Part-time BOSS.

Chapter 608 The Unkillable God of Death

Chapter 608 The Unkillable God of Death

The passages to the underworld are filled with violent currents of negative energy.

As the barrier between the two worlds is broken, the power of death from the underworld is destined to change the climate and environment around the Frozen Throne. At this moment, the Ancient Dragon Clan is the first to feel this change.

Murphy took the lead, and the power of the storm allowed him to build a barrier in front of the dragon group.

He easily broke through the final boundary and entered the underworld.

The environment of the underworld is completely opposite to the wilderness of life. The smell of death and decay is everywhere. The sky is gray and filled with lead-gray negative energy clouds.

The land is full of withered giant trees, scattered skeletons, and filled with pale white mist. Countless undead souls are wandering aimlessly in the mist.

They are undead creatures born naturally from the death magic of the underworld. They have no consciousness and no purpose. They just walk endlessly and may one day return to the dust.

All kinds of spirits roam in every corner of the underworld. Most of the souls who died in the material world eventually came here, gradually wore away over the long years, and turned into the most primitive spiritual power that spread throughout the world.

Or be drawn into the ranks of the death lords of the underworld and participate in the never-ending war in the death world.

And those who are not accepted can often only wander around forever. Because of the boundary between life and death, once they have any chance, they will desperately want to regain their lost lives. Therefore, some powerful necromancers will summon people from the underworld. The undead serve themselves, and as long as they are given a chance, these crazy undead will attack all living creatures at all costs.

Murphy didn't pay attention to the undead on the ground. He had only one goal, the Death Abyss - the place where the ancient death god Naraku lived.

Even in the underworld, there are various topography and landforms, and the Death Abyss is said to be the deepest part of the underworld. The more powerful the dead souls were during their lifetime, the deeper they fell. Therefore, the Death Abyss is full of powerful souls. They They are also the group of dead who are least willing to accept death, and devour each other in order to fight against the fate of extinction.

Only Death can rule this terrifying territory.

Murphy was able to sense the location of the abyss of death through the power of death, but the world was much larger than he imagined. After flying in one direction for more than half an hour, he still did not reach his destination.

A group of ancient dragons flew through the sky of the underworld. Fortunately, although they were not undead, their immortal bodies could resist the invasion of negative energy. Although the environment in the underworld was not comfortable, they could not cause harm to the ancient dragons.

This is the strongest point of the ancient dragon clan. No matter what kind of environment it is, it can come and go freely. If it is an ordinary dragon, although it can withstand such an environment, it will undoubtedly be affected and weakened over time.

Being idle and bored, Murphy took out the trophies he had just killed by killing the goddess of life, Nautina.

He didn't care about other things, the only thing he paid attention to was the Life Gem.

Is this thing really that magical? He looked at the gem as red as blood in his hand and couldn't help but think about it.

【Gem of Life(????)

Usage: Execute game code H10096.

Item introduction: A strange red gem, which seems to contain some unusual power. You cannot identify the specific origin. Submit it to the GM to get special rewards. 】

The introduction of the item made Murphy curl up his lips slightly, haha, he even added a line of comments. Was he afraid that players would keep it in their hands?

Regardless of whether it was a hoax or something real, he could increase his authority while collecting gems, so he wasn't afraid of Wang Xuan's tricks.

If you find that these six gems don't work in the end, you can just continue to use the six forces to crack it. When the six forces are all elevated to great authority, you won't be able to believe it and still can't crack it.

"Lord Dragon God, look over there!"

Lysajes, who was flying on the right, reminded.

As soon as Murphy looked up, he saw a huge funnel-like dark abyss appearing in front of him.

The abyss of death - here I come!

The Death Abyss is composed of countless layers of circular tunnels occupied by the undead, and is bottomless.

Mo Fei didn't need to find a way, he just led the dragon group to kill downwards.

The dragon thunder tore apart the bones, dispelled the soul, and smashed to the bottom of the abyss, where a tall tower made of countless bones stood there.

Under the tower, a mysterious god shrouded in black robes was waiting there.

Naraku (ancient god of death): "Welcome to the world of the dead, Lord Dragon God, you look good. What brings you to this desolate and remote plane, this place of death that only dead souls visit?" .”

Murphy led the dragons to land in front of the tower. He returned to human form and stared at the thin God of Death.

Naraku, the God of Death, is more than three meters tall, but is unusually thin. His whole body is covered by a black robe. The robe hangs up as if his body is just bones. There is no face under the dark hood, only shadows that cannot be seen through.

The hand exposed under the robe is also in the shape of a skeleton, holding a bone staff, and the whole body is filled with the aura of death.

Naraku (ancient god of death), level? ? ? ? , rank:? ? ? ? , HP: 0.

Um? Is this 0 a joke?

Aidan (Dragon God): "You seem to be full of vitality and getting stronger. My purpose of coming here is very simple. I want to take something from you. I hope you won't mind."

Naraku (ancient god of death): "Haha, are you here to look for the artifact of death again? You are not satisfied after getting the Crown of Dominance and Frostmourne, and you still want to take something that does not belong to you, Aidan, although you You have gained the power of the Dragon God, but your heart is still as greedy and ignorant as those mortals.

I'm afraid you will find that the artifact of death is not so easy to capture. The only thing you can find here is death. "

Aidan (Dragon God): "Hahahaha, you are overthinking, old man. I don't care about your broken artifact. What I need is more precious and smaller. A gem, a gem that represents death. Give it to me and we can live in peace.”

"I have no idea what you're talking about. You're obviously looking in the wrong place."

Mo Feixin said that he didn't expect that these bosses really knew nothing. Wang Xuan was really good at it.

"Then it seems I can only pick it up from your body."

"Hahahaha, I'm already dead, how are you going to kill a dead god? Besides, if you want to defeat me, you have to go through my Council of the Dead first. Show up, immortal king, show up. O resurrected warrior, appear, my death lords!"

The black aura of death surged around, and dozens of powerful undead figures with skeletal armors, skull crowns, and bone weapons appeared around Naraku, the God of Death.

At first glance, these undead have an astonishing aura, but if you look carefully at their names, you will see that many of them are old acquaintances.

King Tenaris (Skeleton King): "Long time no see, Prince Aidan, we meet again. Unfortunately, it seems that this time we will be enemies of each other."

Gul'dan (Soul Eater Warlock): "Jie Jie Jie Jie, Aidan, I can't believe that I was killed by you, and now I finally have the opportunity to take revenge!"

Durotan (Soul Hunter): "Prince Aidan, I'm glad we can meet again. You defeated me once, but I won't lose to you this time."

King Aiden (Skeleton King): "Son, you still dare to show up. I want you to taste the taste of death."

Destroyer Blackhand (Wraith Warlord): "Gul'dan, is this the human who can transform into a dragon you said? Hum, doesn't it look good? Come on, human, face the true chief of the tribe!"

Murphy was a little stunned. The souls of the heroes and bosses who died in the plot battles actually appeared here.

Judging from their appearance, it is obvious that they are no longer human beings, but they still retain strong power. Coupled with the strengthening in the world of death, all of them are world-class BOSS.

Not only these people, there are also many death lords of different races, some of which Murphy has never even seen before, and they should be the dead from other planets.

Nautina has a wilderness demigod, but Naraku, the god of death, has a group of death lords under his command. However, the difference is that Naraku has a higher defense level and directly brings these death lords with him.

Naraku (ancient god of death): "You see, Dragon God, these are the most powerful souls that I carefully collected. They died in the world of the living and wandered here. It was I who took them in and made them my subordinates. I control this desolate world and fight for me when necessary.

They are immortal warriors and eternal souls. With my support, they cannot be killed. They are true immortals. Facing the fear of death, I will..."

The authority of life—the rebirth of flesh and blood!

Murphy was in no mood to listen to this old skeleton read out his lines.

Activate the ultimate move directly.

Since they can't be killed, I'll let them live.

Those originally lifeless bones and skeletons instantly grew fresh flesh and blood, and the undead with blue soul fire in their eyes grew rosy skin again.

One by one, the undead recovered into humans, orcs, elves, dwarves, and even various alien intelligent life forms.

However, the next second, they let out shrill screams or painful coughs. The underworld was filled with the breath of death, and the abyss of the undead doubled it. When they were still undead, this breath of death could make them Becoming stronger allows them to recover even if they are shattered, but now under the control of Mo Fei's life authority, these undead have all obtained temporary bodies, and negative energy suddenly becomes a deadly poison.

Of course, this move cannot destroy them. Anyway, they will continue to become undead after death.

But it was enough to make these death lords unable to fight with all their strength in a short period of time.

Those ordinary undead souls could no longer bear the living flesh and blood of humans and rushed towards these death lords.

"Deal with them!"

Mo Fei ordered the ancient dragons under his command. He rushed directly towards the ancient god of death, Naraku, and entered the form of the King of Ancient Dragons the moment he stood up.

Naraku was obviously speechless at this change, but he was not panicked.

"You can't kill the God of Death!" Naraku said calmly, and then raised the bone scepter in his hand.

Super Cologne Lightning Strike!

boom! A bucket-thick dragon thunder struck Naraku solidly.


However, the health bar has not changed at all, it is still in the blood state, but the blood volume has changed to - minus 19782!

I wipe it, can the blood volume still become negative? And the guy looks the same.

It seems that this thing cannot be killed by normal means. Murphy thought about it and fired a few more forbidden spells.

In the blink of an eye, he was hit minus 100,000.

But Naraku still didn't change at all. Instead, he raised his hand and pointed.

A finger of death!

Mo Fei felt his heart startled and almost stopped beating. He felt like he had walked through the gate of hell again.

God's power is very strong.

Even if the level is quite high, I am afraid that even a demigod can kill it instantly.

But it's a pity that he is an immortal dragon god, a life beyond time and reality.

Murphy grabbed it with a claw, but the body covered by the fluttering black robe was like a phantom, and the dragon's claw penetrated directly through the god of death.

Is this guy a spirit?

No, the other party can freely switch between the spirit body and the physical body.

If you want to play tricks with me, then I can grow a body for you.

The authority of life—the rebirth of flesh and blood!

Mo Fei repeated his old trick, but the God of Death laughed gloomily and sinisterly.

"Your little tricks are of no use to me. My body is composed of pure death energy, and life will eventually end in death. Unless your authority level is much higher than mine, otherwise - wait a minute, your life authority starts from Where did it come from?”

Murphy didn't answer and continued to try.

The authority of time - submerged in the long river of time!

The power of time surrounded Naraku.

But Naraku is still there.

"It's useless. The power of time you control is indeed magical, but death is the end of all life. Unlike that short life, death is eternal. You want to use time to erode my body, but time will only make I became stronger."

"But you can't do anything to me, right? Your death spell is ineffective on me."

"Haha, yes, it is indeed difficult to shake the complete Dragon God, but I have found a way."

Show yourself - Death Ritual Bird!

Naraku shouted, and in the sky, the dark mist gathered into a huge strange bird with a wingspan of more than a hundred meters, holding a huge sickle with an exaggerated shape in his hand.

It was a strange creature made of black mist. Its head was a strange skull like a baby's skull, but it had a sharp bird's peck.

With his wings spread out, countless souls turned into tens of thousands of spiritual rockets and shot toward Murphy.

Murphy was a little nervous at first, but soon discovered that these spiritual rockets could not break his defense at all, they only splashed spiritual fire all over the sky on the immortal scales of the Ancient Dragon King.

"Haha, is this your method? It doesn't seem to have any effect."

But the next second he couldn't laugh anymore.

Naraku pointed lightly, "Your death has come!"

Death preview!

Mo Fei suddenly split into a phantom made of spiritual fire, an ancient dragon king made of spiritual fire. Mo Fei could feel through the power of his soul that the phantom contained part of his soul power. The death ritual bird was split in half by the death ritual bird and disappeared into the air.

Murphy's blood volume dropped by 10% in an instant.

"Jiejie, Jiejie, you saw it, ignorant Dragon God, this is the power of death!"

what's the situation?

Murphy was a little surprised, could he still play like this?

Haha, it's a pity that it's of no use.

Life authority—life surges!

The blood volume recovered crazily, and the lost blood bar was filled back up in the blink of an eye.

Naraku was speechless for a moment.

In front of the Dragon God who has mastered the ten major powers, it is difficult for a single power to win, no matter how powerful it is.

"Haha, it seems this is destined to be a fruitless war." Naraku said.

But Murphy still kept trying to attack.

Chaos magic.

Arcane Storm.

Void corruption.

Dragon thunder bombing.

"It's useless. Normal attacks are ineffective against me, and your magic can't kill me unless it's..."

The authority of the Holy Light—Holy Judgment!

The golden beam of light shrouded the God of Death, and the hot light burned his black robe until thick smoke continued to appear.

"This...this is impossible."

Death Naraku felt panicked for the first time.

How can this dragon god still use the power of holy light?


Murphy felt happy, as expected, the Holy Light was the nemesis of the undead.

Naraku, the God of Death, still wanted to escape and released a cloud of death covering the entire place.

But Murphy has found the nemesis of the power of death.

The authority of the Holy Light—shining in all directions!

The dazzling holy light instantly dispersed the dark clouds. It was also a great authority, but the holy light completely defeated death.

However, just the irradiation of holy light still couldn't kill Naraku, it just caused him to continue to suffer damage.

The power of death in Naraku's body was gradually dissipated, but his skeletal body showed a strange transparent texture, but he was still not dead.

"That's enough, you can't kill me. Holy light can indeed purify death, but I'm not an ordinary undead, I'm a god!"

"Yeah, how about trying this trick."

The authority of life—the rebirth of flesh and blood!

Under the illumination of the holy light, the power of death could no longer be gathered. Without the power of death to stop it, blood and flesh finally grew on Naraku's skeleton-like body.

The face under the black robe also showed an expression of human fear.

No! Naraku's expression was ferocious as he tore apart the objects of hatred attached to his body.

But flesh and blood continued to grow.

Murphy looked at the struggling Death and finally smiled.

The authority of the holy light - dragon combat skills - the claws of the sacred ancient dragon!

This move is a special skill created by Mo Fei combining the authority of the Holy Light and the claws of the ancient dragon.

Combine the holy light and the claws of the ancient dragon into one, use the power of the holy light to illuminate Naraku's body, use the power of life to crack his immortal body, and use the claws of the ancient dragon to execute a killing attack.

The golden ancient dragon's claws suddenly grabbed Naraku.


The immortal god of death is dead.

Murphy looked at the gem in his hand and breathed a long sigh of relief.

Finally got it.

【Death Gem(????)

Usage: Execute game code U21098.

Item introduction: A strange gray gem, which seems to contain some unusual power. You cannot identify the specific origin. Submit it to the GM to get special rewards. 】

Got the second gem.

(End of this chapter)

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