Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 605 Dragon God VSGM

Chapter 605 Dragon God VSGM

Before taking action, Murphy first took stock of the power he currently had.

Storm - powerful.

Earth - weak.

Time - powerful.

Soul - Weak.

Chaos - Powerful.

Order - Power.

Life - weak and so on.

Death - Weak and so on.

Shadow – Medium.

Holy Light - Greatness.

Unknowingly, I had collected so much power of authority that I had gathered together the top ten powers.

With such a powerful force, the entire game may be unique. Even if the gods come, as long as they are not facing multiple gods at the same time, Murphy will still have the confidence to fight them.

So – let’s get started!

Murphy did not choose to go to the Sky City or other strongholds he controlled. Instead, he found an uninhabited place in the Tanaris Desert. He had a feeling that once he started to crack the system, Wang Xuan It is very likely that they will be discovered and stopped. At that time, conflict will be almost inevitable, so it is necessary to choose a suitable place to start the war.

At his level, geographical location has no meaning anymore. He chose to crack the system in the desert just to reduce the damage as much as possible.

Murphy stood on the extremely empty desert, looking at the endless desert around him. The power of the authority corresponding to the six original forces gradually gathered in his body, and as his will was released into the surrounding space, it gradually penetrated into Every aspect of physical reality.

Murphy can feel the code of the Force hidden in the materials that make up this world.

He felt the wonderful feeling of being integrated with all things in the universe, and tried his best to separate the six forces from the material level, reconstruct and control them.

He suddenly spoke, as if he was reciting some kind of mantra without a teacher.

"With the laws of chaos and order, with the source of life and death, with the power of holy light and shadow, everything in the world - listen to my orders!"

This is his own incantation. The so-called words follow the law, and the power of authority operates with the words.

In an instant, the power of the six forces appeared in the desert at the same time. All matter within a radius of several hundred meters was turned into the most primitive particles. Energy, matter, time, space, gravity... all physical laws were instantly broken. , the framework of the game system bound to this world also collapsed.

Flickering codes continued to appear in the air, as strange as the mosaic that appeared when the electronic program was disturbed.

That's right, that's it!

Murphy felt excited. He finally discovered the true appearance of the world. The framework of the six forces locked the entire universe into it, allowing the game system to control everything. Now he is going to change the world from this system. liberated from it.

Murphy increased his power, and the power of destruction continued to expand and spread. Wherever the power affected, all matter was formatted and broken down into the most basic codes.

Oops, something seems wrong!

Mo Fei suddenly realized that he seemed to have thought things too simply. He was indeed destroying the control of the system, but what was also being destroyed was the material level of the world. Wherever his power of destruction passed, all matter was annihilated. , which means that when he completely destroys the system bound to the reality level, the world will also be completely destroyed.

"Wocao, what the hell are you doing!"

An angry voice suddenly sounded from the air, and the next second, a figure fell from the sky, and a powerful shock wave interrupted Murphy's destructive behavior.

Murphy was not angry, he was ready to stop.

That person was none other than Wang Xuan, who was looking at him angrily.

"Oh, I knew it was you who made this mistake again." Wang Xuan's expression was ferocious, and he looked angrier than ever before.

Murphy had been prepared to face this guy for a long time, so he didn't panic, but spread his hands.

"Why are you so excited? I'm just doing some experiments. I'm not interfering in the plot. Why are you so anxious?"

This time it was Mo Fei's turn to joke calmly.

Wang Xuan became more and more annoyed after hearing this, "You still have the nerve to say, don't tell me that the movement in the Will of the Void has nothing to do with you. You didn't interfere in the plot, but you weren't the one who stumbled on me in secret!"

Murphy looked innocent, "I have no idea what you are talking about. What happened to the Void Will?"

"Damn, what else is going on? I don't know which bastard gave Void Will a bad idea and transformed a bunch of brand new Void races. Now the players of the Void camp are almost the same as the players of the four official camps. The power of the Will of the Void is linked to the power of the camp. Now that there are so many players in the Void Camp, the power of the Will of the Void has completely exceeded the plan of the game script!"

Mo Fei couldn't help but be a little surprised. He didn't expect that learning and using the will of the void would broaden his horizons. He just gave him an inspiration, but he didn't expect it to be so big.

"Really? Is it that exaggerated?"

"Do you think I'm joking? These damn players now really have no RPG spirit at all. They don't join the good righteous camp, and they all go to play Void Elves and Shadow Humans...

Isn't it just that Void Will made a few good-looking leather cases? When he saw handsome guys and beautiful women, he even lost the concept of right and wrong. He gave them to a few pretty boys with eight-pack abs and a few girls with big breasts, waists and long legs. After buying it, I was also drunk. "

Murphy joked, "Why don't you stop it quickly?"

"Damn, the Void Will thing is nothing compared to what you are doing now. Do you know what you are doing?"

Murphy nodded calmly: "Of course I know, I just have some interest in the structure of this game and want to conduct some technical analysis."

Wang Xuan did not accept this, "Stop it, you are destroying the game's system and trying to strip it away. It is impossible that you don't even understand this. You want to fully unlock this game!" "

Murphy chuckled, "Okay, you discovered it. Yes, I just want to give this world freedom, completely unbind the game system from reality, and free all the lives that are bound by you."

"Fuck! Why are you doing this?"

"Of course it's because it's the right thing to do," Murphy said seriously: "It's not the right thing to enslave an entire universe for you to use as a game for your entertainment. If I don't do this, eventually everything in this world will Completely destroyed by players.

Don’t tell me you don’t understand the destructive power of the fourth plague. "

Wang Xuan was a little speechless, "What does that have to do with you? Aren't you quite happy playing by yourself? There is such a powerful force for you to explore and explore."

Murphy had a righteous look on his face, his tone was solemn and solemn, and he had a tall image of a savior who saved the world. "It's one thing not to know, but it's another thing after you know it. Free will should not be enslaved. Intelligent beings should not be victims of your evil plans or slaves for your entertainment. As the dragon god, I will exercise justice and return everything to the right path."

Of course, Murphy did this not only to become famous as a teacher. The confrontation between them at this level, between justice and evil, is meaningless.

But this game is a game world based on heroic epics. The victory of justice over evil is the main theme of the world. In this case, putting yourself in the position of the savior may gain some additional advantages.

Although I'm not entirely sure, there is no harm in it.

This speech directly made Wang Xuan angry.

"Okay, okay, you're just, you're noble, you're amazing, and I'm the villain? That's what you mean, then I want to see how you, the great hero, can save the world. Don't forget, I'm the GM! I'm the rule !”

Murphy smiled slightly, "Then let me experience the strength of your GM."

He raised his hand - the power of the six forces instantly surrounded Wang Xuan, and the battle started instantly.


"Hurry up, it's here!" A thief said excitedly as he looked at the treasure map in his hand.

A group of teammates behind him took out shovels and shovels one by one, preparing to dig for treasure.

This group of adventurers had been hunting pirates on the coast for half a month, and finally collected the four fragments of the treasure map. Now, as long as they dig out the treasure, they will be prosperous.


A dull thunder sounded, causing several people to stop moving in surprise.

what sound?

A few people were a little confused.

"It was an earthquake."

"Is there an earthquake in this game?"

"Look over there!" A sharp-eyed hunter raised his hand, and everyone looked towards the sky, and they were all frightened.

A huge storm that is difficult to describe in words is rapidly sweeping through the desert. The storm furiously tears apart everything involved in it, sucking hundreds of tons of sand into it, as well as all the monsters in the desert, being involved in it, and then transformed into... scattered into broken mosaics. Everyone was so frightened that they fled like crazy...

At this moment, many people noticed this shocking disaster. The goblin lords of Gadgetzan looked at this terrifying storm lingering near the city in horror, and the timid ones began to pack up their belongings and run away.

But inside the storm, the battle had just begun.

The storm looked like one, but in fact it was two storms fighting each other like two giants.

"Anolos, God of Storms, please listen to my call, lend me your power, and tear apart the enemies in front of you."

Storm Power - The Ultimate Tornado!

Red and blue lightning covered the sky, creating an apocalyptic scene.

boom! The two thunders collided together, and the ancient dragon king's red dragon thunder blasted towards Wang Xuan, who also shot out a storm thunder.

The shock wave generated by the huge explosion spread the storm in all directions, revealing a huge eye.

Wang Xuan and Murphy locked onto each other at the same time.

Dragon thunder storm!

Countless rays of red lightning blasted towards Wang Xuan, and for a moment he seemed to be the core of a thunderstorm.

But Wang Xuan also used his skills.

"Goddess of Life Nautina, lend me your power and give me endless life to protect me from the poison of my enemies."

A storm of damage figures emerged, but Wang Xuan's health bar immediately became unable to be displayed, and it didn't matter no matter how hard he hit it.

"It's useless Murphy, my vitality is infinite, hahaha, no matter how much damage you do, you can't kill me."

"Then try this."

Dragon combat skill - sky-splitting attack!

Mo Fei flashed in front of Wang Xuan in an instant, and the dragon claws grabbed him head-on. It doesn't matter if his life is infinite, I will kill you directly.

Wang Xuan was only the size of an ordinary person. Facing the ancient dragon king with a wingspan of more than 200 meters, he did not dare to greet him and kept dodging.

"Odin, the God of War, lend me your power! Let me transform into the form of a god!"

Wang Xuan instantly became two hundred meters tall, and the giant and the dragon immediately fought each other, with no distinction between superior and inferior.

Combat Skill - Heroic Strike!

With one powerful blow, Wang Xuan kicked the Ancient Dragon King away, and Wang Xuan raised his hand and went straight to the sky.

"Ancer, God of the Sun, lend me your power! Turn it into the light of destruction and annihilate the evil dragon in front of you."

The sun's beam suddenly fell, enveloping Murphy like a railgun.

Authority of Holy Light—Divine Protection!

The golden protective shield enveloped Mo Fei, blocking the damage that came from the same source as the holy light...

The battle between the two was earth-shattering.

Murphy controls the ten major powers, and all kinds of divine powers are released crazily.

And Wang Xuan did not give in too much. Although he himself was not very strong, as the envoy of the gods, he could directly mobilize the divine power of the twelve main gods.

The magic is not weak at all when released.

The two of them continued to use more powerful skills, and the power of the gods was released completely uncontrollably.

The divine power of destruction continues to fall on the earth, the flames turn the desert into glass, the thunder covers the sky, the meteorites blast the solid earth into huge craters, the miasma of death, the curse of the shadow, the punishment of the holy light...

The two hit each other from the sky to the ground, and then from the ground to the sky, summoning terrifying storms to surround each other.

Then hundreds of elemental servants were summoned to attack each other.

"Stop, stop, stop!" Wang Xuan waved his hand to eliminate a meteorite, and teleported to avoid several death rays.

"Stop fighting. If we keep fighting, the world will be destroyed. Look below, that damn Gadgetzan just bombarded us both."

Only then did Murphy discover that where the goblin city should have been, there was only a huge crater left.

Not only that, the Tanaris Desert, Crater, Shining Plains, and Thousand Needles were all affected.

Although it has not reached the point of destroying the world, it is really possible to continue fighting.

Murphy felt the powerful power surrounding him, feeling excited and regretful at the same time.

He was powerful enough that even Wang Xuan, the GM, couldn't do anything to him, but similarly, it wasn't that easy for him to kill Wang Xuan.

The power this guy has is actually not inferior to his own.

"If you want to surrender, that's fine." Murphy said indifferently.

Wang Xuan was speechless, "Damn, I won't lose. I'm just giving in."

"Then please leave, I will continue my experiments."

"Fuck, can we be reasonable? This game is an asset of our Cangqiong Group. Now because you disrupt the normal order of the game, I, as the GM, want to ban your account."

"Okay, then just seal it and let me see how you operate it."

Wang Xuan...

"Don't provoke me, do you think I really dare not ban you?"

He raised his hands towards Murphy, posing as if he was about to use his power.

"The power of the system - account ban!"

[System prompt: Your account has been banned and you will be forced to log out of the game, 10, 9, 8...]

When Murphy heard the voice in his ear, he immediately felt that an invisible force was trying to drive him out of this world.

Holy shit, it’s actually sealed?

However, this power may be irresistible to ordinary players, but for Murphy, who has mastered the six forces and has access to the underlying structure of the system, it is not that scary.

Six major powers - the shield of the force!

The six Forces gathered around him, forming a wall composed of Force codes, which was equivalent to isolating himself from the entire game system.

[System prompt: Logout failed, your game is abnormal, please send a help message to GM immediately. 】

"Hey Wang Xuan, the system prompts me to ask you for help. Can you tell me how to log out?" Murphy said with a smile.

When he discovered that he could ignore the constraints of the system to a certain extent, Murphy was completely relieved.

So what about GM, I can't even control the system, so I'm still afraid of you.

Wang Xuan's eyes widened and he murmured to himself, "Impossible, this is impossible, this kid is too exaggerated."

"Account banned! Account banned! In my name, Wang Xuan, I summon the power of the gods, summon the authority of the Invisible Mother, ban! Damn it!"

Seeing Wang Xuan struggling for a long time, but to no avail, Murphy burst out laughing.

"So is this the so-called GM authority? Is it just that? So what are you going to do? Continue to fight with me, or call someone to come and help. I will accompany you."

Wang Xuan sighed, with a helpless expression on his face, "Well, since you want to be a hero so much, how about we make a bet?"

As soon as Murphy heard this, he felt that Wang Xuan was using some kind of conspiracy.

"Why should I bet with you? You can't do anything to me anyway."

"But you can't liberate this world. The game system is bound to this and is in a completely superimposed state. When you destroy the system, you will also completely destroy the entire game world. If you are killed by a player, at least one person will be killed. In the process, there are still some survivors, but if you kill them all at once, don’t you want to be the savior? You can’t be the savior if you kill all the lives in this world.”

(End of this chapter)

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