Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 603 Land of Hope

Chapter 603 Land of Hope

"Master, are you satisfied with this information?"

Onyxia asked in a seductive voice.

"Satisfied, very satisfied. I finally found some useful information for me - what did you call me?"

Murphy said and looked at Onyxia, who was standing aside. This beauty transformed into a black dragon was looking at him with a submissive look on her face. Her delicate and charming face was full of flattery, and her dark eyes were full of provocation and Test.

"Of course it's 'Master'. It's my honor to serve such a great dragon king like you." Onyxia said, sitting down next to Murphy, her plump and sexy body seemed to be leaning against Mo Fei inadvertently. Fei's side.

Mo Fei chuckled noncommittally, "How do you know I am the Dragon King?"

"It's not difficult to guess. Only the king of the dragon clan can have such majesty. Even in my father, I have never seen such magnanimity. You must be a dragon king who lives alone in seclusion. He is rarely seen because he doesn't like to walk around in the world. Few people know your name.

But your power cannot be ignored, especially me who is a member of the Dragon Clan. "

"Haha, your little mouth is very sweet." Murphy knew why Onyxia pleased him so much. This scheming female dragon is very smart, especially good at provoking people's hearts. She said so many good things, mostly for her own sake. The promised reward.

This little thought is quite cute from a certain perspective, if you don't consider the vicious plan of this beautiful black dragon.

Murphy looked at Onyxia's beautiful face. The dragon clan often carefully carves the human form of the incarnation. Countess Katrana in front of him has fair skin and beauty, with slender thighs, slender waist, plump breasts, and a good figure. Exaggerated, her appearance is full of lust, and her every frown and smile are alluring. At this moment, she is sitting beside her, looking up at herself, with the submissive posture of a little woman, which makes her look even more alluring.

Speaking of which, in the original world, I had tasted Onyxia's wonderful body. Looking back on it now, it was a different feeling.

Murphy stroked Onyxia's cheek with his hand and lifted her chin. Onyxia boldly looked at Murphy, but soon awe and shrinkage appeared in her eyes, and those deep eyes She could not see any emotional changes in her unpredictable eyes, as if she were staring into the abyss and starry sky.

You can't even tell whether the other person is happy or sad, angry or happy.

This unfathomable feeling made her feel uneasy.

"Of course I've prepared a reward for you."

Murphy said, suddenly holding her in his arms and kissing her sexy lips. Onyxia did not resist at all, letting Murphy manipulate her body...

When night fell in the sky of Stormwind City and the stars filled the night sky, Murphy opened the rooftop window of Storm Fortress and let the night wind blow into the palace, bringing fresh air and the distant noise.

Murphy looked out the window at the night view of Stormwind City, and couldn't help but think of some of his previous experiences.

Things are different and people are different, which makes people feel a little emotional.

Onyxia was lying on the bed with a satisfied but somewhat annoyed expression, her fair skin looming under the black silk nightgown.

(Is this the so-called reward? This Lord Dragon King really knows how to deal with people.)

Onyxia thought with some sadness that although it did feel very comfortable, Onyxia liked this feeling of being completely conquered, perhaps because she had an abusive father since she was born, and she was somewhat abused. Propensity.

But obviously the real rewards are more attractive, be it treasures, powerful weapons, or rare magical knowledge... What does this mean now?

She knows how to calculate gains and losses.

When she felt really angry, the magic power in her body began to move subconsciously. However, Onyxia was pleasantly surprised to find that the power of the black dragon in her body seemed to have become stronger.

She quietly circulated it in her body. Yes, although she was still in human form at this time, she could feel that her dragon rank had improved.

Originally, she only had the strength of the black dragon lord, but now she has the powerful power that only the ancient black dragon has.

This enhancement in power is an all-round evolution. Not only does the magic power become stronger, Onyxia is very sure that if she transforms into a black dragon form, she will become more powerful than her brother.

"Sir, did you do this?" Onyxia asked excitedly.

"So, are you satisfied with such a reward?" Murphy said without looking back.

"Satisfied, very satisfied." Regardless of her physical fatigue, Onyxia walked out of the bed and hugged Murphy tightly from behind. She happily felt the black dragon's blood surging in her body, but she couldn't help but feel a little doubt in her heart. .

Deathwing may be able to use his identity as the Dragon King to force an ordinary young dragon or young dragon up a level to reach the strength of an adult black dragon, but even Deathwing cannot do the ability transformation of a top powerhouse like the ancient black dragon. No - to be precise, no dragon king has such an ability. This completely changed the biological laws of the dragon clan for thousands of years.

Thinking of this, Onyxia became more and more confused about the identity of the mysterious dragon in front of her.

But she also became more and more determined to please the other party.

Onyxia twisted her body skillfully and rubbed the other person's back with her plump body, trying to arouse the desire in the other person's heart.

But Mo Fei has already tasted enough of the Black Dragon Princess. For a being like the Dragon God, desire is dispensable and something that can be controlled freely. He just happened to be interested in it.

Now there are still serious things to do, and I won't be tempted by this provocative technique.

He turned around and glanced at Onyxia. Just one look made Onyxia's desire instantly subside and she stopped her little movements.

"Very well, then I have one more thing for you to do."

"Please do as you wish, my lord."

"When Varian comes back, reunite the two separated Varians, and then assist him and help him protect the Kingdom of Stormwind. Your plan to subvert the alliance can be ended, as well as the Van Cleef and Defias brothers. Yes, either deal with them or conquer them, this farce must end as soon as possible."

What! Onyxia was suddenly stunned. She was assigned by Deathwing to sneak into the upper echelons of Stormwind City in order to destroy the Alliance from within. Now she received a completely opposite order. How could this happen? thing?

Not only did it go against her naturally chaotic nature, it also directly conflicted with Deathwing's orders.

"What, are you questioning my order?" Murphy's tone was still calm, but the strong momentum made Onyxia's delicate body tremble.

"Of course not," she lowered her head quickly.

"It's just that Varian was split apart by me using the Soul Splitting Technique. I'm afraid I won't let him go easily. How can I explain it so that he won't seek revenge from me?"

"Humph, that's your problem. Aren't you well versed in people's minds? Tell him this is a trial, a test to test his temper. Do you still want me to teach you what to do?"

"Yes, Master, I will definitely handle this matter," Onyxia dared not refuse, but then said unwillingly, "But disintegrating the alliance from within is an order given to me by my father. If I violate him Order, I’m afraid…”

"Don't worry, Deathwing has been seriously injured and hid in the abyss of the rock. When he comes back again, someone will naturally come to deal with him. Just do the things I asked you to do."

Deathwing's reappearance is already a matter of Cataclysm. Of course, if he is free in the future, he can definitely find him in this time and space and get rid of him, but that will happen in the future.

"Okay, I still have things to do, so I'm leaving now. Next time I come, I hope you won't disappoint me."

Murphy patted Onyxia's fair cheek and disappeared with a white light of teleportation.


Murphy spent a lot of effort to teleport himself to Lordaeron.

The world's magic network nodes are in chaos, Dalaran has been destroyed, Alterac has become the territory of ogres, and the city of Lordaeron has turned into a wasteland of natural disasters and plagues. The teleportation towers in these important cities have been destroyed, so Murphy can only teleport to the magic network nodes in the wild, and then fly all the way to the Western Plaguelands.

Everywhere he passed, there was a scene of dejection.

Without the participation of players, the history of Warcraft is really a grand tragic epic.

Murphy walked slowly on the desolate wilderness and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

This strengthened his previous idea that freedom should be given to the main world, but some screening of those players should also be carried out. It does not necessarily mean that all players should be stripped out. There will definitely be people who are willing to stay, but not as adventurers or In some other capacity, but as a true resident of that world.

These players are equivalent to becoming time travellers. Their existence is enough to change the history of Warcraft and make everything develop in a better direction, but at the same time they will not make the whole world become an aboriginal hell like "Westworld". Players entertainment city.

But he still had no idea how to do it.

Let’s get the authority of the Holy Light first.

This is the Western Plaguelands, the former territory of Lordaeron, but now it has become a corrupt place overrun by the undead.

However, such a threat is no problem for him. Mo Fei himself has the power of death. For the undead, he is a natural superior. When the undead see him, it is like seeing the God of Death, and they dare not have any resistance at all. mood.

You can even let him drive you.

However, Murphy did not try to control these undead, but used the power of authority to make them roll away, and came to the Holy Light's Hope Chapel unimpeded.

Looking at the inconspicuous little chapel in front of him, Murphy was a little surprised. He couldn't feel anything special about this short building. Even the fluctuations of the holy light had almost no trace to follow. Compared with Stormwind City The Cathedral of Holy Light and the Cathedral of Light in Lordaeron have such a sacred feeling that the building in front of them seems to be just an ordinary chapel.

Even in the chapel, it is not very popular.

There shouldn't be any problem with the information I got before.

Forget it, you’ll find out when you get there.

Murphy quickened his pace.

He noticed tents and makeshift huts scattered around the chapel.

There are refugees everywhere, some people wearing Lordaeron soldier armor are maintaining order, and several paladins with the mark of the Silver Hand are the managers here.

Seeing Murphy approaching alone, a paladin and several soldiers immediately stopped him.

"Stranger? State your identity."

Murphy smiled and said, "I am a traveler. I heard that a sacred miracle was born here, so I wanted to come here to see it."

The paladin was a little displeased when he heard this, "Damn it, this land is experiencing a terrible crisis now. It is not a place for travelers like you to watch the fun. Leave now."

"Don't be so angry, Arad, Light's Hope Chapel should welcome every survivor, as long as he has good intentions, come in, traveler, we are about to have dinner." An old paladin said with a smile, looking at The dire situation did not dampen his optimism.

"I am Knight Dectar of Hearthfell, welcome to the Promised Land."

Murphy followed the old knight outside the chapel. A row of large pots were cooking food, and a group of civilians were drinking oatmeal and eating baked potatoes.

There were tents and bonfires all around the chapel, and they were crowded with refugees.

This is not surprising. Now the entire Western Territory has become a paradise for natural disasters. This is the only pure land. No matter how difficult it is, we must stay.

The old knight handed a baked potato to Murphy, "I'm afraid we can't provide too much food. There are too many refugees. Our food reserves are only enough to satisfy our hunger. Although we sent soldiers to collect more food, most of them The land has been contaminated by natural disasters and plagues, and it is difficult to find clean food.

But having more people is a good thing after all. If they don't come here, they will become undead. These refugees are the hope of Lordaeron. I hope they can survive. "

The old knight had a look of emotion on his face. Although he had a smile on his face, his voice still couldn't help but reveal a sense of pessimism.

"I can donate a batch of food." Murphy said, and took out hundreds of large pieces of toasted bread directly from his backpack. The old knight used the holy light to check the bread and confirmed that it was not contaminated food. Distribute it to your soldiers.

"Thank you for your generosity, Mr. Traveler. Are you using a dimensional bag to carry bread? Are you a mage?"

Murphy felt a slight movement in his heart. The other party was actually curious about his backpack? This situation is very rare. Shouldn't NPCs ignore all information related to game players?

"That's right. At least I'm good at magic, so I can see the miracle."

Murphy originally thought there would be some talk, but unexpectedly, several paladins just looked at each other and agreed.

"Come on, Mr. Mage. As far as I know, mages are very knowledgeable. Maybe you can know what this is."

"This is what we found when we were digging. Many paladins killed by Arthas were transformed into death knights. In order to prevent more comrades from suffering such a fate, we burned the remains of some comrades to ashes. , wanting to find a church or chapel to bury them deeply, but deep in the ground of this chapel, we dug up something unusual."

While talking, Murphy had followed several paladins to the depths of the catacombs.

It is a routine practice for churches to build tombs underground. The tomb in front of you is built under the basement of the chapel.

Arrive along the downward stairs, but what you see in front of you is obviously not as simple as an ordinary tomb.

Deep in the tomb, where the corpse should have been, a huge downward hole appeared.

Looking down from the edge of the cave entrance, I don't know where the unfathomable hole leads. It's a huge bottomless cave with no place to climb down. In the extremely deep place below, you can vaguely see some light emanating. come out.

"I heard that Alsace attacked here." Murphy asked, looking at the entrance of the cave.

The old knight nodded, "Yes, at that time we all thought it was completely over, but suddenly, the powerful holy light was poured into each of us, and we became extremely powerful, as if gods descended to earth, Alsace was defeated by a few of us We worked together to defeat him, but when Alsace left, that power suddenly disappeared."

"Didn't you go down and take a look?"

The old knight shook his head, "We tried, but we couldn't find a way to go down safely. It's completely empty below, and there's no way to even build stairs.

We tried with a rope, but there was simply no rope long enough to reach the bottom of the cave. "

"It doesn't matter, I can figure out what it is for you."

Murphy said and jumped directly.

(End of this chapter)

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