature, or mortal, any relevant information is fine. You can You have twenty-four hours to do this, and I will be in your room while you wait for the results."

"My lord, I will send someone to do it right away."

Onyxia lowered her head and slowly exited the living room.

As soon as he went out, he immediately turned into a bossy look and said to the guard, "Let Xiaoer come to see me."

Shore is the head of MI7 in Stormwind City. He used to be directly responsible to the king, but now he is nominally under the command of Duke Bolvar and Countess Katlana.

"Give me all the information about the Holy Light immediately..." Onyxia repeated her request.

Shore looked blank. Since King Varian disappeared, Stormwind City has been controlled by Duke Bolvar and Countess Katlana.

Faced with this order, he could only nod and accept...

But he couldn't help but feel curious in his heart, why was this countess suddenly interested in the information about the Holy Light?


"Good job," Murphy said casually, looking at the thick pile of information in his hand.

Onyxia, or Countess Katrana, stood aside obediently.

Murphy looked through the pages page by page.

Most of them are of little value, but this one is a bit interesting.

The intelligence mentioned that a few months ago the Scourge's army swept across the western border of Lordaeron, which is now known as the Western Plaguelands. However, when the army marched to a chapel in the wilderness, it stopped and the leader of the army stopped. The death knight tried to destroy the small chapel, but was killed directly for some reason.

Later, Alsace personally led the undead army to launch an attack on the chapel. No one knows what happened specifically. The final result was that the undead army suffered heavy casualties. Alsace retreated in embarrassment and immediately terminated its westward expansion. The army of the undead stopped in front of a small chapel.

This chapel did not have a name originally, but after this incident, some paladins who survived the natural disaster rushed there. They will name this chapel the Holy Light's Hope Chapel, believing that this is the last place of the Holy Light. hope.

Regarding the miracles that occurred in the chapel, the surviving paladins claimed that it was because the remains of the warriors who fought for Lordaeron were buried underground in the chapel, so the chapel received the protection of the heroic spirits.

The remaining local residents believed this and gathered around the chapel as their last refuge.

Murphy couldn't help but laugh when he saw this. Only ignorant farmers would believe this kind of thing. Alsace was not even afraid of living Paladins. He killed a lot of them, so how could he be afraid of a group of defeated generals who were killed by him? Where's the body?

There must be something special about that chapel.

(End of this chapter)

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