Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 604 The Remains of Creation

Chapter 604 The Remains of Creation

The moment Murphy fell into the huge black hole, darkness immediately surrounded him. As he fell rapidly, he seemed to have fallen into an unknown space, falling straight down into the deep black abyss.

Murphy did not use any flying or floating skills. He stared directly at the golden halo in the dark abyss, letting himself fall freely towards the halo.

However, after dozens of seconds, Mo Fei suddenly felt that something was not right. The golden halo showed no sign of getting closer, as if he had not moved any distance.

His ancient dragon's eye could not see the specific scene of the halo. This situation was very rare. You must know that the ancient dragon's eye could see through all illusions, but the golden halo was always blurry and it was impossible to see clearly what it was.

Murphy didn't panic. There were only two reasonable explanations for this situation.

1. The target is so far away from him, maybe tens, hundreds or even thousands of kilometers, that even if it falls for tens of seconds, the distance between them is not significantly shortened.

2. You are under the influence of some kind of space spell, or you fall into a special space that is different from regular reality.

Murphy turned around, but there was no shadow of the entrance behind him.

There was only darkness.

It is indeed a space spell!

Murphy snorted coldly. Regardless of whether this spell happened naturally or was cast by someone, it was still too naive to trap him.

At this time, Mo Fei no longer hid his strength. He transformed directly into the form of an ancient dragon. The huge body of the ancient dragon king emerged out of thin air in the darkness. The rock-like dragon scales flashed with red lightning. Mo Fei also used arcane magic. The authority summoned dozens of huge light balls, instantly illuminating the surrounding darkness.

However, there was still darkness outside the light. Mo Fei thought, and the light balls flew in all directions. However, after just a second or two, those light balls all disappeared into the darkness, as if they were swallowed by some invisible substance. Same.

Only the golden halo is still eye-catching.

Do you want to fly towards the halo? That's as you wish.

Mo Fei is also a very talented and courageous man. He has a lot of power and he doesn't believe that anything can trap the mighty Dragon God.

The two pairs of dragon wings unfolded at the same time and flew towards the halo at full speed.

However, after flying for several minutes, the halo was still far away.

No, it doesn't seem to be a matter of distance.

It's interesting... Murphy thought to himself, Gu Long's flying speed exceeds the speed of sound, and a few minutes is enough for him to fly hundreds of kilometers.

There is no way that halo is thousands of kilometers away from him. If that were the case, it would probably be close to the center of the earth.

It must be a space spell. Space spells are indeed a bit troublesome, but no matter how powerful the space spell is, it can only affect the three-dimensional field. Length, width and height, but I have the authority over time, which is the fourth dimension besides the three dimensions. the power of.

I want to see if you can resist my move.

Time flows turbulently in Noreldom!

The body of the Ancient Dragon King suddenly became illusory and blurry. This was the change caused by Mo Fei entering the rift between parallel time and space.

Now he can freely use the power of time to switch between time and space, but this time turbulence skill still has its merits. Hiding in the cracks of time, he can continue to move forward in the form of hyperspace.

Sure enough, as the ancient dragon king's body entered the space, the distance was no longer an obstacle. In just a moment, the halo quickly approached. After another ten seconds, Mo Fei had already seen the halo. The specific situation has become close at hand in the blink of an eye.

Mo Fei suddenly broke away from the rift in time, and his vision became extremely clear. The golden halo came from an extremely huge luminous crystal. What was coming towards him at this time was the huge golden crystal. platform.

He stretched out his dragon wings and landed on the platform, looking around with some surprise.

At this moment, he was standing on a huge crystal. The crystal was made up of many crystals of different colors, like a towering mountain. However, the golden crystals were the most numerous and sparkling, so it gave people a kind of The feeling of golden halo.

He looked around, and there was endless darkness around the crystal mountain peaks.

Standing on the edge of the crystal, you can see the golden crystal spreading downwards, like a huge stone pillar standing in the darkness.

He scratched the surface of the crystal with his dragon claw and tried to dig out a piece, but he didn't expect that only a few scratches were left.

Hey, this thing is very hard.

Although the ancient dragon's sharp claws looked like wind blades on rocks, they were harder than the strongest metal, but they didn't show any mercy to the crystal in front of them.

This extremely hard material reminded him of the ancient dragon's rock-like scales, but the two were different.

Earth authority - Earth perception!

This ability allows him to perceive the history of this huge crystal. However, what surprises Mo Fei is that the authority of the earth cannot analyze the specific material of this crystal, as if this crystal is beyond the scope of 'earth' .

This is a bit incredible. The so-called earth refers to the main material that makes up the entire planet. Doesn't that mean that the crystals are older than this planet?

Hey, I still don’t believe it.

The power of dragon thunder in Mo Fei's body quickly condensed. He was ready to fly into the sky and use dragon thunder to blast the crystal down. This thing is very special and is definitely the best material.

"People from other worlds, you don't have to do this."


Murphy looked in the direction of the sound, but the sound came from inside the crystal, on a flat rock wall at the top of the mountain.

A vague golden figure was reflected through the crystal.

Murphy was immediately ready to fight.

"Come out, unknown life. If it's convenient for you, I want to talk to you."

"Of course, as you wish."

The voice came out through the stone wall, ethereal and clear, a neutral and peaceful voice without any emotional fluctuations, but it also made people feel the kindness of the other party vaguely.

Gentle and kind.

The golden light slowly penetrated from the crystal. Murphy took a few steps back to make room. He speculated that it should be some kind of elemental creature. Soon the light completely appeared in front of Murphy's eyes. , it is like a glowing fuzzy human shape, indescribable, it seems to have no real form, more like a blur of light.

Murphy was a little shocked. He had never seen anything like it before. It didn't even have a health bar. He wasn't even sure if it was a 'unit' in front of him.

"what do you?"

"I am the Holy Light, and I am nothingness."

"Supreme Will?"

"No, I don't have such a name. If you have to give me a codename, you can call it - Invisible Light. As you can see, I don't have a fixed shape."

Invisible light?

Murphy was a little unsure. Although this thing looked magical, it didn't feel very sacred. The God of Light? Supreme will? Some kind of mutated Naaru? It feels vaguely right, but it doesn't quite look like it.

"Well, invisible light, right? I came to you for a great purpose, to purify this world. Maybe you already know that Lordaeron has been contaminated by the undead natural disaster. In order to save our kingdom, I must obtain The power of the Holy Light, I wonder if you can lend me the authority of the Holy Light..."

"No... you are not a resident of this world, you are a person from another world."

"What did you call me?"

"An alien, a wanderer from outside this world, isn't it?"

Murphy was slightly embarrassed that he had been seen through.

But then I thought about it, and the other party may not have really seen his base.

He is a person from another parallel time and space, so people from other worlds can also understand him this way. He controls the power of the Dragon God, and the Dragon God comes from another universe, so people from other worlds can also understand him this way.

Of course, it is also possible that the other party has really seen through the identity of his player, but Murphy doubts this. Even an existence at the level of the Will of Nothingness does not seem to be aware of the existence of the game system.

"Well, I do come from another world... But I didn't lie to you. I did come for a great mission, and I do need the authority of the Holy Light, so I can borrow your authority of the Holy Light. Give it to me? If you have it."

This last sentence is a bit unconfident.

The life in front of him definitely possessed the power of holy light, but Mo Fei couldn't sense how strong it was. The energy fluctuations on his body were not strong, and he even felt like he was nothing.

But the more this happens, the more wary Murphy becomes.


What? Murphy thought he had heard wrong. The reason why he asked was just to follow the principle of courtesy first, or to find a reason for his action.

Another reason is that he is not sure whether he can win this thing. After all, the opponent doesn't even have a health bar.

I didn't expect that the other party would agree to it.

"Really?" "Of course, I can feel that there is a reason why you are here. Some unknown force drives you to complete your mission, but before giving you the authority of the Holy Light, you must Listen to a story I tell you.”

Um? Murphy was a little puzzled, but nodded, "Say it, Invisible Light, I'm listening."

The light slowly rose, suspended in the darkness, and seemed to be brewing something when facing the behemoth of the Ancient Dragon King.

"Everything starts from the beginning of the universe. Do you know how the universe was born?"

Murphy nodded, "The collision of holy light and shadow?"

"Yes, but everything is not that simple. The universe was initially chaotic and filled with chaotic energy. This period can be called a chaotic universe, which is the form before the birth of all matter."

The light suddenly changed and turned into a huge green sphere, which seemed to show Murphy the process of the birth of the universe.

"Then, chaos gradually decomposes, and the darkness and light gradually separate. Some of the positive energy forms a sea of ​​light, while the negative energy forms a sea of ​​darkness. This period is called the original universe. .”

The green sphere gradually split into two, a golden ocean and a dark black hole.

"The two forces each formed their own universe, and some of the first elemental lives were born in it, the Holy Light Spirit and the Shadow Spirit. The Holy Light Spirits lived in peace with each other, while the Shadow Spirits devoured each other. , given enough time, all shadow spirits will eventually merge into one, forming an ultimate entity.

But soon the two forces attracted each other and collided with each other. The sea of ​​light and the sea of ​​darkness merged into one and merged with each other.

Yes, this is the great collision between Holy Light and Shadow. The physical universe began to be born from this moment. It was born from the collision between Holy Light and Shadow. However, these two forces are not a collision in the ordinary sense. There is no earth-shattering explosion. It's like they are entangled with each other and merge with each other.

And produced various wonderful reactions.

Therefore, the real universe and the shadow void are not two distinct worlds, but overlap. However, the materials that make up the two worlds are completely different. When the laws of reality are broken, the shadow will seep out from the cracks in the void.

During this process, some high-density holy light and shadow energy reacted violently. They merged again and transformed into large special areas composed of chaotic energy. These areas are the so-called twisted void. The twisted void is like The ocean generally surrounds the real universe.

In this process, the shadow and the holy light also began to blend with each other, and life finally began to be born.

Except for a very few, most beings possess both the characteristics of shadow and light.

Due to the mutual penetration, the power of shadow also exists in the real universe. All life has been eroded by the power of shadow, forming various creatures in the real universe.

Once this delicate balance is broken, it will lose control. The so-called flesh and blood corruption actually increases and strengthens the proportion of shadow power in these creatures, making it difficult for them to maintain their original normal shape..."

Murphy was puzzled by what he heard. Although this information was somewhat useful, what was the point of this thing trying to popularize this information for himself?

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Be patient, God of Another World, it's almost over. You should know that when a large amount of matter gathers together, the internal collapse caused by its gravity will produce a core. The Sea of ​​Light and the Sea of ​​Darkness both have a core. , when the two universes collided, the two cores also collided together.

They consumed and merged with each other. When the physical universe was born, the core power of the Sea of ​​Holy Light and the Sea of ​​Shadow was almost exhausted. The remaining energy finally reached a delicate balance, forming a huge crystal. From some kind of From a perspective, this crystal is the remains of the original universe. "

Murphy was startled and looked at the huge crystal at his feet, "You mean, this is the crystal you were talking about?"

"Yes, you can also call it - the Relic of Creation. This is a relic formed when the universe was born. Due to the special reaction triggered by the powerful energy, the surrounding space was also distorted.

And you, the god from another world, I can feel similar power from you. "

So it turned out that Murphy suddenly understood that the Dragon God should be a life born from the remains of the creation of another universe. However, after countless reincarnations, it has long transcended the existence of the law.

And the invisible light in front of him might be the same as the original Dragon God.

"So what then?"

"There is nothing more, my story is over."

That's it? Murphy was stunned for a while, feeling a little unbelievable.

"You don't need me to do anything else? For example, complete a task for you or something."

The invisible light said, no, you just need to complete what you should do. A great mission is waiting for you, isn't it?

Now, make your choice, accept or reject the authority of the Light. "


Of course I accepted it, that’s what I wanted.

"Are you willing to bear the burden of this authority?"


"Yes." Murphy confirmed again.

Although it was done so solemnly, he still had some doubts about whether the other party would really give him this authority.

However, the next second, powerful holy light power was injected into Murphy's body.

This is not a simple power, but a true manifestation of the law of the Holy Light, and a direct grant of the authority of the Holy Light.

Murphy could feel that with the arrival of the energy, there was a strong positive emotion, filling his heart.

Humility, mercy, honesty, justice, sacrifice, honor...

No, the Law of Holy Light is not the so-called eight virtues at all. These eight virtues are more like artificial definitions of different emotions, which are not absolutely accurate. It is like there will always be some distortion after being translated into different languages.

But the original concept of Holy Light is difficult for mortals to understand, so we can only settle for the second best.

Only a very small number of people with spiritual and cognitive abilities can understand the true meaning of the Holy Light. Such people are called saints. Those powerful paladins or priests obtain unique powers in this way.

And now the real pure holy light is gradually integrating into his body and mind, and this kind of thinking and emotion is trying to change his heart.

This emotion is absolutely positive and well-intentioned, without any gray area. It gives him an extremely noble sense of mission and makes him feel extremely comfortable both physically and mentally.

But Murphy immediately woke up. What he wanted was to control power rather than be controlled by power. If he continued and was completely assimilated by this emotion, he would eventually become an AI Madonna.

He resisted this emotion, but it was not easy. The Holy Light is absolute justice and absolutely correct. It is like a perfect answer, making everything become a part of the Holy Light...

The Will of the Dragon God! Mo Fei's heart suddenly stopped.

This resisted the fusion of the Holy Light to a certain extent, but it was not enough. The Holy Light seemed to be pervasive. The power of this authority was so powerful that when he controlled the authority, the authority also controlled him.

That’s right, Shadow! Shadow can neutralize Holy Light.

Murphy hurriedly gathered the power of the shadows and let the dark emotions impact his soul, which was transforming into the Holy Light.

Finally, some dark and twisted thoughts appeared in the almost pure consciousness, and the human heart that had almost disappeared returned once again.

Murphy's eyes once again flashed with the gray emotion that only humans can have.

Until the authority of the Holy Light was completely controlled by him, Murphy finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He suddenly looked at the invisible light, Damn, this guy must have done it on purpose.

"You did it on purpose?" Murphy yelled,

The invisible light did not react at all: "If you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight, and if you want to bear the power, you must pay the price. You should know this. God from another world, now, take this 'great' authority and go Fulfill your 'great' mission, your destiny awaits you."

Murphy snorted coldly. After such a conflict in his heart, he had regained a lot of his humanity, and he could feel that the positive emotions seemed to have the upper hand in his heart.

Power changes the body, and the body affects the mind. This is inevitable.

Fortunately, the main mentality should not have changed.

Murphy checked his own power.

Holy Light Authority - Forged.

Levels of authority—great authority!

Damn it, is it really a 'great' authority? Murphy was shocked. No wonder the feeling was so strong just now and he almost lost himself. But why would the invisible light give him great authority?

He looked towards the invisible light with some surprise, but the invisible light had disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

Strange guy.

Murphy did not stay any longer, and left this strange place in a flash.

With a flash of white light, Murphy once again returned to the main world of the game.

Feeling the power of the six forces in his body, Murphy was full of expectations.

It's time to crack the secrets of this game.

(End of this chapter)

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